![]() 8) The Day I Met JasonA Chapter by LiveLaughLoveYes! Today we were finally going to play paintball. I had finaly figured out who was gonna be my first target. James. He hadn't done his chore so he made me do it. And now it was time for revenge. I was glad to have such a big target because I had a bad aim. But it was getting better. Either way, my uncle had owned a gun store that had also included a shooting range and he'd let me go every once in a while. I mean, how different could a real gun be from a paintball gun? When we got there people did doubletakes. Especially when they found out all three cars belonged to one group of people. No doubt they loved our cars and us. I mean we had gotten better looking after our transformations. There were only a few other good cars there. One of which was a sleek reddish- orange Monte Carlo. I don't know why, but I had a thing for old fashioned cars. Along with the Monte Carlo. There was my dream car; a Silver Cloud Rolls Royce. All of the areas were either reserved or being used so we got into one that only had one group of people. All of us had a different color so we would know who shot who. We had 30 seconds to go off into hiding before we could shoot each other. We were to get out once we got shot around five times and then only one time. We'd set off in different directions. Except for me who was following James. Hehehe. That fool would never see me coming. Once the thirty seconds passed, I shot James's a*s. Literally. "Ow!" he yelled and turned around to face me. I was laughing my a*s off. A*s. LOL. I moved out of the way as he shot a vengeful paintball at me. Still giggling I moved in the opposite direction before he could try to shoot me again. Wait. I looked back and saw a big block thingy that they put in here so we could hide behind, It looked about four feet tall and was next to one that was about maybe eight feet tall and before I had a chance to think about it. I climbed on top of them. Wow. The block was really long. Maybe about twenty feet? I crawled along the middle looking for victims. First one I saw was Lila. She was crouched down in hiding. And I looked around her and saw Tania who was aiming at her. Fisrt one I shot was Lila who got up and looked around for the shooter, shot Tania who had shot her right after I did. And then Tania started full out sprinting for cover. I tried to shoot her but it was gettting harder, so I decided to aim ahead of her and wait and Bingo! I got her. She looked to see the color and saw my signature purple. Now she was looking aroud for me with a confused look on her face because she couldn't find me. I rolled to the other side of the block and was starting to get off but I caught some movement in my perephial vision and looked to see Michael running my way but also looking back. That's why he was suprised when I shot him. He looked up at me with shock in his eyes. He got over it quickly and was gonna shoot me but was shot by Zache first who ducked behind one of those big trash cans they put on the freeway just before Michael forgot about me and shot at Zache and missed. I took my chance to escape and left running behind a big wall. I was just jogging around a while looking for others but found none so I stopped to rest. I heard movement behind me and I got ready to shootthat person still facing the other way. With one movement I turned around and shot. Whoops. Wrong person. "Hey! What the hell was that for?! I don't even know who you are and your shooting me?" "Sorry. Wait why am I saying sorry? You play the game, you play by the rules. Ow!" I said 'cause he shot me. "What the hell was that for?" "You play the game, you play by the rules." he said in a mocking tone. I glared at him and walked away. Grrr. He had upset me. And there was something off about him. Not like the regular humans. Oh and he was hot. He had gorgeous brown eyes. Brown straightish wavy hair. He was tall and was tempting. I had ran before I was tempted to stay. I couldn't control my powers very well and if I had wanted him I could have made him mine. I jogged towards the exit shooting a few people on my way. The only one who had shot me was Olivia. Well, technically I was shooting her at the same time she was shooting me and the paintballs hit each other and we both ended up with both our colors on each other. When I got out I was looking for something to do and went to the McDonalds that was inside the paintball place. I was ordering my food when someone behind me added their order to mine. I was getting ready to complain at the other person when he payed for everything including my meal before I had time to protest. I turned to see the guy I had