![]() Chapters 6-10A Chapter by Outcast031CHAPTER 6 “At two in
the morning we’re scrapin bodies off the pavement. And three hours later were
eating pancakes before sunrise! This is why they call it the land of
opportunity.” With that Silver took a mouthful of syrup covered pancakes before
washing it down with almost a full glass of Dr Pepper. He set the glass at the
edge of the table to signify he needed a refill before continuing to stuff his
face. Staziak
prodded at his eggs with his fork, He wondered why he didn’t just order them
scrambled. Even over easy they looked liked gushing eyes to him right now. “What do you
think he does with them anyway?” Staziak asked. “What ye
talkin bout now?” Silver mumbled with his mouth full. He signaled to the
waitress and started making very creative gestures toward his drink. Staziak
couldn’t think of another living person he knew that could do something so
blatant but comical and get a positive response except Silver. “One day
you’re going to lose your charm with the ladies and one of them will piss in
your cup when you ask for a refill. “ Staziak finally managed an awkward and
almost nauseating bite of his eggs. “Eh. I say
ya don’t know till ya try it. Who knows maybe ill thank the lady later for
introducing me to my new favorite vice?” Silver smiled at the waitress as she
refilled his drink before taking a big chomp of his bacon. “Nothing
ruins your appetite does it?” Staziak found himself nudging the food around on
his plate. “Ye need to
not take this s**t home with ye. We’ll find this b*****d. Nuttin he’s doin
makes him anymore a bad a*s than anyone else we’ve put away before him. You’ll
see he has a method to him like all the others and once we figure out what it
is we’ll get him.” “After at
least five murders that we’re aware of and three disappearances which all seem
connected to this guy don’t you think it’s a little odd that we’ve come up with
next to nothing?” Staziak managed another bite of his food. “Ye remember
all the hype from those two snipers that were shooting their targets from a low
angle inside a van and everyone was lookin for em on top of buildings? It’s
s**t like that, simple misdirection is what it is.” Silver swallowed down
another glass of Dr Pepper as it chased down at least half his plate of
pancakes. “I suck at
the Heimlich maneuver. Don’t make me have to use it.” Silver
chuckled. “So what’s our next move brainiac? We gonna look for Miss Jane Doe
from the locket or ye got something smarter in mind?” “I was
thinking we could stop to see the coroner after we get some shut eye. Maybe we
can get another look at that body since it’s the only one at this point that
breaks the pattern.“ Staziak said. Silver was
gesturing to the waitress for a refill again. Staziak questioned whether there
was an obscene subtlety he was missing after seeing her blush before coming and
grabbing the glass. Staziak
continued. “Maybe the Coroner has found something to add or has at least
identified who it is by now. That could also give us the lead we need. Silver nodded and mumbled something
incomprehensible as he worked vigilantly to finish his pancakes before the sun
peeked over the mountains. Staziak
could only shake his head and stare.”I’m beginning to think your love of
pancakes is a stand in for this Donut addiction that’s so common among the
police force. “ Silver
nodded triumphantly as he cleaned his plate. The waitress came back just in
time with his refill of Dr Pepper and it was urine free.
CHAPTER 7 ‘It’s out
there….’ The boy thought with immediate dread. Tap Tap Tap, against the glass
from the window behind him. The boy sat
still. His hand began to shake, he tried to ignore the sound behind him and
focus on his drawing. TAP TAP TAP
The window insisted. The boy didn’t know when the tapping started. He didn’t
even remember why he was familiar with it, but he knew who was tapping. Bringing his
attention back to the drawing as if refusing to acknowledge the problem would
make it go away the boy found himself staring down at a pair of huge bulging
eyes. The eyes belonged to a man with jagged razor sharp teeth, teeth so sharp
that he had apparently bitten off part of his own lip. The boy
didn’t remember drawing this, but he also didn’t remember when he had sat down
to draw in the first place. His heart sped up and tears filled his eyes because
he knew that something very similar to this character he had outlined on the
page before him stood there tapping… It waited eagerly at the window behind
him. He wanted to
cry out for help. At the age of ten he was certainly not too old to cry or ask
for help….regardless of what his father said. But he knew no one would hear
him. His mother worked the late shift….and his father….he didn’t remember where
his father was. He only knew that he wasn’t here. Running from
the room would only make it enter the house. Somehow he knew he would never
make it out the door before it came through. ‘It can be
fast if it wants to be’ He thought bitterly. TAP TAP TAP This time the sound was louder the
glass vibrated and the panel shook. The boy
could no longer pretend to ignore it. He rose from his seat giving the drawing
of the creature one last glance, the enormous eyes and toothy grin taunted him.
