Forget Me
A Poem by OkieWonKenokie
Every time I talk to you my heart beats faster
I forget what I was going to say.
Why does this happen?
Well a reason why would be that I've fallen for you
I've fallen hard for you.
I tell you how I feel
Even though it doesn't matter anyways.
You said you were flattered but
How can you say that if you pretty much lecture me?
I'm sorry for telling you how I feel
You can forget what I told you
And me
It was a mistake telling you
And I'm sorry for doing so
© 2009 OkieWonKenokie
Added on November 14, 2009
OkieWonKenokieNorth Little Rock, AR
Well not that much to say about me. I have 2 little brothers and a recently born baby sister (she's such a cheeky baby). I don't really have that many friends, but I love making new friends on here an.. more..