![]() Book 2 - Chapter 5: The one who howls...A Chapter by Pakino
The sea air filed Renn’s lungs with peace as he watched in awe at the never ending blanket of water. This was Renn’s first time on sea and though he had heard many tales of being at sea he had never dreamed that he would be on a boat. “Master Renn it seems you enjoy the sea as much as I do,” Valde said as he crept behind Renn. Renn nodded with a smile, “It is just peaceful watching the waves slither away forever without disturbing anyone.” At that moment Nell noticed Renn and Valde and walked towards them, “Ah Lady Nell, care to join us?” Valde said as he noticed Nell. “Call me Nell, Lady Nell is to formal.” Valde chuckled at Nell’s words as he replied, “Well you are the love of Master Renn, so I must pay my respects.” Nell quickly blushed at Valde comments and with silence crept away. Renn watched her as she left and decided to persue Nell. “I have been paying to much attention at the battles ahead that I haven’t had a moment of peace with her. Do not mind her.” “Ha ha don’t worry about me. You go on ahead with her, for this is the only moment of peace which you will enjoy for tomorrow we land.” Renn smiled as he left quickly. Valde stood there watching the waves in Renn’s steed. “Ahh Lillium,” Valde thought as a he began to have concern over Lillium, “hope you aren’t doing anything rash.” It wasn’t long until Valde eyes caught sight of Sylvia who was walking towards the front of the boat. Valde’s curiosity caught the best of him as he decided to see what was happening. There he noticed Sylvia standing beside Sy. Valde smiled at the sight and decided to leave the two alone as he walked back to the bridge to see of any reports. Sylvia was aware of Valde’s presence but didn’t say anything, but as he left she looked at Sy who stared at the sea in deep thought. “Sy….” Sylvia said shyly. Sy looked down and noticed Sylvia and replied, “How are things Sylvia?” “They are good,” Sylvia said hesitating, “I have been meaning to ask you something for a long time.” “Hmmm what is that?” Sy said looking at Sylvia in surprise. “Who is Angela?” Sy stood silent as he looked up at the sky replying, “She was….a friend.” “Sy!” Sylvia said angrily, “Do you not trust me?” Sy stared ahead ignoring Sylvia’s comment. Without hesitation Sylvia responded back to Sy’s silence, “Was she someone special to you?” “……Yes. Why are you asking this all of a sudden Sylvia?” Sy asked in surprise. “I heard about your past from brother and for a long time now I have been meaning to tell you something.” “ Sy looked at Sylvia awaiting for her to continue, “Sy I do not know why you hold onto your past but you need to let go. Cannot you see that I am here for you. I love you Sy.” Sy closed his eyes as he turned to face Sylvia. Small droplets of tears began to form on Sylvia’s face as she quickly began to cover her eyes. “It is hard for me to let go of the past. It still haunts me as if it were the present. I am sorry Sylvia I know about your feeling’s but I am a person that cannot be loved.” With that Sy left Sylvia as he returned back to his cabin. Sylvia began to break into tears as she realized her chance for her and Sy to come close had failed. Valde who returned from his duties watched the entire scene watched Sy as he left. Since, the beginning Valde was curious as to why a Dark Knight was able to control is blood lust and fight for Renn’s cause. However, after hearing Sy’s grim words Valde couldn’t help but feel a bit of sympathy for Sy and that his life wasn’t as easy as it would seem. Valde walked back to his cabin as he awaited for the next day. -- [NEXT DAY] “Grab your belongings everyone!” Valde shouted to everyone on the boat. Everyone quickly exited the boat and began to walk on shore. Renn looked around at the nearby plants. The plants on the island were different then the plants on the main continent. They were larger, thicker, and many of the plants had thorns making it impossible to grasp or else your hand would be skewered. But strangely enough a beautiful aroma came from the plants. “Sinister looking plants!” A foot soldier said as he saw the plants. “They are quite amazing!” Renn said simply to the man. “I cannot wait to look around on this island,” the main said to Renn. “Ok everyone!” Shouted Valde as he noticed everyone on the shore. There were total of eight individuals, three of them being regular soldiers from Clestia, “This land has been uncharted and not much is known about this island. Please don’t stray to far.” Everyone nodded as they soon realized the importance of their journey. Valde grabbed out his bow and placed it on the ready as he began to walk of shore onto the nearby field. Everyone did the same as they grabbed out their weapons on the ready. “Hmmm…..everything seems quiet,” Sy mumbled to himself. “What’s that?” Nell asked as she walked beside Sy as well as Sylvia. “Nothing, just thinking to myself.” Not long after had they traveled they noticed footprints on the ground, “Sir, it seems the people have traveled south.” “Agreed, let me track their whereabouts,” Valde said. Valde closed his eyes as