At last he
turned and faced the window and the pitch blackness beyond. There was no one
there. At least that’s how it appeared but he knew better. He
begrudgingly approached the window. He wanted to avert his eyes. He was afraid
of what might jump out at him if he did. One blink and the monster might very
well magically appear inside the room with him. So he stared out the window,
eyes unblinking as he approached. It seemed an
act of bravery but he was scared. He wanted to cry, to run and hide and scream
and maybe piss himself not all in that specific order. He stopped
just inches away from the pane of glass. Outside the
world was covered in a blanket of thick darkness. The boy could see nothing
beyond the glass. No street lamps or moonlight the backyard was nonexistent. It
seemed that nothing existed beyond the window in the blackness except the soft
whistle of wind that occasionally made the window shake. He stood in
silence. Somehow he found the courage to reach out and place his hand against
the glass. The logic seemed sound. If he could touch the window and nothing
appeared then there were no monsters outside and he could go back to doing
something less adventurous. With his
palm pressed flat against the cool glass he finally noticed the eyes peering in
at him. Shrouded in the darkness they were hard to spot at first. Slowly they
rose from a kneeling position to an upright stance. As they got closer a whole
face began to take shape. A tall lanky
figure now pressed against the glass. His face appeared deformed and grotesque
but smiling. The huge gushy circles that were its eyes left slime in their
wake. Its hands glided along the transparent barrier as if beckoning its prey. Surprisingly
the boy was not afraid. He didn’t know why, At least he didn’t at first. He felt
rage slowly building as he watched this creature taunt and threaten him to come
and play its morbid games. The creature
peeled its lips back to reveal a huge smile of jagged teeth. TAP….TAP….TAP
against the glass. The boys
rage came to a boil. He was bright for his age and all his common sense said he
should run. His instinct said otherwise. He remained still as if frozen. He
breathed heavily as every obscenity he knew sat on the tip of his tongue. His
eyes locked on the beasts enormous pupils in a death glare. The monster
leaned its face down closer at head level as if to ask ‘Is the lil baby gonna
cry? Or did it already s**t itself?’ Raising one
thin bony hand deliberately to draw the boy’s attention the monster taunted
once more against the glass with the tip of its nail….TINK…TINK…TINK. The boy
shook with rage. His anger erupted in a scream. “YOOOOUUUU
the boy with its deep adult tone. It was in
that moment the boy realized he was an adult. He had been for some time…He
looked down and noticed his childish features were gone, replaced with familiar
adult features. He slowly rose to full height as if he had been partly kneeling
this whole time. He was now on par in size with the now surprised creature that
stared at him beyond the window….except he was now getting bigger than the
creature, his rage burning brighter with every inch. Now the
creature was startled and its wide eyes and jagged teeth distorted into an
unfamiliar expression of fear. It pulled back swiftly attempting to bolt into
the night….but it was too slow. The boy who
became a man and was now becoming something else was now far too fast. He
slammed his fist through the glass creating a hole of jagged blades. He grabbed
the fairy tale monster by the face, his hand now larger than any man’s. The
skin of his hand began cracking and tearing revealing grayish yellow veiny skin
beneath. Twisting tumors of muscle began to flex as razor sharp talons emerged
from the finger tips and found themselves embedded in the fairy tale monsters
eyes. The creature
screeched in pain like a wounded cat. It pulled back causing the boy hybrid to
lunge face first into the shards of razor sharp glass to keep his grip. The
glass tore into the boys arm, shoulder and face. As the flesh
tore open blood began to gush and slowly more of the abomination within was
revealed. More thick veins pumping dark inhuman fluids along with twisting
flesh and undulating muscle with spines of jagged bone. Slowly the
boy hybrid s skin began to slough off in chunks as the monster now turned
