Mermaid's Tears

Mermaid's Tears

A Story by Omegax45

My own spinoff of the story 'The Little Mermaid'. Don't own the original story. Contains dark themes.


Mermaid’s Tears

by Omegax45





                        Everyone knows about the fairy tale of the mermaid that sold her voice to become human and live with the human prince that she loved so much.  Some stories state that she married him and lived happily ever after.  Others foretold that the prince chose another, unaware that the mermaid that sacrificed everything was the one that saved him, and she turned into foam on the morning after the wedding.  Many call it a love story.  Some, a tragedy.  If only they knew the whole story.

                        It started when a mermaid princess saw a ship sinking into the sea, covered by a substance that shined red and gold.  Being of the sea, she did not know that it was fire and the ship had been attacked by another.  She had rescued the only human she saw, his decorated coat and fine clothing indicating that he was either a noble or a prince.  She brought him to shore and waited by his side, afraid that he was not going to make it.  Eventually, the human began to breathe deeper and fell into a comfortable sleep, unaware of his rescuer.  Dawn gave them light, and the mermaid princess gazed upon the human prince for the first time.  She instantly fell in love, unable to move her eyes away from his sculpted face and damp brown hair.  She wanted to stay, to see him awake and stare at his eyes, but she heard someone coming and she quickly returned to the sea, hiding behind some rocks. 

                        It was a noble female human, walking along the beach with several female humans.  They find the male human and rush to his side.  The male human woke suddenly, gazing upon the noble female human with pale green eyes.  The mermaid princess fell even more in love the more she gazed upon him, but eventually the humans left the area, leaving her be.  Unable to follow, the she sadly slips under the waves.

                        Days later, the mermaid princess gets into an argument with her father, the king of the sea.  He had learned from his guards of what his daughter had done, and he was very angry that she had came in contact with a human.  To him, humans are dangerous creatures that have been touched by greed, lust, and pride.  They were not to be trusted.  The mermaid princess became upset at her father’s hateful remarks to her beloved, and slipped away one night to see the sea witch for help.

                        The sea witch was a beautiful mermaid with immense magical powers.  What made her different from other mermaids was her tail.  Unlike the simple tails with feather-like fins at the bottom and a pair at the hips, the sea witch’s tail is simply a tail that was three times the length of her upper body, ending in a point decorated with jewels and a small thin membrane.  Many feared her powers and her difference; others will come see her when in dire need of help.  The mermaid princess knew she could help her.

                        It was nothing new to the sea witch:  just another mermaid looking to be human to be with the human they had fallen for.  However, the price was always the same:  the voice.  A mermaid’s voice, whether male or female, is very powerful.  It had led humans to their deaths either when singing upon the rocks or when a mermaid uses her voice to put a human into a trance and lead him or her into the sea, where they drown and become a doll for them to have for all eternity.  A mermaid-turned-human using their voice could destroy many empires and bring about destruction to the entire mermaid race.  Therefore, their voice must be removed before they are changed.  Another part is the curse required for the change to work.  If the one they love were to choose another, then the mermaid-turned-human will become foam on the morning after the wedding.  To go against the will of the Gods, to become something you were not meant to be, comes with a heavy price and to accept this curse is to accept their punishment.

                        It felt all scripted now, the sea witch warns the mermaid, and the mermaid doesn’t care.  She knew by now that they all regretted later, once they see the ugly nature of humans.  She gives the mermaid princess the potion, telling that once she drank it, the potion will burn away her voice and the changes will be very painful.  The mermaid princess thanks her and leaves.  She finds a shore and downs the potion without hesitation.  The pain she feels is unbearable in both her throat and what was to be once her tail.  She passes out from the pain, any thought of what her actions had done forgotten.  When she awoke, her beloved was gazing upon her in concern, asking if she was alright.  She tries to speak, but finds it too painful to even utter a whisper.  Feeling pity for her, the male human takes her to his castle, telling her he was the crown prince and she was his honored guest.  It was at that one, and only moment, she was happy.

                        Being human was more difficult than she had once thought.  Walking was a bit difficult, moving limbs that she did not have before and in different positions that were impossible for one with only one lower appendage.  Clothing was something she had to get accustomed to wearing, since mermaid either wore clam shells tied with sea weed or nothing at all.  There were new foods to try, things she had never thought to have existed.  She was used to eating raw fish and crustaceans, so eating them cooked gave them a different and unique taste.  Her stomach took many days before it gotten used to this new diet.  There were also the customs and daily teachings, such as reading and writing.  She had found it easy to tell people what she wanted to say and not have to worry about the loss of her voice any longer.  However, these were only simple pleasures that last for a few precious moments.

