Cinderella (Timeless Passions)
A Story by OneLostOneFound
Second installment in the Timeless Passions Series :) enjoy! 
Smoke lifts into the Heavens in silent
memorial with wandering ashes in its wake. The melancholy tone of a simple fire can be so overwhelming sometimes. Sad thoughts seeped into my
veins, covering me like a blanket. I didn't want to feel like this, but my
emotions always seemed to get the best of me before I could put up a solid
fight. Sitting beneath the stars, alone and lonely, I thought about him. Even
with the heat waves from the fire warming my bones, I felt a chill run through
my soul. Missing him has placed a hole in my heart and a twist in my stomach; I
want to hold him in my arms with every fiber of my being. But I cannot-- he’s
gone. Or rather, I'm gone. After all, it was me who walked out on him; me who
fought until there was nothing left; me who broke his heart. I cannot fathom
what has made me think that I have the right to miss him, to want him back; yet
for some reason, when I am without him, I am lost. To feel his presence next to
me lifts my spirits and makes me want to laugh and cry all at the same time. My
heart bursts into flames, and I am left walking on air. To hold his hand is everything
and to hear his voice is a lullaby. How could I walk out on that? Staring into
the flames, I want to jump in and say goodbye to this selfish soul of mine. He
completes me; yet all I ever did was think of myself and over think him and I. My own flame
burned me. And at the sight of any pain, I ran.
the darkness covers the view of the smoke, I decide to get up and walk around.
The fire soon leaves my sight as my feet take me to the place where I last
spoke to him. The building comes into view when a strong cold wind catches me
in its piercing arms. Tears begin to form in my eyes. Why did I do this to
myself? Why did I leave him? How unthinking I can be sometimes… Wrapping my own arms around myself,
I walk up the steps to the small chapel; of all places, my fight with him was
at a chapel. Silent tears roll down my cheeks, splashing onto the ground. Drip, drop, drip, drop. I pound my fist
against the door in anger, and I fall on my knees in heartbreak. “I’m sorry…I’m
so sorry,” I whisper to the air, imagining that he’d hear my plea. But as I
cried and cried with apologies escaping my mouth over and over, all I felt was
a cold wind and an empty heart.
© 2013 OneLostOneFound
Author's Note
Any and all critiques are welcome! But please, no bad language. ;)
This is beautiful! "Missing him has placed a hole in my heart and a twist in my stomach; I want to hold him in my arms with every fiber of my being. But I cannot"he’s gone." these lines are so close to my very own life. I think you should write more, I'll love to read :)
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Thank you :) And, yeah, that line... :( That's pretty much how I feel everyday. Missing someone is n.. read moreThank you :) And, yeah, that line... :( That's pretty much how I feel everyday. Missing someone is not easy; and I really wanted to put that into this story. I hope I did it justice :) I will try to write more-- but I have the ugly case of writer's block again...
1 Review
Added on February 11, 2013
Last Updated on February 22, 2013
Tags: fire, cinders, cold, heartbroken, love, miss, need, want, joy, happiness, emotions, him, apology, desire, burned, woods, smoke, chapel
I love to explore the realms of fantasy through writing, singing, dreaming; as well as lay bare the realities that terrify me, mold me, and guide me.
"Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means.. more..