In Love With A Fuckboy

In Love With A Fuckboy

A Story by Oneluv

Christy is a beautiful plus size woman that had everything going for herself until she fell in love with a fuckboy. Watch as he destroys her life. How much could she take?

Chapter One: The Beginning

Hi I'm Christy and I'm here to share with you my story about how I fell in love with a fuckboy. First let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a young adult in my early twenties. I've always been a very confident plus-size female. Shoulder length hair mocha caramel complexion and about five six. Even though I'm plus size I like to think that I have a pretty nice shape and Im into fashion, Beauty and makeup. So, yes I know how to slay when needed. I'm also an introvert. I don't have many friends and in this story you'll see how I lost many of them. At the time I was a sophomore in college and also a part-time secretary. Everything was going pretty well for me I had my own car, a job and I was in school. So sit back and relax while I explain how I lost everything in a year. So, stay tuned for chapter two.... trust me you don't want to miss it

chapter two: Meet Mr. Fuckboy

Mr. Fuckboy was dark-skinned but not too dark. He was six foot two slender with a six pack and tattoos covering his entire abdomen and chest. Also he had tattoos on his neck and down both of his arms. When I met him he had neck length dreads that got cut off once he went to jail. He had almond shaped eyes that pulled you in and a smile that warmed your heart. His whole Swagger would make a woman fall down to her knees. In the beginning he was sweet, kind, caring, giving, and humble he was pretty much everything that a woman would ever want. Every morning I got good morning text and during the Day I got texts letting me know that he was thinking about me. I even got good night text messages from him. He also had a good sense of humor we laugh about everything. He listened to my troubles, my thoughts, my dreams, and my aspirations. He also gave me advice, which showed he really cared. We used to always take road trips together to the middle of nowhere. It didn't really matter where we were going as long as we were together. We really enjoyed each other's company. Now looking back on it, I understand why I feel in love with him so fast. In my mind he was a dream come true. I thought he was my answered prayer the guy that I asked God for. Even though he was pretty perfect he also had his flaws.He lived with his mother which was not a problem because I lived with my parents too. He didn't have his own car nor was he working. Nevertheless he showed me that he really was trying and that was good enough for me.Oh, and did I mention he was a little younger then me and that he was on probation? Don't worry, we well get to that. Stay tuned for chapter three, that's when the s**t really hits the fan

Chapter Three: Meeting His People

Once we made it official we hit the ground running. I guess you can say we moved pretty fast. He wasted no time introducing me to his friends and family. I will never forget the time he introduced me to his best friends. It was late one night we went to pick up his friends and headed to go chill by the river. At the time he smoked marijuana and I did not. So him and his friends went on a walk to smoke and I stayed behind and just watch the scenery. When he left I couldn't help but to think of this true intentions, I had got a bad feeling all of a sudden. That was the first time in our relationship that I felt like maybe I was making a mistake. He was gone for a while with his friends and I decided to take a walk to clear my mind. On my walk I cannot help but think how it might all just be an act. He was too good to be true. I did a lot of praying and asking God if this was the right thing to do. I was so confused. I don't know if he loved me or if it was all was just a show. I end up going back to the spot that he left me and I didn't see him. So I went to sit by the car to wait for him to come back. I sat on the ledge by my car for a good 30 minutes before I seen him and his friends quickly walking towards me. You could tell he was scared and worried. One of his friends had mentioned that they were looking for me for the last 20 minutes. They said they thought that something happened to me and that that they was about to call the police. I thought that was sweet because it showed that he cared about me or so I thought. The real kicker is that once we got in the car and headed to take his friends home. All of a sudden he start calling me babe. Before he had a conversation with his friends he never called me babe in front of them. So, I have a feeling that the conversation he had with his friends was all about his true intentions with me. I almost felt like he was asking their permission to date a big girl. I kind of let it slid because I thought that I was overreacting at the time.

About a week later he invited me to go to the country and meet his family. It was about an hour and a half drive away from where we lived. At first I wasn't going to go because I thought it was a little too soon and I don't know If I was ready to meet his family. When I told him that I didn't want to go I could hear the disappointment and his voice and it broke my heart a little. When I asked him why he wanted me to go he said that he wanted to show me off. I Met his Mother first and she seemed like a really nice person. She kindly smiled at me and told me that we will talk later. Once we finally made it to his family's house. He just left me hanging and got in the car and start talking with his cousins. His mother took me around and introduced me to everyone. After introducing me to everyone we all went down to the river and went fishing. I had never been fishing before but it was quite interesting. I really enjoyed being out in nature it was very refreshing. His people all seemed like they wanted to say something but they didn't. It almost seemed like they was looking at me like they knew something that I didn't know. No one really came up to talk to me but I was kinda okay with that because I wasn't in a mood to talk anyways. Most of the time he spent it with his mom or talking to his cousins. We went on a walk and got to know each other a little bit more later on. And everything seemed so natural. That's all for chapter three. Stay tuned for chapter four. Its when our relationship really heats up.

