Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Olivia Ann Sarisha


I finally manage to escape the wrath of my family; mom and dad. I walk at a 
normal pace, and it's no surprise to me that girls are giggling and staring at 
me. How amusing. It'll be no surprise whatsoever if they recognize me from 
magazines and such. I'm not arrogant unlike many other young heirs. So I could 
really care less about the amount of money I have and bragging about it. 

My eyes then linger to the entrance of the huge high school; Reikano Gakuen. It 
has over 4,500 students enrolled; I can already tell that it's going to be very 
crowded. In less than five seconds, an immense group of girls are swarming 
around me. One girl, however; specifically catches my interest. She looks like a 
gorgeous angel. 

The girl has cheeky almond brown shaped eyes. She has dark brown; black hair 
that's layered, ending down at her chest. Her skin is a creamy light peach color 
(not really peach, but the word I'm trying to say is not coming to me). She is 
fairly petite looking only about 4"9'. I observe her actions closely and notice 
that she's drawing some manga stuff. It looks amazing!

Her eyes lock with mine, and I feel a red blush creeping on my face with 
embarrassment that was being caught. She smiles; her teeth are stunningly 
perfect, she's beautiful. I return the smile and I'm about to approach her until 
the bell intervenes and she picks up her belongings, then she leaves. 

When I get to class, everyone in the room gets silent; all that remains within 
the room are quiet murmurs, obviously being directed at me as people stare. I 
pay no attention what so ever as I just observe the classroom. 

My perusing of the room is put to a break; the girl from earlier enters the 
classroom. To my own surprise, she decides to sit right next to me. "Hello, I'm 
Misaki Manami. Nice to meet you, what's your name?" She says; her voice pouring 
out sweetly like the words flowing out of her mouth like honey. "My name is 
Takeshi. Nice to meet you too." I say politely; hearing the dreamy shrieks 
coming from the girls. Great; more girls are going to be infatuated with me. 

She gives me an odd stare as if to say: 'Why are they acting like this', though; 
all I do is shrug. I pretend like I have not the slightest clue why; when really 
I know why. They recognize me from all the magazine ads, newspapers, etc. Of 
course they just want my family name and cash. In the past though, whenever 
someone even tried to look at me; nope, security guards refused to let them even 
catch one glimpse of me. It was horrendously humiliating. 

The life I've wanted to live to the fullest; yep, that's happening right now. To 
be quite honest, this may be the greatest day in my whole entire life! Believe 
it or not, I really think that it's fate that the girl sitting next to me; and 
I, met. But who knows? There's plenty of other girls out there that could be 
just like her. How would I know? I direct my attention toward the teacher who 
welcomes us to the classroom. "Hello Class, welcome to your second year of high 
school. Are you guys excited or what!?" He says with enthusiasm: receiving a 
series of groans from the students in the classroom. I'm content with a smile on 
my face and he gives me a rather odd stare. 

Although I must say, it's hard to keep my eyes off of her. Those long, beautiful 
eyelashes that flutter like a butterfly's wings. Her glossy, juicy lips alluring 
me closer. I attempt to not stare as much; too late. She notices me staring and 
she laughs out loud. As a result, the whole entire class looks at us, and so 
does the teacher.

In the midst of it all though, she gives another beautiful smile. I feel like 
I'm falling in way too deep for her. What if she ends up not being a virgin or 
something?! No that can't be, right? But no, that cannot be true right?!

© 2011 Olivia Ann Sarisha

Author's Note

Olivia Ann Sarisha
Ignore the grammar problems. Please tell me what your think. Please review and everything! :D

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Added on June 10, 2011
Last Updated on June 10, 2011


Olivia Ann Sarisha
Olivia Ann Sarisha

Long Beach, CA

Hello there. My name is olivia. I was adopted from Calcutta India when I was six months old, now I'm almost 15; turning on June 11th, and I live In california. I love drawing, writing, singing, and ot.. more..
