Cresant Moon of JulyA Story by OokamiTenshiYear 2009 month Early July The Cresant moon approches and I can feel the tingling sinsation that feels like lighting through my vains as my body begins to change I can smell everything around me hear every converstaion from miles away as the night grows closer the hold on me grows stronger the cravings begin and I'm alomst at the last stage of humanities mercy as the memories of the past flow back in my head I grow in raged and begin to shake violently and I drop to the floor in a featal posistion I begin to scream out the anger is too great to control I know this is the begining of the end. bones snap and mussles spaz as the session continues getting worse with every scream of pain as all my humanity is drained and I loose control I close my eyes and whisper "god forgive me for I will sin" as my mind blanks and is filled with the only thought of blood and screams and a insationable hunger overcomes me my eyes burst open and my pupils inlage as the pigment darkens there is no life left within me just darkness everything is diffrent the color of black and white is all I see as I get a wicked smile apon my face this anger this power strength and lust....I like it. I bust throught the wall with incredable strength as I run outside my nails sharpend filed to claws and the insationable yerning for freash blood to splash apon my face with the sweet taste of it's matalic flavor runs through my mind I go in search of the first victim ohh you may think I'm not in control but I am I makeevery move and every action I've just lost all my caring and compation humans are weak and pathetic this is true their only hope for survival is the adriniline which flows through them but compaired to mine they are at a loss. Ahh yes the first one on my list A male which took my happyness away and his mate a damn w***e who betrayed me to be with him hmm only one is home verywell the other must be at work as I hide near by in the gerage port he steps out for a smoke the sheer sight of him detest me and I slightly growl with a great anger festering inside as he hears this he thinks it's a mere dog near by so he returns inside closing the sliding door as he turns and walks away I jump to the balcony with a loud crack the sight of me startles him but he then smirks and he speaks " I told you that I would beat your face in so bad no plastic surgin in the world could fix it" at this I smile with my teeth filed to points at this reaction he's shoked. I run my nails down the sliding glass door with a loud SCREEEEECH with defens his ears as he holds them for protection and closes his eyes due to the pain I dissapear when he knotices that I'm not there he goes for his shotgun only to find it in two pieces a strike of fear comes over him as he questions how his gun was broken in two and I was no where to be seen as a piece of white ceiling falls on his sholder and a drop of slobber lands on his head he looks up to me on his ceiling with a smile as I spit in his face I drop to the floor and scratch his face as his skin clings to my nails blood from his cheek begins to flow as I send an upper cut to his face knocking him backward I smash the ceiling light leaving darkness around as he gets up on his hand and knees and reaches for the lamp next to the bed he turns it on to find the room empty as he gets up to try and run I grabb his feet from under the bed and drag him under and scratch his lip and punch him in the face busting his nose and I dissappear yet agian he recovers and gose for the stairs to get to the phone only to have the lights suddenly turn out as he hears a voice from within the darkness "Your not scaired of the dark are you?" as I laugh with extreme amusement as he falls over things and runs into them tring to find the door he finnaly makes it only to find me at the enterance with a smile on my face" you wern't thinking of leaveing now were you?" he throughs a puch which I catch in my palm as I slowly begin to crush his hand" Now your just be rude!" as the pain runs through him and he drops to a knee with a scream I savor the sweet sound" if I am no king then why is it you kneel before me then as I through him out the door. He scrambles to his feet un witingly runing into the forest above his house as I walk to follow him " I scream out" SO THE HUNT BEGINS " as he runs desperly trying to find a house near by runing through thorns which cut his legs I have his sent his blood on my fingers and in the air there is nowhere he can hide as he comes to his friends house he pounds on the door as his friend opens he rushes in his friend seaching for an answer to what is going on he is too frightend to even speak he points at the door and yells out "LOCK IT DAMNIT LOCK THE DAMN DOOR!!!!" his friend does as he sais and askes what happened he grabbs his 45 out of the dresser in his bed room. my victim shacking with fear and too scaired to fullfill a sentance simply stairs at the door a loud HOWL ecos through the forest sending the intire wood in a state of fear as everything falls silent and shakes his friend with a bloodchilling feeling the door begins to shake rapidly as growls and scratches come apon the wood his friend reacts with a shot off of his 45 which puts a hole in the door as I yell inside" LITTLE S***S LITTLE S***S LET ME IN" the friend takes this to affence and unloads a clip at the door the tempature grows colder as a sight of breath appears outside the window the friend attempts to reload the gun as I bust down the door he throughs the gun to the ground and grabbs his knife. he longes at me but misses as I kick him in the back of the leg dropping him to the floor but he reacts with a swip and cuts me "RRRAWWWR" I scream as I slap the knife