victim cried out in agony one last time as it tried feebly to pull away. The
boy leaned in with what was left of his partly human face. Blood trickled from
his eyes as his pupils split in two. His lips
peeled back the rest of his skin came off in chunks of meat, gore and bile
revealing the dark beast within in all its glory. His large crackled inhuman
eyes looked upon its prey in triumph. With amazing inhuman strength he now easily
overpowered it, dragging it into his den, halting momentarily as it made one
last petty attempt to hold onto the windowsill. “NOOOOOO” He
hissed informing that there was no escape. Then he used his free hand and
snapped the puny beasts fingers back to the wrist with a sickening crack before
dragging it into true darkness. *** He woke up
from the dream with a start. Sweat trickled from his back and forehead in
streams. He reached up and felt the sores on his face as he noticed the shafts
of moonlight peeking through his window blinds. Looking down at the sores on
his hand and arm he smiled as a chill rippled up his spine with a slight touch
of euphoria. He had to
get up, he had work to do. CHAPTER 8 Staziak and
Silver arrived at the coroner’s office. Night had fallen and their shift had
started. Silver had slept like the dead as always. Staziak’s mind on the other
hand had been spinning all night with thoughts and questions. It was usually a
good thing since it meant his mind was on to something he could not yet put
into words. Unfortunately this time it just gave him a headache. When Silver
had arrived to pick him up the witty Irish man in him was compelled as usual to
express his newest observation of the day. “Ye look like s**t. I told ye to
leave this crap at work. Ye don’t take it home unless it’s female and she is
willing to show ye some sexual pleasures because she thinks she’s in love with
ye. ” Staziak
quirked a brow wondering how much of that was advice and how much of it was
Silver venting. “It’s just the price I pay for being the strategist of the
team.” Staziak said jokingly. Deep down
Staziak knew Silver offered some food for thought. It wasn’t exactly fair to
say Silver didn’t contribute to the think tank but Silver was the man of
action. Fast cars, guns, and a touch of rough stuff once in awhile was what he
needed. Staziak was the one who strategized and did the planning most of the
time. He was more focused and usually better at organizing things mentally. But
when necessary Staziak was no push over when it came to the other parts of the
job either. They entered
the elevator and descended into the morgue. Staziak found this place strangely
relaxing. In another life he could have done this job for a living. Examining
bodies to identify clues, or preparing the dead for viewing or simply for
burial seemed systematic, logical and predictable. He also knew that eventually
he’d get bored and he would be aching for excitement, dying for someone to
throw that unexpected curve ball at him. Technically Staziak hated curveballs
but he loved a challenge and that was the beauty of being a detective in
Homicide, there was always a curve ball. The Coroner
Dr Vaan greeted them with a big welcoming smile. His stereo typical college
professor like appearance with thick glasses brown hair with a touch of gray
and matching beard and mustache always struck Staziak as a little too jolly and
upbeat for a place like this. A look of
disgust crossed Dr Vaan’s face as he pulled the file on the John Doe. “At this
point no one has come forward to identify the body. I suppose in this day and
age it’s not uncommon for parents to let their teenage son disappear for a few
days without a word. It will probably be a few weeks before they file a missing
persons report on him and dental records would take some time to match if a
match was even out there.” Staziak was
not surprised. He had hoped for a different outcome. He wanted a lead and soon.
“Did you get around to examining the body?” Dr Vaan
adjusted his glasses with a smirk. “Of course I did. What do you think this is
a police station? We take our work very seriously here. No slacking allowed.
Were also better than most hospitals, we don’t keep our patients waiting.” “Nothin like
some witty jokes at the morgue to start off the day, if ye got any material on
zombie midgets I’d love to hear that too” Silver chimed in. “No…No
zombie midget jokes today Mr Dupre.
