Inner wars

Inner wars

A Story by Oki

A small group of alchemist and magicians battle a corrupt church.


Chapter1: Girl in the forest.

Oki walked down the forest path. On his back, a pack full of food and water. In his pockets; a knife, and a handgun. He looked up at the sky, and wished he had taken the ride in the back of the delivery cart that passed a few minutes before.

Oki: This…isn’t fair. I shouldn’t need to walk…then again, if I hadn’t chosen to walk, I would’ve missed this view. View of what!? The road? (Scream in distance.) Ok, maybe this is why I didn’t get on the cart.

Oki ran in the general direction of the scream. He burst into a clearing, and saw three wolves standing around a cat. The cat looked over and called for help. One of the wolves snapped at the cat and turned around, reveling a sword. Oki stopped in his tracks. He looked at the three thugs. Each had a sword. Medium distance. Oki smiled and clapped his hands together. He ran at the man on the right. The man ran, and swung at Oki. Oki placed his hands on the ground. Where he had placed his hands, vines appeared, and wrapped themselves around the thug. The thug dropped his sword, which Oki picked up. He clapped his hands together again, this time he touched the sword. There was a flash of light, and the sword was now a small sickle. The other thug ran away, leaving just the head guy. The two rushed at each other. Oki’s sickle was knocked away, and he was knocked to the ground. The wolf put the sword to Oki’s throat. Oki touched the sword, and in a flash of light, the sword was a small hammer. The wolf growled as he threw the hammer away, and pulled out a revolver. He points it at Oki, who just smiled.

Wolf: What’s so funny?

Oki: You know the gun of yours? (Touches gun, the gun shined) I wouldn’t use it.

The wolf grinned. Oki got up and ran the other way. The wolf pulled the trigger. There was a muffled explosion. Oki turned around. The wolf was on his back, the back of the gun blown out. Oki walked up to the girl. She was looking at the body of the dead wolf when she noticed Oki. She looked away as he got closer. When nothing happened, she looked up at him.

Oki: Where were going when you were jumped?

Girl: Uh…I was heading to the Capital.

Oki: Ok then, get up. I was heading in the same direction. I’ll travel with you until we get there, ok?

Girl: Ok, sounds good.

Oki helped the girl up. Together the two walked back to the road Oki had been on a few moments ago. They walked up the road, until they reached a fork in the road. They took the sign that pointed to a city about 35 miles away. They managed to reach the town by sundown. Once in the town, they found a hotel and got a room.

Oki: So, why you going to the capital?

Girl: Oh, well…I need to find something.

Oki: Makes sense. I mean, if you can’t find it in the capital, it doesn’t exist.

Girl: Yeah, I guess. What about you?

Oki: I’m going to find a way to put my talents to work.

Girl: You mean what you did back in the forest?

Oki: Yeah…hey. What’s your name anyway?

Cola: It’s Cola.

Oki: Nice to meet ya. Oki.

Cola: (Laughs) Yeah nice to meet you, even though we just traveled thirty-five miles together.

Oki: Yeah well, we didn’t talk much. Anyways, we should be getting to sleep soon. We gotta get out of here before they come to pick up the money in the morning. I got the floor.

Cola: Okay. I got the bed…wait. As in wake up early and leave without paying?

Oki: That’s the general idea.

Oki grabbed a pillow and lied down on the floor. The sound of him snoring quickly followed. Cola lied there, staring up at the ceiling. She looked at the scar on her hand from the thugs in the forest. She rolled over, and fell asleep. The next morning, she woke up to Oki shaking her.

Oki: Time to get up. They’ll be here any minute.

Cola made her bed, and the two jumped out the window. They were down the street, when some soldiers ran past them. The two watched as the soldiers ran into the hotel they just left. The two laughed, and jumped on the back of a cart that was leaving the town’s western gate. They were on their way to Capital city. Meanwhile; the one remaining thug from the forest managed to finally break free of the roots that Oki had created. He ran directly to Capital city. Due to Oki and Cola stopping in the town to rest, the thug managed to get a head start by the time they woke up that morning. He was already in Capital city, long before they were.

Chapter2: The city’s wars.

Oki woke up when the cart hit a large bump. He looked over and noticed Cola was messing with some straw she had found.

Oki: What are you doing?

Cola: Just trying to fashion together a hat.

Oki: You’re from the country and you’re going to wear a straw hat? Well, do you know how to make one?

Cola: Yes I’m going to make one…and no I don’t know how.

Oki: Give me the hat and watch.

Oki clapped his hands together and placed them on the straw pile. There was the flash of light, and when it dimmed down, a hat stood in the straw’s place. Oki gave it back to Cola. She smiled and put the hat on. She looked at Oki, and pointed past him. He looked over his shoulder and saw a large building in the distance.

Oki: No way. I was here a few years ago, and that building wasn’t there. There’s no way that could have been built by hand that fast.

Cola: Well, maybe an alchemist made it.

Oki; Maybe…something’s wrong though. Even an alchemist would have needed the material from somewhere. Oh well. I guess it’s no big deal.

The two rode the cart into the city until they found a place that looked good to stop at. They jumped out of the cart, and walked inside the building. The place smelled of smoke, and beer.

Cola: Ugh, this place makes me feel sick. Do we have to stay here long?

Oki: No. I know what you mean. Let me just ask someone for help. (Walks over to man) Hey? You know of any alchemist in this town? Or someone who needs some work done for them?

The man looked at Oki and laughed. Cola watched and scoffed. She looked towards the door and saw the thug from the forest run outside. She ran over to Oki.

Cola: Oki, we got to go, now.

Oki: Hmm? Just a second.

Guy: You may want to listen to your girl there kid. This town is a dangerous place for alchemist.

Just before Oki could speak, the bar door burst open. Several men ran inside. Loud footsteps were heard. The thug from the forest walked in, with a tall bald man behind him.

Thug: That’s him! He’s an alchemist. Now where’s my reward?

Man: Hmm. He is just as you described. As for your reward. (Shoots man, body falls to floor.) The Almighty Lord shall forgive you for your sins of Greed and Murder. Young bear, is what this man said true?

Oki: Yeah, I’m an alchemist, what of it?

Man: Very well then. Is she too?

Oki: No.

Man: Then she lives. As for you; Those who leave the path of life the Almighty Lord has set for us, must be hunted down, and executed.

The man drew a large sword from its sheath. He pointed it at Oki.

Man: FIRE!

Oki quickly clapped his hands and hit them on the floor, producing a wall around him. He could hear the bullets hitting the outside of the shield. He clapped his hands and hit the ground again. He heard shocked gasp from outside. He used his alchemy to tear down the shield. Stone rods had pierced through all of the guns the men were holding.

Man: So, he does use the devil’s curse.

Oki took a few of the nearby guns and placed them on a table.

Man: Give up boy. Your dark magic may work on the floor and weapons. But my blade was crafted by God himself. You can’t touch me while I wield it.

Oki: Wasn’t planning on it.