                        The young prince had lost his parents years ago, his brother on tour to gain treaties with other kingdoms.  The people of the kingdom, including the servants and soldiers, appeared as kind and gentle people.  At first.  After several weeks of living in the castle, things began to change.  The changed mermaid heard the hushed whispers of the maids in the hallways whenever she passed.  How she was sea garbage, that she must’ve turned tricks to gain the prince’s favor.   She didn’t know what ‘turning tricks’ was, but she felt that it was a bad thing.  The soldiers and guards would look at her with strange looks, as if they wanted to cut into her and look in her insides.  It made her scared.  Worst of all, the prince that she fell in love with treats her with indifference, only paying attention to her when the topic was about her studies.  He eventually made her his personal maid, ordering her to fetch him drinks from the kitchen or his slippers when he awoke in the mornings.  The servants treated her like filth, believing that she was stealing away their work.  Not that it should matter, since they were being paid and she wasn’t. 

                        It escalated to abuse.  No matter what the changed human did, from the smallest of mistakes, or nothing at all, the prince took his anger out on her.  He didn’t do enough harm to warrant a healer, but the emotional scars were devastating enough.  She began wanting to go home, to be with her father and sisters.  However, she had no means of contacting them or returning home.  The spell will only end by her turning into foam, and that is if the prince marries another.  She even began wishing it, becoming tired of being beaten every night, and using make up she made from plants to hide the bruises every morning.  She was tired of pretending to be fine, to not hear the jeers of the maids and butlers or the leers of the guards and soldiers.  To move on with her otherwise life.

                        This was not how she had foreseen any of this.  She had foreseen meeting her beloved and he feel in love with her too.  They would have gotten married and lived peacefully, even having children.  She had foreseen her traveling with her beloved, seeing and experiencing things she had never known.  She had foreseen her beloved protecting her from all the evils of the world, showing her that what her people had about humans was wrong.  That they could be as noble and kind as her people.  She should’ve taken the sea witch’s warning seriously and thought her plans thoroughly.  She shouldn’t have rushed things.  Now, she was paying for her foolishness.

                        An announcement finally came one summer day, a year after she became a human.  The prince was getting married.  Granted, it was not to her, but she was finally happy.  She had long stopped loving the prince, yet the abuse had left its mark.  She may never have the strength to leave him, being told many times of how she would be whipped until she no longer had a backside if she ever ran away.  However, upon turning to foam, there won’t be a back for him to whip.  She found finally be free.

                        The prince’s brother returned from his tour with the fiancée.  It was the female human the changed human had saw years ago.  She did not get a chance to see the brother, but she did have a brief moment with the fiancée.  They only changed pleasantries before they parted.  The prince made her vow to not say anything about the abuse, and she nodded in fright.  She didn’t want to ruin her only chance of being free.  She left a small will for whatever possessions she had, stating that the maids could do whatever they wish with them.  She no longer had any need for them.  She packed a small bag and followed the court onto a boat, to which the wedding took place upon.  Everyone was smiling and laughing happily.  The changed human just smiled and clapped, counting down the minutes to when she would be free.  Despite her need to be free of him, her heart still ached that it was not her the prince was marrying.  She had to remind herself that this was for the best.  She did not want to be by his side.

                        During the night, she stayed on deck, watching the ocean before her.  Tears fell down her cheeks, knowing that she would never see it again once the sun rises.  She had many regrets, and not enough time to remedy them.  She turned to return to her room when a sudden splash caught her attention.  Looking over once more, she gasped in shock:  it was her sisters!

                        “We finally found you sister,” the eldest said happily, holding a dagger, “The sea witch told us of your fate, but we can change it for you.  This dagger is magic.  We got it in exchange for our hair.”

                        “Listen well sister,” the second eldest took over, “You must stab the prince with this dagger.  Soak your legs in his blood and return to the sea.  You will become a mermaid again and not become foam at dawn.”

                        “Please sister,” the third eldest pleaded, “We miss you.  Father misses you.  This human life can not be worth your own.”

                        “Here,” the eldest threw the dagger, and their youngest sister caught it with ease, “Hurry, sister.  Dawn is almost upon us.”

