Silent Shadows

Silent Shadows

A Poem by OliviaOwens

I’ve stumbled through life, never finding my way
Looked at the world through lenses of grey.
The monsters I claim, from under my bed
Are now nestled tight and close in my head.

They whisper things and have me believe
I’m not here for joy, but only to grieve.
The noise in my head echoes unbroken,
The door to my heart, they left it wide open.

For darkness to crawl in and find a nice place,
Where tears are constant, devoid of all grace.
They filled it with sorrow ingrained in a crown
So heavy to wear, I fight not to drown.

Happiness tries to fight its way in
To find an illusion; constant shadow within.
It turns on the light to chase it away -
The darkness’ assault pulls it quick in the fray.

This shadow my monsters have cast over me,
Keeps me wrapped tight, can’t seem to get free.
The fight to evict them, to push them away
Is silent and vast �" can’t keep them at bay.

Shaped by our minds, we become what we think,
They try us or tie us in knots ‘til we sink.
When the candle was lit, my shadow was cast,
With each breath I do ask how much longer I’ll last.

© Copyright 2014 Olivia G. Owens. All rights reserved.

© 2014 OliviaOwens

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Added on December 17, 2014
Last Updated on December 17, 2014
Tags: complicated, confusion, dark, death, depression, helpless, inspiration, life, nonfiction, olivia grace owens, olivia owens,, pain, poem, poetry, sadness, shadows, silence, women



Falcon, CO

Who am I? This is a loaded question… I am a second generation American and a native expatriate. I am underpaid, under-educated and I have a difficult time comprehending why a decent paying .. more..

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A Poem by OliviaOwens