Beloved Mine

Beloved Mine

A Story by OliviaOwens

It is almost midnight. As I walk up the driveway, a light breeze rustles through the leaves of the old oak in the front yard. I stand and listen for a few minutes. It is quiet and peaceful. There is a full moon and a lone plane travels into the few clouds gracing our sky. 

I slowly unlock the front door, careful not to make any sounds. The house is quiet, sleeping. I softly walk up the stairs, knowing the bedroom door is open. He is sleeping and I do not wish to wake him. As I get closer to the room, I can hear his soft, rhythmic breathing. I slowly push open the door and watch him for a few minutes. His long, slender fingers are splayed on his pillow, next to his cheek. As I walk in, I see his eyes are moving; he must be dreaming.

I wonder about his dreams; I never ask and he never tells me.

I silently sit on the edge of the bed and watch him for a few minutes. I slowly bend down and kiss him softly on his cheek. He stirs but does not wake. As I whisper I love you, he opens his eyes, gives me a sleepy smile and goes back to sleep. I walk out of the room.

Smiling to myself, I wonder what I have ever done to deserve him. I wonder if I am good enough for him.

He is fun, smart, and manipulative but the love of a seven-year-old is unparalleled.

© Copyright 2014 Olivia G. Owens. All rights reserved.

© 2014 OliviaOwens

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Added on May 27, 2014
Last Updated on May 27, 2014



Falcon, CO

Who am I? This is a loaded question… I am a second generation American and a native expatriate. I am underpaid, under-educated and I have a difficult time comprehending why a decent paying .. more..

Words Words

A Poem by OliviaOwens