A just-for-fun poem. About a month ago, I went on a zero sugar diet just for the heck of it. Like- NO sugar, fruit being the only exception. So I wrote this little thing in dedication.
I suck at grammer-spelling, so can anyone tell me if Hershey's, Milky Way, and Smarties should be underlined or italicized because they're brand names?
My Review
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Sooooo you're not surprised, but I love this. And anyone on top of anyone that makes a big deal about the names of candy being italicized.. If you want to know for the sake of being a better writer, fine, but I will attack them. This is really cute with a bouncy little rhythm to it. And your taste in candy is impeccable. lol
Excellent, entertaining little poem on a very serious subject. The only time I ever lose weight is when I'm in the hospital and they control everything I eat.
this one is cute- I think you executed the grammar correctly. I didn't get the usual distortion of the facial features that my body subconsciously gets when I see bad grammar... I'm a freakin' OCD case.... not that mine is perfect- far from it-
Ahh, I love this!! Adorable!
No, the brand names do not need to have anything else grammatically- capitalization is all they get.
Flawless rhythm, fun topic, and perfectly spoken.
Great job!