![]() Chapters 11-15A Chapter by Outcast031CHAPTER 11 Trevor
couldn’t sleep. He had trouble sleeping ever since Charles died little more
than a week ago. “Shut the f**k up chuck.” Trevor grumbled to himself. Charles had
hated being called anything except Charles. He hated being called Charlie and
Chuck and any other variation of his name, which is of course why Trevor lived
to change it. ‘If I can’t
call you chuck then I’ll call you something more creative, something nasty that
your mom would never want to hear like a name that relates to how you like to
suck dick.’ Trevor remembered telling Charles this when they first met and
Trevor insisted they hang out together so he could badger Charles daily. This
was of course better than just beating him up on site so Trevor figured he had
really been doing Charles a favor. Trevor had
done this to Charles all through sixth grade and they were midway through
seventh grade now…. ‘Or at least I am he thought smugly. He had taken
Charles under his wing and now good ole Chuck was betraying him. The sound of
his voice from his last phone call before he died kept replaying in Trevor’s
mind. *** “Listen to
me. I swear to god. I saw it. It’s going to come back for me man! Every night
it’s been coming to my window. It wants to kill me…It’s going to kill me.”
Charles said frantically, sounding like he was about to cry. “You’re such
a f*****g Mamma’s boy.” Trevor chuckled. “Maybe that’s what I should have
called you in the first place.” “I’m begging
you man. What do I have to do for you to believe me? You’ve got to help me.
Sleep over tonight if you don’t believe me. You’ll see it for yourself!”
Charles was now crying. Trevor began
to feel a bit awkward. “Look mamma’s boy. Even if it was true and I did buy
into this bullshit how would I help you? What would you expect me to do? Hide
you somewhere from the monster in your closet?” “Your dad
has a gun….You said you know how to use it. You could kill it for me…for us. If
it gets me it will come for you too! It will come to your window and you won’t
have anyone to help you because they’ll all be dead! ” “Good night
Chuck. If you really want help with your boogeyman give Sean a call. Maybe
he’ll give a f**k cause I don’t. Oh and if this, it, thing, monster does come
tonight and does kill you than I guess this is goodbye.” Trevor said festively. “Come on
man…please.” Charles begged one last time before Trevor hung up the phone. *** Now Trevor
lay in bed his dad’s pistol was in his hands and he waited. He didn’t need
Charles to remind him of what was coming to visit him. It had visited him the
last three nights. But tonight things were going to be different. He had to be
brave. He had to focus on what he was going to do. He was strong and everyone
at school knew it. That’s why they stayed out of his way. “Tonight
that ugly f*****g thing is going to get a bullet right between its eyes.” He turned
his head to the right, peering out the window that sat on the opposite side of
the room from him. He had expected to see a face but there was none, at least
not yet. “Let’s see
how tough you are then..” His hands shook. He wasn’t feeling much braver then
he sounded.
CHAPTER 12 Staziak
found himself staring in complete disbelief. His jaw dropped in a state of
fixated awe. “What is it?” “Oh surely
you jest” said Dr Vaan. “I can’t
believe you still use this ancient technology for your security Camera’s”
Staziak looked at the old VCR hidden at the bottom of the wall of monitors. The
maze of wires connecting it all made him feel overwhelmed to say the least. “You heard
the old phrase if it works don’t fix it?” Well in corporate America the phrase
goes “If it still kind of works then don’t waste our money or your fired.” “Yes. That
sounds like the political charm I am accustomed to. And to top it off the
reason for termination would be listed as the inability to utilize the
company’s state of the art technology for future success.” Staziak smirked. “That is
undoubtedly true. And with the pleasantries aside I will also add my
observation that you’re sounding better then you did earlier.” Dr Vaan said. “The
Camera’s in this facility may be ancient but they are obviously well placed.
They appear to cover every entrance and hallway and leave few blind spots. The
morgue itself is almost perfectly covered with its single entrance. We should
analyze any footage around entrances to any crawl spaces or vents with scrutiny
but overall it doesn’t appear as though anyone could sneak into this building
without being spotted somewhere.” Staziak was analyzing each monitor closely as
he spoke. “That is a
rather uplifting perspective. I am glad to see the change, doubt and defeat
doesn’t suit you.” Staziak
knelt down and set the VCR to rewind the tapes connected to all the monitors.
