Avengence(which isn't a word) or Stealth Snakes on a Crimson Night a KC Origins Short

Avengence(which isn't a word) or Stealth Snakes on a Crimson Night a KC Origins Short

A Story by Owen J Kato

Origin story based in my sci-fi universe. It tells of a young mans revenge against entitled society. And a young women's struggles with having to look like a racoon for a night.



K.C. Origins:

Vysen and Tymlyn



Avengence(which isn’t a word)




Stealth Snakes

In the

 Crimson Night



By Owen Kato



Be wary of those black stealth snakes

Plotting on a crimson night

Using shadow as a shield

Slithering out of sight

Coiling into the darkness

Shedding all their light





“I don’t know why you do the horrible things you do…” trailed off Tymlyn, who sat cross legged on bright green grass watching the crimson clouds roll over her head. The bright city lights of Oceanis reflecting off them, coated the night sky in red. It looked as if the sky was aflame, she couldn’t look away.

“Avengence… He stole so I need to steal back. We’ve already went over the plan Tymlyn.” stated Vysen who was knelt down to a small window. Tymlyn narrowed her brown eyes at him for she knew Vysens dark plan and the fact that “avengence” wasn’t a word.

“But his parents will pay the H2O bill and for the damage, not him. He’s only 18. And from what I know, it won’t even be his parents, it will be an insurance firm under KBS’ dominion branch.” informed Tymlyn lightly as she gave Vysen an uneasy glance.

“They can afford it. If I can’t steal an object or credits, I can still steal temporary comfort and that’s enough for me. Even though stealing someone’s love is the worst theft of all, I can rest content on just stealing comfort.” justified Vysen darkly as he gestured to the three story dark mansion. “Someone has to pay, perhaps I’ll leave him an abstract note, he’s stolen so many girls away from so many people, I’ll bet he wouldn’t even know it was me.” as he kept at the small side window with his narrow shiny steel object, twisting it this way and that. The small window lead to the basement floor of the mammoth mansion. The large Victorian era inspired house that rested on the highest hill in the gated community called “the Octicle Orchards” which sat to the westerly side of Oceanis North island. The mansion was encircled with tall trees of Oceania decent and large iridescent gardens to maintain its privacy. It was built in dark brick and stone, the front entrance had white semi-gloss pillars and a large grey archway over it and the massive front door was jet black but Vysen and Tymlyn would not use it. They stole into the shadows using them as a shield from being seen. The two dark figures were crouched at the side of the mammoth living quarters. As Vysen kept at his window project while Tymlyn sat and kept searching the night sky for any stars or Earth’s only moon but all she could see was crimson cloud above, no stars, no moon but she knew that didn’t mean they weren’t up there.

Tymlyn then brought her eyes back down to Vysen’s level and watched him in mild disgust while still sitting in her cross legged pose a few feet away with hands resting on her bent knees.

“Tymlyn could you look for a faucet head?” whispered a preoccupied Vysen who was getting slightly frustrated with the window.

“I guess.” replied Tymlyn sourly who rose out of her pose with a slow grace. She stretched then took to patrolling the side exterior of the mammoth mansion. She adjusted her black headband that had her caramel colored hair pushed back and started looking for a faucet head while Vysen still worked at opening the small window.

Tymlyn patrolled past a window and decided to peer in. “Whoa, teak hard wood floors I think… and oak stained furniture. It looks so dark and rich in there. These people know how to live!” she said in a whispered cheer while bouncing up and down for no good reason besides expending energy.

“Shush.” said Vysen and made a shooing motion that told her to keep to her mission of finding a faucet and not get distracted. Tymlyn instantly replied to his motion with the sharp point of a finger and a told-you-so look upon her face. Her index finger was directed to a stainless steel faucet head below.

“Well where’s the other part Tymlyn?” asked Vysen head cranked in Tymlyn’s direction.

Tymlyn darted her brown eyes around but could see nothing green, coiled or snakelike, then she shrugged innocently.

“Maybe it’s a sign that we should go back home or to the ocean side and skip stones across the water, or… Or! We could go to the Moon Markets and munch some half bagels and sip on boomerang tea!” she cheered. Vysen however barely heard a word as he was focused still on fiddling with the small side window now in a complete state of frustration. After he stopped, he presented Tymlyn with a grim stare as if what she had said just slithered into his ears.

“What!? Walk all this way in the middle of the night from Oceanis East, across the windy floating bridge for over an hour just to abandon the plan and go slam boomerang tea and munch half bagels at the Moon Markets? No Tymlyn. I planned this avengence and you agreed to come along for moral support.” stated Vysen matter-of-factly as he flicked his dark brown bangs out of his eyes as the wind they had endured crossing the floating bright had tossed them about. Tymlyn however was better prepared, she tied her caramel colored hair back in a thick black headband, wore black gloves and she had even put the effort in, in painting her face black but after seeing Vysen hadn’t she had wiped most of it off in embarrassment besides the areas around her eyes, she looked like a racoon and Vysen had laughed when he first saw her. But despite face paint or subtle variations the two had dressed in all black on this night, it was fitting for the circumstance.

