Its cloudy tonight
I can't see the stars
That makes me sad
Seeing the stars would have been nice
Just sit outside
But its too cold also
So I wouldn't have been able to sit outside.
I miss the summer
Where you could just go outside
And stare at the stars.
I want to go to someplace far away
From the hustle and bustle of the city and towns
Where you can still see all the stars
Alaska maybe
Or someplace north
I just want to see those stars
To lay down on the ground
And stare at the dark void above me
Filled with those small twinkling lights
But its cloudy tonight
And the stars aren't out
So I'm sad.
Its how I've been for a while.
Maybe just one more look at the stars
I bet I'll see a shooting star.
I'll be sure to make a wish
That you all are happy at the time
With nothing bad
Going on
So unlike me.