Chapter Four: No more virginity

Growing up religion was a big part of my life. My mother always kept my siblings and I in the church house. Which explains why I stayed a virgin up until I was 23 years old. I was very proud of myself because not a lot of people that were in your early twenties we're still virgin's. I'm not saying that I was a saint. I was addicted to porn most of my life. I indulged in porn and masturbation a couple times a week. Being a Christian and being addicted to that always make me feel bad about myself. When I seen that I couldn't control my urges to masturbate I stopped going to church. Mostly because I did not want to be a hypocrite. Even though I put my religious days behind me, I still kept a close relationship with God. I guess you could say that, I was more spiritual than religious. For many years I keep my pledge of virginity until marriage.

When I met Mr. Fuckboy, everything changed. It was something about him that drove me wild. Everytime he touched me a shock went up my body. I never felt like that before. He knew that I was a virgin and that I wanted to wait until marriage to have sex. That didn't stop him at all. It was like he wanted it more. Everytime he tried I always rejected him. So, I gave in and gave him oral. He was the first guy that I went down on. I was so nervous, I didn't know what to do. I watch porn a lot, so I don't think they it would be that hard. I remember him lay down on the bed and looking at me with a seductive smile. He told me to relax and that we could learn together. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and started by kissing the head of his penis. I can feel his body shake as if he's been waiting his whole life for this very moment.As I put him deeper and deeper in to my mouth, I could tell he was enjoying every second of it. I must say I was really enjoying myself too. After a while I started to get carried away. I went faster and deeper and harder and softer. It wasn't long before he ejaculated into my mouth. That was something that I wasn't ready for. It was the worst thing I've ever tasted in my life. I spit it out immediately! After we finished he promise that he wouldn't tell anyone about our sex life. Which was a lie because later I went through his phone and saw that he was bragging to his friends about it.

After a while of him begging for more than just head. I finally gave in; it's not like I didn't want it I was just afraid to do it. At the time we been together for a minute and he told me that he loved me and we were in a committed relationship. Deep in my heart, I just knew that he would be my husband. So, I don't see the problem with having sex before we got married because I knew that he was the one.What made it even more special was that our first time was on his birthday. All I remember was laying down in the bed. I didn't know what to expect or what to think. When he looked at me he must have seen the fear in my eyes. He told me that he'll take his time and be gentle. I will never forget the feeling of getting penetrated for the first time. When he first stuck the head of his penis into my vagina I could have died right then and there. It was the worst pain that I've ever felt in my life. I think he could tell that I was in pain by the look on my face. He told me that he will go in one inch at a time. After each inch he stopped and waited until my body got conformed to him being inside of me.He continued to do that until all of him was inside of me. He had a pretty big dick so it took him awhile. Once he was completely inside of me, he started to slowly stroke. I remember him asking me if I wanted him to make me cum. I shook my head agreeing to his offer.He speed up and I could feel my body start to quiver. I started to shake profusely until I climaxed. After two or three more Strokes he pulled his penis from inside of me and came on my bed sheets. He re-inserted himself into my vagina and began to stroke again. After a couple more Strokes he pulled out again and shook his head from side to side and said that it was just too good, that he couldn't take it. After we finished my vagina swelled up instantly. He said that it was amazing and that he really enjoyed it. After we had sex he got up and tried to leave. I asked him where he was going and he said that he couldn't stay with anyone after he had sex with them because It make him feel weird. I felt like a used paper towel, like he just used me and left me. As he walked out the door I cried. A couple times after that he did the same thing. The fourth time that he did that, I told him that if he leave after sex one more time not to come back. Ever since then, he never left after sex again. With that out of the way. Our sex life was pretty passionate. One day after sex I remember him looking at me and telling me that he loved me to death and for the first time, I knew that he was telling the truth.

I took advantage of our sex life. We had sex four to five times a week. One day we had sex almost six times of course that was when he got realised from jail. We was very sexually active. I always said that I'll try everything at least once and thats just what we did. That means every position imaginable we tried. The only things that I did not agree with was bring other people into the bedroom. We had sex in so many different places. I enjoyed having sex outdoors, I found it very erotic. I remember when we had sex at my job. I think that had to be my favorite.The thought of getting caught and losing it all just for an orgasm drove me wild. We also had sex in the park. Which was also a favorite of mine. My all-time favorite was going down on him while he was driving. I think it was the potential of Danger that excited me. That's one thing that we did very often.

I never denied him sexually. I gave it to him whenever and however he wanted it. Even if he had to wake me up in the middle of the night, I always gave it to him. He really loved getting his dick sucked. I remember sucking his dick for an hour streaight. I had to suck his dick at least 3 to 4 times a day, everyday. Sometimes, he even wake me up out of my sleep to give him head. He especially loved when I used to suck the cum out of his dick. I guess you could say I spoiled him LOL. However, their was one thing that I absolutely hated and it was anal sex. For some reason he loved anal sex.When we fist met he said that he didnt f**k with anal but, that all changed once he went to jail. When he came home to wanted to try it and he started watching anal porn all of a sudden. When I called him out on it he told me that one of his jail friends told him to try it. I was skeptical but, I found myself doing it a lot more than I wanted to just to make him happy. One thing for sure is that I would never do anal again.