His attention was focused primarily on the monitor connected to the camera that
viewed the door to the morgue. However he still let his gaze drift to the others
to see if anything strange caught his attention. After spotting doctor Vaan
exiting the morgue he pressed play and fixed his gaze on the screen,
practically unblinking. “Even if a
hundred people passed in front of these cameras within the three hour period
and none of them give us obvious reason to suspect them due to a demeanor that
suggests guilt or an eyeball in their blood soaked hand we will at least have
one hundred suspects with one of them almost certainly being the Perp. It is
unlikely anyone entered this building and could get by all the cameras unseen.
” “Well quite
fortunate for us there are usually less than a hundred visitors at this
particular morgue on an average day. That is of course speaking from my
personal experience of being an employee at this establishment.” “That’s
inductive reasoning doc. It has its place just not in police work.” Staziak
continued to watch the monitor. Before Dr
Vaan could respond to the comment the monitor on the upper left corner
flickered and turned into a storm of buzzing white static. Staziaks
attention immediately shifted to the monitor he moved to press the pause and
rewind button. “I assume
you are not attempting to see if the screen becomes clear with a second play
through.” The doctor said. “You would
be correct doc. I think I saw something a moment before the monitor went out.
That is an emergency exit on that screen is it not?” “You would
be correct Mr Staziak.” The Dr said as he watched the monitor in fascination. The door appeared back on the screen just
prior to the white out and Staziak was able to confirm what he saw. The door on
the screen began to slowly open. The camera was at such an angle that it could
see anyone coming into the building clearly unless they wore a hat or hood. In
this instance he got to see nothing since the white out occurred presumably
right before the person who opened the door stepped into view. Staziak’s
jaw clenched involuntarily as he watched. “Don’t those doors remain locked from
the outside, isn’t there an alarm that sounds when the door is opened?” The doctor
continued to stare at the screen his expression nearly unreadable. “They
normally are. That particular door has a broken handle and can be opened if
enough force is applied to the latch. However that doesn’t explain why the
alarm didn’t sound.” Slowly the
doctor’s eyes widened with an apparent realization. “Earlier there was a brief
problem with the lights. A power surge perhaps, we didn’t exactly lose power
entirely. The malfunction seemed brief. I presume that may have had something
to do with it.” “Isn’t it
strange that it only affected that particular camera?” Staziak remained staring
at the screen with his teeth clenched. He watched as the monitor slowly came to
life again just in time to see the door slide closed on its own. “No one in
this building knows exactly how everything is connected it was done quite some
time….” The doctor’s voice drifted off as the next monitor in line shifted to
static. “What the
f**k?” Staziak nearly jumped as the next monitor became a blur of static. “That
was the next camera leading from the emergency exit to the morgue?” Now the
doctors expression went from unreadable to grim as he recognized an impending
pattern presenting itself. “You are correct again Mr Staziak. Although I will
confess I am not certain of what I am seeing. Statistics suggest..” Before the
doctor could finish the sentence the next camera in line began to flicker.
Unlike the other two it remained mostly clear with a static flicker every few
seconds. Because the monitor continued to function longer than the previous two
Staziak saw that the lights in the location of the camera were also
flickering. A janitor
was mopping in the hall and slowly made his way into one of the labs. doctor
walked by and headed down the hall toward the break room. Another door was
slowly creeping open at the end of the hall as if someone had sat in waiting
for the coast to be clear. Before anyone came into view yet again the camera
completely went out. “This is
impossible. I don’t know of any kind of mobile jamming device. The tech here is
too old to be hacked or corrupted in any kind of ingenious way. This can’t just
be coincidence. “ Staziak shifted his attention to the last and final monitor. This camera
was the one that covered the door to the morgue. On the screen was Dr Vaan
filing his paper work at a reception desk in the center to the right was the
door to the morgue and off to the left was a hallway leading from the previous
monitor and onward to the rest of the western wing of the building. “He could
not have walked right past me without me seeing a face. Perhaps the person
didn’t look suspicious but I did see a few people pass by tonight, none went
into the morgue… but I had to have seen something!” Staziak had
never seen the doctor so flustered before. He tried to remain cool, attempted
to keep in mind that everything was explainable. Coincidence was the biggest
kink in the oiled gears of logic. That and curveballs. Staziak found he was
beginning to truly hate curve balls. The previous
two monitors flickered back to normal. On the monitor showing the morgue Dr
Vaan had turned his back from the hallway as he filed away some papers. A
shadow came into view as someone had stepped up to the threshold to the room
just outside of the cameras view. The monitor began to flicker as did the
lights in the room. Dr Vaan had stopped filing and looked up at flickering
lights overhead but he did not turn around to see the shadow looming at the
threshold behind him. The shadow grew slightly larger before the monitor went
out completely. “I’m afraid
your mistaken Doc. It seems he caught you when your back was turned.” In seconds
the monitor came back on and the door to the morgue was falling closed. Dr Vaan
turned back to face the camera two seconds later. Dr Vaan
appeared stunned. “He was right behind me and I didn’t see him at all. I didn’t
hear a single sound. He had to have run past me to cross the room that fast.
