![]() 6) Going AwayA Chapter by LiveLaughLoveIt was a dragon. My dragon. It was about the size of a large VW Bug and it was a girl. Her body was midnight black, had my violet eyes, and, WOW, illuminous white wings like the color of the outline on my wings. Night Star was beautiful.And she was mine. She belonged with me. She was a part of me. As I was a part of her. She took a step toward us, tilting her head sideways as if examining us and growled again. She took anothet step toward us and Sam stepped back and pushed me foward towards Night Star. I fell foward and fell on Night Star side which was wierd because she had been almost fifteen feet away from me. It was her job to protect me. I saw that as I looked into her big violet eyes that were just like mine. I got up and touched her head. I couldn't believe she was real. And I couldn't believe what I was about to do, though I knew it was a life or death situation, I was totally against this. The silence was deafening as I thought to Night Star what she had to do. Attack I thought to her picturing Sam as I said this. She hesitated only a moment to tell the others that she Sam was hers ~ wait, the others. I looked around and saw other dragons approaching us. Then I heard a piercing scream and saw Sam was missing an entire arm and part of his shoulder. Ouch that had to hurt. He was screaming and running like there was no tomorrow, 'cause for him there wasn't gonna be a tommorow. And Night Star, she was making a noise that made her look like if she was laughing. She probably was. I mean if this were a movie and I saw Sam screaming and running like that, I would have been cracking up to. All the other dragons had started attacking too and everything looked like it was in both slow motion and in fast foward. All were in different colors to match their owners. I could see flashes of fire and Sam's friends trying to get away. In the end, there were a bunch of things on fire so we had to put them out, before they spread. And it turned out, Lila's dragon, Marisa as she had named her, didn't breath fire, but water. And the other dragons could also let out a fire depressant to stop the fire, so that was helpful. We put most of the fires out and only left the ones with bodies in it so that they could completely burn. After that, I just sat around the campfire with Night Star and the others just sitting me traumatized I couldn't do anything. I was in total shock. We had just killed people. People that even though they had threatened us, had never really done anything to us and hadn't even lived their lives and probably had family missing them back home. I ended up crying all night over this huddled into a ball by Night Star's side. Some of the others did too and some just looked like they didn't know what to do with themselves anymore.
At sunrise, our dragons left us. They weren't like our wings that just disapeared all of a sudden. They actually flew away off to who knows where. I myself didn't know what I was gonna do when I got home. I just knew I was gonna move out and go away. Away from my family because I cared to much about them to let anything bad happen to them becuase of what I'd become. I just knew I had to get away. That day all I could do was cry. I was in bed all day just crying myself to sleep thinking of all that I was going to leave behind. And getting my rest so that I could wake up at sunset and leave. A few minutes before sunset, I changed into warm clothes, grabbed my things, stuffed them in my duffel bag, and put it on adjusting it to a comfortable spot. Then I grabbed my bookbag that I'd stuffed with food and drinks the day before and walked out of the tent, just as my wings appeared and I flew off. Not caring that all the others were there watching me and some were just giving me blank looks as if they were seeing me but not seeing me. Clearly this had gotten to all of us. And none of them tried to stop me from leaving. I was flying back home. To the place where I had grown up. To the place where I was going to leave after I got the necessities I needed to get before I truly left home. I was flying, not worried if anyone would see me since I was in the forests when most people would be at the beaches during the summer, not the mountains. The sky looked clear and you could see the stars perfectly. Especialy the- nevermind. That "star" was actually my dragon. She was flying toward me and I squinted at her bright white wings. From what I'd seen, she was the biggest girl dragon. Can you guess who the biggest guy dragon was? Who else but Jame's dragon. She flew with me to the edge of the civilization outside of the city I lived. We went in to an alley where no one could see us. Then she did the wierdest thing ever. Well as wierd as you can get right now and suddenly went from being a dragon to a dog. It was so cool. She had turned into a terrier with the same violet eyes, black fur, and white fur around where her paws were. She looked up at me and started walking out of the alley. "Wait" I called out to her. She looked back at me and stopped. I couldn't go out of the alley or else someone would see me and my wings. She gave me a sad look and used our bond to communicate with me. "Concentrate. Concentrate on making your wings invisible to others." she told me.I sighed followed her orders. I concentrated my power on making my wings invisible. It took some time but they started to go invisible very slowly. They looked like they were evaporating or disintegrating. It took some time, but soon enough they turned invisible. I knew they were still there, folded behind my back waiting to come out, but I had another task at hand right now. I walked to my house with Night Star by my side glad that when I got there, no one would be home for my parents had taken my little brothers and sisters