Black Lives MatterA Poem by Oliver Leewhite silence is white violenceAm I allowed to say that sometimes I am ashamed of being white? When the world I live in is full of social injustice, I can't seem to understand Why privilege is categorized and given to those of a certain color? Not a certain heart? I feel out of place writing about the social oligarchy when I am the one receiving the white privilege I am trans I am gay I am persecuted but I am privileged in a way that my African-American friends will never know there are people who genuinely hate themselves because of their melanin when I believe they should love themselves more just because the world tells you there is something different do not turn it into something wrong love yourself you are beautiful and white silence is white violence we are privileged unequal just because segregation isn't present doesn't mean the problem went away so remember Mr. King remember the old days where whites and blacks were separated and tell me how unfair you think that is and think twice before you act differently toward a black man than you would act toward a white one © 2018 Oliver Lee |
1 Review Added on January 18, 2018 Last Updated on January 18, 2018 Tags: #blm, #melanin, #poetry, #whiteviolence, #racism AuthorOliver LeeBatavia , NYAboutOliver 16 LGBTQ+ advocate Reptile dad Theatre rat I make music "f**k" more..Writing