But I didn’t hear anything.” They waited
almost twenty minutes watching the monitor in silence. Nothing happened in that
time frame except seeing the Dr Vaan on the monitor finishing his paperwork.
Once finished he turned to file away the last of his reports. As Staziak expected the doors to the morgue
opened again once the doctor’s back was turned. With no windows to look through
it seemed impossible that someone would know exactly when to make a move
without being seen. Before anyone emerged from the room the monitor flickered
once more. The lights in the room outside the morgue began to flicker and
before anyone else made an appearance on camera the monitor went out.
CHAPTER 13 The room
suddenly went pitch black. Dolores frowned. She realized the power had gone
out. It had been
forty five minutes since her husband Roger fell asleep and after yesterdays
excitement she was in no mood to be alone. First there
was that Hispanic boy who was suspiciously sneaking around the neighborhood
when she and Roger were sitting outside. He was looking at the neighbors open
garage across the street so intently she knew she smelled some gossip on the
horizon. Thanks to
her insomnia she was up hours later when the boy came back at around midnight.
With Roger asleep she hadn’t felt comfortable staying outside the house to
watch the neighbor’s yard. So she stayed inside in the dark and sat at the
window. She used a small light to read a book while she waited, occasionally
glancing up at the window. She had almost begun to doubt herself when the boy
emerged from the cover of night and went up the drive way. She wasn’t
able to see exactly what he was doing but she saw enough to know he was picking
through her neighbors boxes finding trinkets of value and ultimately stealing
them away in his pockets. Had she liked her neighbors more she might have
called the police. Her neighbor
Lucy had decided to be snooty when Dolores tried to be friendly. She scoffed
when Dolores had offered her some gossip they could enjoy together. She made
excuses when Dolores tried to be sociable and invite her into her home. Dolores
had decided overall that Lucy was what less polite people might call a b***h. Dolores of
course would never sink to such a level as to call someone a name like that out
loud and besides she did like Lucy’s husband Mike and their quiet but polite
son Edgar. Still she had sat in silence only intending to watch the events
unfold with a front row seat. It was then that she had seen the boy flee from
the driveway followed by a man whom she couldn’t quite make out chasing after him.
Sometime later she had heard the police sirens. She had thought that the boy
had been apprehended by his pursuer and the police had come to arrest him. This morning
she found out otherwise. From her gossiping circle of friends she discovered
that the boy had apparently been murdered a few blocks down in the middle of
the street as he fled. This upset her. She had wondered if the same thing would
have occurred had she not disliked Lucy so much and just called the police like
she should have. She felt guilty, she knew had it been any of her other
neighbors she would have called the police and showed those nay Sayers the
benefits of having a gossiping neighbor with a watchful eye. Instead she
had let it happen and now someone was dead and nobody knew why. Certainly it
was Mike or Edgar that had chased the boy from the house. But she could not
believe either of them would really kill the boy. They would have detained him
and maybe hurt him in the process but not kill him. With that thought she knew
she should still probably call the police and tell them what she saw but she
couldn’t bring herself to do it. The police
might think Mike or Edgar had been involved and she would hurt more people with
her meddling. On top of that this did involve a murder and she didn’t like the
idea of getting to close to something like that. A gossipers life was about
staying a safe distance and living to gossip another day. Still…. What if what
she saw mattered in some unforeseen way? She shook
away her thoughts. Now the power was out. She was sitting in the dark in her
crafts room at the back of the house. She had an almost full bottle of Merlot
sitting on her desk and a glass a quarter full of the drink sitting beside it.
She enjoyed sipping some wine while she was reading. It was relaxing and made
her feel like she was living the high life. On top of that it helped her to
avoid thinking of how Roger had been belittling her appearance. Picking on the
hunch due to her scoliosis, her birthmark which he once found endearing and now
called a hairy unsightly mole. Roger didn’t look all that great anymore either.
