![]() Chapter ThirteenA Chapter by Omegax45![]() The ball as come, so what does Queen Usio have in store?![]() The Game by omegax45 Chapter Thirteen During the last three days, Redreu Castle had been bustling with activity. The ball room was bring filled with decorations, tables, and chairs alike. The cooks were busy at work preparing a feast while making meals for their current guests. Many of the other empty guest rooms were being thoroughly cleaned for those that would be staying the night once the ball was done. The noble girls were busy gossiping about the ball when together and trying to pick out their dresses. Some argued with each other about being more beautiful than the other. A few demanded new dresses from the servants, which Marin had to put them in their place once again. The noble men were busy making certain the noble girls were happy, but everyone could see how stressed they were becoming. The servants had to make more than one trip to the wine cellar each night. Rose, meanwhile, had been busy the last three days working on her book. She had already picked out her outfit and placed it aside the day the ball was announced, wanting to take care of it right away, and then focused more on her book when not spending time with Rowen. They had discussed about the book and what Rose read so far, but Rowen wasn’t giving anything away about the culprit or any clues leading to the culprit. He found it amusing to keep such information from her, and Rose let him so. Finding out on her own was more fun. Rowen had also taught her to dance when they were not talking about the book. He and the other servants took her to an empty room and taught her simple dances like the waltz and quick step. She had so much fun with the lessons, enjoying being with those that didn’t judge her for her status and the other servants were quite happy to tell her stories of their lives and the horrors of what they found about the noble girls. Many are too afraid of assisting Amelia in the morning because her room had been changed into what could only be describe as a torture chamber and Ivy had an extensive collection of flowers all over her room. Rose had never laughed so much in her life. “Hm,” she tapped the tip of her quill on her lower lip, “So far, I have three suspects, but I feel that the next chapter will prove one them innocent, which would leave two. I’m halfway through the book, so there shouldn’t be any new characters. In that case, I wonder which one it will be…” She looked outside the window to see the sun high in the sky and decided to get ready for the ball. She placed the book down and placed the cork on the bottle of ink, wiping the metal tip off and putting her papers aside. She pulled out her dress and placed it on, adding a touch of make up to her face. She put on her shoes and brushed her hair. She looked herself over in the mirror, a simple two-toned dress with a few modifications to it, when there was a knock on the door. Curious, she opened the door to see two servants outside it. “Good afternoon milady,” one of the servants bowed before her, “We are here to assist you in getting ready for the ball, but I can see you were already getting ready.” “Ah yes,” Rose blushed lightly with a soft laugh, “I just need to finish my hair and I’ll be ready to go.” “Would you like me to assist, the second servant asked, her eyes bright and shiny as it took in the poor girl’s brown, almost red, locks of hair, “I’m really good at hair styles.” “If you insist,” Rose replied, “I haven’t decided on a style yet.” “I think I have just the one in mind.” Rose took a seat at her vanity table and the female servant picked up a brush while moving behind the poor girl. She lifted the locks of brown hair and began brushing, humming a small tune as Rose closed her eyes with a small smile on her face. The female servant picked up a ribbon and began weaving it into the locks of hair, braiding them together. She twisted the braid around Rose’s head and pinned it with bobby pins from one of the pockets of her apron. She brushed the poor girl’s bangs to each side of her face before placing the brush down. “Take a look,” the servant said happily and Rose looked at the mirror, surprised by what she saw, “A beauty like yourself doesn’t need much to shine.” “Oh my,” Rose breathed, staring at herself, “Is this… me?” “Oh yes indeed! I bet all of those at the ball will be quite jealous of your natural beauty tonight. The only one that will be more beautiful than you will be Her Majesty.” “Thank you very much,” the poor girl smiled at the two servants, “I think I’m ready now.” “I shall get Rowen for you then,” the male servant bowed and headed out of the room, “He and the other noble men are waiting.” Rose suddenly became nervous upon hearing that. Rowen… here? She knew she was going to meet up with him soon, but she didn’t think this soon. Would he approve? Disapprove? Her head was swimming with doubts when the male servant returned with Rowen a short moment later. The head butler’s eyes widened as he looked at the poor girl, who was