Oki used his alchemy, to turn the table into a four barreled cannon. The gun’s metal became bullets, and the powder was used to help it fire. Oki hit the table with his fist, causing the gun to fire. The man managed to reflect every shot. Oki looked at the man. The man smiled back, and started to walk towards Oki. Oki turned the table cannon into a makeshift sword. He ran and clashed swords with the man. His blade snapped in two pieces. The impact caused him to move back a little. Oki clapped his hands together and tried to touch the sword. He managed to touch hit, at the cost of getting a thin cut on his right arm.

Oki: Steel and Iron huh? Ok then.

Oki ran back towards the man. He clapped his hands together and grabbed the sword. There were sparks, but no light. He somehow failed to transmute the sword. The man pulled the sword out of Oki’s hands, cutting Oki’s palms. The man kicked Oki out the bar door. In the ally, Cola tried to help Oki up. The man walked out the door and put the sword to Oki’s throat.

Oki: What is with you guys and going for the throat?

Man: The weakest and easiest place to strike. I’ll give you a second to pray.

Oki: Don’t bother.

Man: Very well, enjoy he-(Yells in pain)

The man moved away, and grabbed his wrist. Oki and Cola saw a light shining from the back of the man’s hand. The light was in the shape of a cross. The man looked at Oki.

Man: You are one of those heretics!?

Oki: (Stands up.) I promise you, I had nothing to do with this.

A cold chill went up Oki, and Cola’s spines. They turned to see a man coming out of the shadows. The man’s also had a symbol on his hand, however his was a pentagram. The man with the cross symbol yelled and ran towards the other man.


Oki stood and watched. He heard the sound of a large cart out in the street. A dragon and two wolves pulled up in front of the bar. The dragon put his palm out, and a fire ball formed. He threw the fire ball past Oki and Cola at the two men.

Dragon: Come on! This place isn’t safe!

Cola: Oki?

Oki: Hey, they saved us from psychotic priest and that other guy.

The two jumped on the cart, and rode away. Oki took his revolver out of his pocket, and aimed it at the dragon. The two wolves pointed weapons at Oki

Dragon: That would be a bad career choice. I mean, why kill someone who is trying to be a friend in the wars?

Oki: Wars?

Chapter3: The church’s dark past.

Oki, Cola, the dragon, and the two wolves walked down an ally. The dragon nodded his head. The wolves ran down the alley, looked back and nodded. The dragon touched the wall with two fingers. Two circles appeared around his fingers. He turned them. He did this two more times. In different directions. The wall shook and opened. Revealing a flight of stairs. Down the stairs, conversations could be heard. The group walked into a large room. The conversations all quickly died down, and all eyes were on Oki and Cola.

Dragon: Relax people. The bear’s an alchemist.

Another bear stood up.

Bear: Let’s test that out.

The bear drew a circle on the ground, and placed his hands on it. The circled glowed, and disappeared. A small wooden horse stood in its place. Oki looked it over. He clapped his hands together and placed his hands on the ground as well. A life size horse statue appeared. The crowed let out a shocked sound and looked at the other bear. The bear stood up and gave Oki a pat on the back. The crowd laughed and everyone went back to their conversations. The two wolves walked away. The dragon offered Oki and Cola some seats.

Oki: So. What is this place?

Dragon: A safe haven. For scientist, alchemist, and magic users.

Oki: Cool. What’s your name man?

Arkais: Names Arkais. You know, I see a lot of myself in you.

Oki: We’re nothing alike. You can make flames from nowhere.

Arkais: And you can form stone spikes, shields, guns, and swords from the materials in the world around you.

Oki: True. So, why were those guys after me, and why do you guys have to hide down here?

Arkais: You’re not from around here are you? Well, that was Pastor Christopher or Wrath as the Emissary calls him. He and his church hunt down magicians and alchemist and execute them.

Oki; Why? That’s so stupid. I mean who the hell would just let them do that?

The room got quiet. All eyes slowly turned to Oki and Arkais. Cola looked around.

Arkais: Well then, stay awhile, because it’s story time. Unfortunately, this isn’t a happy one. You see, about two years ago, alchemist and magicians were able to roam the streets freely. Then he showed up. He never gave his name. All he told us, was that he was god’s Emissary. He took the small community that was the church of Christ and turned into what it is today. Then when he saw the church, he asked me, and several others to help build a new one. He didn’t know the six of us were magicians and alchemist. We tore down the building, and used that material to make the new one. We magicians used mud, water, and gravitational force to create strong stones. Once we had enough, the alchemist used their power to form the whole building. Then while the alchemist went around, making doors and window holes, we created glass and made the windows and stained glass in the chapel. It took twelve hours altogether. Emissary was happy, yet he never questioned how we had it done so fast. Well, a year went by. And everything seemed fine. Then one day, a few regulars at the town entrance changed everything. These kids were just teenagers. They were friends who had a ruse. They would wait for a large crowed of new people, and then pretend to argue and fight. One used magic. The other alchemy. Well, Emissary happened to be watching on that day. He was horrified at the sight. He ran through the crowd of people yelling “devils! Heretics!” I used a wind spell I knew to keep him at bay. Looking at me, he shouted in anger and ran off. After that outburst, we expected that the church would abandon him, and disperse. We were wrong. He managed to talk the church into an uproar. Then, he sent one of his men out. And in the middle of the day, while they were performing for the newcomers, the man slaughtered the two boys, in front of everyone. Later that week, at a gathering, Emissary pronounced that “All those who do the devil’s bidding, that use his curses to the world. Have fallen from the path god set for mortals and must be found and executed.” The entire church agreed. They started a war with us. And despite our powers, we couldn’t stop an army of that mass. We lost so many. We went into hiding. It wasn’t too long after however, the third faction appeared. Dark Emissary, as he called himself. He wanted us to join him in a revolt against the church. But it was a trap. They slaughtered us as well. They say that no mere mortal can claim the power of the great lord of darkness. So, now the church of Christ and the church of the anti-Christ are after us. Both wanting to kill us, and each other.  Both churches managed to capture people who believe in science. They force them to make weapons for them. While the rest of us scatter across the land, avoiding all those who say they fallow a church.

Oki: Damn. That’s all kinds of fucked up.

Cola: But why would they willingly kill users?

Arkais: Both Emissaries have brainwashed everyone into thinking, the more they kill, the more powerful they become in the afterlife, and the longer they will naturally live on this earth.

Oki: Hmm, well regardless of what they think is going to happen, we have to end the wars, now.

Arkais: Oh yeah. You make it sound like we haven’t tried that already.

Cola: How hard could it be?

Wolf1: Well, besides having to trudge through the city, avoiding getting seen. There’s a bounty on our heads. Then we would need to break into the castle up there, while either avoiding being seen again, or fight through an army of over a 90,000 strong. Only to have to reach the ten levels of Heaven, and take down; Envy, Sloth, Greed, Murder, Theft, Lust, Hersey, Wrath, Gluttony, and Pride. After that, we would have to break through a few thick doors, and then finally have to fight Emissary.

Oki: And for the anti-Christ church?

Wolf2: Well, the same things except the guardians are: Sect, Sin, Chaos, Darkness, Death, Sickness, Inferno, Styx, Suffering, and Hatred.