She figured that might be why he picked at her flaws. Still she knew he loved
her in his own way. Dolores sat
in the dark for a few more moments she knew if she woke Roger he would be very
cranky and after last night she wasn’t ready to go to bed just yet. Instead she
decided to sit and have a little more wine. After a full glass or two she would
be more than ready to go to bed. First she
felt around on her desk for her clip on book light. It didn’t happen often but
she never knew when she might need to sit quietly in the dark and read to keep
an eye out for some action outside. Dolores had
always loved reading mystery books. Especially in the dark, mystery exercised
the mind and could keep your mind off the bad things. She didn’t much care for
horror novels and especially not while sitting in the dark. She grabbed
the Agatha Christy novel she had been reading and was clipping the light onto
it when she noticed the lights were out for the neighbors directly beyond the
low standing wall of her backyard but the lights were on for the two homes on
either side of that house. She also saw illumination from the nearby street
Lamps. It seemed only her house and the Jenson’s house was without power. The chair
Dolores currently sat in was the height of a bar stool but still cushioned to
be cozy. She had purchased it for her reading room to ensure her view into her
neighbor’s backyards was as optimal as could be. The peculiar light show across
from her made her quite thankful she had made the investment. She tipped
her bottle of wine and filled her glass to the hilt as she thought about that
little brat Trevor that lived there. How he had purposely vandalized her
backyard by throwing rocks and mud. He had screamed rude names at her that she
would not dare speak out loud. She had a few names for that little jerk that
she equally wouldn’t say out loud. Sure he was younger when he did those things
and he couldn’t be punished by police then. But even now that he was in junior
high he was undoubtedly still a trouble maker. He was probably going to grow up
to become a thug. She wrinkled
her nose at the thought and slowly sipped on her wine when she noticed a flash
of light coming from the back window of the Jenson’s house straight across from
her. She nearly swallowed the whole glass without thinking as her curiosity
peaked. Another
flash lit up the room. It appeared brighter then the first but she knew that
was only because she had been looking for it this time. Then three more flashes
followed one after another. There was no sound to be heard. It was like
lightening without thunder, or a lion without its roar. She
continued to watch this silent and eerie light show as she reached for her
Merlot. Lifting the bottle to pour herself another glass she was surprised when
the bottle exploded in her grasp after a sixth flash of light. She sat in
silent shock, unable to understand what just happened until she noticed the
bullet hole in her wall. A seventh flash of light followed. The window of her
reading room shattered as another bullet whizzed less than an inch away from
her face.
Staziak and
doctor Vaan watched in silence as the camera’s went out again in reverse order
which by all their logic and reason was impossible. This strange malfunction of
the security system revealed in its own way that the Perp left the same way he
got in. Staziak realized after watching the cameras go out in reverse that the
lights had flickered in each room but the electrical glitch was more noticeable
on the cameras that were further away from where the Perp enters. “Have I ever
told you how much I hate curve balls doc? I absolutely hate them with a passion…
and what we just saw here on these monitors was another f*****g curve ball.”
