Sounds more like a naughty riddle to me .... if u ask me ... its loving someone or being loved by someone which is the most beautiful feeling a person can experience and if we step a bit forward .... making love to the one u love is the secret to divine happiness.
If this is your picture .... u are very handsome with this i welcome u aboard!
will read your other poems too.
this really makes you think about how much sexual content is placed on our minds each day. the media, movies, books, pretty much everything in society centers around (or at least has something to do with) sex. no wonder kids are as fucked up as they are. it's pretty sad when you think about it. good write, very entertaining.
This is my husband and his career in a nutshell. I'm going to have him read it when he returns. I think it'll be a huge eye opener for him (seriously!).
Not sure what this is about, let me think: could be love, could be thinking, could be writing or creating generally, could be living life, and so forth! And that's what makes this post intriguing, it's not just a throw away scribble.
I am a new writer here. I want get this stuff out of my head and put it online!! I find a great release to let go of intense, deep thoughts.
I like to write stories and I have collaborated.. more..