Oki: So a living nightmare either way?

Arkais: Yeah. But I’m sure we can do something.

At that moment, a man ran down the stairs.

Man: Arkais! We got a problem. The church of the anti-Christ…it’s all burned down.

Ezekiel: Must have been the Church. Their on the move.

Man: They say they are looking for him. (Points at Oki.)

Oki: Me?

Man: You’re the only one to face Wrath, and live.

Oki: Damn. Fine he wants a fight? I’ll give him one.

Arkais: Wait. If the Anti-Christ church is gone, that means there’s only one church left to hunt us down. That means we can go on the offensive.

Oki: Yeah…but first, we need to get into that tower. After the ten levels are down, the rest of you can go in.

Arkais: You’re not going alone. Me, Cola, Aura, Anglat, Ezekiel, Thorn, Cricket, Angelus, Phedora, and you. That’s our army.

Cola: Me? What can I do? I’m not a magician, or an alchemist.

Chapter4: Scouting, while under attack.

The crowd of people looked at Cola.

Arkais: Your not?

Cola: No. I was traveling with him after he saved me from some thugs.

Arkais: Despite the fact you aren’t one of us; the church has a bounty on your head as well.

Cola: Well, I can take care of myself. I have to go look for what I came here for. Please, all of you be careful.

Cola grabbed a gun and ran out of the underground cavern. Arkais and the rest of the group ran out too. Leaving the cavern, and heading for the castle, that the Church of Christ had grown to call their church. Arkais, Aura, and the new member Trevor flew ahead of the group. Anglat, Ezekiel, and Angelus ran off in one direction. Oki, Cricket, Thorn and Phedora went off in another direction. Aura’s group got a bird’s eye view of castle. Oki’s group was to locate any other exits from the castle. And Anglat’s group was to discover if there were any traps on the bridge that would keep their backup from arriving. There were none. The three groups rejoined, near the bridge. Meanwhile…

Guy: Man. It’s taking them awhile. When are they going to be back?

Woman: Have patients. They will arrive soon enough.

The small group stood there in the silence. Until the sound of voices from the secret wall were heard.

Woman: You see?  Now, I’m taking them some water.

The woman walked up the steps. A light appeared, showing the secret door opened.

Woman: Wait, what are you doing here!?

The woman dropped the tray she was carrying. The tray fell down the stairs, stirring the people at the bottom of the stairs to stand up and prepare. The woman walked down the stairs, a large man behind her. The look in the woman’s eyes was that of agonizing pain. The man pushed her forward and she fell to the ground, revealing a large dagger stabbed in her back. One of the onlooker’s (who was a magician) hand caught fire. The man ran at the large man who had killed the woman. Just before he was able to attack the man, someone walked down the stairs. The attacker stopped and stared in disbelief. Before the magician could act, the large man’s iron gauntlet extended a small steel blade. The man drove it into the magician’s head, killing him instantly. The rest of the crowed was a mix of scared and hated reactions. More men flooded the room. These men holding guns. The larger man raised his hand, and the men began firing. The large man held his hand up again, and the firing stopped. The large man laughed.

Wrath: Hmm…burn this hive down. As for you…come with me.

The men poured gasoline all over the bodies and the building. The large man lit a match, and threw it into the cavern. Meanwhile, back with Arkais’ group…

Oki: Well, that should do it. If what we each said is true, then this should be a perfect layout of the outer, and some of the inner area.

Arkais: Yeah. We should be heading back to-(Faint gunshots)

Cricket: What the hell?

Trevor: Yeah…I don’t like this.

Oki: Maybe the guards found some of the others. (Explosion in distance)

Ezekiel: Guys, that came from Barkstone Street!

Arkais: The base!

The group made their way to Barkstone Street. The closer they got, the more obvious the situation became. They arrive at where the base should have been. Only to find a wall of flames.

Oki: What…who…damn it.

Arkais: Maybe someone’s still alive.

Anglat: Don’t count on it. Angelus, Ezekiel, you guys smell that?

Angelus: Yeah…burning flesh.

Ezekiel: Good news, smells like they were dead before the fire started. At least they won’t feel its pain.

Arkais: It’s not fair. We should have been here.

Oki: Only thing left is to take down the Emissary.

Arkais: Are you stupid!? (Grabs Oki’s shirt.) Look at what they did! You think I’m going to take on an army, when they can consciously do this!?

Oki: No. But you will do it, because if you don’t, they would have died for nothing. It has to end.

Chapter5: it’s way too easy.

Arkais led the small group of ten through the town. While they walked, Oki began to worry about Cola. No one had seen her since she left the hideout. He shrugged it off. Cola could take care of herself. Taking down the church was more important. As they marched, several guards and church followers kept trying to stop them. Each attempt was ended in their deaths. Finally, the group reached the bridge. The bridge was covered in troops. Arkais, Aura, and Trevor put their claws in together. There was a bright glow, which quickly faded away.

Trevor: There. Bullets won’t kill you now. But you will still feel the pain of getting hit. So be wary of that.

Arkais: Ok, here’s the plan. We wipe any down who gets in our way. Here’s the order of who takes on who: Me against Greed. Angelus against Envy. Trevor against Gluttony. Aura against Murder.  Ezekiel against Sloth. Anglat against Theft. Cricket against Lust. Oki against Wrath. Thorn against Hersey. And Phedora against Pride. Oki, you have to keep behind the rest of us.

Oki: Bull crap! I’m not going to be a cowered!

Arkais: You aren’t being one. Wrath is Emissary’s right hand man. He’ll be the last of the ten. You have to be well rested. Because, if you beat him, you have to get that door to the main church open. Once in, confront Emissary. The rest of us will be along shortly after.

Oki: Fine. But one thing before we go…you have to promise me something.

Others: What?

Oki clapped his hands together, and slammed both of his fist into the ground, sending a wave a stone spikes at the awaiting church army.

Oki: Promise me you won’t die. I’d feel bad if I had to kick Emissary’s a*s by myself.

The others smiled. All ten ran at the now cleared off bridge. In the church’s courtyard, from all sides, followers were charging at the group with spears, swords, and shooting at them. The bullets bounced off of them, and the people who dared get close up, met an unfortunate end. Oki looked around; he had lost the group when a large group of people jumped them. He met up with Ezekiel, who pointed at a flight of stairs. The others were standing at. Oki tried to run to it, but the two were surrounded.

Oki: Ezekiel, take my hand (claps hands together and offers Ezekiel)

Ezekiel: Um, ok.

Oki grabbed Ezekiel’s hand, and placed his free one on the ground. A wave went out across the courtyard. Large stone spears sprouted and skewered through everyone in the courtyard.

Ezekiel: Why didn’t you do that before?

Oki: (Panting) well…it takes a lot of…energy. And I needed some extra power to feed off of, or I would have fainted for several hours. I only drained a little of your energy, it will take about five minutes for you to be at full strength. It will take about half an hour for me. Let’s go.