blushing and looking at him with a mix of shyness and eagerness for his opinion upon the simple pale blue dress with a dark pink sash that tied into a bow in the back with long sleeves that hugged her arms and a slight low cut to the neckline that showed off a simple necklace. He himself was dressed in a black tuxedo with a white shirt, black tie, and dark gray vest underneath, the crest of Redreu Castle pinned to his breast pocket. A simple outfit, one usually worn when entertaining important guests. He quickly realized that Rose was waiting for him to say something and he cleared his throat nervously. “You look stunning my dear,” he managed to say after finding his voice, then extended his hand out in invitation, “Shall we go?” “Uh… thank you,” Rose nearly stammered as she took his hand and Rowen lifted it to kiss her fingers, making her blush deeper and the female servant giggle behind her. They left the room and headed down the hall where they could hear the sounds of music and laughter. They reached the doors to the ballroom, but did not go in yet. “Her Majesty’s guests are inside,” Rowen explained, “We will all be introduced once everyone gets here and we can go inside. We will most likely be greeting everyone as well doing a few dances before dinner be served. I believe before that Her Majesty will introduce her new challenge for all of us.” “Please don’t mind me if I have ill feelings about this,” Rose whispered to him. “I’m afraid I feel the same way.” They waited several moments before they were joined by a few of the noble couples, dressed in extravagant gowns with large amounts of make up and large pieces of jewelry that appear heavy upon their bodies. The neck lines were cut very low, showing off a bit of cleavage and their sleeves were bell-shape, sliding down bare arms as they lift their hands to the faces while holding elegant fans. The skirts were thick and poofed out in the shape of a bell. In comparison to Rose’s dress, theirs were shiny jewels within a treasure chest so bright that they blind a person upon looking at them. To Rose, however, they appear to be too extravagant for her. “Oh my,” Ivy awed as she walked up to Rose, “You look so cute in that outfit! Just like one of my dolls when I was a child.” “If she were a doll,” Catherine stated, “her outfit would be acceptable. But this is a ball, and we have to be at our finest. To dress as if one were going to church or even a picnic is unacceptable. But I shall forgive her, as she does not know our customs.” “Perhaps that is the nicest compliment you have ever said to her,” Tulip commented, looking at Rose for a moment with slight suspicion in her eyes before looking away, “Where is everyone else?” “Perhaps they are still trying to find an outfit to outshine us,” Emma snickered, “or perhaps an excuse to tell Her Majesty as to why they wish to be absent without showing their fear of us.” “What is this about fear,” they turned to see Octavia walking up to them with a frown upon her face, the rest of the nobles behind her, “Speaking for yourself, or ill of others?” “Now now,” Pearl moved between them, fanning herself, “No need to mess up all of our hard work in making ourselves beautiful for our audience. We will have time for that another day. Shall we head inside and make our appearance?” “We must wait for them to announce us and then we can go in,” Rowen said, turning to the doors, “which should be any minute now.” Just as he had said that, they heard a trumpet sound from the other side and the nobles lined up at the door, pushing Rose and Rowen to the back. Some gave a few snickers and evil grins at them, but they went ignored. Rose straightened her dress and Rowen adjusted his tie, trying to make themselves as decent as possible. “Presenting Her Majesty’s honored guests for the honor of marrying the legendary paladin Dios,” someone announced from behind the doors before they opened, everyone awing at the sight before them. The ballroom was glowing golden with the numerous lit chandeliers and shimmering fabric hanging from the walls and pillars. A large band is playing in one corner, each band player wearing a small smile on their faces. Tables stood almost everywhere but the large dance floor in front of the large throne in the far back, the guests within clapping and smiling as the noble couples walk in. Queen Usio stood in front of the guests, dressed in an elegant purple ball dress with golden trim and wearing amethyst jewelry, the stone in her pendant as large as an egg and bigger than the largest stone in her crown. “Welcome my honored guests,” Queen Usio greeted with a large smile, “Tonight, you will be joining us in dining and merriment in honor of your future marriages. Whether you win or lose, you will not be leaving empty-handed. I ask you to enjoy yourselves this evening, for a new challenge awaits you in your quest to prove that your chosen man is Dios. The challenge will begin before dinner. Until then, relax, have a dance, and be prepared.” With that, Queen Usio walked to her throne and sat down, the guests