this is what we all do, people like you and me, who hang out in places like this.
I Lay down in mid sentence
covering myself with the warm blanket
of someone else’s stories;
in the rhythm of consonant and syllable
I find my song....
I bow down and roll over for the hand of
the hieroglyphic painter; I succumb to the tools
in the fingers of
the cave man that dwells in us
still scrawling, still touching ....
We use word and symbol
reaching out with an exclamation point.......
notice me,
hear me,
help me,
love me,
need me,
want me,
rejoice with me,
mourn with me!
We cry out to one another in rage and tenderness....
We follow each other down the dark corridors
and we lie down in mid sentence
and cover ourselves with the jeweled remnants of
someone elses story.
star fish and coffee maple syrup and jam,
a side of order of green eggs and ham,
if only they would set their minds free ,
they would see why you never cease to amaze me in your creation,
with the simplicities of Dr Seuss complexities of Edgar Allen Poe,
in his drug induce state of hellish writes,bargains made with the devil in the dark
you never end with answers just wayward solutions.;
that only offers the reader a clue use your imagination,
while i take you on the ride of your life,
We cry out to one another in rage and tenderness....
We follow each other down the dark corridors
and we lie down in mid sentence
and cover ourselves with the jeweled remnants of
someone elses story.
I am a woman and a child, an adolescent in an older persons shell, an ancient in a child's disguise, a mystery and a metaphor, opposites and contradictions, swirling waters and peace. more..