No longer the girl with the dropped jaw;
Mouth open full of wonder
At things I’ve never seen
Here is a woman who dares you
To surprise me
Because the older I get
The more I look at my skin
And my rivers are dried up
I have become the rocks
Stones in the ocean floor
Stones at your feet
The higher we climb
The harder we fall
Pull the curtain slowly
Let me rest for a while
No longer the girl with eyes wide;
Lids stretched to their fullest
At the things I’ve never imagined
Here is the woman who asks you
What have you got for me?
The more I study mythology
The more I think the Gods worship me
To be human is to be loved by all
And understood by none
And if I could muster a sideways smile
I would cup it in secrecy
And save it for your eyes alone
But you’re not looking at me anymore
Facinated by the night sky you are
Mezmerized by the pull of the tide
I have cacooned myself in music
I refuse to wear clothes
Let me wear my instrument
And be truly naked
To be free in an ocean
Full of rocks
Full of stones at your feet
The higher we climb
The harder we fall
Pull the curtain slowly
Let me rest for a while