he began to focus his mind. Gathering his thoughts he began to conjure the Spirit of Wind Flei. The wind began to conjure around Valde and began to surround him. Within seconds a small shockwave resonated from Valde vanishing the wind around him. “It appears our hosts are located in a nearby cave not far from here follow me.” Valde reached down to grab his bow, however a*s he tried to grab his bow the ground began to shake violently. Valde looked up and noticed the others on alert. Renn quickly grabbed out his flute and quickly cast Brandishing Blade revealing his Split Blade. Nell also had her sword on the ready. “Don’t stay far away from me!” Renn said to Nell. “Don’t worry about me you should watch yourself,” Nell said with a grin. Renn smiled at Nell’s words however watched on as the ground began to shake more violently. “So they have finally come!” Sy said grabbing his sword. Sylvia placed her hand on Sy’s hand as she said, “Don’t overdo it!” Sy smiled as he nodded to Sylvia’s request. From the horizon half a dozen large beasts began to run towards the group. They were twice as large then a regular human. They each ran towards the group carrying maces. The beasts resembled that of a lion, however their fangs and fur was not as thick. Loud growls were heard from the distance as the group edged closer. “Aging Sadness Mistress of Hope Shield us with your Determination.”
Nell quickly chanted a spell calling forth the powers of Scyphon the Water Spirit. Cracks began to from on the earth as a wall of water emerged from below dividing the group from the beasts. The barrier helped in preventing the beasts from advancing. The water barrier was strong enough to take any damage and was able to deal damage to any person who laid a finger on it.
“Justice of the Seven Swords Smite evil, unholy and pure Prepare thy blade Retribution!” Sylvia shouted a spell as large spears that glowed began to descend from the heavens below striking the beasts. However, to the groups surprise the beasts quickly dodged the incoming spears. The spears upon impact disintegrated into sand.
“How dare you defy us!” Growled one of the beasts as it began to growl. “What! They talk!” Shouted Nell in surprise. Instantly one of the beasts began to swing his mace around in circles around his head calling forth the other beasts to come towards him. The beasts all began to chant out loud an incantation in another language. The group looked on to the weird behavior of the beasts unaware of what was happening. “This cannot be,” Valde said out loud, ”they are about to use a Summon Magic at us.” “Even beasts here are able to draw forth the power of the spirits. I am not surprised,” Sy said as he began to slowly draw out is Dark Mana. “Stop at once!” Came a loud booming voice that echoed throughout the fields. The beasts quickly stopped their chanting and kneeled down on the ground. A beast appeared before the two groups. The beasts seemed shorter then the other beasts. With a fragile looking body the beast carried an axe half the size of himself on his back half. As the beast walked around it seemed that the axe had no weight on the back. Turning to the group his eye yellow his skin gray caught the attention of Renn. He resembled that of a fox however his features were more human then the other beasts. “Visitors! What you want from my land!” The man said. Renn returned the beasts reply saying, “I am Renn and we are only here since we have heard some of our kin have come to this island as a place of refuge.” The beast grinned revealing his fangs as he said, “The Mother Human is what you seek? She is here along with her pack. Follow me and I will show you were she is.” At that the fox human let out a loud howl as the large beasts scattered away. The group began to follow the fox human though some of them still questioned if he was trustworthy. The fox human lead the group to a cave on the island where he pointed ahead saying, “Mother Human inside.” Everyone nodded as they entered. The air in the cave was cool and comfortable. On the walls inscriptions and symbols were written everywhere. There were images of both human and beasts. The images showed the history of the island and how humans at one point in history coexisted with the beasts of the island. Slowly and slowly the images soon depicted battles that occurred on the island between human and beast, and amongst each other. Soon the images showed boats and on them the first humans leaving out for the Main Continent. At that point the other symbols and drawings began to depict the culture of the beasts. “This place must be sacred,” Valde said as he watched the drawings carefully. “Shrine of the Eternal,” the fox human said, “This place home to my kin, Guardians of the pack. Human once live here with Ojio in past, but human want more then Ojio so fight Ojio win and human leave us in peace.” “Ojio is there so much hatred of us,” Renn asked Ojio. “Ojio my people, my name is Dijin. I don’t hate human but Ojio feel hurt from the human break trust. Human use Ojio as slaves we fight back. Ojio fight Ojio, human fight human. The fight hurt us all.” “The ancestors