![]() MY FIRST TIMEA Story by Joan Thomas![]() TRUE STORY![]()
I was 18 yrs old. I was living at my sisters house, with her husband and two children, cheryl and jennifer. I had already graduated high school, it was november 1984, and had been attending "The American Musical and Dramatic Acadamy of Performing Arts" 74th and Broadway, right across the street from the Beacon Theatre, and I loved it!!
My day would start with a wake up at around 4:30 am, and head to the train station at about 5:30am, it was cold, i remember that much. I would be at my class by 6:45am. The first class was dance, jazz. I was piss a*s broke, I cut hair P/T, depended on tips, did not have a following, and that was my only income. Most of my money went on railorad money and dance gear. I could not even afford a cup of NYC coffee, i swear. The dance studio was freezing cold. And there am I, in my tights, 80's legwarmers, capezios, and the HI CUT BODY SUIT that made your legs look long and sexy, which mine are not, they are thick strong and muscular, like a thourougbred horse, and I have always hated that.
Back to the point of the story. One day we were practicing "lifts". It is seen in every Broadway show, and it involves much strength and trust. You must cross your arms over your chest and just FALL BACK. Fall back stiff as a board, and pray your spotters catch you. There are six, two behind the knee's, two above the hips, two below the shoulder blades. You drop they catch and lift. MY God what a joy!!!!! How thrilling to drop and be caught and hoisted high into the air and spun around!! Then to be let down gently and spin into a pirouette, to your favorite Broadway jazz tune. After several successful drops and and lifts and spins, well lets just say I could not "come down". I know it sounds goofy, but I kept the most geeky smile on my face all day long, it is a feeling that is hard to explain but I will try. I guess it is like jumping from a plane, or the freedom of a drop in a roller coaster, it felt just like that. Plus don't forget the whole "trust" issue, to drop, scared to death your head is going to slam on the ground cuz your thighs are too thick, my chest size is a 36 double d, I am no twig, and the boys were very sweet and feminine, and I know they found no pleasure in catching me. Now if it had been Bruno or Butch, bet those handes would have missed the hips and caught and lifted the poor boy by his buttocks, so let me say I am greatful all my parts are still in tact. There is a reason for me explaining this, and it leads to my astral projection story.
In my vast an many experiences, I have found this to be true. You may not astral project, unless you are 100% clear in your mind. How do you get that way, besides meditation? Happiness, and damn I was happy that day. You need to have a clear mind, it also helps to sleep on your back, so you may rise up. The only way I could ever leave my body, is only if I am laying on back palms up, and completely exhausted, free and clear mentally. That day, believe me ..I was exhausted. Up at 4:30am, literally running to catch the railroad. Get out in NYC run to catch the subway. Freeze my a*s off as I try to warm up for dance, then dance all day long, and run to the subway, back to the railroad, home, to work and then to bed to do it again tomorrow. Yup, I was exhausted.
I fell into the sofa. My brother in law had build ( for the life of me I will never know why ) a coal burning sort of fireplace. In retrospect it was very nice, it burned sapphire blue. The heat was amazing, and the glistening, sprarkling coals were quite pleasureable to fall asleep too. They too, danced. I loved it. Soooo, I lay on the sofa, on my back, head turned, watching the coals jump and dance and burn a beatiful orange and sapphire blue. Slowly I doze, breathing deep and sound.
I start to dream, and the dream is odd. (Did you expect anything else?). I am at the front of a railroad train, I mean at the very front as it is speeding. (Like Leo Dicaprio, during his I am kind of the world speech, JUST LIKE THAT). I can hear a whipping sound loud loud loud. I started ascending out of the train, into the clear sky. As this is happening, I remembered everything I ever read about astral projection, from the age of 7 on. Ok Joan, don't be scared, go with it. Now mind you, I am on the couch, above me is my bedroom, then outside. When you are astral, you are not thinking about how many rooms are in your home. I feel myself go through a surface, and I can actually feel the different textures as I "push through", amazing, like a dream, but not.