out of his hands and grab him by the throut and lift him high in the air and bring him close to my face showing my fangs "AND YOU YOU CLAIMED TO HAVE YOUR FOOT SO FAR DOWN MY THROUT THAT YOU WOULD CRUSH MY LUNGS FROM THE INSIDE" As I crush his throut slowly making him choak I turn him to my victim" WELL IT LOOKSA LIKE YOU UNDERESTIMATED ME!!!" and I quickly snap his neck and rip his head off as the blood splatters all over my victims face he runs for the gun with only three bullets in the clip he shoots one at my chest which knocks me down as he gets up to fire another I kick him through the doorway and get up again astonished he continues to run scaired and frantic he stupididly runs into a fallen tree knocking him uncontiouse. I tie him up and hang him by his feet on a tree branch build a fire andleave him by now my female victim will be heading home and I need her to suffer just as much if not more for her treaturary and the pain she cause me I arrive behind the house as she pulls in seeing the door open she hurries in to see if he's alright with the power off she stumbles around but finally makes it to the breakers in the kitchen just to turn them on as she feels a strike of hot breath hit her neck she slowly turns to see my fangs in a angry pose and then to see me she screams in fright "Oh my god..... Jesse how did you get in...... where is my husband....What happened to you what is wrong with your teeth and your eyes...."YOU HAVE MADE ME BECOME A MONSTER AND NOW YOU WILL SUFFER FOR THE PAIN YOU CAUSED ME!!!" At this she runs for the phone to call 911 as I smash it to bits she runs for the door but I grab her and through her over my sholder kicking and screaming I run back to my first victims location half way I pass the house of their friend whose body filled the floor woth blood his head gone she faints " FINALY SHE SHUTS UP!!" I drop her at the site as he wakes seeing her he gets defencive but it's no use he's tied up and is helpless to her as the night grows darker the beast withing gets stronger and he witnesses it's effect my mussles grow immencely and my filed nails harden to claws and my filed teeth become true fangs my eyes grow to black and yellow as I tie her up to two trees he yells for her to wake but the fright was too much she's knocked out cold. as she finnaly comes to my nails extend to three inches sharp as rasors "NOW YOU WILL SUFFER FOR THE PAIN YOU CAUSED ME TO OBTAIN SOMETHING YOU MUST SACRAFICE" "IT WAS YOU WHO ONCE TOLD ME THE ONLY WAY YOU LEARN IS BY EXPERIANCE SO YOU SHALL EXPERIANCE MY PAIN"!!! I cut his chest and the sides of his body as she screams for me to be mercyfull I ignore it all and smile with every tear that is shed from her eyes and every scream she yells then I rip out and Eye ball on his left side the emence pain it causes my victim to scream as well the sent of fear is so great it ranks the whole forest and then I rup open his belly revieling his intestines which fall out of his stomic this sight scairs the living s**t out of her as she can't scream any more from all of the screaming shes done and her eyes full of tears as I rip out his other eye all she can do is cry. "YES CRY CRY AS I HAVE CRIED FOR THE MANY YEARS OVER YOU YOU UNWORTH WINCH!!!" with smiles on my face which grow larger with every painfull moment to her and eyes filled with excitement I stab into his chest and rip out his heart which continues to beat for five minutes as he dies infront of her she cannot scream she can't even cry anymore all she can do is stare in fear and sadness I cut her bonds as she drops to the ground on her hands and kneese she clings to my leg and pulls herself up to my cheast and begins to beat it as much as she can but it's pointless her strenth is exahusted from the screams and tears she's given as I stair down at her with a plain face that turns to a smile as my fangs glimmer in the moons light. "NOW YOU KNOW A TASE OF WHAT I"VE FELT SINCE YOU LEFT ME FOR HIM YOU SAID YOU WOULD LOVE ME FOREVER AND ALWAYS" "YOU LIED AND NOW YOU"VE PAID FOR LIEING TO ME" "CALL THE COPS AS YOU MAY THEY WILL FIND NOTHING AND THEY"LL NEVER FIND A MATCH TO ME" "I LET YOU LIVE TO SUFFER AS I HAVE AND IT WILL CONTINUE WITH EVERY LOVER YOU HAVE INTILL YOU RETURN TO ME"!!! "YOU CANNOT KILL ME YOU CANNOT HIDE YOU CANNOT ESCAPE ME FOR WE ARE BOUND FOREVER AND ALWAYS!!" With that I left her lieing there crying what tears she had left and I returned home where I woke in the near by bushes with no shirt ripped pants and nothing ealse I covered the hole in the wall and slept morning came and I was awakened by a knock on the door with a cop outside I stepped out and asked can I help you officer he asked me a few questions which ofcourse I lied about they asked for some blood for a sample on a case involving my ex I cooperated when they asked about the hole in the wall I said"I'm thinking of adding a new section to my house" they believed it. ONE WEEK LATER.... The blood test came back negitive the blood on the sene of the crime was found unknown which puzzled the cops and the scientists when they did a second test the closest they found was a match to a canine which they ended up claiming it to be a animal attack closed off the press and life went on as the case was dropped under the carpet by the feds after the cops couldn't find any answers and as for me well I built the next section of the house and used it as the meat storage........................
© 2009 OokamiTenshiAuthor's Note
Added on April 4, 2009 AuthorOokamiTenshiSylva, NCAboutHello my name is Jesse I'm 18 years old and I enjoy art and writing as well as rock music and horror movies I hope to have a job in animation or illistration I'm a good guy with a big heart and with .. more..Writing