UTS: Expedition Begins!

UTS: Expedition Begins!

A Story by Osvaldo Saldana

More is added everyday. :) Hopefully! :)

Tsukachi hears the alarm blaring throughout the complex. "Guess its time."
Tsukachi sprints down the corridors, then stops as he sees Ericka and Chris. "Come on, lets get going!" Tsukachi picks Ericka up and drops her off at the wormhole room , and turns to head down the the armory to pick up his pack but, sees his tigress carrying the pack into the room. "Good girl! Thanks!' Tsukachi pats his tigress on the head, then pauses and looks around really quick. "Any one forget anything? I can go get it real quick?"
Ericka and Chris were onlying walking. It would be the last time there would be any peace,(although everyone was running around getting ready for the launch). Chris was going to to tell Ericka something when Tsukachi appeared in front of them and said," Come on, lets get going!" and disappeared with

Ericka. Chris stopped speechless." Wha.................
............Grr, he is getting on my nerves never stopping for one minute, always rushing everyone............sigh, But I guess that happens with people with super speed, huh Shadow?" Shadow grunted in agreement. People were running around them, running into them." Shadow go to the the wormhole room, I need to see something, and no you're not coming. See you there." Shadow took off knowing he wouldn't win if he tried. Chris jumped over everyone and sped toward a wall and jumped onto it and started to run on it going to Gabe's office. I hope I can look at everyone's files, without getting into trouble and having to explain it to a guard outside the office. Chris reach the hall where the office was, no one was around nor was there anyone at the door. Chris slid through the door and started looking at the files, scanning everyone's read only the powers and the names. He stopped at Ed's and looked at what happened to him. " Now I feel sorry. And to think he could've killed me and didn't. The time !!!" Chris closed the file and put everything back into place and ran back to the wormhole. " I hope not alot of time passed." Chris got there and saw Shadow standing in the shadows, Ericka standing there, Jessie, and Gabe. So I didn't take that much time. Chris went over to the shadows to stand by Shadow.

Andy watched as Gabe left and finished putting 1,000 pounds on the bench press. He layed down on the bench and thought about the mission. He grabbed the bar and lifted it up and off the rack. He did 50 reps when the alarm went off through the facility. He lifted the bar back on the rack and stood up drenched in sweat. Andy grabbed a towel and wiped his face, ducking as he walked out of the door. He stared at the door into the portal room. "It's game time..." He walked into the portal room and stood next to Gabe towering over everyone in the room. I still can't get over how awkward I feel being this tall. He looked down at Ericka, Jessie, and Gabe. He smiled then looked to his left seeing Chris and some other guy. He smelled the air and Chris seemed somewhat anxious and he knew it wasn't the mission. Andy disregarded it and walked up to the portal and studied it thinking of the otherside.

Tiffany had managed to find a few weapons and armour, in the armory(after the others had finished their fussing aorund).
She picked up a small knife with a horrible looking handle, studied it for a second, then put it back in its case and put it down. She wanted something big..all these little weapons, nun-chuckers, spears, small swoards, they weren't for her...She walked around, and found herself softly humming..Maybe I wont take any weapons... Her thoughts were interupted by a loud, alarm sounding noise.
It took a few second for her to figure out, but she finaly realized what the alarm was for..
Oh, we're leaving..or they are any way..
She quickly grabbed a bunch of leather armour and fitted the arm bands on, the body piece, and leg guards. Pulled some gloves on, and hopped around trying to pull her knee length boots on..
She then dashed out the door..Shoot!, a weapon!..
She spun around and ran back into the room, her eyes found a rather large stick that looked effective.
She picked it up and ran out of the room, charging down the corridors, untill she came to the wormhole room. She stopped outside of the door, untill she caught her breath. SHe could hear the others talking inside.

Gabriel watched as the team slowly assembled.."Andy, Tsu...Ericka,Chris...3 to go...",Gabe turned and walked back to the main console and went through the check list once more, a moment later he was commed over a secure link..."Lieutenant?"...
"We have a problem Sir"...
"Now what?"
"Theres been a break in at your office Sir..."
"I see,is it who I thought?"
"Yes Sir"
"Then for now leave it..."
"Yes Sir"
Gabe switched off the com,and turned towards the team again, he sized them all up one, by one....and he let his eyes rest on Chris a moment longer than the rest...then motioned Andy over to him..."Keep an eye on Chris will you, I have a feeling he might be up to something...and the same goes for Ed, hes always up to something...Now, what is taking every one else so long to get here?..."
10minutes to portal initiation...

Tsukachi glanced around the room. "I guess no ones missing anything then..." Tsukachi swiftly pulls a water bottle from his pack and takes a sip before putting it back, and glancing around again. Tsukachi walks up and down the walkway leading to he wormhole, several times. "Anyone else feeling a little impatient? Or am I just anxious to get out into open air?"

Ericka grinned a little at Tsu. "I know I am." Then something struck her. She hadn't seen her monkey, at all yet. They all stared at her, and her panicked face. She went completely white, her blood went cold. "My monkey!" She suddenly screamed. Everything, and everyone suddenly blurred. "Ericka, it's okay, he's here." someone said. she couldn't tell who, but her vision went back to normal, and when she looked up, Andy was right in front of her, he was probably the one to say it. "But... whe-" She said, as her monkey jumped on her shoulder. She giggled. "I don't know, where could he be?" Andy said, sarcastically. She wanted to glare, but at that moment, she was too happy to. She grinned, stretched. She was prepared for the wormhole, that she knew. She looked around, then grinned a little more. If she were to go, she would definately go with these people. Then she realised something. Tiff wasn't there, and neither was Jessie. And she thought Ed would be here right now.

