Chapter Three: Females are a pain in the a*s but you gotta love them

Chapter Three: Females are a pain in the a*s but you gotta love them

A Chapter by OokamiTenshi

Okay I'm a guy and all guys can agree on the fact that weather wemon accept it or not they can be a pain in the a*s sometimes but we love them regardless...don't worry ladies I'm about to dowse the men too.


Welcome to Chapter Three: Females are a pain in the a*s but you gotta love them


now if your a girl reading this please don't take it to offence and remember I'm about to get the boys down too so your not getting picked on....anyways so after my mothers death things were diffrent for everyone except me I still was the same acting as if nothing had happend and almost as if I didn't care she was gone I went on to high school were I met many girls most of which would not last longer than a week or two my first girlfriend in high school was a punk seriouse emo major goth girl not too pretty and bad with drugs and other problems.

I was introduced by a close friend and thinking it may help to ease my beasts growth I accepted her invitation she didn't ask for much she never kissed me we hugged maby twice she asked me to call I did only once it ended with her leaving me to be a lesbian....yeah not the best first girl for a girlfriend in highschool then I moved on quickly to a new girl cloey snider very sweet adorable face not the best in shape but acceptable she was the first to kiss me and suprisingly she loved to kiss me she didn't ask for anything more than atention intill close to valintines day when she asked me to sleep with her to take her verginity.

I was young and wasn't ready knew I didn't want her to be my first to take or give up mine to so I broke up with her on valintines day.....OOOooh I know bad time horrable guy major a*****e....yet I never herd a word of hate from her she simply left and I moved on never being much of an interactive guy at dances I did my normal sit in the courner or watch from above when suddenly I was dragged out on the dance floor by four girls most I knew it was here when I met Courtney Corbin....or The fisty fox as I used to call her back then.

let's just say for a guy who had not dancing experiance I shook it good enough to grab her attention and have her danceing with me all night the next day I relised we both took the same foods class so I asked her out expecting her to ither have a boyfriend or say no my shocking suprise she accepted this is a girl that you take one look and you'd drop to your knees beg please and litterly do tricks to impress her so you can understand that I was so damn shocked she actually said yes to a guy like me.

anyways I was so damn shocked and scaired that I never touched her I held her hand the first day that was it after that I just talked to her on the phone a week or two later she called and broke it off with me later I found she was advised by her counciler that she should break up with me she never took me back after countless attempts yet we to this day are friends but will never be anything more.

so that was a b***h but after her I would meet the one that changed my life for all time Annamarie lynn shuler the girl who showed me that my love does exist that my beast can be tamed and also the girl who lasted the longest as a love partner intill reciently however anna was  not only my greatist high but my greatist fall as well she was the one I gave my virginity too the one I gave my every waking day to however I was controled more by my lust than my love.

for six months we lasted on and off for awhile however the worst was to come near the end of it we were still talking at that time and I had hopes of repairing the relationship back to it's orrigonal way however there was a number of problems which would come to make my situation a hell on earth begining with one letter a friend who worked with her found while he was working at the same market the note was a letter stating how much she enjoyed kisses another employee believing this was possably a fake I gave it to my friend zach who varifide that it was her handwriting when she came down she knew from my eyes that I had found out as I asked who the person was.

She kept her distance for awhile intill lunch still hurt yet more occupide on staying with her I simply gave her the note and she ripped it up later that night I spoke with her on the phone where she admitted it but for my love being so great for her I gave all the blame to the other employee since he knew anna and I were together and yet he had no honor to show obviousely later on after a while she took another break except this time was proven the most painfull and most dangourse.

now as you can imagin holding so much hate within your body for over 8 years you must have a hell of a demon in you one more deadly than any common tough guy in highschool well despretly trieng to get her to come back she was apparently seeing a new guy named keath who was 23 with 3 kids this was completely unacceptable a 17 year old girl with a 23 year old guy who had 3 kids I greatly dissagreed her parents had aready interfered about it but it wasn't going to stop her I asked her the night before "the insodent" to not skip school to see him especially when she was one who hated it when I skipped.

she promised not to but whouldn't you know it that morning her sister came to me and said you better catch her... I found her in the parkinglot about to approach a car I knew it was his I stopped her and asked what was she doing she promised not to as much as I begged and pleaded she wouldn't listen and I knew it so I simply asked she be carefull not more than 5 seconds had they left my sight when a rush came over me a complete loss of control as I knelt everything turned red in my eyes and my heart began to race franticly .