Perhaps when the staff at this establishment reaches a higher level of
intelligence to conceptualize that which entertains you, alas we’re not there
yet.” Silver
looked at Staziak with a huge grin. “Oh ye owe me this time. I could be havin
such fun following up with that comment. Yet here I am showin some amazing
restraint.” “I know you
are’ Staziak grumbled. “ So doc. Did you find anything that stood out during
your examination?” “Actually I
did. There was nothing to give us a name and address to the killers door but
something fascinating and useful none the less. Follow me gentleman.” Dr Vaan led
them to the meat lockers. He marched over to one centered on the far left of
the room. “The lacerations found on previous victims appeared to be the result
of a stabbing weapon with a hook like point or perhaps the teeth of a hunting
knife. With this victim it appears the attacker used a different method.
Honestly it would be difficult to surmise what type of weapon was used this
time. Dr Vaan
pulled the locker open and pulled the table out. A black body bag lay before
him. His gestures were vivid as though he were a magician about to show them a
magic trick. “But all the injuries to this victim tell us a much more thorough
story then what we previously procured. Hopefully I can give you a better idea
of what were looking for.” “You mean
who were looking for?” Staziak grumpily corrected. “Yes of
course. Although I must say this one must be a beast of a man. Honestly I’ve
never seen..” Dr Vaan trailed off as he unzipped the body bag and revealed the
corpse within. Suddenly the
Doctor didn’t appear so much like a gesturing magician as he appeared to be a
baseball pitcher throwing a curve ball. Both Dr Vaan
and Staziak stood in speechless surprise. Neither could find the words to
express what they were seeing. Luckily Silver was never made speechless by
anything. “Hey. Didn’t this guy get to keep one of his eyes? I thought he only
lost one. “So what was
the point of pulling out the other one?” Silver asked casually as he pulled out
a stick of chewing gum and popped it into his mouth. “They
didn’t” Staziak replied. “They also didn’t do this.” Staziak
pointed at something beside the left side of the victims head. It had been out of
Silvers line of sight as he stood on the right side. Silver stepped around to
get a look. He didn’t appear as startled as the others but his chewing slowed.
He was still far from speechless but it was obvious to Staziak that he was
carefully choosing words this time. “Ok. This is
a f****n joke right?” asked Silver Written in
the corpses coagulated blood on the metal slab to the left of its head was the
word THEIF. Below it was a misshapen smiley face.
CHAPTER 9 He had
claimed what was rightfully his and then returned home swiftly to unite the
pair and add the new piece to his collection. Tracking down his trophy really
wasn’t that difficult, not for him. Sneaking into the hospital to get it,
especially one where homicide victims were normally taken and police propagated
was a bit more complicated but manageable. He opened
the freezer and a smile crossed his lips from ear to ear as he stared at the
different pairs of colorful eyes he had gathered. Each had a story of triumph
and each was a step to fulfilling his goal of spreading a message to the
community. The authorities may attempt to contain it. The news reports may not
print it. But slowly it was getting out there first as rumors, later as facts
and very soon as warnings. He wrinkled
his nose as he looked at his new pair of brown trophy eyes. The news report had
already aired. Sadly only few would know in what way this one behaved to earn
his punishment. He felt his rage swell at the thought. The example made from
this punishment would have been a good one. The f*****g thief got what was
coming to him. In other places they would cut off hands but he punishes all of
them the same. The rage
grew. It bothered him that this example got wasted on cops and they tried to
avoid spreading the word. Then again it could be that he was left with another
pair of brown eyes. He had been hoping for some green ones. He knew there was
no shame in taking pride in his collection while he worked. He looked out the
window and he felt like something called to him. The night was still young. The
pines from the tree outside blew past his window after being dislodged by a
strong gust of wind. He felt excitement flow along with his rage and he felt
the ecstatic chill rise up his spine that usually came when he thought about
fulfilling a task he had been savoring. There was
someone he felt compelled to go visit. He put his eye collection away and rose
from his seat. The rage subsided but the smile remained as he headed for the
door. He had more work to do. CHAPTER 10 “I looked at
this body no more than three hours ago. ” Dr Vaan looked perplexed. Silver
smirked at him. “So ye say there are no slacker’s here eh doc? Me thinks ye
should come up with a new recruitment pitch.” “Someone
mutilated this body from right under our noses and you think this is funny???”