Chris leaned against the wall. His face was covered in the shadows, so no one could tell that he had his eyes closed. Shadow was at his feet resting, being calm, for him and for any wolf. His sword the Masumune, was leaning against the wall next to him. A 7 foot sword. Pure steel, sharp, and a heavy weight for anyone except Chris. He didn't know why but it was light in his hands, he could throw it like a small pebble, swing it like a small knife, and move quickly with it. Chris stopped to think; someone was watching him. Studying him. Chris knew the first was Gabe, and now..........Andy. So I'm being watched like Ed, huh? So be it, I am not doing anything to harm the mission so......... His thoughts trailed off. He fell asleep, knowing that no one would be getting any sleep once they got there, the fighting would begin.....

Jessie looked at Ericka and remembered something "While we're on the subject of pets, where's Tank?" Just then Jessie saw a large mass coming towards him "Hey buddy" Jessie looked at Gabe "So, did you give them any special training or anything?"

Chris opened his eyes and walked over to the door. " Yes someone is out there." Chris opened the door and scared a blonde headed girl. The last time Chris saw her she was wounded. But she looked better, nervous and out of breath, but better. "Come in and join your friends, the last time you will talk without being ordered or being reassured. So come in Tiffany." She stood there stunned. Then came to her senses and walked over to her friends. Chris walked back over to the shadowed wall and leaned against once more. " Only one to go now." He said under his breath.

Gabriel stood there for a moment, wondering whether he was once more in the non-ending feverish dream he had been in all those months ago, then decided against it, for in that everyone was dead, and here was yet another of his old companions, and she was alive..."How can this be...?"
Gabriel shook his head and moved into the shadow of an overhanging platform, and out of the light...he needed a moment to think..."How can she be alive...but how can any of the others be alive...but they are...", He stared at her, compared her to his memories of her, studied her..."How shes changed...but that happens over a few years...you fool..."He hammered his head on the post and watched for a moment as everyone greeted her...then slowly stepped out...
Gabriel smiled..."Hello Tiff..."

Ed liked this it was fun, he would enjoy what he was going to do next better though. He was standing it the shadows but no one noticed. Using his powers he was able to bend light around him, so none of it was refracting into people eyes putting that in normal terms he was invisible. He had stuck into the room a while back he wanted to see the whole team being assembled without them knowing, to see what they were like when he was not around. They were all so so….. He couldn’t put his finger on it. He would call them weak but he’d be a fool to underestimate them. Even more so with those he didn’t know. Ed watched Gabe as Tiff walked through the door, the look on his face was priceless. The look of surprise and confusion combine with the glint ohappiness was good. He watched as Gabe moved into the shadows next to him. Ed gave a sly smile. The fool needed f to get his thoughts in order. As Gabe stepped forward and greeted her with a mumbled voice. He stepped out of the shadows and made himself visible.
My my Gabe you sure havent changed have you and Tiff I hope you know how punch properly now or it will get boring he smiled coldly before turning on his heel and continued talking as he walked over to the inactive portal .
Well then lets get this ball rolling shall we, I want to kill something his voice was a happy tone that did not quite match his world. He said it seriously.

Tsukachi watched Ed as he walked up to the portal. Oh, how much I'd love to throw him through a wall right now... It'd be so easy, and he wouldnt even see it coming... But Gabe... Tsukachi glances at Gabe a moment then back to Ed. I could always just throw him to one of those lizard's Andy talked about... Tsukachi slowly fades out of everyones vision. Once invisible he rests his hands on the hilts of his swords and meanders around the room, not making a sound.

Chris slowly opened his eyes. " So everyone is here." Chris sighed and bent down to his backpack, and opened it. He pulled out a arm guard, and a black robe. He put the arm guard on his right arm and then looked at the robes. "This will be worn during the night time, I would then blend into the darkness, more of my style, hm." Chris put the robes away, then shouldered his backpack and grabbed his sword, and walked out of the shadows and over to the portal. Chris held the sword right by his arm, so the sword was sticking out, above Chris. He stopped by Ed and spoke above everyone, which wasn't hard since Ed had just walked out. " I agree with Ed, the training has gotten me fired up." Shadow howled in agreement

Gabriel watched as the last minute count down began...he reached down and lifted Jynx on to his shoulder..."You ready to go bud?...alright soldiers...prepare to get everything over..."Gabriel said turning to the thirty armed soldiers who were lifting the extra rations ammo, and com equipment for the main site they would be setting up...he then turned to the away team..."Ten..."

"Alright everyone..."
"I hope you have all prepared everything.."
"Because once we are through...theres no coming back..."
"Three...two...one...portal initiation..."
Gabriel braced himself as the wormhole opened...then turned to everyone one last time..."Good luck..."He said, then turned and jumped into the wormhole...the other followed, as well as the soldiers and meds...

Gabriels last thought before blacking out was as such...
"And so it begins..."

Part 1.

© 2009 Osvaldo Saldana

Author's Note

Osvaldo Saldana
Ignore the grammer and spelling errors xD.

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Added on November 18, 2009


Osvaldo Saldana
Osvaldo Saldana

Houston, TX

I mainly like to make love poetry. Hope fully you like them a lot :]] Much like others i am a 15 years old. :) I like to write soo many poems depicting about love and misfortune. I also like to wri.. more..