“Well I wouldn’t call any of what you’re engaged in moral... And avengence isn’t a word. And sides it isn’t him you should be getting ‘avengance’ on, it should be her. And I still think that’s a waste of your time. You have a deep sea welding exam to study for tomorrow… Remember?” Tymlyn lectured lightly as she let down her caramel colored hair, freeing it from its broad black band. Her hair flew liberally as if it were a flag atop a pole in the gentle night wind, after she saw Vysen take no notice she quickly collected it all back up and reapplied the thick black headband. Vysen’s ears also paid her comments no mind when she was playing with her hair. He was too intent on lusting after getting the small window open. Tymlyn noticed Vysen too driven on his ill practices to pay her any attention so she turned, crawled alongside the house further away from his position and glanced inside the first floor window of the mansion but the view was obstructed by black curtains. Tymlyn proceeded to the next window but could not make anything out again as more black curtains stole her line of sight. Tymlyn however wasn’t in the business of giving up so she quickly recovered from disappointed and crawled a couple more windows down finally coming across one with a view inside.

“Whoa Vysen come here! Look at their kitchen, they have a huge wooden table, a marble island as large as Oceanis East and another even longer black table in the living room, and what! Another table? Vysen! Three tables! Why does anyone need three tables?!” she asked half-jokingly half serious while on her tippy toes. Vysen only responded in another shushing gesture as he stopped what he was doing and strode over, then glanced in the window holding his hands above his eyes as if that somehow helped his eyes focus. His eyes were so used to the dark it took them a bit to focus in on any light coming from the dimly lit kitchen and the high ceilinged living room.

Vysen backed away from the window and looked up to the crimson coated clouds and smirked. “Evil dominion family’s have need of three tables…” Thought Vysen. Then he stopped his speech then started again in a darker tone peering into Tymlyns racoon masked brown eyes. “Three tables and an island evil royal families always own…” Tymlyn gave him a curious yet concerned look, then he continued “One for the King of Shadow, who sits atop the throne. Another for the Queen of Night, her heart encased in stone. The smallest one for the Princess in black, whose dark deeds she’ll never atone. That leaves the secluded island all for him, stranded to starve alone.”

Vysen then walked away from Tymlyn and crouched back down to the small window he had been working at.

Tymlyns eyes narrowed at Vysen then she sat back down in her cross-legged yoga pose in slight protest. “Why are you talking so eerie? That was weird.” she said crossing her arms to match her crossed legs.

“If I use rhymes the words sink in better, sound wiser. All wise people use rhymes to get other people to listen to their words. Like those philosophical poets you burn time studying instead of a trade, or doing something important at the University.” informed Vysen as he turned away from her and went back to his small window and started to pry.

“Rhymes are for kids.” Said Tymlyn coldly. “And If everyone studied all the same stuff we’d have a boring world.”  

“And since we were all kids at some point that makes rhymes for everyone. You got to admit, like I said before, rhymes sink and rest in your head, they can even teach you things.”

“I guess, but I wouldn’t call them a wise persons’ way of getting things across… None of my instructors teach in rhymes.”

“Well maybe they should use them, rhymes sink in my head just fine. But you would know better than me, you’re the wise philosophical one, me, I’m the tradesman, the resourceful one.” as Vysen gave an ominous grin while he tweaked his hand then latched the small window open.

Tymlyn looked at Vysen, she was somewhat proud he had called her wise, but he didn’t seem himself on this night. Silence filled the dark between the two then Tymlyn spoke as his rhyme had just sunken in, it was awfully dark even for Vysen. “You really hate them all don’t you? Is it because they are successful? And why are you talking so sinisterly weird tonight? Like you’re on substances.”

“See you got my point Tmylyn! And yes! Because they believe everything is theirs for the taking, why can’t they leave some things for everyone else?”

Tymlyn let out a sigh. “You’re referring to her again aren’t you?”

“Take the entire world but leave my girl alone. That’s the gentlemen’s law, he broke it. Stealing someone’s love is the worse type of theft as I told you Tymlyn. Now a flood is coming. His dad can soak up the bill.” said Vysen exhibiting some emotion. 

“Well not if you can’t find the connector...” Tymlyn said in a sly grin while blinking her racoon masked brown eyes. Vysen let out a small laugh like he couldn’t help it looking at Tymlyn’s blacked out eyes, then realizing she had gotten him to lighten up, instantly shifted his mood back to dark and focused.