The group moved. They ran up a large flight of stairs. Behind them, the sound of footsteps and yelling could be heard. At the top o the stairs, guards appeared and ran at them. Thorn and Angelus both took pieces of paper out of their pockets, and placed them on the ground. Angelus facing the stairs, Thorn facing the path the guards were running down. Both placed their hands on their papers. Circle patterns became visible. Large walls appeared where the papers once were. The two turned, and the group ran up another, larger flight of stairs. At the top of them, a door with drawings of one person watching another stood before the group. They all forced the door open, and walked in. Inside the room was pitch black. Arkais was about to start a flame, when the lights in the room came on. The room was larger than expected. In the middle, a woman stood. She turned to face the group. She smiled.

Envy: I’m Envy. And this is my room. However it’s not as nice as the ones above it. Oh well, I would take one of the others, but my eternal sin is envy. Now then, while nine of you may watch, one must fight me.

Oki: We can’t continue on?

Envy: Oh my child no. That large door over there needs a key. And anyways, if you were to get to the top of the spire, what then? The larger door that the Emissary has locked himself behind requires TEN keys. And they have to be made of this metal to work. You bear, could forge one by using the devil’s arcane art. However, it wouldn’t work. This metal’s hard to come by. It’s a new type of metal, those scientist forged by using the devil’s arcane art. So even if you could create one, it would be meaningless. So then, which one of you is it? Which one gets to face Envy, hmm?

Arkais: Angelus. That’s you. Good luck girl.

Oki: Wait. (Throws down coins of different metals, claps hands and forms sword.) There. It has the Sturdiness of stone, the speed of a metal sword. And the weightlessness of wood.

Angelus: Thanks Oki. Here it goes.

The two girls approached one another. Envy drew a long blade. Both girls readied themselves.

Chapter6: Eternal punishment: Envy, Behold the Envious blade.

Angelus adjusted her sword. Envy looked at Angelus’ blade. She looked at her own, and frowned.

Envy: Damn you. Why do you get such an amazing blade!?

Angelus smiled. She hadn’t ever used a sword before, so she would have to try and get a hang of one quickly. She began to step to the right. Never leaving her opponents view. Envy began walking to the right as well. But girls walked closer as they circled each other. When Angelus thought she was within a good distance, she moved closer to Envy. Angelus brought the blade above and over her head. She brought it crashing down onto Envy’s blade. Envy laughed, and managed to trip Angelus. Angelus quickly recovered. She looked over at Envy, and saw that she was watching something with a grin on her face. Angelus followed the gaze to a small puddle of blood, which led back to her ankle. Her ankle had somehow been cut.

Envy: Impressive? I won these shoes off one of the pawns that tried to take my title from me. They have little blades in the soles.

Angelus tore the sleeve of her shirt, and used it to tie the wound. She looked back at Envy.

Angelus: (Thinking) *Damn. This fight won’t last long at all if I have to keep getting close to her. And I can’t keep drawing circles…so I need something else.*

Angelus slammed the blade into the ground. She tore more from cloth from her shoulder. She placed the cloth in the circle, and put her hands around the circle. The circle glowed and vanished. In its place, were two gloves. Angelus turned them over, and used blood from her wound to draw circles on both of the gloves. She picked them up, and put them on. She smiled, and removed her blade from the ground.

Ezekiel: I don’t get it, what did she do?

Oki: The gloves. By etching the transmutation circle in blood, the circle can’t be used up in one go. She can use it again and again.

Thorn: Trade off is, because its blood, each time she uses alchemy, it feeds off of her energy…her life force. If she over uses, she’ll pass out or die.

Arkais: Either way she’s dead. We can’t intervene. The marks in this room…this building was made by magicians and alchemist. This room…is the same as the battle arena of my home town. The arena is one-on-one. The markings make it so, that only high leveled magicians can enter if there are more than two living beings within the arena. She faints: she dies…

Angelus kneeled, and pressed her palm against the ground. A light and sparks shot up. A large stone pillar shot from the ground, towards Envy. She managed to dodge it.

Envy: How dare you, you heretic! Using the devil’s forbidden arts in god’s fortress of holiness!? I’ll…I’ll kill you! (Starts running at Angelus) I’LL GUT YOU LIKE THE FISH YOU ARE!!

Angelus placed her palm on the ground again. This time, a stone wire shot from the wall. Catching Envy in the leg. Angelus took the chance; she dropped her sword and placed both palms on the ground. More wires shot from the walls and ground, each piercing through Envy’s body. Angelus tried to stand, but had used too much energy. She used her sword to prop herself up. She could barely walk. Using the sword as a crutch, she hobbled over the group. As she approached the group, the line patterns around the room began to glow. A large wall of transparent energy shot up. Blocking Angelus’ path.

Arkais: That makes no sense! The Patterns are only activated to keep someone from leaving the fight…

Angelus: That means…

The group turned to the body that looked like a puppet. *All of the wires* they heard a laugh from the body. Then, as if they were paper, Envy used the sword to slice through the stone wires.

Envy: If that’s all you have, then I guess I was wrong. The heretic’s are nothing special.

Angelus: What the?

Envy: Emissary has blessed us all with objects pertaining to our sins. As long as those objects are not harmed, we are immortals. Now then…Behold my ENVIOUS BLADE!

Envy rushed at Angelus. Faster than before. Angelus put her sword up to block, but was knocked back against the wall without resistance. Angelus looked up, and waited for the final blow. That’s when she noticed something; Envy had lost her shoes in the wire attack, and didn’t care. But she not once dropped her blade. Angelus was going to take a last resort shot. She placed both of her palms on the ground. One wire came from the wall behind her. Envy sliced it in half. The other from the ceiling. The second one pierced Envy’s blade. Envy slowly looked at the blade. She dropped it, and fell to her knees. She leaned forward, and spit up blood. Angelus leaned up against the wall, and used it to prop herself back up. She walked over to Envy. Angelus took the key necklace from Envy. As Angelus walked away, Envy grabbed her leg.

Envy: (weakly) thank you. Please…set our…souls…free…from Emissary’s…control.

Envy‘s grip weakened. Her arm fell to the ground. Oki and Ezekiel ran over and helped Angelus.

Chapter7: Eternal punishment: Greed, hollow armor.

The group ran up the stairs. Oki, Ezekiel, and Angelus traveling behind the group a few feet. The flight of stairs became a corridor. And the group arrived, at another door. This one, showing an image of a bag of money, depicting the sin of greed. The group helped force the door open. Inside the room, was a large pile of gold coins, jewels, and grails.

Oki: We have to remember this room before we leave. I mean we have to come back here.

???: You’ll not be taking my treasure heretic!

A sword came flying from the pile of jewels. Nearly hitting Oki. The treasure pile began to move. Coins clattered to the floor as a man in golden armor stepped out of the pile.

Greed: I am greed. As my name states, my eternal punishment is Greed. I want money. Power. Armor. I want everything this land has to offer, and more. Now, which of you shabby looking heretics will I have the pleasure of killing?

Arkais stepped forward.

Arkais: That would be me. Let’s get this going.