Staziak grumbled. He began setting the VCR back to its normal function as he
tried to collect his thoughts. Dr Vaan had
a thoughtful look as he contemplated what they had just seen.“I believe a
barrage of curve balls might be the more accurate assessment. However I think
it’s time for a pep talk. You should take this as an opportunity Mr. Staziak as
I rarely get peppy for anything. Staziak
arched a brow obviously attempting to distinguish how much of what the doctor
just said was serious or a joke. “I don’t think a pep talk is necessary right
now. A lead would be nice. I’d like one of those, preferably a solid one but
I’ll work with whatever you’ve got as long as it’s a lead. “I would
have to disagree with you on that. A pep talk seems long overdue. You have been
one of the few detectives in the field of homicide that I still know from over
a decade ago. Without the risk of puffing up your ego I have found over the
years that you are quite the detective. You have managed to solve cases with
little to no evidence. You’re an admirable man of logic and reason that has
held together when others have cracked. So I do not mean to be rude when I say
it disturbs me to see you getting so shaken by this case. I could offer an
abundant list of logical explanations for the events that we witnessed on these
monitors.” Vaan paused as he noticed the glossy look on Staziaks face; he
almost began to wonder if the detective was even listening. After a long pause Staziak noticed the doctors
stare, he stirred as if he had been daydreaming or asleep and just now realized
he was expected to give a response. “I don’t mean to be rude either doc so I
apologize if l cut the banter short by asking this directly but what’s your
point?” “I just find
it hard to believe that you would allow this particular case to get under your
skin. Last summer you Identified and apprehended that would be Serial killer
before he had managed to kill enough people to earn the title. He had killed
how many people before you caught him?” Asked Dr Vaan “Two”
Staziak replied “And how
many people do you believe he planned to kill next had you not caught him?” “He’d have
killed as many as he could get away with. He had pictures and trinkets from at
least five upcoming targets. That successful instance means nothing here
however. “Why do you
think that? “Dr Vaan asked exasperated. “You can’t apprehend them all with that
same speed and success. Unfortunately it is the nature of the beast that they
will continue to kill until you catch them.” “It’s not
just how many people he’s killed.” “Then what
is it? What is it about this case that causes me to see doubt in your eyes for
the first time in ten years? What’s different about this case from the one last
summer? For that matter what about the case months before that one or the
numerous other cases you’ve solved over the past ten years that you’ve carried
the mantel?” “I had
actual evidence in those cases. Last summer’s case there wasn’t much evidence
to go on at first. Most would call it a literal shred of evidence considering
it was a small fragment of torn clothes. By the second murder I had identified
the Perps oddball choice of weapon. The two clues together gave us a lead to a
specialty shop in china town. After questioning the shop owners in china town
we discovered there was a creepy person hanging around the shops on a regular
basis. Credit card info gave us a name. After identifying who the name belonged
to we did some more questioning in order to find out if he had any connection
to the victims and we found connections. It was a simple game of connect the
dots at the start and an uneventful checkmate at the end. This time around we
don’t have such inspiring leads.” “The point
Mr Staziak is this... What I find impressive about your methods is how you
connect the dots so well with almost nothing to start with. This case is no
different, even if the evidence is a tad lackluster.” “It’s not
lackluster evidence. When I say there is no evidence it’s because there is
none. At least it’s nothing I would describe as useful.” Staziak checked his
watch as if attempting to signify politely that he had to leave. Dr Vaan
nodded thoughtfully. Staziak noticed the doctor was hiding a frown as he apparently
had something more on his mind that he couldn’t bring himself to say. “You know I
would give you more details if I could. I rely on you doc because I know unlike
our friends in the CSI team assigned to this case with us you don’t care if you
impress the suits. I like that no matter what bull s**t Stewart puts on his
reports I can turn to you for a report and know you will give me truth even if
the truth makes no sense.” “Stewart is a good man. He is at the head of
his class with his intellect and normally quite reliable.” Dr Vaan spoke as if
now detached from the conversation. Staziak knew whatever was on his mind was
the cause but he also knew it couldn’t be helped at this place and time. “I’ll tell
you this much Doc. What bothers me about this case is we recently found that
this guy has been responsible for more murders than we originally thought. No
one but a select few is privy to that. Not even Stewart since he can’t seem to
pull his head out of his a*s long enough.” “How many
more murders? How long has he been doing this? At my last count he had six
murders under his belt.” “We believe it is double that, maybe more. It
appears his pattern was different when he started and it only changed recently.
All I can say with any certainty is our profile of him being in his early
twenties may be about twenty years off if these murders are all connected. We
have someone looking into it. Staziak
suddenly noticed Silver standing at the doorway behind them. His expression
suggested he had bad news. Staziak had learned Silver always looked ticked off
when he had to give someone bad news. “The B*****d
struck again. Another kid found dead a few blocks away from the last one.” Staziak
nodded and started to leave. “Since you admire my ability to connect the dots
doc you’ll be happy to know that I found the bright side to this is that every
time this guy does something I do learn something new about him. Usually
something small but it’s a clue nonetheless. And I can only imagine what we
will learn this time.” “Aye. If I
had my way he will have dropped his wallet next to the body with his ID and a
signed confession inside. ” Silver added while leading the way. “Oh what
would be the fun in that?” Staziak asked. CHAPTER 15 Outside the
Jenson household numerous onlookers had lined up at the border of police tape.
Inside the house there was a different crowd consisting of uniformed officers,
police photographers, medical examiners, investigative specialists and paramedics.