walking over to talk to the noble couples or staying on the dance floor with their partner to sway to the music. “Lady Catherine,” one guest walked up to said noble girl, “You look so beautiful this evening.” “Thank you Lord Johnathon,” Catherine smiled prettily at him, “I am so sorry that I was unable to send my response to your proposal before I was summoned by Her Majesty.” “There is no need. We all know we cannot ignore a summons from Her Majesty. And I see that your chosen man looks quite similar to the stories of Dios.” “That is why I chose him. He is most definitely him. My research has never been wrong before.” “It’s so good to see you again Lady Mary,” a lady spoke to said young man, “How has your family been? Well, I take it?” “Oh, very well indeed. My father has made trades in Estonia and he as brought back many exotic spices and rice from there. Our farmers have had a large harvest during last summer and we expect the same this summer. I do hope to visit Estonia the next time my father travels there.” “Your gentleman is quite on the large side,” a gentleman told Pearl as he eyed Henry, “He must be from the mountains. Only such gentlemen grow to such size there.” “Henry was raised by wolves,” Pearl replied proudly, taking a flute of champagne from a servant offering a few from a tray, “Such a man that can handle the wilderness is quite suited for one of my caliber.” “Quite a jealous bunch,” Amelia stated as she noticed none of the guests were coming up to speak to her before turning to David, “Be a dear and fetch us some refreshments.” “As you wish,” David bowed to her and headed off. “You do your father proud picking such a strapping gentleman,” a lady told Octavia and Alexander. “Thank you,” Octavia curtsied. “Would you like a seat,” Rowen asked Rose, who nodded. She didn’t know any of the guests here and she was getting nervous standing around. He led the poor girl to a table in the far back and he pulled out a chair for her. Rose sat down and Rowen pushed her in. “Thank you,” she said as the head butler sat down as well next to her. “I never did like to participate at any sort of party the nobles and royals have,” Rowen told her, “It seems that the only thing anyone talks about is whatever fortune comes to their family or how better they are than the other person. Nothing much of interest.” “Whenever one of the younger children has a birthday,” Rose revealed, “We poor folk would try to make as much coin as we could to buy the child a cake and maybe a gift if we can afford it or find a merchant that would let us buy one.” “Why would a merchant refuse to sell anything?” “They thought selling to those that didn’t appear decent to the public would give them a bad reputation. The baker would only sell to us if we stay at the door and tell him what we wish to buy. He would have one of his assistants bring the item to us and we would give the assistant the coins.” “And here I thought I heard everything. Merchants refusing coin because of appearances.” “Well… we poor don’t have a means to properly clean our clothes or be able to take a bath with soap.” They continue to converse for awhile as the others either converse with the guests or were dancing to the music. Queen Usio watched them from her throne, finding David amusing after Amelia made him drink enough champagne to make him unsteady on his feet and had him dancing alone. She turned to see Dorothy having several guests entertained with some sort of story that didn’t seem interesting at all, then turned to see Elanor siting at a nearby table and trying to look very regal. A servant walked up to her and whispered in her ear that dinner was ready and Queen Usio waved him off before standing and signaling the band to stop playing. “Ladies and gentlemen,” the queen announced, “I have been informed that dinner is ready, which means it is time for the next challenge for my honored guests. Ladies, take a look to where Marin is located.” They turn to said head maid, who was by a table covered in cloth. She removed the cloth to reveal the table covered with items such as jewelry, scarves, lockets, miniature statues, locks of hair, and written letters. “Like with all soldiers,” Queen Usio explained, “Dios would be away for many months, if not years, when defending our grand kingdom from invading forces. That means our proud soldiers are away from their beloved wives or fiancées. In order to give their loved ones comfort in such horrifying times, the wives or fiancées would give their men a special trinket to remind them what they are fighting for. “Your challenge is to decide what kind of trinket would a future wife of Dios would give to him. Take your time and pick only one object to give to your chosen. I will announce the answer at breakfast tomorrow. Once everyone has picked their item and give it to their chosen, we shall have dinner and you are free to stay for the rest of the ball. Your chosen will take you back to your room when you’re ready.” “Let’s see here,” Helen walked up first, the other noble girls following, “If I were Dios’ wife, I