Mr. Saliva

Mr. Saliva

A Story by Oleander

Mr. Saliva is a maniac by choice, who is in love with his nurse. He denies treatment but aches to get better so they may be together. But then again this may be the only way they can be together.

His arms were folded across his chest like a bat sleeping. He lay there as if in death. Almost like a vampire. Those who passed by and peeked into his room would have assumed he was sleeping...but indeed he was not. The maniac's mouth twitched as if he wanted to smile..He was waiting. Waiting for his love.

He heard the beep of the card sliding in and unlocking the door. Heard her heels click as she walked across the floor. Her breathing was soft, he could imagine the way her chest rose and fell as she stared down at him. A cold unforgiving angel.

Anyone else would have thought him to be asleep, but she knew better...

"Mr. you need help rising this morning?" Her voice though soft echoed and bounced off the bare frigid white walls. He sighed and opened his eyes. Wide so he seemed more crazed. It was all an act...

Let me tell you something about maniacs and straightjackets. It is true that it is indeed hard to move around in one. It takes a really special individual to make it appear natural. The movements of the simplest actions seem quite hard. But this man didn't struggle and sat up with ease. Like he was born to be here, wrapped up like a mummy.

The nurse, her name was Jolie. She was a tall brunette French woman. Her accent was sweet and soft like most women from Paris. He loved to stand at his window and watch her smoke outside on her breaks.

"How are you feeling today Mr. Saliva?" She asked her voice like velvet.

"Not too well I am afraid. I want a pen and paper." he looked at her his eyes sad and convincing. His mind pushed out his will. Just say yes. But of course he knew that she would be difficult.

"Last time I gave you a pen you didn't even use the paper." She stated formally. Her cool blue eyes baring into his.

Yes, he remembered. At the time he thought it would be beautifully poetic to carve the poetry onto his skin. Ink and and blood welled up in his scratched up hand-writing.He didn't regret the action just the consequences. Now they had him on suicide watch. And of course they didn't believe him when he insisted that it wasn't about suicide at all. Just an escape.


"I told you never to call me that. It's Ms. Nicole." He gave her a look and she smiled. He knew she liked to pretend their relationship was only that of patient and nurse but it was so much deeper. So much more meaningful.

"Anything you say love." He smiled immitating a British accent, a feint blush crept along her cheeks as she fought hard not to smile.

"Well if not a about a crayon? They should be safe to use. I believe it's a good compromise. And I haven't had any incidents within the last week. I have been on my best behavior."

Jolie shook her head sadly. "I do not have any crayons."Her crimson lips frowned and he was struck with an idea.

"Jolie.."He gave her his best look. It was positively smoldering. He had often used the look on his mother growing up and then school girl's too once he learned it worked on them. He had been quite the lady's man. This institute hadn't change that.

"May I use your lipstick my sweet?" He stood up, rising to his feet, suddenly close to her. He was taller than her by at least two inches even with the heels.

"I..." He kissed her. Deep and unrelenting, passionate. She froze at first then surrendered beneath his lips, giving in...relenting. It had been two years since he had kissed a woman. Two years since he had felt the sweet heat of breath on his lips. He inhaled her scent, her natural smell and her perfume. It was a lovely mix.

She broke away. Her look was a mixture of sorrow and shame. He even thought that he could see a tear welling up in her left eye beneath her long thick lashes.

"I could get fired." She whispered.

"I wouldn't want that. Seeing you every day is enough for now." Mr. Saliva said. Then realizing that he was nearing a dangerous road to normalcy he grinned wide. Flashing all his teeth, like an animal. He jerked his head and twitched, putting on a show.

"Maybe one day you will be better and we can be together." Jolie said as she reached into her uniform into the secret area of her bra where she kept her lipstick. She handed it to him with a wistful smile. Placing it in his mouth.

"I will tell them that I must have lost it as I made your bed." With those words she left, the door clicked softly shut. He stood there momentarily lost by her words. Listening to her heels echo down the corridor.

"One day she says." He twisted the lipstick open. Mr. Saliva had been here long enough to remove himself from his restraints, now it came as second nature.

"I am already better my dear." He muttered raising the tube of firey red to the wall. "I am just not ready to leave. This is my home."

With that he began to write. The words bled against the sharp white of the walls. His words were light and he wrote words so beautiful angels wept upon reading. He wrote of his mind, and how it was so vast like a vaccuum. He wrote of his dreams. And then of course he wrote about her...

© 2012 Oleander

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Featured Review

There is something brilliantly sick about this idea. That he is pretending to be ill to be with her, which surely is a sign that he is sick after all. A genuinely Catch 22 situation, almost the catch in reverse.

I'd like to see where it goes, I'd also be interested in what she thinks of him. There must be easier ways to get someone's attention, surely.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Really good prose. Didnt feel the story was over though. Maybe there will be more? I enjoyed it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

There is something brilliantly sick about this idea. That he is pretending to be ill to be with her, which surely is a sign that he is sick after all. A genuinely Catch 22 situation, almost the catch in reverse.

I'd like to see where it goes, I'd also be interested in what she thinks of him. There must be easier ways to get someone's attention, surely.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on July 2, 2012
Last Updated on July 2, 2012
Tags: Institution, goth, Mr. Saliva, story, short story, maniac, insane



Camby, IN

Hello my name is Oleander, I am a female, 21 years old. Born in Florida but raised in Indiana, I am a city girl. more..

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