When Staziak and Silver arrived on scene Silver noticed one of the uniformed
officers moving swiftly into a nearby bathroom just in time to vomit. This in
itself intrigued him almost as much as the sights he imagined awaited them in
the victim’s bedroom. Upon
entering the house Staziak split off when he saw a uniform officer attempting
to question and console a hysterical couple who Silver guessed were the boy’s
parents. He had no interest in speaking with them. If the story was the same as
it had been at the other crime scenes then it would test his patience. He
figured it was best to avoid any complications. He simply found it hard to
believe that in most of these murders there were people in the same house while
the crime was being committed and all have said that they saw and heard
nothing. There was no
need to ask for directions, Silver went looking for the room with the most police
activity. He followed the sounds of chatter to a room at the back of the house.
When he found the boys bedroom he saw Trevor Jenson’s body dangling lifelessly and
pinned onto the wall. His hands were impaled with two large serrated hunting
knives. Immediately
Silver took in the details of the room. The furniture in the room lay in
splinters. A well built computer chair lay shattered; the desk was overturned
and the computer had been decimated, the bed spring was broken and in pieces
and the mattress seemed impossibly bent and sat on its side next to the closet
door. A book shelf that apparently had never held any books had been knocked
over with two large holes in its back board, all the trinkets which had been
set on its shelves were splayed across the floor in the shape of a few baseball
and karate trophies, a cracked jar that acted as a makeshift piggy bank, family
vacation photos, and an autographed baseball that had a name in black marker
that Silver couldn’t quite identify. The boy’s
dresser was one of the few pieces of the set that had remained intact, However
shards of razor sharp glass sat on top of it from the broken window above it.
There were three bullet holes in the wall, two on the left side of the window
and one in the sliver of space between the window and the dresser. This time
Silver had little doubt that the entrance the Perp used was the window. The
bottom part of the left window pane was almost entirely wiped free of glass. Silver
noticed one of the photographers had entered the room at some point and was now
moving into position to take a picture of the window since two medical
examiners were gathering information on the body. Stepping aside Silver began
to see a peculiar site among the debris of the kid’s belongings. An arsenal
of weapons was intermingled with the rest of the clutter on the floor. The
arsenal consisted of a baseball bat, a two hundred thousand watt tazer, two
large hunting knives similar to the ones embedded in the boys hands except they
were encased in there sheathes, and a flimsy version of an extendable police
baton sold at most army surplus stores. The killer
had never used weapons like this before, whatever weapons he did use were not
so easily identified. The Medical examiners weren’t able to offer much information
on exactly what the weapon being used was except it was a bladed weapon that
the killer made of his own design. So Silver knew none of these were likely
involved in the murder. Plus the killer had never left a single murder weapon
at any of the crime scenes so Silver had little doubt that these weapons had
been gathered together by Trevor to defend himself. Judging by
the spread scattered along the floor Silver was certain the knives embedded in
the kids hands were also part of this arsenal. He felt the pattern suggested
that the killer had used these weapons because they were a convenience at hand.
Perhaps out
of his inner love for sarcasm Silver could hear the old saying about bringing a
knife to a gun fight play through his mind, except Silver also noted that the
kid had brought a gun to the fight too. What appeared to be a small Luger was lying
on the floor not far from the body with a few expensed bullet casings. Silver
frowned at the site realizing just how much of a battle the kid must have put
up, and yet even after bringing all these weapons the kid had still lost in the
end. For the sake
of concentration Silver whipped out a stick of gum and began to chew as he walked
over to the body to examine the most important details of the scene. Trevor’s
eyes were torn out of the sockets and missing just like the other victims
before him. His lifeless face was still contorted in a scream. Blood ran down
his cheeks from the eyeless sockets like streaming red tears. The eyeless stare
was able to send a chill even up Silvers spine and that wasn’t something that
happened often. Besides the
two knives embedded in his hands the fingers appeared to have been snapped when
the killer plied the weapons from his hands. There were scratches and cuts
along the arms and the tank top and pajama pants were torn from the struggle. The
last and most grievous injury that was likely Trevor’s fatal end was the tear
along his abdomen. A clean slice from left to right that tore through the
muscular lining and caused his internal organs to fall out as he bled out. The scene
played out in Silvers mind. Trevor had been expecting the killer. Like the
previous murders he probably told someone that a person had been coming to his
window over the past few nights. Sounding like the story of a monster in the
closet the adults played it off as a need for attention, or if they took it
seriously the killer stopped until the parents put their guard down again. With no one
listening to him Trevor hadn’t curled into a ball and waited like the others.