acidentally shot and he said "Hi." "You didn't have to do that." I said and looked away from him. "Anything for a pretty lady" he replied and took our meal to a table. I followed him reluctantly and got into the chair opposite the one he was pulling out for me. I sighed. What I thought was gonna be an awsome day was suddenly taking a wrong turn. I tried to eat as fast as I could but he stated asking questions. "What's your name?'" was his first question. I said the first name that came to my head "Jennifer." "Okay. Jennifer what's your real name? And don't tell me it's Jennifer because I know your lying." he said skeptically. "What's your name?" I asked back at him. "I asked you first." "So, I asked you second and two beats one." I replied. "Guess" he said. "What's the first letter? I asked. "J. Now start guessing" So I did. Usually I was good at guessing peoples names with just there first initial. And since I had that this was gonna be easy. "Hmmm... Let me see. You look like a... Jared?" A head shake. " Napolian" I joked which earned me a glare. "Jake?" Head shake. "Jason?" A nod. "Your good at that. So now you. What's your name?" "If you didn't tell me your name, what makes you think I'm going to tell you mine? I am only going to give you the first letter which is V." "V. Okay, let me think. Veronica?" "Nope." "Victoria?" "No." "Um... I can't think of any more names with V. Give me the second letter." "I." "V-I. Vi. Vi... The only names I can think of with v-i are guy names. Give me the third letter." The third letter is O, but it's silent. so you can't hear it, So I'l give you another clue. I't's a color." "A color?" he said with a confused look on his face. He stayed silent so long with that confused look on his face that I finally broke. I sighed in exasperation, through my trash away, and told him. "Violet. My name is Violet." I walked away before he could respond and went back to the paintball arenas. Lila saw me coming and went over to me. "Why are you outside of the arena? You haven't been hit five times like me. Go back inside before someone sees you." She ushered me into the arena. Once I got in she still kept yelling at me to go and hide in whispered tones and I guessed someone heard because next thing I know, the arena's gate got spotted with red. Scarlet's color. If I had been just two inches to the right. She would have gotten me. I didn't need a second warning and set off in the opposite direction. I stopped for a while and listened for any oncommers. None. I rounded the corner and bumped right into Jason. "Hey, what's up? It looks like your trying to hide from someone." I was about to reply when I saw movement behind him and used him as my shield. At first he looked smug that I was pulling him closer to me, but then felt the paintballs hit his back. "Thanks" I whispered and kissed his cheek. And then went for cover. As I jogged away, I heard a mumbled "anytime." I ran from one guy problem to another. I had got away from Jason and landed right in another guys arms. Oh, great. I looked up and saw Michael. Well at least it wasn't James. He gave me a wicked smile that I returned. I kneed him in the balls and ran as fast as I could. I didn't make it far. Even though I had kneed him pretty hard, he had superspeed and could teleport. He tackled me and I landed on my arm which started to hurt like hell. "Ow! You assshole! I think you broke my arm!" I yelled at him and even though I was hurt and all, I was so startled when I heard James call my name and come toward us that I shot him a couple of times before Michael took the paintball gun out of my hand. I looked back at my arm and imediately looked away. It had been turned in an uncanny position. "Wow. What the hell? Just because I interupted your moment doesn't mean you have to shoot me."James said although he had a smirk on his face. "What are you talking about?",then I remembered that Michael was still on top of me and I blushed. "Grrrr, if it wasn't for my hand, you'd be in trouble James" I said and glared at him. Michael pulled himself off of me to a sitting position and examined my hand. "Come, on Violet." He got up, taking me with him in his arms and said, "We got to get you to the hospital." "I can still walk, you know. You broke my hand, not my legs!" He grinned but didn't respond. "Grrr." © 2011 LiveLaughLoveAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 4, 2010 Last Updated on July 3, 2011 AuthorLiveLaughLoveL.A., CAAboutMe? I'm just a girl from sunny L.A. who likes to do fun stuff, stupid stuff, and be weird! I love being mysterious, creative, writing, reading and keep you guessing for more!!!! And I love exclamati.. more..Writing