![]() How she livedA Story by Paige![]() Carrie Moore... Her life was interesting to say the least.![]() For years now we've been close. Now here we are, sat in a
small dark, damp and warn down flat. This was the end of her time. The cold
danced around the room and mocked our sorrowing faces. Her blank expression
swallowed my comfort. This story however, is not about me. It's about Carrie
Moore. My partner in crime. Literally... Carrie has always been an intriguing
figure, from the days we were children. The darkness got her when she was
young; ever since she was five years old she has been a monster. A monster?
That was an understatement. Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to the
devils twin. Oh no please, do not be fooled by her eyes made of pure diamond,
her hair made of silver silk and her frail tender wrinkled skin. This woman is
a beast at best. Why am I describing a little old lady so horridly you ask? I
bet you have many questions. Oh you shall see... So, I'm not allowed to tell you much as most of her
information is purely classified. Her name as you know is Carrie Moore. She is
a scary old lady, age 85, to be honest I'm surprised she's still going
considering our line of work. Unfortunately the whole reason this story is
being told is that Carrie must retire and hide for the rest of her days. Where
she lives (with me), well that is certainly classified. Although, I can tell
you that it is somewhere nobody would dare look. It is key that we stay gone
and never return. You may wonder what this strange career she had was. Well,
she was an assassin. So was I but that's beside the point. Earlier today Carrie
completed her very last mission. That old bird certainly will not regret her
days on Earth that's for sure! On her missions she was a tiger ready to pounce
and afterwards she always had a smug look on her face. Even though this was the
end not much had changed. Carrie sat cross legged on an old emerald green arm chair
with her posture as proud as I was of her fiendish mind. Her eyes were
sparklers in the gloomy darkness of the room. Her pot of emotions had been
mixed on this day. A wave of sadness broke upon her but as always, a smug smile
swam through. Something told me Carrie was reminiscing the good old days. That's
what she would often do all day when she wasn't plotting, scheming or
assassinating. When Carrie was a child she would always be a good girl. No
matter what! Then she met me... When we were 15 years old Carrie and I always dreamt of power
and getting rid of all the worlds evil. At the time we were unsure how.
Eventually we discovered peoples worst nightmare. It was us! That didn't stop
our great adventures, it made our motives stronger. Carrie was fantastic at
everything. We were the perfect team. So we set out to rule the world.
Currently we many people wrapped up in fear and topped off with a bow of hate. Carrie got addicted to the drug that was murder. She injected
her poison into everyone she killed then she sucked their blood. Metaphorically
of course. When she was 16, Carrie killed her first person. I remember it as if
it were yesterday. Carrie called me at midnight. My phone rang and rang.
Eventually when I picked up an unexpected and shocking event happened. First
Carrie told me of an old man who kept following her home and stalking her
wherever she goes. Then in her crazy voice she told me her plan. Filled with
rage towards this creep I agreed to help fulfil her wishes. I must admit my
part in the assassination was smaller than a single grain of sand however, the
operation was a success. It happened the following evening at twilight. Carrie thought
this through carefully. Slowly she opened her curtains. Sure enough the man was
there watching her. It was now or never. She started by untying the silk ribbon
of her robe hesitantly revealing her in only underwear. This time without
hesitation she softly began to pull on her stockings to create an almost
welcoming invitation. Next she slickly
zipped up a skin tight sexy black dress and picked up a small black clutch bag.
Once Carrie had left the house she gave the old man s
devilish look in hope that he followed her. He did exactly that. The man was a
black cat on the prowl wearing his dark
suit and following with bight beady eyes. At this point Carries heart was
racing. Brave. That was one word to describe this work of art. An ally way was
approaching so understandably that's where she was heading. At the end of the
ally way Carrie stopped and said "Oops, looks like there is nowhere to go
now". Soon after she said that, the man slid out of the darkness. He
usually hid in the shadows like the rat he was but not this time. It was now
time to do the deed, Carrie knew there was no turning back. There wasn't any wind that night. There were no clouds in the
sky. I was only hidden as backup. Steadily, Carrie raised her arm and flipped
her long ginger hair. In the moonlight she looked stunningly sexy and beautiful
which made the threat larger. The man was tall and old and extremely
intimidating. He strode closer to Carrie, so close his breath sounded like a
siren. He gave an evil grin then grabbed Carries waistline. His grip was tight
and he was rough! "Victory! You're mine now girl!" he whispered into
her ear. "Not for long" she shouted. Carrie yanked out a large knife
and swiftly and viciously impaled the man. The moment felt so long from her
view so she aimed for the heart and swiftly hit her target. Hard! Her first kill. It was brutal. Her last however, that was
classy. First she shot a waiter of a very important man and then poisoned the
man. Quick and easy. This was followed by a chuckle and a little clean up. How
extraordinary you must think. That was her. A cold blooded killer. But now,
here she is, sitting in front of a blank wall. You could just witness her evil
drown in old age and illness. The monstrous silence was broken by the scream of the kettle.
I stood to pour the tea I was making and returned to see the legacy destroyed.
"Goodbye Carrie, I shall see you in hell." I muttered. She was quite
the evil genius that lady. That witch! Now I must burn her! I lay her body on a
fire then left. No trace of Carrie Moore, as if she never excised. That is how she lived. She was a killer, a
friend and a genius. A life as an assassin isn't easy. She fought and won! Now
let her return to the fiery hole in which she was formed. And soon enough I
will join her. Evil never truly dies. Carrie will be back, I believe that. © 2017 PaigeAuthor's Note
Added on June 27, 2017 Last Updated on June 27, 2017 |