I look around through my astral eyes for outside, cannot understand for the life of me, why I am not outside yet, I forgot I fell alseep on the couch. Had I fallen asleep in my bed, I would have been outside already. ( this is my validation for later, that this is real - I ALWAYS NEED VALIDATION, I AM A SKEPTIC AND A VIRGO/SCORPIO RISING, if you know anything about astroligcal signs this will mean something to you.) I feel myself push through another surface, not understanding till later that it is the roof of the house. When you are astral all you have to do is "think it' and you are there. So where better to go than my best friend Rose's house, about 25 blocks away, literally a two minute car drive. I see her cat bowls, one w/food, one with water. I can feel the warmth of her house. I forgot to mention I looked at the clock above the TV as I was leaving, it was about 1:15am, this counts later too. I am in Rose's house, just by thinking of her. I see her Mom's shoes in front of the pantry door in the kitchen area, across from the cat bowls. I proceed to her bedroom, where her and her sister Silvana share a bedroom. I start to push through, I am not afraid. I know there is a silver cord attached from my physical body to my astral body. It is unbreakable. If it were to break, I would die. I know this is true, it says so in every single book I have read on this subject matter, and I have read every single book in the Elmont Public Libray, not one left to read, I read them all. Just as I approach the door, I am back in my body!!!!!!!!!! I am not happy to be back. There is no feeling like this in the world. I was astral and free in the dark night sky floating, light as air and see thru too. I could not see myself, it was wonderful!! I slam back into my body!! A crash landing you might say, this, I think to myself, needs work. Bam!!!! I am wide awake, and aware that I have not slept. Now how long do you think this took? About five minutes right? When I come too so to speak, it is 5 AM!! I also forgot to mention, (this was 1984, its coming back in bits and pieces, forgive me.) Before I actually left the house, I saw my sister come in and put a blanket on me, that's how come I knew what time it was when I left my body, I looked at my sister, looked at the clock. Well, hours had passed, in that five minutes. HOURS!!! I AM STUNNED, FASCINATED, THRILLED!!! There is not time, like we know time, while we are astral, traveling other worldly planes. I have read this too, but this is the first time, experiencing it "for real'. Go figure, the books were true!! I think a very large part of this, is the belief in it all. I did, and I do. Also, as I said, being physically exhausted helps, but my body was so very much at rest, in a way I normally am not. My mind was EMPTY, and for some reason, I truly believe, had I not been lifted in class, in my dance sequence, this would not happen.
This happened to me all the time, as a youngster. From the age of three on, over and over and over and over. Young minds are free, empty canvases, as we get older are minds begin to fill with clutter, with our annoying voices, that can do more harm than anyone else ever could. This cannot be if one wishes to go astral. You absolutely need to be free and clear - I cannot emphasize this enough.
When I came too, I was actually store. Astral Projection, is like being dead. I woke freezing cold. I blame that on the almost non-existant heartbeat, during it all. Another way to practice, for those of you bold enough to try. Slow your breathing, still your mind. I promise if someone took my pulse while I was gone, it wasn't there. I also crashlanded back, I swear it hurt. I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE WOKEN SO WIDE AWAKE. I see my sister coming to get me up for school. I said "did you cover me with the white blanket at about 1:15am?". "Yes" she replies, "but how did you know? You were sleeping." I tell her, "you wouldn't believe me"
Here's the kicker. Rose calls me later that afternoon:
"Joan, I swear you were in my room last night, but that can't be right?". I say to her, "what is near your pantry door, in the kitchen, opposite of the back door leading to outside?, please
© 2008 Joan ThomasAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on February 8, 2008 Last Updated on February 8, 2008 Author![]() Joan ThomasN. Adams, MAAbouthappy 2011 it has been two yrs since i have logged on, and have not written a thing since, guess you can call it writers block, sure would like to be able to get the "writers feel" back. It has been .. more..Writing