![]() Angels and DemonsA Poem by OokamiTenshiMale and Females humans and animals we are connected by strings of humanity and primal instingt causuality is the same as fate were there is cause there is effect without cause there is no pourpouse with no pourpuse it is then considdered superfulice the same is considdered of those who are considdered "diffrent" or those who hold their animalistic side close instead of their civilized side we all have angels in us but we all also have demons it's all about choise of which you feed more your angel or your demon but nomatter what it's always the same where you follow a religon you defy the rules it's told you to keep by judging others while those like me who have no religon well we judge we know it and we know we don't have any rules not to though you may say "that dosn't mean you should" well I can say your one to talk cause every being on this hell makes automatic judgment before you even relise it or ever stop to care about what you've just said in your head I like the way I am being an animal is more satisfying than being civilized it's the ultiment true freedom with no rules no laws no restrictions and no boundries if you don't like it well you just made a judgement. © 2009 OokamiTenshi |
Added on July 8, 2009 Author![]() OokamiTenshiSylva, NCAboutHello my name is Jesse I'm 18 years old and I enjoy art and writing as well as rock music and horror movies I hope to have a job in animation or illistration I'm a good guy with a big heart and with .. more..Writing