![]() Part 3A Chapter by Myrna CumberbatchWe trudged to the workshop and pulled out my keytar. I set it on the HoverPlate and started taking out all of the modified parts. Then I took the keytar over to the DeskBluPrint and scanned it. I started running the through the computer’s list of possibilities. It was all numbers and Chris just stared at it. “How can you read something that doesn’t have words?” “It’s just another language. You interpret it the same.” I pointed to a line, “See? This means that this option is the most plausible. It takes trillions of ideas from history, the net and etc and compiles a list of ideas that are compatible with this machine.” I pointed to another one, “This is the idea that I used for the original work and the next line is for a modified version of the same idea. It’s almost identical to what I made with the second work. I can actually go in and add notes to it so that people later can know that I didn’t have success with it. It’ll highlight the numbers so that people know that it could still probably be used but that another user couldn’t work it.” Chris gave me a blank stare, “Do what?” “It’s like a site for sharing ideas but better and a little more complicated…and also put into a universal language…” I sighed; he seemed to understand that explanation a little better. “So what does this line say?” He pointed to one at the bottom of the screen. I peered down at it and read the numbers. “This is a really old entry. Holy cow. This one is really complicated. No wonder it’s on the bottom. Nobody wants to try it.” I frowned. “It looks like it’s just the long way of doing a simple modification but I’m not sure.” I looked up at Chris. “This one requires human parts. I’m not doing that unless it’s a last resort. And I still probably won’t do it.” “Human parts? Like what?” “Left atrium of the heart, a finger bone; you know, the easy to find stuff.” I snorted. Chris gave me a half grin and we started back to work. I finally picked one that was about midway down the list and was pretty complicated but not so much so that I couldn’t get it done in an hour or two. I gave him half of the list of parts and I took the rest; then headed over to the pile and piles of scrap parts. He had to ask me what a lot of the things were but I didn’t mind so much. I’d rather him ask then give me the wrong part because he didn’t know. After about fifteen or so minutes we finally had everything we needed and headed back over to the workbench. I set the keytar back on the HoverPlate and opened her up. I took a few of the parts and started connecting them to the wiring. I reconnected some of the instrumental parts and then tied in the last of the old parts we had found. I closed it up and took it over to scan. The computer said that it was good but that the laser parts would work but that they would wear out easily. I looked at my keytar and studied it. It had grease all over it. I sighed and left the room with Chris following me into the music room. I flopped down into a squishy chair and took out a cleaning cloth. I started wiping off the grease and the residue. Chris sat on the floor and watched me quietly. After a while it started to make me nervous. “You look like something is on your mind. What’s going through that crazy head of yours?” I looked up at him from under my bangs and continued to polish. He didn’t say anything. He had his chin resting on his fists, with his elbows sitting on his knees. His legs crossed. He finally looked up at me with his eyes, peering over the glasses he used for reading and short distance sight. “I don’t know what to say. You look so peaceful and fulfilled when you’re working. Focused. Loving your machines and tools and computers like they were your children, I just don’t get it. What is it that makes them so much more special to you than human contact and social time?” I stopped polishing the keytar and stared at him. What could I tell him? Lie? Open up to him and tell him about my childhood? I didn’t know if I could tell him. “It’s…complicated. I really don’t want to go into that.” I looked away and went back to my polishing. “Why can’t you tell me? You’re so secretive. You never truly open up to anybody. Closed off, only giving tidbits of yourself here and there, and telling people what they want to hear. Why? Don’t you trust us? Don’t you trust me? I want to understand so that I don’t make a false judgment but I’m beginning to think you have something to hide. You don’t even have to tell me the whole story. Just a little here and there when you feel like you can. I just want you to trust me and the guys. Is that asking too much?” He took my hands from the keytar and held them, looking up at me. I just looked at him sadly. His brown eyes; with his long, curly, brown hair hanging in locks over his face, were watching me pleadingly. I didn’t know what I could tell him. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to trust people yet. Could I do that? I don’t want him and the guys to judge me for it and look at me differently. “I―I had a rough childhood. Can we leave it at that for now?” I sighed and looked away. “That’s fine for now. I’ll take it.” He smiled slightly and squeezed my hands. “I won’t ask anymore for now. You can tell us when you feel you’re ready.” He squeezed one more time then stood up. “How about we do something fun for a while, pool?” I nodded and took my keytar to its holder and followed after him. When we got to the game room he opened the door for me and let me in. We ran to the table and picked up the pool sticks. I racked while Chris chalked up. I rolled the cue ball to him and walked to stand beside him. I chalked up while he took aim. He shot and the balls scattered. “Open table.” He sighed. “Thank you fail-master.” I smirked as I walked over to the cue ball and aimed for the two. It was a coward’s shot as it was teetering on the edge. Ah well, who cared? It was still a shot. I’d make it without fail. This would give me a shot at another shot. Win win. I went to take the shot, made it, and got it in. The cue ball rolled back after the energy transfer and hit a clump of balls, giving me another chance at an easy shot. I got one more in after that than ran out of shots. “By the way, I’m solids.” I winked and stuck my tongue out at him. “Be careful, I might cut it off.” He smiled evily. “You wouldn’t.” “Try me.” “Naw, just shoot already.” I grinned and hopped onto a bar stool. Chris hit two in before he missed. I hopped up and went to take my shot but he stopped me, his arm at my waist. I looked up, startled at his boldness. “What are you doing?” “Danni, I just―” he
paused for a second, “I don’t know what to do about something.” He pulled me
into a hug and held me there. He rested his head on my shoulder in defeat. I
didn’t know what to do so I patted him on the back awkwardly. I sighed, “Okay, fess up. What’s wrong? Who’d you kill?” He looked up at me in shock and I grinned. “I’m kidding what’s wrong?” He put his head back on my shoulder. “I’m not sure. There’s someone from back home that I really like but I don’t know how to tell her or ask her if she’s interested.” My pulse quickened but then I remember that he lived in a different city from me. It was probably someone he grew up with. “Well, why don’t you start by showing her you like her. Send her a flower or something. Or while you guys are hanging out, pull a flower out of a hanging basket as you two pass by it and give it to her. Just something simple so that she knows you’re thinking about her. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Then some time after that, try talking to her about it.” “What would I say?” I shrugged, “I donno, I don’t have any experience with dating. How should I know what a guy is supposed to say?” He groaned. “Okay, I can tell you this. Be honest with her, don’t beat around the bush, and don’t be so honest or blunt that you scare her off or make her think that you don’t really care. Try practicing on me or the guys before you go to her about it. Just saying, we’ll let you know if it’s convincing enough.” I snickered, “And if she seems interested in you, then a small kiss on the cheek or lips would probably seal the deal. Though, if you’re horrible at it, it might scare her off.” Chris raised his head a little and looked up at me. His face was really close to mine. A part of me tugged to kiss him but the other part said to back off. I didn’t kiss him. Besides, he liked some other girl, not me. She’s lucky though; to have a guy like me enough that he would ask other people for advice on how to win her? I was a little jealous but I didn’t let it show on my face. “So can we practice now?” My face flushed, “Now? But you haven’t even started trying to woo her.” “So? Practice makes perfect.” He had a sad look on his face. I knew that look. That was his ‘pretty please?’ look with the puppy dog eyes. I’m such a sucker. “Fine. Tell me how to act like her so I can. I’ll throw my voice if that helps.” “It’s fine for now. You can act like her another time. I would much rather see Joel or Jon act like her than you.” He laughed evilly. “What kind of friend are you?” “The best kind.” “Whatever. Okay, start the conversation how you would if you were with her.” We sat down on the floor across from each other. “So how have you been since we last saw each other?” I threw my voice and made it higher and more girly, “I’m fine! And it’s so good to see you again. You look amazing.” I did a preppy giggle at the end of it. Chris just stared at me, “Please…don’t ever…do that again…it creeps me out.” “What? I’m just trying to act like a pretty, girly-girl.” My voice was still high. “Please stop. I’m going to end up laughing at you. I know how much you hate that.” With still a high voice, “Me? Hate being laughed at? Of course not cutie.” Chris laughed at me then and fell over backwards. “Was it that funny?” “Ha, she doesn’t even sound like that.” “Then what am I supposed to sound like?” He stopped laughing and looked at me very seriously, “I told you to just sound like yourself for now. That’s the closest it’s going to get.” “What do you mean?” I let a nervous laugh escape my mouth. He leaned closer, “I mean that you are the one I love. You and only you. No one else matters to me.” He reached up his hand and cupped my chin. With wide eyes, my face was drawn closer to his. Isn’t this what you wanted? I asked myself. Why are you so scared? It’s not like it’s your first―oh wait, it is your first kiss. Our faces were very close now and I could feel his breath. Just as our lips were about to touch, the alarms went off. We were being attacked. Something hit our ship and our heads knocked into one another’s. Dazed we both fell back for a second. I recovered first and jumped up. I couldn’t let that moment endanger our lives. I yanked Chris up to his feet and dragged him behind me. He still looked a little dazed too. © 2011 Myrna CumberbatchAuthor's Note
Added on July 29, 2011 Last Updated on July 29, 2011 Author![]() Myrna CumberbatchIn a tree bearfoot, GAAboutI'm a music student who writes on the side. I will occasionally write a religious piece if I'm having a low day with my depression but mostly I stick to Fantasy and Sci-Fi. I love incorporating music .. more..Writing