The man drew a blade, significantly smaller than that, that Envy had used. Arkais blew a small plume of fire into his hand. The fire shifted, and slowly formed the shape of a blade. The fires color altered to green, then blue. As the flame faded, the image of a sword became clearly visible. Arkais chuckled to himself. Greed grinned, and charged at Arkais. The man was surprisingly fast, considering the weight of the golden armor. Just before the man hit arena boundary mark, he jumped and grabbed a hold of the ceiling. He turned, and dropped down right on top of Arkais. The man laughed as he stood up, and walked away. Arkais tried to stand, but the man jabbed the hilt into Arkais’ gut. Arkais fell over, gasping for breath.

Greed: Young dragon. Save yourself the trouble, and just surrender.

Arkais looked up at the man. He looked around the room. He saw the pile of treasure, and realized. Like how the sword was Envy’s weakness, this treasure must have been Greed’s. Arkais used his tail to trip the man. The man fell to the ground. He struggled to stand. Arkais ran over to the pile of treasure, and blew out a large plume of flame. The treasure crackled as it burned. The gold coins and goblets melted. The jewels shattered from the heat. As the flame quickly died away, Greed walked up next to Arkais. Greed fell to his knees. He tried to pick up a piece of gold, but dropped it. While Greed was mourning his lost treasure, Arkais took his sword, and drove it through Greed’s back and clear out his chest. The group cheered. Arkais turned around and began to walk away. As he walked away however, the silhouette of a large man appeared behind him. He turned, and was hit in the mouth by a large blade. Arkais touched his snout. His claw was covered in blood when he looked at it. Arkais looked at his attacker. Greed stood there only his large silhouette was able to be seen.

Greed: You don’t listen do you my young dragon? I can’t be killed, as long as the object that my soul is attached to remains here on earth. You think I care of that treasure? Yes, I did. However, that treasure isn’t my anchor to this world. Pray to your god dragon, although it wasn’t my anchor, I loved that treasure. Prepare to die.

Greed lifted his sword into a stabbing position. He lunged towards Arkais. Arkais rolled out of the way, getting nicked in the wing. Greed looked over at Arkais, and tried to pull his sword from the wall. Arkais smiled and snapped his fingers. Greed quickly looked down and noticed small glowing rocks. The rocks exploded. Greed was thrown to the remains of the treasure. Arkais threw a fireball at the melted treasure, causing it to quickly melt. Greed fell into the melting pile of treasure, and quickly tried to stand up. Arkais’ scales turned a bright blue. He blew a gust of icy wind towards the pile of melting treasure, cooling and solidifying it almost immediately. Greed’s arms and legs were stuck. Arkais laughed quietly. He picked up small pebbles of debris. He spit a red liquid into his hand, and crushed the pebbles. When he reopened his hand, the rocks that had exploded earlier were in his palms.

Arkais: By combining stones with my saliva, I can create these bomb rocks. My saliva is infused with the same magic that gives me my fire breath. By using magic, to create a spark inside the rock, it explodes. Causing devastating damage to anything in a short distance. However (picks up more pebbles, and spits in hand. Crushes and opens hand.) These large bomb rocks can cause devastating damage to more things, the close they are to other bomb rocks. Basically causing a chain reaction.  Enjoy the pain, b***h.

Arkais took the key from around Greed’s neck. He dropped the bomb rocks into Greed’s armor. As he walked away, he snapped. The large explosion that followed didn’t seem to faze him. Arkais walked over and unlocked the door.  He turned to the group.

Arkais: Let’s get going.

Oki: You ok?

Arkais: Just used a lot of my magic energy. That’s all.

The group began to run up another flight of stairs. Halfway up the stairs, there was an explosion. Ezekiel saw some chunks of the tower fall from a few floors up.

Ezekiel: Maybe we aren’t the only ones trying to fight back.

Chapter8: Eternal punishment: Sloth: Battle of brains.

The group moved slowly up the stair way. They came to another door. This one showing a large creature. The doors opened. The room was slightly smaller than the previous rooms. There was a large board in the center of the room. Nine spaces were shining. A tenth was shining in an area above the board. There was labored breathing across the room. A large obese creature sat in a solid gold chair. I stared at the group.

Oki: Can we find the room keeper so Jabba the Hut over there doesn’t try to eat us?

Sloth: Ha ha ha. The fat bear calls me fat. This makes me laugh. Please, take your places. I want to begin.

Arkais: Ugh…w-what are you go…going on about?

Sloth: Well you see, this game trophy is my soul anchor. And it is awarded to whoever wins the game. Normally, stone pieces are used…however due to me growing board; the pieces are broke. So, nine of you must replace them. The tenth needs to control them.

Angelus: ok, Arkais is kinda weak right now. So he should be the one to lead us.

Arkais: No…I already went. Besides, Ezekiel was to take on Sloth. So, everyone else take your spots.

The nine group members took their places. Ezekiel stood in the light on the raised up stand. Sloth’s platform rose up too. A large stone dice lowered from the ceiling.

Sloth: Rules; roll, move a piece. If five pieces are destroyed, you lose. If five pieces make it to your opponent’s side of the field…you win. Simple yes?

Ezekiel: Shut your mouth and roll.

Sloth: Very well. (Dice lands on ground.) Three, Archer move. (The piece moved three spaces.)

Ezekiel: (thinking) Damn…this board doesn’t have any straight paths…if I keep at least four pieces in the corridors, I can protect my a*s. (Dice falls) four. (Out loud) Angelus move!

Angelus took four steps forward. The dice rolled again, this time showing a six. Sloth ordered the same archer to move.  The archer moved, and was exactly seven spaces away from Anglat. Ezekiel rolled again, rolling a two. Ezekiel ordered Anglat to move. Anglat moved, and was able to see the archer down his corridor. Sloth rolled a four, placing the archer right in front of Anglat. Ezekiel rolled a three. Anglat tried to move past the archer but couldn’t.

Sloth: To move past a player’s piece, you must destroy it.

Anglat’s hand began to change color. It became solid steel. Anglat punched the statue, causing it to fall apart. Sloth grinned and rolled again. This time, a six came up. Sloth ordered a knight to move. Instead of going towards Anglat however, the knight moved towards Oki. Ezekiel rolled a one. And moved Anglat. Sloth rolled, this time, another six came up. The knight walked away from Oki and stood in front of Anglat. Anglat looked at the statue. The statue raised its sword, and brought it down.  Anglat barely avoided the sword. The walls that created the corridors on the board suddenly fell.

Sloth: Your piece moved without it being his turn! You’ve broken the rules! TAKE THEM!

The stone pieces began moving freely. Oki clapped his hands together, and placed both of them on one of the pieces. The piece exploded. Ezekiel looked around for something to use. His magic allowed him to manipulate object’s gravity. He spotted a few large stones. Using his magic, he shot them at Sloth. Just before the stones struck him, two pieces appeared and blocked the stones. On the board, more and more pieces began to form. Sloth laughed as the board was covered in his stone soldiers.

Angelus: Ezekiel! Find the object his souls connected to and destroy it!

Ezekiel scanned the room for the trophy, and to no surprise, it was in Sloth’s hands. Ezekiel scanned for another item to use against Sloth, but none were found. He could pick up the statues, but moving objects proved too difficult.