away for the weekend. I let myself in the house and saw my friends waiting there in my living room watching T.V."What are you guys doing here?" was the first thing that came out of my mouth and then "How did you guys get here before me?" and then of course a stupid question popped into my head. "How did you guys get through the door with your wings?" That's when they really looked at me and saw that I didn't have my wings and that there was a cute little puppy beside me. "The better question is what happened to your wings and who's this little guy." Michael said and cooed at Night Star. "Girl." I corrected. "Night Star is a girl." "Night Star? You just found this cute little stray who probably has an owner missing her, what like five minutes ago and you already named her and took her in?" "No. She's my dragon. She transformed herself into a puppy. And you haven't answered my questions yet." I replied. "Well, we are here because we know you well enough that we knew you'd come here and I discovered my power. I can transport from place to place so we got here faster than you did. And as for how we got in. Well Olivia picked the lock and we had to come in sideways thropugh the door. The back door to be exact cause we didn't want anyone to see us. So now since I answered your questions you have to answer mine." "I made them invisible so that no one would see them." "You can do that?" Tania asked. "Yeah, it turns out you can. Night Star told me. You can't make them go away, but you can make them invisible." "So why did you leave in such a rush?" she asked. I sighed and told them the truth. They knew me to well for me to be able to lie to them. "I'm going to someplace where no one knows me. So I could start over. I don't want to hurt anyone I love and know. I'm leaving and you can't stop me or dissuade me. I won't let you." "Your not going by yourself. I'm going with you." she proclaimed and came over to me and hugged me. "Me too." Lila and Nikolet said and added themselves to the hug. "Where you go, I go to." Scarlet said and joined the evergrowing group hug. "Well you can't leave me behind" Olivia said and akwardly joined the group hug. Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see the guys looking akward just sitting there. "We're coming with" Zache said and the guys nodded their heads and grunted in agreement. "So where are we going, Tiger?" Scarlet asked. A smile spread across my face and I said, "Well... I always wanted to go to Hawaii." "Oh yeah. I wouldn't mind going there. Lots of hot girls in bikinis. Lets go." James said and Lila smacked his head even though she was like a foot and a half shorter than him."Oww" he said and rubbed the back of his head. "Well go pack you stuff and meet back here in an hour cause we are leaving in two hours and were gonna have to figure some things out." "How? We can't just walk outside. We still have our wings." "Oh, right. Just concentrate. Concentrate on making your wings invisible. Picture them slowly fading away until they're gone. It'll take some time, but it works." They nodded and followed my instructions. When they were done some just left and a few stayed. "Ummmmm. I was wondering if you could give me a ride to my house." Lila said. "Yah, me too" Michael and James said. "I was actually wondering if you could get me into my room without my family knowing. I don't want to say good-bye. I might end up staying." Nikolet said. "Sure" I said sympathetically. "Give me your hand and I'll take you now. I'll come back to take you guys in a minute." I took off my duffel bag and grabbed one of Nikolet's hands and touched my amulet with my other. "Concentrate on your room. Picture it in your head." I did the same and pictured her room. Instantaneously we were transpoted to her room and I told her to call me when she wanted me to come back. I had took the others to ther house in my own car. A blue ferrari F430. It was gorgeous and I loved it. When I was packing I was also kind of saying goodbye to my room and all my stuff. When I was done, I searched in my closet for the last floorboard that kinda sticked out so I had stuffed my sock in there that was full of my secret stash of money that I had been saving up since 5th grade and took it out and smushed it all into my pocket. After that I had went to my parents' room and left my family a note. It was the hardest thing I ever did. It read: Dear Mom, Dad, and Family I have to leave you. Do not try and search for me for I have left you because I can't stay with you any longer. This is for the best. I am almost 18 so when I do become an adult, you will no longer have control over me. Know that I love you and all my brothers and sisters. Don't think this is your fault and don't blame yourselves for what I'm doing. I love you and will always be in your heart. - Violet
When every body got back, we went out to the backyard, where I had moved the car and fit as many people as possible in it, with all the luggage in there. Whoever didn't fit in the car which was Kennth and Olivia had to get on the cars hood or trunk. Me and Michael were making a portal to Hawaii, to the Island of O'ahu. Wioth everybody focusing on giving us their power we had finally made a portal and the car was transported to O'ahu. I took one last look around remembering the last moment of this life. I was off to where no one would know me, but my friends who had gotten in the same situation. Off to a new world. A new life. © 2010 LiveLaughLoveAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on November 20, 2010 Last Updated on November 24, 2010 AuthorLiveLaughLoveL.A., CAAboutMe? I'm just a girl from sunny L.A. who likes to do fun stuff, stupid stuff, and be weird! I love being mysterious, creative, writing, reading and keep you guessing for more!!!! And I love exclamati.. more..Writing