He had seen someone sneaking around and threatening him and he took action. He
got a hold of a gun for when the killer showed himself again. He got some hand
held weapons as a backup plan in case something went wrong with the gun idea
and the killer got up close. He saw the killer come to the window and started
firing. Maybe from fear he expended the clip or maybe the killer was crazy
enough to jump through the window and go straight for someone firing a gun at
him. The killer
wrenched the gun from Trevor’s grip and broke the fingers of his right hand.
Trevor tried to use a hand held weapon but the killer wrenched that from him
too breaking the fingers of Trevor’s other hand in the process. To finish the
job without further struggling the killer used his strength to pin Trevor to
the wall, took hold of the knives conveniently nearby and used them to pin
Trevor onto the wall. Then with his quarry unable to run or fight back any
longer he was able to finish the job at his leisure. He slit Trevor open and
more than likely waited for death to be mere seconds away from taking him
before he went for the eyes and took his trophy. Then he scrawled his message on
the wall and fled the scene the same way he came in. Scrawled on
the wall beside the victims head in a fresh coat of blood was the word ‘Fraud’
in large letters. It was spelled out larger than any of the killer’s previous
messages at the other crime scenes and it was circled which had also never been
a part of the previous messages either. In fact as if to accentuate the point
it had been circled eight times in very thin circles of blood. “Wonder what
it means? Usually his references have a point. Me thinks this one seems a wee
bit abstract.” Silver spoke out loud, knowing Staziak had entered the room in
silence attempting to sneak up on him unnoticed at least once in his life. Staziak appeared
beside Silver. He had apparently finished speaking with the parents for now and
as expected rose to the occasion with an answer to the riddle. “It is a
reference to the eighth circle of hell, the home of the Sowers of discord.
Basically it consists of liars, thieves, and false prophets that through their
actions led or seduced others to their doom. Of course this is partly my own
interpretation of the common factors between the ten pockets of sinners in that
particular circle. Silver
stared at Staziak blankly with an arched brow. “Thank ye for that bit of enlightenment
professor.” “Well you did
ask.” Staziak replied. “Aye. Twas
my mistake. I thank ye for showin me the error of my ways.” Silver shot back. “You’re
British accent is standing out again.” “Makin fun
of an Irish man is likely to get ye shot during a drug bust” “Then it’s
lucky we deal in homicide.” “Aye except
I doubt Id be hearin all this obnoxious prattling during drug busts.” “You should
really learn to read a book once in awhile it could do you some good. Pick up a
few books and you wouldn’t need me around to tell you these things.” Staziak
added. “I enjoy a
good book or magazine from time to time.” said Silver. “I assume
that you are aware that stroke mags don’t count?” “Well if
that be the case then never mind apparently I don’t like to read a bloody
thing.” A new voice
chimed into the conversation from behind them. “If you ladies are done with
your girl talk then maybe you could move along and let someone else have a look
at the body before it decomposes.” CSI medical examiner Frank Stewart stood
behind them carrying a bag with some tools of the trade. “Oh I think
we’ve seen enough for now But I can’t wait for your report on this one. Your
perspective is always an informative read.” Staziak replied without turning
around aware that he would have a snide look on his face. Ignoring
Staziak’s comment Stewart continued. “Brenson wants to see you in his office
once you two are officially done here. Just thought I’d spread the word.” “Great”
Silver smirked and looked the dangling corpse over once more before turning for
the door, Staziak followed him out. “Me thinks
iffin I say I hate that guy it would not be an exaggeration.” Silver said. They exited
the house and walked down the driveway toward their car. They didn’t lock eyes
with anyone in the crowd curious bystanders to ensure that no one felt invited
to ask them any questions. Silver saw that a news van was off to the side. The
camera crew was just barely setting up shop so it appeared they were vacating
the scene just in time. “Stewart is
a prick but just think of it this way, by comparison the stick up big boss
Brensons anal orifice will seem quite miniscule.” Staziak said. Silver
nodded. “Yes extremely tiny.” “Did you
notice anything peculiar about this murder from the others?” Staziak asked in a
serious tone. “No
barricade this time and the kid had weapons showing he anticipated a fight.
Seems very likely the kid started shooting when he saw the perp at the window
and the window was the perps way in. But if yer referring to something peculiar
it’s that the gun wasn’t out of ammo and the perp managed to get through the
window while being shot at. Which was a very daring move or very stupid.”