Vaan grumbled as he began to scowl. “You bet yer
arse I do. This guy finally screwed up. Ye said it yerself this body had one
eye at least three hours ago. That’s a time frame we can work with. “ Staziak was
slow to react and he found himself nodding even though for a reason he couldn’t
yet explain he didn’t fully agree. “Whether this was an inside job from someone
that works here or the b*****d is daring enough to try and sneak in and pull
this s**t there will be security footage. If someone didn’t belong then there
will be witnesses. Someone will have seen something in the past three hours. Silver
arched his brow. “Ye don’t sound very certain of yerself when ye say that.” “Unfortunately
I’m not. My gut tells me that something isn’t right. The Perp was willing to
risk being seen just to make sure he left his calling card? He has never left a
finger print, or any form of DNA on the premises at any crime scene. He is
meticulous. He did this to taunt us. The new smiley face feature tells me that
much.” Silver
rolled his eyes at Staziak before turning to Dr Vaan. “How bout ye fill us in
on what ye learned from the injuries on the body and then show us the security
tapes before one of us starts to believe were chasing the unholy ghost and the
other is forced to destroy his superstitious views with lots of sarcasm.” “How do we
even know that this person is not still in the building?” Dr Vaan interjected. “He wouldn’t
stick around here. We do know a little about this guy. It’s not his style.”
Silver said confidently. Dr Vaan
adjusted his glasses and lab coat. He changed his gloves as if he was worried
that somewhere in the confusion of learning that a murderer had been sneaking
around behind his back he might have missed a step in protocol. “Ok. So based on what we could gather from
remnants of pre digested food, Genetic markers and.. sorry Silver yes I am
prattling. What we have is a Hispanic male, he is likely sixteen years of age
based on his physiology.” The doctor paused and opened his folder as he skimmed
his notes. “And now we
have the fun stuff. His dental records are made more difficult to gather with
at least nine of the victims teeth shattered along the left side of his upper
and lower mandible. His lower mandible also sustained a nasty fracture from a
powerful bludgeoning strike. Had he lived he would have likely been deaf in his
left ear from the impact.” “So what
kind of weapon was used? Did Mr Perp kill him with the lead pipe in the
driveway?” Silver interrupted with a prize winning grin. “What you guys never
heard of Clue?” Staziak said
nothing. The doctor paused but was obviously not amused by the joke. “No Mr
Dupre. That’s the bizarre part I was about to cover if you can remain quiet
long enough to hear it.” Staziak shot
Silver a glance indicating he wasn’t in the mood then he turned to Vaan. “Don’t
worry about him doc. I’m listening to you. So thrill me.” Vaan continued. “I couldn’t tell you what kind
of weapon was used. It was bigger than a lead pipe or a baseball bat. The
circumference was large enough to cover above the victims temple all the way to
the lower mandible or as Mr Dupre might say it in his terms the lower jaw
bone.” Dr Vaan
flipped through a few pages and withdrew some pictures taken at the crime
scene. “What is most concerning here is the Attacker did not by standard
definition beat his victim to death in the driveway by bludgeoning him numerous
times. It appears these injuries occurred in no more than two or three hits.” “That’s not
so odd. With the right weapon and enough strength aimed at the right spot two
or three hits could easily be enough to cause these injuries. ” Staziak
replied. “No the
injuries to the head appear to have been made In one hit. The Attacker struck
his victim in the head. He then struck him in the chest breaking three ribs and
partially cracking two more. It also appears this was the hit that dislocated
his shoulder and fractured his collar bone.” “So yer
sayin what were lookin for here is a big guy who’s pretty strong and likes to
swing heavy objects at people? Fair enough.”Silver said. “Not just
big. The attacker would have to be quite the athlete to manage this. The strength
behind these hits would have to be immense to cause the injuries as there are
no signs of degenerative bone issues with the victim. The injuries also
indicate the attacker was taller than the victim. He struck him at an angle
that suggests he is perhaps 6 foot five in height and as irrational as it
sounds that may be a conservative figure. Its hard to say conclusively but he
is certainly not the average.” “So yer saying we’re lookin for a body builder
that’s around 6 foot five to seven feet tall?” Silver whipped out some more
gum. It was obvious he’d rather go back to his old smoking habits right about
now. “Conceivably
the attacker could have been shorter or of equal height to the victim. It’s
possible he leaped at him and struck him in mid air although the velocity and
angle to cause these injuries suggest more likely that the attacker was running
at him when he hit him. In either case without more information his height is
debatable. However make no mistake. He is extremely strong, dangerously so.” “Nothin I
haven’t seen before doc. Meth heads do some amazing feats of strength.