“Well sitting there doing your spiritual poses won’t help me find it either.” Vysen shot back as ascended from his crouching position by the small and now open window. He then started scanning along the side of the mansion for a green snake-like object.

Tymlyn rose from her pose as Vysen started to head towards the backyard of the mansion. “Why are you talking all noble and righteous thou?” she asked.

“Maybe because I am in the noble act of avenging love.” affirmed Vysen preoccupied in finding the green object.

“Love doesn’t need avenging.” said Tymlyn. And it wasn’t love. She thought, but she kept that thought to herself.

Vysen stole off realizing the green snake-like object was nowhere to be seen on that side of the mansion and Tymlyn followed as the two used a stealth-like motion ducking below the mansions first floor windows that gave anyone inside a clear line of site to the side of the house or the vast green backyard. Vysen started to crawl, almost slither across the bright green blades of grass without hesitation. 

After crawling on his belly to avoid being potentially seen, Vysen reached the other side of the mansion. Tymlyn started behind him crawling and slithering with more grace, wondering if he’d even care if she followed as Vysen didn’t wait to see if she made it across and started to scan the other side of the house. Tymlyn then performed a ninja roll in attempt to gain Vysens attention but he did not look back.  

“She isn’t worth it, worth all this you know…” Tymlyn said as she rose brushing some grass off her black hoodie after her maneuver but Vysen did not hear her or ignored her words. For there is a difference between not hearing and ignoring. Tymlyn gave a sour look and adjusted her headband and started in his direction.

While Vysen lusted after the green snake-like object Tymlyn decided to crawl the expanse of the uncharted side of the mansion.  She looked for the object but found nothing green or long or coiled. Vysen cleared hadn’t either as he cursed under his breathe and then the two after patrolling up and down the other side of the mansion, slithered back to their original side, the side with the basement window now open.

“I don’t get it? This grass is so green, how do they water it? It doesn’t rain this much on Oceanis!” said Vysen in anger pacing back and forth.

Tymlyn ignored Vysen’s outburst and started to look up to the red clouds that caused the crimson sky walking away from him and the mansion. She strode only a couple steps then quickly shot her brown eyes down to the grass as she tripped over a black snake-like object that blended into the shadows like a chameleon in a colorful jungle. Vysen did not even notice her tumble as she looked back at him, the vision he could see clear was his vision for revenge and in search of the exact object she had tripped over. Tymlyn thought of many things, things like Moon Markets, Boomerang tea, laughs and smiles while looking at the black snake-like object but decided it best not to hide dark things from friends on crimson nights like these.

“Here! I found it! It’s not green! It’s black!” As she held up the coiled snake-like object proudly. The tip came lose and brushed her face and she swatted it away then she laughed at herself, but only a little.

“Shush! And of course it would be black why didn’t I think of that earlier.” said Vysen ominously not even thanking Tymlyn for her find as she sighed almost regretting not telling her good friend she had stumbled across it.

Vysen then ran over and took up the object over his shoulder and the two ran back to the faucet head Tymlyn had found. He hooked up the tail end of the black snakelike object to the faucet head, then ran back to the small window he had managed to spring open that lead into the basement of the mammoth mansion. Vysen aimed and shoved the head of the snake-like object into the small window, then ran back eagerly to the faucet head. 

“An island isn’t an island unless a body of water surrounds it, here’s to the prince and his island.” said Vysen with smirk strung across his face and moving his palm over the faucet head. Tymlyn gave him a gaze of discontent, while absentmindedly shaking her head.

Vysen cranked the faucet head, soon after liquid started travel down the tail of the snakelike object, through the body, to the head then ultimately spitting it out like venom into the basement of the mammoth mansion, flooding the floors in water. Vysen watched this proudly as if he had achieved something worthwhile, perhaps his “avengence”.

Tymlyn stood there staring at Vysen who had an ominous smile on his face admiring his handy work spreading throughout the basement floor. She locked her brown eyes on the black hose she had now regretted showing him, then the crimson clouds above trying to ignore his ill deed. She thought for a moment how wise men apparently spoke when they wanted to be listened to, in order to get their words to sink in, then she waited for Vysen to look at her and he eventually did. Tymlyn’s eyes beamed at him, melting his smirk into uneasy straight lips. She made sure he was looking and ready to listen this time as she opened her mouth. “I don’t know why you do the horrible things you do, perhaps if you stopped doing them, they’d stop happening to you.”

The               End

© 2015 Owen J Kato

Author's Note

Owen J Kato
Written in a day, revised in less. Based in the same world as everything besides that random tale about dragons.

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Added on March 13, 2015
Last Updated on March 13, 2015
Tags: #scifi #fiction #love #fantasy


Owen J Kato
Owen J Kato

Vanouver, Canada

I am a story weaver from Vancouver, Canada. more..