Silver said. “How do you
know the gun wasn’t empty? You barely looked at it.” “Come on now
ye are aware I know my guns. That was a 9mm luger an antique model from the
looks of it. Those carry eight rounds with a fully loaded unmodified clip. The
kid got off seven shots. Five went into the wall but if ya add up the bullet
casings and bullet holes he only took seven shots. He was still shooting when the
perp charged in through that window.” “I
see.”Staziak said with a thoughtful look forming. “You know what else was odd?
The parents didn’t hear any gun shots. That seem odd to you?” “Aye
considering the luger was no stealth pistol and there was no silencer present.” “Yeah I
thought so too.” Staziak said. “Ok so other
then more s**t we can’t explain what else we got to go on here?” Silver asked. “Well before
being dismissed we got what we came for and now have two new leads.” Staziak
said while staring off into the crowd of people. “Two leads?
What did ye find?” “I found a
great many details this time. We both saw the scene. We know that Trevor had
prepared to defend himself in advance so he knew someone was coming for him.
The parents backed up that theory when I spoke to them. Apparently earlier in
the day Trevor had told his father something about a monster visiting outside
his window the past two nights. He explained that the same monster was the one
who killed Charles Sheffield and now it was coming for Trevor. When Trevor
insisted that he saw a monster and not a man outside the window his father
believed it was a cry for attention to express his inability to process losing
his close friend Charles to a murder a week ago. If you haven’t guessed Trevor’s
dad Bob is a shrink. “ “To think I
was about to accuse ye of Psychoanalyzing again. But yer prattling did fill in
a few of the blanks. So Trevor Knew Charles? Silver asked. “Indeed.
Phone records from the night Charles died confirm a phone call to two people.
Trevor was one of them and the other was to the Burke residence a few houses
down from this one.” Staziak said. “Who was he calling over there?” “Perhaps
this is an early assumption but if I had to take a guess probably him.” Staziak
Gestured toward a teenager in the crowd. The teen’s expression had already
appeared grim but now that they were looking at him his face took on an even
more fearful expression. He slowly backed out of the crowd and briskly walked
down the street toward a two story home about three houses away from the Jenson
house. “That would
be the Burke house eh?” Silver asked. As he spit out his gum and took another
stick. “That would
be correct and from the look on that kids face I think we need to make that
lead a priority. Especially if you think about what I said regarding those in
the eighth circle of hell.” “Aye. Ye
said they drag other people into the s**t with them.” Silver chimed with his
glorious way with words. “Close
enough” Staziak nodded. He continued to stare at the Burke household. “What was
yer other lead?” Silver asked. “The parents
weren’t the ones who made the call. The dispatch had said a lady named Dolores
Richmond living in a house located on the other side of the Jenson’s back yard
called it in when bullets began coming through the walls.” “Ye think
she saw something else besides the bullets?” “I know she did. Apparently in her panic she
said she was witness to something last night to the previous murder. Whatever
she has to say could lead to something.” “So I assume
Brenson is gonna wait and we’re going over to the Burkes correct? If yer
theory’s right then with Trevor dead that Burke kid might be next.” “No. We’re
going to go see Brenson first to get him off our backs.” “Are ye
willing to take that risk? Sure the perps never struck twice in one night but
ye are always the one that says never to assume anything.” “You
answered your own question. It’s not an assumption. The perp has a pattern and
he sticks with that pattern unless someone forces his hand. He hasn’t killed
more than once in one night.” Staziak spoke with confidence. Silver
simply nodded. He trusted in Staziaks judgment. They both got into the car.
Silver got into the driver’s seat and they sped off toward the station. “Besides, if the pattern is consistent then
the killer won’t go after the Burke kid right away. After killing someone he
doesn’t just go and kill his next target. Before dying they always tell someone
they see this killer out the window, or in the closet or rummaging around in
the house when everyone else is asleep.” “So what do
ye make of that behavior professor?” Silver asked. “I’m saying
it appears that he likes to taunt them for a few days before he gets around to
killing them. © 2013 Outcast031 |
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Added on April 11, 2013Last Updated on April 11, 2013 Author![]() Outcast031Las Vegas, NVAbout31 year old aspiring writer who suffers from moderate Narcolepsy. If you got a question in regards to Horror movies or writing I'm your man. more..Writing