Chapter fourA Chapter by ♥Dancing giraffe♥Chapter four That night, Riley sat at the
piano chair staring at the keys before her with her hands in her lap. She
looked fragile, almost broken, as she sat silently by herself. Muta sat perched
by the windowsill, sleeping lazily. Riley rarely played the piano, but Jennifer knew enough
that she liked to hear others play. Sometimes when she would come home from
work, Renee would sit by Riley and play for her. It was a small attempt to get
Riley to interact with her and sometimes it worked when Riley would slowly
bring her hands up to the keys, pressing a few down to create a small musical
note. She listened to her mother’s music and then she’d try to copy her
movements to create the same noise again. Today
she only stared as Renee put away the leftovers in the kitchen, fumbling with
her hands without a sound. Jennifer
stood by the steps, pausing to watch her sister. She used to always want a
little sister when she was younger. When
she was in seventh grade, she could remember her parents sitting her down in
the living room. It was her birthday that day, but they didn’t celebrate it due
to the fact that it was a week day. The birthday party would be later, during
the weekend when there was no school the next morning. That
Tuesday, they didn’t do much except allow Jennifer to eat one cup cake after
dinner and open one of her presents her parents bought for her. Her
father had the video camera on as Jennifer tore away the wrapper to her
present. “What’s
this?” she asked, her nose wrinkled. It was something small. Something she
hadn’t seen in years since her baby cousin’s visit during thanksgiving. Though,
she knew what it was; A pacifier. Her
eyes widened as realization sunk in and she glanced toward her mother’s
stomach. “You’re…” Renee
smiled. “You’re going to be a big sister,” she said, holding Jennifer’s hand.
“We’re having a baby,” It was
the best present she could’ve asked for, even though they talked about having
another baby for years, it was finally coming true. Having a little sister
wasn’t like having a pet; it was about taking care of something precious and
small that was completely vulnerable and defenseless against the world. Plus, they didn't age as fast as pets did, which was a bonus. Jennifer couldn’t wait for that baby to be born, praying that it’d be a girl,
because she wanted to dress her up and put bows in her hair so she’d look cute
and pretty. My little sister… Riley
lifted her hand to press down one key and the sound rung out in the living
room, utterly alone. There was no other sound that followed. Riley dropped her
hand to rest in her lap again. Jennifer
sighed and stepped from the steps. “Where are you going?” her mother asked as Jennifer headed toward the door. “I told you yesterday,” she reminded her without pausing. “To the party tonight,” She wore golden hoop earrings, which was something she usually wore, with normal clothes; skinny jeans and a black shirt that was loosen but tight around the waist. Renee nodded to this at first, but then the realization hit her before it hit Jennifer; that she had just told the truth. Renee slowly looked up from the dish washer and set the dirty plate she’d been holding on the counter. “I thought you told me you were going to study at Rachelle’s house,” she said, puzzled. Jennifer felt unusual and befuddled. “I lied,” she blurred, shocked at the words that came from her mouth. “I mean, I…” I am going to Rachelle’s house, right now - say it! “I’m going to the party,” Jennifer’s hands shot to her mouth, mortified. “You get back here right now, young lady,” Renee ordered, her calm face transforming into an angered one. Jennifer had no choice but to obey. She took a deep breath through her nose, keeping her mouth covered, and turned around slowly before walking over to stand before her mother who had ventured out of the kitchen and into the living room. Renee’s arms were at her sides, holding her hips; something she usually did when she was frustrated or angry. “Now,” she breathed deeply; heatedly. “I would like to know where you planned on going just now,” Jennifer shook her head, her hands remaining on her mouth, keeping her from spilling the truth. Renee tapped her foot impatiently. “Right now,” Her face was cross, her jaw tense. Slowly, Jennifer removed her hands. “I planned on going to Rick’s party tonight, but I told you that I was going to Rachelle’s house to study because I believe my parents are dull enough to believe it-” she jumped as another surge of shock swept through her body, and before she could stop, she added “And I think there’ll be beer at the party,” Jennifer’s hands shot to her mouth again, dumbfounded. What’s
wrong with me? Renee’s face was beat red, the small vein near her right temple throbbed in response. “Upstairs. Right now.” She demanded, pointing toward the stairs to Jennifer’s room. Jennifer,
confused and dazed as she was, obliged obediently. She climbed the steps back
up to her room and closed the door as quietly as possible; all the while her
heart thudded loudly in her ears. What’s wrong with me? Was
this some type of punishment? Some strange guilt thing that was happening to
her that made her tell the truth? Jennifer sat down at the edge of her bed,
staring straight ahead. No, it couldn’t be. She never felt guilty or regretted
anything she’s ever done in her life, so it couldn’t be guilt that she was
feeling. Suddenly,
words formed in her head; you have
twenty-four hours, Jennifer Kingsly… to do what? The words were spoken just
the other day, but what else was there? What couldn’t she remember? After
a second of thinking about it, Jennifer soon grasped that it was a threat. Someone threatened me…It wasn’t her
fault - it couldn’t possibly be her fault because this has never happened
before. She wasn’t sure how or why, but she couldn’t lie. And it
was all because of that boy that came to her the other day; Cole. © 2011 ♥Dancing giraffe♥Author's Note
Featured Review
3 Reviews Added on June 4, 2011 Last Updated on June 4, 2011 Author![]() ♥Dancing giraffe♥Wonderland^^AboutName; Just say it’s Joelle. (~ since it's my middle name and i dislike my first~) Some things about me; I have horrible social skills :( I love reading, writing, and painting ~ it&rsquo.. more..Writing