of the Main Continent must have resided here first, and later moved to the continent. But I am still curious how they were able to use Summon Magic. A technique passed down to only a few Elven,” Valde said to the group. Dijin began to howl in laughter at Valde’s words as he said, “In past your people with funny ears live here. You same like human only have funny ears. You and him are same.” Valde said as he pointed to Sy. “Ha, that makes sense now. We must have shared techniques together. That is why you are able to use the power of the spirits.” At that point a door lay in front of the group. Dijin opened the door and inside there sat a woman with a quill and a piece of parchment writing diligently with a few soldiers scattered throughout the building. Upon seeing the group everyone quickly stood up and ran towards the woman. “Friends that seek you Mother Human?” Dijin said to the woman. The girl stood up and looked at Dijin and the group. Upon seeing Sy the woman began to shout with excitement, “Sy is that you? Why are you here?” “Queen Illisa it has been a while, I have come after hearing about the tragedy that befell your kingdom.” Queen Illisa looked at the group and soon her attention turned towards Renn who stood in silence watching the two. “Queen Illisa this is Valde from the Magicked Lands, Sylvia the sister of Khalon. Nell the daughter of Lady Aisa and Renn the Chosen One,” Sy said as finished introducing everyone to the Queen. “Chosen One and Sy,” the Queen said as her attention turned towards Renn, “I have something to tell you.” “Yes My Queen!” Renn said as he bowed in respect. “Many things have happened since I have lost my kingdom. Not much stories and tales reach my ears here but I must tell you something if you wish to overthrow the current regime and protect the world. The one who overthrew me from the throne was a Dark Knight. The rumors you must have heard have been false information provided by supporters of this Dark Knight. He appeared suddenly in our lands and with some unknown magic had persuaded everyone in the kingdom to rally against us. Only a handful of men followed us. In the bitter end the King Ire lost his life and I was able to escape with only a handful of men.” “A Dark Knight?” Sy said with surprise, “What was his name?” “He goes by the name of Singuard.” “Singuard!” Sy said in shock, “He is still alive?” “It appears Singuard is trying to find a path to the Eternal. His ambition is to meet with the creator, the Eternal. I do not know what he wants to achieve but I know this that he will not stop. In order for his plans to work he requires a certain item. With that item the stairs to the Sky of Void. A place were all the worlds begin. That item is….” The ground began to shake violently as everyone looked around. An Ojio entered the door and began to shout at Dijin who looked around in panic and began to run towards the door. “Prey here. Dijin will hunt!” Dijin shouted to the group who looked on. “Wait Dijin!” Shouted Renn, “What’s going on?” Valde stepped forward and extended his arm forward blocking Renn, “We have an unexpected visitor.” At that moment all eyes turned towards the Queen and there stood Glen his sword through the Queen’s chest. With the last ounce of strength the Queen reached her hand for Renn as life slipped from her reach. All the soldiers in the room quickly ran towards Glen their swords drawn, however as their swords came down Glen vanished and began to appear behind the soldiers penetrating his sword through their backs. Geln continued this trick as he began to kill each soldier one at a time. Nell looked in horror as the soldiers began to die like flies before her eyes. As if nothing could stop Glen. In only a few moments all of the soldiers were cleared which only divided Glen from the group. Glen slashed his sword in the air cleaning the blood that stealthily dripped and said, “Renn how I have waited for this moment to kill you with my own hands.” Glen’s attention soon focused on Sy as anger filled in Glen as he shouted pointing his sword, “You Dark Knight will be the first to die, and this includes you Sylvia you traitor.” “Dijin angry at human boy,” Dijin shouted as he raced towards Glen grabbing hold of his axe from his back. Extending his arm towards Glen in attempt to plunge his hand in Glen’s chest, Glen quickly dodged Dijin’s berserk attack and using his sword he countered Dijin by slashing his chest. Dijin fell to the ground blood dripping, hanging onto his life. Glen raised his sword to deal the final blow however, Sy quickly came forward and shoved Glen back away from Dijin. “Renn, Sylvia, and Nell and everyone else take Dijin outside to safety. Valde and I will teach this one manners, seems he has forgotten my last encounter.” Glen grinned as he shouted, “That’s what I want to hear! I will make you bleed Dark Knight.” Sy took out his sword releasing his Dark Mana preparing for the onslaught....
© 2009 PakinoAuthor's Note
Added on May 31, 2009 Author![]() PakinoTorontoAboutStudent at Ryerson University. Martial Artist (Kendo) Guitarist Gamer (RPG w00t) Anime And pure randomness more..Writing