Psychotics don’t even need drugs to pull off s**t like this when there in the
zone. “ Silver added. Vaan smiled.
“Well from his track record there is nothing to suggest that were looking for a
sane man.” “You said
three hits. What other injuries did he sustain?” Staziak asked in a distant
voice as he attempted to take all this in. His mind was trying to piece
together something from all this new information. Vaan flipped to the next section of his
notes.“Yes hit number three. This was when the victim sustained the stab
wounds. He was stabbed on his left side with an unknown weapon. The previous
victims appeared to be cut with a blade with a hook like shape to it. This time
there was no set pattern. The attacker may as well have cut his victim tore him
open with his bare hands. He sustained damage to the left kidney and small
intestines from this injury.” The doctor
flipped the page once more before continuing. “He was also stabbed in the chest
with smaller stab wounds that appear more like the ones in previous cases.
Lastly he sustained three stab wounds on the right side of his head which with
the most probability occurred when the killer went to cut out the victim’s
right eye. Perhaps the victim wasn’t remaining still enough?” “Was that a
joke at the end there doc?” Silver asked. “A meager
attempt at one yes but in some situations it’s the only way to deal with some
things and continue onward.” Vaan replied. “I couldn’t
agree with ye more.” Staziak was
silent for a moment. He appeared troubled as his mind continued to whirl. He
had been hit by one more curve ball but had also found some puzzle pieces he
might be able to use. “Ok Doc. Let’s go see if we can spot a big muscular brute
skulking around the morgue on the security tapes at some point in the last
three hours. Silver I want you to go around and find out who was in the
building during that time frame. Workers, visitors, I want a list ASAP. Also
ask anyone and everyone if they saw anyone out of place, someone big, muscular
or just plain creepy. Lets see if anyone stood out.” Silver
chomped on his gum as he looked Staziak over as if he was analyzing him.
Staziak figured Silver was thinking over some questions of his own that he
didn’t choose to voice at this time. “Yes boss is
there anything else ye be needin of me while I’m at yer disposal?” Without
waiting for an answer Silver left the room and headed for the front desk to
start his search. “You two are
quite the opposites aren’t you?” Dr Vaan observed. “We usually
work better together then most people would think.” Staziak replied matter of
factly. “Perhaps
it’s just an off day then.” Dr Vaan said as he gathered his notes back into the
folder and placed the body back in its freezer. “Something
about this case has been eating me. I guess I’m usually the calm logical one
but this time I’m starting to feel a bit out of my element. The curve balls
keep coming.” Staziak paused. Dr Vaan
smiled reassuringly. “I’m sure the mysteries will reveal themselves in time Mr
Staziak. They usually do.
© 2013 Outcast031 |
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Added on April 11, 2013Last Updated on April 11, 2013 Author![]() Outcast031Las Vegas, NVAbout31 year old aspiring writer who suffers from moderate Narcolepsy. If you got a question in regards to Horror movies or writing I'm your man. more..Writing