                        Nodding, the changed human walked quietly to the prince’s sleeping chamber.  She peeked inside to see that he was asleep, but his bride was nowhere in sight.  Afraid she would get caught soon, she enters quickly and raises the dagger.  As she gazed upon the one she hated so much, her heart ached with the love she once had for him.  Her hands shook as painful tears slid down her cheeks.  Losing her resolve, she dropped the dagger and left to her room.  She couldn’t face her sisters.  They had given up their precious hair for her and she had shamed that sacrificed.  Truly, she was a human now and did not deserve to live.  She had shamed her life.  There was no need for it.

                        As she walked a few steps down the hall, she heard footsteps and turned to see the prince with the dagger.  Anger filled his eyes and she opened her mouth to cry out, but nothing came out.  He raises the dagger to strike her, but a long blade suddenly burst through his chest and shirt, soaking the garment in blood.  He choked and fell to the floor, revealing his attacker from behind.  The changed human gasped:  they were identical!

                        “As you can see,” the attacker explained, “we are identical twins.  My brother was born first, so he became the heir.  He had let power and greed take over his heart, and many sought to replace him with me. 

                        “That night so long ago,” he knelt before her, taking off the shirt and rubbing the dagger in the blood, “My brother had sought to end my life by hiring and assassin to sabotage my ship.  I know it was you who saved me.  I watched you through slitted eyes while you thought I was asleep.  I never had the chance to thank you, and do not worry.  I will make sure you do not turn to foam.  Forgive me, but I overheard your sisters when you were unaware.”

                        The changed human did not know whether to be overjoyed or distraught.  This was the humans she saved, not the other?  How could she have been so blind?  She had spent a year in torment for someone that looked like her beloved, but was a total stranger.  Was her attraction only physical?  Was she truly as shallow as those maids and other female humans that only saw the princes for their looks and wealth and power?

                        She had no time to ponder such horrid thoughts as the brother rubbed the blood-soaked shirt on her legs.  She cringed at the smell and the feel of the cool liquid on her skin, feeling her legs tingle after a moment.  Quickly, he lifts her up and carries her to the deck.

                        “Please swim away and do not look back,” he told her, “This is no world for one as innocent as you.  I’m sorry that I could not repay you properly, but if we meet again, I will reward your kindness in full.”

                        With that, he drops her over the railing, the cold sea welcoming her back.  She gasps from the icy cold biting into her skin, her human instincts making her hold her breath.  Within minutes, her sisters swim around her, helping her to the surface to let her breathe.  She felt the sudden change, much quicker and no pain like before.  Her familiar mermaid instincts took in and she began to sink under the waves, welcoming the sea water down her throat and through her gills, when her eyes saw a terrifying sight.

                        The evil prince had stumbled behind his brother, sword raised.  She tried to warn him, but the spell had not returned her voice.  He turned, only to be stabbed in the chest.  The prince spat curses at his own twin, then pushed him over the railing.  Crying out, the mermaid princess swam from her sisters and caught the prince, holding him tight as the cruel prince screamed for his guards.  Thinking fast, she fastened her lips over her savior’s and dove under the surface, her sisters following.  When the guards returned, they were no longer in sight.

                        The mermaid princesses did all they could to save the human prince, reaching the sea witch’s lair.  They knew better than to ask their father, for he would’ve killed the human prince.  The sea witch saw their situation and, after placing the prince in a air bubble, told them that the prince had to become a merman in order to be saved.  However, he had to take upon himself a curse as and he had to give her his hair coloring.  If he marries someone that did not love him, he would become foam the morning after the wedding.  The prince agreed after a moment to regain his strength, wanting to be with his beloved.  The sea with gave him a potion and he drank it with difficulty, the blood loss making him weak.  He screamed and writhe in pain, his wound healing as the skin of his legs ripped of his body and through his pants legs, fusing together and forming a tail.  His once brown hair became pale gold, right down to the roots.  He fell asleep afterwards and the mermaid princesses took him home.

                        The king of the sea was overly joyed that his youngest daughter was home.  They shared several hugs and a few tears, then his attention was to the changed merman.  The sisters told their father that he was the one to save their dear sister, but suffers from amnesia.  Accepting the lie, the king welcomed the changed human as his honored guest.  Over time, he saw the love he had for his youngest daughter and gave them his blessing.     