Oki: Damn it E. Use the god damn block!

Ezekiel looked over and focused on the dice. He was too busy trying to lift it; he didn’t notice two pawn pieces approach him. Just before the struck him, Angelus used her alchemy to form stone rods, and pierce through the two pawns. With no more distractions, Ezekiel was able to lift the large stone dice. With what little strength, he forced it at Sloth. The dice struck Sloth. Pushing him and his golden chair back several feet. The stone pieces and the group members all stopped and stared at the dice. The pieces all slowly moved towards the dice. The group rejoined, all ready to continue fighting. Arkais spotted something on the ground that had fallen away from Sloth’s chair. He handed it to Ezekiel. The group was getting ready to leave the room, when the stone dice fell apart with no warning. Sloth Stepped out of the smoke.

Sloth: Ugh…to have to walk to crush you worms. Unforgivable.

Thorn: Speaking of crushing.

Ezekiel held up an object covered in dust. Upon brushing it off, he revealed it to be Sloth’s trophy. Using his gravitational magic, Ezekiel crushed the trophy…killing Sloth, and destroying the stone soldiers. The group walked to the exit door. Ezekiel grabbing Sloth’s key on the way.

Chapter9: Another ascent: questioning the plan?

The group slowly made their way up the next flight of stairs. They came to another large door. However the door was broken off its hinges. The group slowly made their way into the room, looking for any signs of the guardian.

Arkais: There’s no one in here. I can’t sense anyone. Let’s rest awhile huh?

Oki: Resting may not be in the cards.

Angelus: What do you mean?

Oki pointed to a large hole in the wall. Oki, Anglat, Ezekiel and Angelus walked over and looked down. There were several ropes leading up to the room.

Angelus: Great. Whoever did this didn’t want to go through anyone.

Thorn: Whoever did this…has an army with them…

Thorn was standing near the body of a girl. She had a key wrapped around her neck.

Arkais: Whoever it is must have some way to get past the final door.

Oki: Ok, we need to hurry.

Anglat: Wait…do we really?

Oki: Huh? What are you saying?

Anglat: Hear me out; someone much stronger than us is obviously trying to kill Emissary too. So do we have to do this? I mean they beat a guardian. So they can obviously take care of themselves.

Arkais: He has a point.

Thorn: But the guardians get stronger. And if Wrath kills these guys, Emissary will get away.

Angelus: He has a good point.

Arkais: Look, I’m just saying- (yells in pain) God damn it that f*****g hurts Cricket!

Cricket; Hold your damn leg still and it won’t.

Oki: You good? If so, let’s go. (Grabs key from body.)

The group looked at one another. They regretfully followed Oki up the next flight of stairs.

Chapter10: Eternal punishment Wrath.

The group walked up the next few floors. Each room was the same, a dead Guardian. In no time, the group had ten keys collected. Everyone was rested up after no fights for several floors. Arkais was even able to walk on his own. The final door came up. This one was intact, and wide open. The group heard yelling inside. They all peered inside. Inside, Wrath was standing in the center of a large group of people dressed in black and red suits. The people in black all jumped at Wrath. Wrath raised his blade. He gripped it with both hands, and did a quick 360’ spin. The people in black all fell to the ground, dead. Wrath laughed and turned his head directly at the group.

Wrath: Well, well. The bear from the bar. And his group of heretics. I was wondering when you would arrive. (Steps on the dead bodies) You see, my friend’s from the church of the anti Christ over there…they were getting boring. So I killed them. Hopefully you lot can give me a better challenge?

Oki: Yeah, a challenge. However *claps hands and pulls stone staff from ground* this is one challenge you will be losing.

Oki and Wrath began walking in a circle, never taking their eyes off each other. Wrath grinned, and rushed at Oki. Oki held his staff up to protect himself, but when Wrath struck it with his sword, it snapped in two. Oki threw it to the ground, and clapped his hands together again. This time he ran at Wrath and touched the sword.

Oki: (thinking) Hmm, iron… ok I know that one.

Oki clapped his hands, and began thinking of iron and its melting point. Wrath, realizing what Oki was trying to do, began to retreat backwards. Oki touched the ground, causing a large stone wall to appear. Wrath turned around and held the sword up to protect himself, as Oki rushed him. When Oki touched the blade however, small sparks jumped from it. But nothing else happened.

Oki: (thinking) WHAT!? It’s…its copper now?

Seeing Oki’s hesitation, Wrath hit Oki in the chest with the hilt of the sword, and then kicked him backwards.

Wrath: You hesitated…poor decision. You’re very lucky I’m board. I could have killed you then and there.

Oki: I’ll remember that after I kill you, you b*****d!

Oki clapped his hands and touched the ground. Several stone wire like spears formed from multiple areas in the room. All pierced Wrath’s body. Oki looked at Wrath, with a grin on his face. Knowing this wouldn’t kill him; Oki quickly went to Wrath’s body and touched the sword.

Oki: What the hell? Now it’s steel?

Wrath groaned, and broke free of the wires. Oki tried to run, but was too slow. Wrath’s blade swung up, and caught him on the right arm. The cut wasn’t too deep, but just deep enough to cause Oki pain when he moved it. Oki fell to the ground from the strike, holding his arm, he tried to stand. HE had just gotten to his feet, when Wrath broke free of the wire trap and ran to him. Wrath kicked Oki back to the ground.

Wrath: You’re a fool to think you even stood a chance of defeating me.

Oki: Yeah I am… (Notices a small chip in the sword.) that however doesn’t mean I give up.

Oki kicked wrath, and got to his feet. Oki ran over to a lit torch, clapped his hands, and blew into them. The fire crackled as he did so. Oki repeated this several times with the other torches in the room. At the final torch, Oki clapped his hand and was going to finish the process, but heard a sound behind him. He turned to see Wrath. Wrath punched Oki in the cheek sending him to the ground. This time, Wrath stabbed his sword into one of Oki hands. Oki yelled in pain.

Arkais: It’s over…

Thorn: Anyone else think it’s getting really warm in here?

Ezekiel: Yeah…the humidity in here is making it hotter.

Arkais: Humidity?

Meanwhile back at the fight, Wrath let go of his sword and began to circle Oki.

Wrath: You see? None of this should surprise you. I am stronger. Bigger. More powerful. All of that aside, I have the power of the lord to protect and guide me. You have your dark art. You never stood a chance.

Oki: You’re right. However, (touches sword) I finally get you. Your sword was made by alchemist. The inner sword switches between Copper, iron, and steel each time it strikes something. There is a small space between the inner sword and the outer shell. (Touches sword, causing a glow. Wrath grabs his own chest in pain) I’m using the humidity to quickly rust the inner blade. And with it stuck in its iron mode, I know its melting point. (Uses free hand to pull the sword from his other hand.) Goodbye…Wrath. (A glow appears and covers the entire sword. The sword slowly melts. Wrath falls to his knees, and finally collapses.)

Chapter11: No time to rest: chasing a madman in a war zone.

Oki stood to his feet walked over to Wraths lifeless body and took the final key that was wrapped around the man’s neck.

Oki: It’s finally over.

