![]() Chapter One: The Truth Behind The LiesA Chapter by OokamiTenshi![]() Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the first chapter of The Experiance and Knolege of OokamiTenshi in this first Chapter I will be speaking about my knolege and experiances with the subject of religon and "GOD" please do NOT Judge me or my writing if it offe![]() Chapter One: THE TRUTH BEHIND THE LIES
God.... who is he truly? a savior of the human race? a light to lead your way through life? a leader to get you through your day? or is he a manifestation of your mind placed by generations of liers bent on control each one pressing him deeper in your heads making you believe he has the power like noother an invencable being who rules a magical and mysteriouse kingdom called heaven?, yes when I was young I was taught in the cristian faith and like many upheld his name and practices. However there came a day of relisation after years of service to him that God was not as he was said to be a being of great love and compation who gave forgivenss to all sinners which according to all religous leaders is the intire human race born of sin yet survives because of gods sacrafice when I came to this relisation many factors came to show his judgement was almost unescapable, yet it was this time in my youth that I began to question RELIGON AND GOD and therefore began searching for the truth behind the lies. In religouse practice all follow one same rule to love and honor god yet all of the religons are divided...Why? because of man and his opinions of worship or belief when one questions this they find very easily that every religon worships the same one being and should put their petty diffrences aside and worship in harmony however they do not infact every diffrent religon has a diffrent set of rules to obay things that are allowed and things that are not. this was when I relised the truth that religon is simply a group created by men founded by men and ruled by men this is not what true religon is meant to be the orrigonal thought of religon as far as if god existed was to be a utopian society of diffrent individuals with diffrent opinions worshiping one way to the one being and not letting there thoughts and opinions of how it should be done rule their judgement of it, now as far as it gose obviousely god hasn't done anything to make it the way it should be. that's mark one on him being a bullshit excuse of existance and more to being a control of people.
Secondly which gave me the most trouble of taking in yet through much questioning it prooved it's truth that GOD is said to be all powerfull could strike down anyone at anytime he cares for his creation and wants to fill your life with happyness and joy if you let him in your heart yet if he's all forgiving and loves all his creation why whould he strike down anyone inless they're time is up to add to it if god is all forgiving even to the worst sinner then where dose hell fit in if he forgives all HELL a pergatory for the damned and all those who are pure evil a cage of fire and pain unlike anyother this shows that Hell was created as a control to make people fear GOD and his" WRATH " fear is the ultiment control of anyone. SO mark two if hell dosen't exist then neither can heaven And RELIGON states many rules such as Judge none for god judges none and to judge is to disobey the will of god WELL let me tell you folks after 18 years I swear up and down that everyone in life judges from there first look to their first thought weather they say what it is or not it's a sin none can stop you can try all you want but it's part of the nature so yeah that means you but ofcourse if he exists then he'll forgive you for it right???....NO SIR SAIS THE PASTER so you simply keep your mouth shut and go on with life soon not even stopping to think have I judged anyone today when you judge everyone you see. Mark three Preachers pasters lie about god not approving of any judgments If need I go on I could spend a life time showing the millions of facts aginst religon and god's existance however I have more writings to do and more to tell on other subjects of life which people have not questioned or relised but before I go I have one last ultiment fact to share. Questioning god is said to be forbiddon by most if not all now to mark on you as well as religon most religons as I said judge others especially those like myself who have found the truth and don't follow you slaves of the system mostly cristians who are the domonate religous group around the world you critisize those like myself you judge and you hate us you considder us blastphamouse believers or satin worshipers those who are doomed to roam hell for eturnity. One your judgeing Two If hell dosen't exisit then niether dose Heaven and Three Why are you judging when you don't just ask why we think this way?......because you don't question you simply follow the system like slaves to a king which dosn't exist yet you gove your life in sevice for nothing in return what make you obviouse is how you automaticly judge and don't considder to question. Thank you for your time that is all for chapter ONE please continue to Chapter Two: Life's a b***h so I'm an a*****e.
© 2009 OokamiTenshi |
1 Review Added on July 17, 2009 Author![]() OokamiTenshiSylva, NCAboutHello my name is Jesse I'm 18 years old and I enjoy art and writing as well as rock music and horror movies I hope to have a job in animation or illistration I'm a good guy with a big heart and with .. more..Writing