                        The wedding was a beautiful spectacle, every noble and royal mermaid coming to witness the day.  They gave their blessing to the new couple, and the sisters were so happy for them.  Gifts were given, food was eaten, and music lured all to dancing.  Eventually, they gave their farewells to the couple as they went to their room for the evening.

                        The next morning, however, the servants heard screaming and they alerted the royal family.  They swam to the new couple’s room and called out to the mermaid prince and princess.  When they received only cries as their answer, the king opened the door and went inside, a look of distraught and helplessness marring his features.     

                        The mermaid princess was alone upon her bed of sponge and coral, crying into her blanket of seaweed.  Seeping out of the blanket was white foam.


* * * *


                        “But why did the prince turn to foam,” the young mermaid girl asked, the sea witch signing as she leaned back on her couch of coral and sponge.

                        “Many mistaken other emotions for true love,” the sea witch explained, “Vanity, obsession, even guilt.  Perhaps the cruel brother had damaged her sense of reality far more than I had imagined.  Nonetheless, you young ones are too innocent to really understand how deep true love is.  That is why I cannot allow you to become something you are not meant to be just yet.  Once you are older and understand the consequences, maybe I’ll change my mind.”

                        “I don’t want to change,” the mermaid child said, “Not really, anyway.  I like myself, for I can help the humans in this form.  The children I met are very kind and didn’t tell their parents about me.  I only wanted to know why we have to become human to be with humans.”

                        “The king refuses contact with humans,” the sea witch chuckled, amazed at the child’s innocence and trust, “Just don’t get into trouble.”

                        “I will do my best,” the mermaid child smiled bright before floating off her seat, “Thank you for the story.  I’ll bring back some pearls next time wee meet.”

                        “I will cherish them,” the sea witch replied and waved as the child left, “I have no need for pearls, but I’m glad that’s one less child to fall to such a fate.

                        “After all, there is no such thing as happily ever after.  Just people trying to live their lives the happiest they can.”







© 2011 Omegax45

Author's Note

I think I finally cleared everything up for everyone with Version 3. Since this feels like a happy ending, I won't do an alternate version. I hope you enjoyed this story and it's other versions.

My Review

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Very nice. I enjoyed it, although it did need proofread. But I don't always proofread my own stories either. I liked the plot, and you wrote it very well~

Posted 13 Years Ago

Hmm, this was a bit confusing at points and you need to make the tense be consistent. If you want it told in present tense, you write like this, "The mermaid princess gets into a fight with her father." but the more conventional way of writing (past tense) would be "The mermaid princess GOT into a fight with her father." (I don't mean to sound nasty or anything, it's just I see this problem with writers all the time.) Some parts felt a little jumbled and would have worked better being split into two separate paragraphs and elaborated on. For example, towards the beginning when the witch is talking about mermaids' voices was confusing. On the plus side though, I found it very creative and original with an introduction that grabs you. I REALLY love what you did there at the end about how true love isn't this fairy tale conception that the young and naive have- although, I think that message might have been more fitting in Cinderella or Snow White where "love at first site" is glorified, since the original Little Mermaid was already a tragedy anyway. In the end though, I very much enjoyed it, especially as a writer of fairy tales myself.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This story was very interesting. at first it seemed like she was the one that was going to end up dieing or turning to foam. I just wish the cruel prince's brother ( the nice one) showed up sooner to see her, then things would've ended up differently; a happy ever after. But that's not the point of the story. He was still the one she fell in love with and turned human for, but i'm not sure if she really loved him to begin with. just his looks.
Still, Good twist ^^

Posted 13 Years Ago

Hmm very interesting, at first I thought it was kind of like a movie of the little mermaid I had seen when i was a kid. Not the famous Disney one but another one. But I liked how you did the twin thing that was clever. But I do not understnad the ending. Why did he turn into foam?

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

this story was amazing i loved it it was great alteration of the original. you wrote it extremly well the only thing that does not make sense it the ending if he marries someone who does not love him. didnt she love him he was the one she really rescued and she dtoped loving his brother because he was cruel so why did he turn to sea foam?

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 16, 2011
Last Updated on May 19, 2011
Tags: mermaids, abuse, deception, angst, sisters, tragedy
Previous Versions




I have published my second book in the series after three years: Hell's Detective: Lust. It is available now on Amazon Kindle and soon to be available as a paperback. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Omegax45

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Omegax45

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Omegax45