Arkais ran over to Oki.

Arkais: Hold still dude…this might hurt.

Arkais’ hands began glowing a deep green. Arkais put his hands near Oki. The cut and stab wound both began healing. Oki winced in pain. The glow and pain subsided.

Arkais: There ya go man. Now we’re all �" (explosion outside.) NOW WHAT!?

Everyone ran to a window and looked outside. Clear down at the base of the spire, flames, glowing, and the faint shines of gunfire could be seen.

Thorn: It’s…magicians and alchemist. Not all of them must have died.

The large door behind them opened. Emissary and several guards walked out.

Emissary: Wrath, come quickly. The church is under… (Sees Wrath’s dead body. Notices group.) Heretics in the lord’s home? Kill them!

Emissary ran back into his room, leaving the guards to deal with the group. They formed a wall in front of Emissary’s door.

Oki and Angelus: OUT OF THE WAY! (Both snap their fingers causing the flames in the room to engulf the guards.)

Arkais: Ok, we have to go help the army.

Anglat: Someone has to chase down Emissary. He’s defenseless.

Oki: Anglat and I will chase down emissary. The rest of you back up the army.

The group split up. Oki and Anglat quickly used the keys to reopen Emissary’s door. The rest of the group quickly made their way back down the tower. The Large door opened, Anglat and Oki ran in to find no signs of Emissary. While looking for some way out, Anglat found a hidden door. Oki kicked in the door and the two ran down the narrow corridor that it led to. They could here footsteps that were not their own down the way. They came to another door, and kicked it in. They were surrounded by guards. Behind the wall of guards, Emissary stood, grinning.

Meanwhile: The backup group had made their way down to the courtyard. Or now it was a battle field. Several Alchemists ran up to the group and nodded.

Alchemist one: We heard about your fight. When we saw the explosion on the fifth floor, we knew it was true.

Arkais: Thanks, we need all the help we can get…get down!

Two guards came running at the group. Arkais used his shadow to strangle the guards.

Alchemist two: Whoa…insane. Could you teach me-?

Just then a bullet struck the boy in the chest. The boy fell to the ground. Arkais looked back, and saw the gunman.

Arkais: You eight head to the fight. End it and then make your way to the main courtyard and stay there until Anglat, Oki, and I are back. Let’s go!

Arkais ran back up the stairs, chasing down the gunman.

Meanwhile: Anglat and Oki had taken down the guards in the room Emissary had fled to.

Oki: (panting) this…ends…here…Emissary.

Emissary: Your right, it does.

Emissary threw a ball on the ground, causing a bright flash. Oki and Anglat looked away. When the flash ended, they looked back. Emissary was gone.

Anglat: For someone who hates alchemy and magic, he sure likes using them.

Oki: No kidding. Let’s go. That door’s the only way out.

The two ran to the other side of the room and opened the door, revealing more stairs.

Oki: For f**k sake! More stairs?

The two ran up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, there was a bridge like area. There were windows with the glass broken out. Oki and Anglat heard shouting behind them.

Anglat: Go on, I’ll handle them.

Oki ran further across the bridge. Leaving Anglat with the guards. Oki came up to another bridge like corridor. This one had large holes in the walls instead of windows. He was out of breath so he began to walk. He made it to the bridges middle, and heard a gun c**k behind him.

Chapter12: Tell me the truth: The tail of two traitors.

Oki put his hands up, and stood still.

???: You’ve made it here. Congratulations.

Oki: Thanks. I take it you’re his best guard?

???: Close. I’m his closest follower.

Oki: Really? You should know something. Emissary? He’s a fake.

???: What do you mean?

Oki: He hates alchemist and magicians because he doesn’t have the gift to use either. On my way here I passed through his main chamber. I saw the books about alchemy and magic.

???: You, you lie! Emissary is doing this as an act of god!

Oki: Why? It makes no sense…

???: You alchemist, you take things…trees, water fire, soil…you take them from their god given forms, and turn them into weapons. I saw what you did to Wrath’s blade. He deserved it though…he was using the devil’s dark art. But you…you’ve done it many times. And magicians, they manipulate the elements. They mock god by create fire, water, moving shadows, and even bringing the dead to life. You have all ruined the world god gave us!

Oki: And what you’re doing is any better? Look at what Emissary caused. All of these deaths. Te deaths of magicians, alchemist, and followers alike. You’re spilling blood that doesn’t need to be spilt. It’s pointless. The church only has power here. In other towns, other villages, other islands, magicians and alchemist are born and raised. You don’t think you can take them all do you? If you keep this up, they will gain supporters. You are trying to start an already losing war.

???: SHUT UP! You know nothing. Once this town’s been purified, the world will see the evil of magicians and alchemist.

Oki: Or they’ll recognize that the church is just a bunch of arrogant, power hungry psychopaths bent on causing a war.

???: I’ve had enough of you…I’m going to shoot you now.

Oki: Can I at least see my attacker? (Turns around.) WHAT!? YOU-(gunshot)

Anglat heard the gun shot up the corridor. He ran to investigate, but ran into Arkais.


Dark Emissary: What was that? A massive amount of anger and hatred…up in the tower?

Meanwhile:  The attacker ran across the bridge, and made it to the final flight of stairs. They up the stairs to the towers rooftop. There, they met up with Emissary.

Emissary: There you are. Did you finish your assignment Cola?

Cola: Yes Emissary.

Emissary: When you came to ask me to join the church…I was surprised. But you lead us to the heretics hiding place. You’ve killed that troubled bear. You’ve done everything I’ve asked.

Cola: Thank you Emissary. But…(points gun at Emissary) I know your secret.

Emissary: What? What is this?

Cola: On my way here, I saw your main room. I saw the books on alchemy and magic. I figured you were researching how to beat them. But it took the late heretic Oki to convince me. You wanted to be a magician or alchemist. That’s the only reason you came to this town. And when none of the teachers here would or could teach you, you became enraged. You just want them all dead, so you don’t have to live or see any reminders that you can’t use their dark arts.

Emissary: You…you’re right. However, no one will believe you. If you shoot me I will be avenged.

Cola: You’re wrong. Listen. Listen closely. The alchemist and magicians are taking your followers down. They’ll burn this building to the ground. It’s over. We’ve lost. You have lost. No one will challenge an alchemist or magician for religious reasons again. Now get out of here. You aren’t welcomed in this holy tower anymore.

Emissary: and a girl who would kill for a corrupted man is?

Emissary walked down the stairs. Leaving Cola alone.

Cola: he’s right. No. I did it because he came in here and blindly destroyed this church. He did this out of revenge. Not because Emissary was corrupt.

Demonic voice: So you say. But how do you know I didn’t act for both reasons?

Cola: … No (Turns head slowly)

Oki: (Mix between normal and demonic voice.) What? You afraid of ghost? We have unfinished business Cola.

Chapter13: Brawl on the tower: The battle of gods…

(Note: This chapter will get very far fetched with people getting possessed and all. Just stick around to the end.)

Cola: How? How the hell are you alive!?

