I. Just like old pictures and love letters being thrown into a fire
My memories are the fuel that burns my soul
The cold heart with a raging inferno inside
Why am I dead to the person I once was?
( My old self )
I am not the person you knew anymore
And I never will be ever again
I've never loved myself more than I do now
Only because I know I'll never be able to love anyone else again
I enjoy "HAPPINESS" my own way
Just because my life lacks it, does not mean that I am dead . . .
II. Sleep is the blanket I use to cover my mind
Hopeless dreams are the bandages I use to protect my heart
Memories and lies, guilt and hatred, the fuel I use to burn
To crush and destroy, the very things that move my soul
You are what I use to fill this gaping hole
So why are you still twisting the knife?
III. I am far from being an optimist
Hell, I'm far from being
To know it's my own thoughts eating me away
Just makes the medicine that much harder to swallow
They have no idea what they do to me
I have no idea what I do to me . . .
Even if you only thought of me only half as much as I think of you
It would still be all the time!!!
So far the memories have been my best and only friends
But also my worst enemy's, as the past haunts and confronts me
And all the lies I swallow to put myself to sleep
Saying someday love will come to me like a dream come true
And all the women of my dreams
And their fading faces as the alarm clock goes off
I wish I could just hold my breath, count to ten
And fall asleep forever ( Sleep is the blanket . . . )
Happiness comes with sorrow, as life comes with death
This is all I can live for now
To live, to experience, to remember
I just with there was no regret
I just wish I could forget . . .