He could never say that I didn't please him in the bedroom, because one thing for sure is that I had some bomb a*s p***y. He was a huge freak and I was one too! So we had a heck of a sex life. I could go on and on and on about our sex life but, I'm going to leave a little bit for later on in the story. That pretty much sums up chapter four; Pretty sexy huh LOL. Chapter five is mostly about him going to jail. So, stay tuned because this is when it gets juicy lol.

Chapter Five: Mr.Fuckboy goes to jail

The funny thing is that I don't remember the exact reason that he went to jail the first time. All I can remember is that the police rent his name and he had a bench warrant so they took him. He was only in jail for that one weekend. One of the things that I remember the most was getting
to know his family a little bit more. Some people warned me about his family. Telling me that they are all a bunch of Moochers and con artists but, I'm the type of person that likes to judge people for myself. His mother was the one that let me know he was in jail. I should have known something was a little fishy about her because she was just a little too sketchy. I'm going to talk to you guys a little bit more about her later in the story. I think she's going to have a whole chapter dedicated to her.

When he went to jail I got my first dose of jailhouse talk. He told me how much he missed and loved me. He would go on and on about how he wanted me to be his wife.He said that he had a long time to think about the things he said and done to me and he regretted it all. The funny thing is that he was only in jail for a weekend so that should have been a huge red flag for me. I was debating telling y'all about the first time he went to jail. Mostly because not much happened between us. I think that it grew our relationship and brought us closer together. He said that no other girl stayed with him while he was in jail. Also, at this point I knew that I was in love with him and that it was no turning back. I thought that his jail days were over and we would go on with our lives together. I was so wrong! That's about all for chapter five. Chapter six is all about how he went back to jail again and how I held him down the entire time. I learned a lot about him, his family and myself.So, stay tuned for Chapter six because it's the start of how I lost it all.

Chapter six: Mr. Fuckboy goes to jail again.

Everything was going fine up until he went beck to jail for the second time. Don't get me wrong we had our problems but it wasn't too much out of the norm. Like, I said in one of the previous chapters he was unemployed. He was somewhat of a hood n***a. He mostly got his money from hustling. Since I was the only one working, I funded everything in our relationship. Around this time I started to notice that he might have been using me.Come to think of it,it wasnt until eight months into the relationship that he even paid for a date. Every time I got paid, I gave him money. I didn't want him to go around broke or begging people for anything.

Which brings us to how he went to jail for the second time. I had just got paid and needed to go run some errands. It was time to get my oil changed, so I pulled up to Walmart automotive department. Before I got out of the car I handed him some money. Mind you I paid for everything that he needed so that money was just his pleasure money. As I was handing him the money he slipped an extra 20 from my hand as well. That kind of aggravated me but I let it slide. Before we entered the store he wanted me to buy him a video game. I told him no and that I just gave him money. He continued to begg, he said that he didnt want to spend the money that I gave him on that. Aggravated, I told him no once again and continued to walk into the store. When I was at the register talking to the sales clerk about their Oil Change option he told me that he will be right back. I didn't know where he was going, I thought that he was just going to the bathroom. He was gone for a few minutes but I didn't pay too much mind to it because I was preoccupied. Next thing you know, he came back to the desk and asked me for the keys to the car. He said that he forgot something. I gave him the keys and when he was headed towards the exit door a lady came behind him and stopped him. She told him to put the video game back. I was confused, I didn't know what was going on. He turned around and took the game from out of his pants. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The lady told him to come with her and if he corroborated with her, she would let him go. I never been so embarrassed in my life! I had people asking me what happened and I was speechless. When the lady came back and asked me how did I know him, I told her that he was my boyfriend. She told me that he told her that I was his mother. I should have known something was up. She told me that he will be out shortly. I didn't end up getting the oil changed that day because it was just too much to handle. About 30 minutes later he called me and told me that they were taking him to jail. Come to find out that he got caught stealing from there once before and was banned from the store.

I ended up calling his mother and letting her know what happened. She was very angry and upset. I told her that I'll be over later to talk to her more about it. That pretty much wrapped up chapter 6. In Chapter 7 you're going to get a little bit more detail about his mother and how I found out that he was on probation. Its all down hill from here.

Chapter seven: His Mother tells it all

© 2017 Oneluv

Author's Note

This is my first story. Plus, Im writing all of it from my phone. So, please ignore all the grammer and spelling errors. Thanks!

My Review

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This is deep and erotic and pretty intense. But I like it and it's awesome storytelling. Very good dirty peep show... The sex scene was also great.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Hey, thank you...I wanted the story to be like I was talking to a friend. The sex was the best part .. read more

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1 Review
Added on April 7, 2017
Last Updated on April 9, 2017
Tags: Fuckboy, jail, firstlove, heartbroken



Baton rouge, LA

I'm just telling my story. A new chapter a day! more..