Oki: Well you see: When you shot me, the last thing I saw was you holding the gun. That must’ve pissed my spirit or something off. I remember darkness. Then, a low red glowing appeared. And a booming voice.

Deep voice: Yes! A being that has pure hate in his soul. You don’t come around too often. Would you like to exact revenge on the one who sent you to the afterlife?

Oki: Of course…

Deep voice: Then I send back your soul. And my powers. Destroy your foe, and this church, and I will spare your soul and leave it on  earth.

Oki: Deal.

Cola: So…you really mad a deal with the devil?

Oki: I guess you could say that. Now then (large black scythe appears.) It’s time to die.

Oki rushed at Cola with blinding speed. He swung the scythe behind him. He swung the blade. However the blade never struck. The blade remained motionless a few inches from Cola. Something pushed Oki back a few feet. A black aura appeared around Oki. And his eyes went solid black. At the same time, a white aura appeared around Cola. He eyes clouded over with white. A large white sword appeared. Neither of them spoke in their normal voices. (The coming up part is what I was referring to. Stick around though.)

Possessed Oki: So…we meet at last…God.

Possessed Cola: Yes. I suppose this was destined to happen.

Possessed Oki: You? God himself talking about destiny? This is just too good. Oh, how does it feel to have possessed the body of the girl who is responsible for me coming to earth? Had she not betrayed Oki here, his soul would never have been strong enough to open a portal.

Possessed Cola: True. But his soul’s hatred was mostly exhausted bringing you into this world. Just as this girl’s pureness of heart was used to bring me down here. Now then, I’m sorry to do this right as you escaped, however- (Cola grows large wings, and a halo appears above her head.) it’s time to send you back to hell.

Possessed Oki: (grows large black wings. Grows horns) I couldn’t agree more. But you’re dying this time around.

The two rushed at each other. Oki sliced the air with his scythe, causing black blades to fly at Cola. Cola’s sword cut through the blades with ease. She was a few feet from Oki when she pointed her sword at him. As though it was rubber, the blade stretched at Oki. Oki dodged the first attack, but was caught in the left arm when the blade’s pointed turned around and came back at him while his back was turned. He sliced the air again. This time, Cola wasn’t able to block the blades. Two of the blades caught her in the side. Cola held her side, and took to the air. Oki followed closely behind her, slicing the air with his scythe causing the blades to continually fly by Cola. Cola got to her height above the structure and stopped. Oki flew directly in front of her, a few feet away.

Possessed Cola: (thinking) this girl’s body is running out of energy…I can’t maintain the connection much longer. Only one thing I can do…

Possessed Oki: (thinking) He stopped. That b*****d. I know what he’s doing. He knows I don’t have a good connection with this body’s soul. Its energy is slowly running out. So…it’s come to this.

Possessed Oki: So…this is it. Our final brawl for who knows how many years.

Possessed: It appears so.

The horns on Oki’s head shrank until they were gone. His aura moved to his scythe. Colas Halo faded to nothing. Her aura covered her sword as well.

The two readied their weapons. They flew at each other, both moving their weapons to strike.

Possessed Oki: DEATH!

Possessed Cola: LIFE!

The two’s weapons struck each other. Causing a large burst of black and white light to emerge.


Emissary: Amazing…

Anyone not in the blast saw a brief imagine of a horned demon and a man in a robe and long beard with their fist colliding. Emissary watched in amazement, when he heard a sound behind him. Before he could react, a large blade stabbed through his chest. The wielder was Dark Emissary. Emissary turned around and fell to his knees. With his little energy, he pulled out a gun he had taken from one of his dead followers. He shot Dark Emissary in the leg, and twice in the chest. Emissary collapsed. Dark emissary tried to crawl away. To no prevail. All around, people were running from the church. Arkais and the rest of the group regrouped at the main bridge. The group watched as the light grew brighter, and began lowering into the building, ripping it apart in the process. The light moved further and further down the tower, and finally touched the very bottom of the church. At that point, the lights disappeared. Arkais and the other eight group members ran to the remaining ruins of the once prized building. While searching for survivors:

Arkais: Guys, over here!

Ezekiel: What is it?

Arkais: Um…cocoons made of feathers?

Arkais and the group looked at the two objects. One white, the other black. Just as the group moved to pick them up, the two objects began to fall apart. The loose feathers touched the ground, and faded away.  The cocoons were gone, and in their places, Oki and Cola sat, both rubbing their heads.

Oki: What the hell happened? Last thing I remember was…(looks at Cola) her shooting me.

Cola: Last thing I remember is you trying to stab me with some freaky looking scythe.

Arkais: Well, what ever happened, it’s over. The church is gone. The followers are leaving.

Cola: Hmm…then I guess it is over. Could we have been imagining it?

Oki: I guess. I mean…it would make sense I think.

Angelus: What now?

Cricket: What do you mean?

Angelus: We’ve lived here for awhile in hiding…does this mean we can come out of hiding?

Oki: Yep. We can rebuild this town.

Cola: Good. Cause I found what I was looking for.

Oki: And that is?

Cola: A home…

The group stood in the light, just watching the followers leave town.


The city: The city was a safer and better place after the church’s destruction. Alchemist and magicians alike were free to walk the streets again. More and more people came back to the city to learn and teach. A mayor was elected, and the countries king himself granted the town the name: City of wonders.

Oki: Oki Stayed in the city. He opened a school, and taught people how to use alchemy. Having finally felt as though he had accomplished his mission in life, he remained in the town. Not want to return to his family or his darker past.

Arkais: Arkais soon became known as the most powerful magician in the city. He too opened a school to teach magic. His school and Oki’s have a monthly competition to see which mystic art is better.

Angelus and Ezekiel: These two left the city and came back with their entire clan. Together, they and their clan helped expand the small town. And even gave the town walls to help protect from any type of dangers. They are now the city’s best contractors.

Thorn and Anglat: Thorn and Anglat both left the town. They reunited at a tournament that neither of them one. Together they returned to the town after the wall was up. They now host tournaments for alchemist, magicians, and normal fighter alike.

Trevor: Trevor went back into hiding after the whole town settled. No one has seen him sense the tower’s destruction.

Cricket, Aura, and Phedora: These three single handedly rebuilt the burned down bar. They opened it and have a booming business. Phedora and cricket still argue over who owns the actual bar. They have yet to realize its Aura.

Cola: She and Oki made up over the whole betraying thing. With Oki’s help, Cola reestablished the church. This time however, the church was to worship god. Not hunt down the magic and alchemy users.

The two churches: The king was outraged when he heard about the two churches actions. He ordered that all of the previous followers found and executed. A grand total over 84 were found. The others are still hiding over the land. Emissary and Dark Emissary were never found. No bodies. No remains. Nothing.

All in all: All in all, the story ends typically. Heroes win. Corrupted people died, the world put back into balance. Yep, this is the end of the story…sort of. (HINT HINT)

© 2011 Oki

My Review

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1 Review
Added on July 30, 2011
Last Updated on July 30, 2011



Portland, OR

I'm right out of highschool. I don't much think of myself as a writer, but i write anyways. My stories are mainly about my persona Oki, and my friend's furs. more..