I had never experianced it before it was like I had become a monster as I despretly tried to find the two firends nearist to my first noone got in my way as doors slammed with a simple push from my hand I caught my two friend who tried to calm me down with no success I walked into first period and the teacher took one look and sat me down next to her as I sat explaining what happend she was worried I was gonna have a heart attack because my heart was beating so fast and hard.

the entire class was silent as she took 3/4ths of the time to try and calm me down with no success when I finnally took my seat my friend in front of me as many did claimed I had the look of  a killer just waiting for someone to piss him off one that would kill ofr the sheer pleasure of it I knew at this point this was the beast showing itself my friend took a look in my eyes and said that they were completely black and had absolutly no color in them on my way home my father said the same thing it wasn't for two days later I finnaly calmed down.

then good news came to me while I was visiting a good friend of mine that keath was in the hospital apparently while she was at work he was waiting to pick her up and run off as always however this time anna's father and uncle were waiting they beat him close to death and he never came back however after that anna's father who normally didn't attend church was seen every sunday my guess was asking for forgiveness it was then that I relised her father and I shared that common attribute of " the killer instingt" a horrable instingt that takes hold and only grows harder to control as you age.

if you can't figure it out by the name it's simply an instingt that takes hold and makes you fight to the death normally it's the death of the person your fighting because it's a rare and most deadly instingt the type found in common murders is nothing comparied to the killer instigt it's the type that has no motive it starts and dosne't stop inless you know it's weakness knowing I had this I began searching for what calmed me down the most and I found that if I get a female that I care for to hold me for excatly 21 heartbeats that is the weakness which stops the beast.

but anyways so anna and I stayed close but disstant then ERIC showed up a mistaked meeting from her sister who was dating erics friend at the time and didn't figure that anna and he would hit it off found out that they did and they've been together ever since for two years of my life I faught for her to come back I nearly killed eric Isuffered and grew in anger and hate and my beast grew to unimaginable proportion so much that if ever taken out of check would be a dangore to society itself as a leathal killing machine with no motive just killing for pleasure.

she gave me life and took it away..... b***h.... yet I never could hate her enough to hold anything aginst her although while we were together she was known to be cheating on me. 

then came sara sara was fresh punk girl yet sweet but had a mean side that enjoyed the suffering of others like myself I asked her she agreed and we dated we bacame lovers she was loyal and then she left later she dated my best friend and slept with him right infront of me while my friend was just trying to get her to come back to me and all she had to say to me that night was "I'm sorry" to this day my best friend holds himself in contempt for what happend that night and is completely at my service as pay for what happened eventhough he had not control of the situation.

so as you can see females have shown me alot of bad things to go on their record most of which almost made me give up on love completely and thinking all wemon are the same and completely loose all my respect for them....BUT...luckily I found one after a year of lonelyness has changed that my dearist angel Sammy the love that has provved my love exists and that true love is possable but you have to suffer before you can recieve and I mean you have to go through a literal hell on earth before you show your worthy of finding real love.

well that concludes Chapter Three join me for Chapter Four : A******s dickweeds and Men

© 2009 OokamiTenshi

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well, for this one, my friend, i would say, congrats that you simply held that fire in, because the rage, the instinct, if you had have unleashed it, it is, not impossible, but improbable, but still possible, that a mushroom cloud would have been spewing up from that parking lot. *haha*. but in seriousness... when i read that the father and uncle had torn the f**k out of him i said real loud "oh s**t". what a deadly tale to tell, such changes and difference, yet i can only offer my review for this piece, this tale of love, tragedy, and untimate f*****g up a 23 year old that should have died... did he die btw?

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 17, 2009



Sylva, NC

Hello my name is Jesse I'm 18 years old and I enjoy art and writing as well as rock music and horror movies I hope to have a job in animation or illistration I'm a good guy with a big heart and with .. more..