would most certainly give him my most prized necklace. I know he would rather die than part with this.” “Especially if he is in far away land that has never seen such fine pieces,” Mary agreed as she picked up a ring. “Such an ego will land him dead,” Octavia scuffed as Catherine, Golde, and Dorothy also choose a piece of jewelry, “Thieves like to work in numbers. They would lay their lives if it meant a heavy bag of gold. Even with all of his power, Dios would be dead if they strike when he’s exhausted from a day of fighting. You want to give him something they would have no interest in.” “And that would be,” Golde asked in mock challenge. “Clothing is much safer,” Raven answered as she grabbed a scarf with a flower design upon it, “No one is going to kill over a piece of cloth. And he can wrap it around him and inhale my scent to comfort him.” “Good idea,” Emma agreed as she picked up a scarf with a wave design on it, “It will also drive away any w****s that try to seduce him.” “What do you think,” Claire asked Rose as she, Fayette, Ivy, and Pearl look to her for guidance. “Are you even sure you wish to ask me,” Rose looked at each of them, “You were so certain to blame me for not picking Dios’ horse.” “You do spend some time with the soldiers,” Ivy pointed out, “I’ve seen you sometimes sewing their pockets. You must know what their wives gave them.” “Well…” the poor girl thought hard before going over to the table, looking at everything for a few moments before picking up a miniature figurine, “This.” “That,” Joan blinked at the item while holding a scarf. “One of the soldiers had one,” Rose explained, “It was worn from him rubbing his thumb over it like a mantra. He said he would’ve went insane without it.” “I’ve seen a few soldiers do the same thing,” Fayette said as she picked up a miniature figurine, “I guess it helps more to have something that looks a bit like the one your love to keep them sane.” “I guess that’s a good point,” Claire picked up a miniature figurine along with Ivy and Pearl. “Have you made your decisions,” Queen Usio asked everyone, to which they nod, “Good. Now give your item to your chosen. Once you do, we can get back to the ball.” The noble girls took their items and presented them to their chosen, some being very dramatic upon doing so. Rose gave the miniature figurine to Rowen shyly, who smiled softly at it and wrapped it in a handkerchief before putting in his pocket. “I shall treasure it forever,” he told her softly, making her blush. “Make sure you wear it always,” Amelia ordered David as she tied the scarf around his neck, “I want everyone to know you are mine.” “I would perish at the thought of being owned by another,” David replied. “It is beautiful,” George told Elanor as he held the pendant, “but not as beautiful as you.” “You’re so sweet,” Elanor giggled with a blush. “I expect this back,” Emma said with a pout, handing her scarf to Geoffrey, “and don’t get it dirty either.” “I would buy you a thousand scarves like it if such a thing happens,” Geoffrey declared, making Emma blush and look away in embarrassment. “Do be careful with this charm,” Golde said as she gave Alfred a ring, “It will always protect you.” “It will be my greatest treasure,” Alfred declared with pride. “Ladies and gentlemen,” they turn to see a servant bowing before them, “Dinner is prepared. Please take your seats and you will be served shortly.” Everyone did as told, Rose and Rowen finding themselves in the company of Mary, Anthony, Claire, and Patrick. They ate quietly, barely conversing unlike the others, and the two were left alone once dinner was finished. “Could you please escort me to my room,” Rose asked Rowen quietly, looking very uncomfortable and trying to hide it terribly. “Of course,” Rowen answered as he helped her to her feet and led her out, not saying a word about her condition. He led her to her room swiftly and bid her a quick good night before she shut the door with a quiet reply. Once he was certain she was safe behind the door, he turned swiftly to what he believed unnerved her. Rather, who. “I care not if you dislike us for our status,” he told Tulip and Marcus, “but do not upset my charge like that. I will not tolerate it again.” “I do not wish to upset her,” Tulip stated defiantly, Marcus holding her by her shoulders, “I am merely curious of her.” “She is not some toy for you to ogle at or study. I have half a mind to report this to Her Majesty.” “The rules say nothing about looking at someone. I am just not allow to bring violence towards her. If she can’t handle someone looking at her, then she should just leave.” “What do you want with her,” Rowen demanded, feeling a headache coming on. The sooner the noble girl made more sense, the better. He saw the way she was looking at Rose. This was no mere curiosity. “The girl looked like someone I once knew,” Tulip revealed, “but it would not make any sense if she was that person.” “And why not?” “Because that person died years ago.” © 2018 Omegax45Author's Note
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