![]() Part 1A Chapter by Myrna CumberbatchMy name is Danielle but most everyone calls me Danni. I am in a band called Gyrospades. I play the keytar and sing. I also run all of the mechanics and repairs for whatever comes up. Chris plays the guitar and is our front man. We were on a planet in the Harathar Galaxy. The planet was called Billorx. It was a peaceful place. Its fly-like people knew how to have a good time, so we were there on tour. We were doing a show and the lights started to flicker. We stopped for a moment until the situation was fixed then continued with our show. We didn’t think about it anymore. When we had finished we went back stage to start putting everything away. It was quiet and all the fans were already leaving. One of Robouards started beeping and started moving towards Joel menacingly. It hit him in the back of his head to knock him out. Startled we started backing up and were about to call for help when we noticed that all of the Robouards were acting strange and beeping. There wasn’t anyone who could help. All we had to defend ourselves with were our instruments. Chris and Mark held onto the necks of their guitars and wielded them like swords. Poor Jon didn’t have anything to use but his drumsticks, so he picked up his toms and started throwing them at our attackers and used his symbols as Frisbees. I reared back and was about to swing at the head of a Robouard with my keytar but Chris jump in front of me and told me to get out of there. I started to argue but he yelled at me to go. I ran down the hall and headed for the exit and hid behind one of the airvans, a hovering bus. I held my keytar close to my chest, my heart pounding from adrenaline, and listened to the fighting inside. I heard the guys yelling and soon realized that they were losing. I started to tear up then become angry. I should have been there! I could have helped them. They might not have had this happen. I peaked over the end of the airvan and looked at the exit door. The guys were tied up and being lead to a ship a few feet away. I stood up to go after them but Chris saw me and shook his head slightly. I pulled back and watched them. One of the Robouards was badly damaged and he shot at a dumpster in frustration. It disintegrated. As they finished loading up I prepared to run for our ship. I was going to stop them. I had to. My friends were on there, I needed to follow them first. As soon as I could, I made a dash for our tour ship. It wasn’t fast but I could at least track them with it and follow behind. I started it up and set the computer so that it would track the ship across the parking lot. I switched it over to a less conspicuous shell so that they wouldn’t know that it was me yet. They took off and I waited a moment or two before I tossed the ship forward. I could see them in the distance. They were leaving the Harathar Galaxy and heading into the Forith Galaxy. This lasted about two or so days. I slept a lot, cleaned up the guys’ rooms, and played with our dog, Maxi while I was traveling. There wasn’t much else to do so I also modified my keytar to make it into a better weapon. I could now shoot things with it and also make a protective field around me. The size of the field could be changed depending on the number of people I needed to toss in there. While I was at it, I modified the guys’ instruments. I hoped that they would be able to use them if it ever came time. I put them in a Subspace Cube. I wore our Cryptodimensional Mask the whole time I was tracking them to watch any changes they made in their course or to make sure that they hadn’t notice me yet. They eventually started moving towards a planet called Therimis and landed near a sea port. I waited a minute before I landed. When I emerged from the ship I saw a few Robouards carrying tubes into a warehouse. They were filled with some kind of fluid and I could see the guys in there. They were pale and their eyes were closed. They would have looked dead if it were not for the fact that the monitors on the side on the tubes showed heart beats. I ran back into the ship and grabbed my keytar and the Subspace Cube. I sneaked up to the door of the warehouse and checked the lock. It wasn’t in place so I crept in quietly. There were steal crates all over the place. They had the logo of the company that made Doo-doo Butter. I smiled to myself with memory of Chris’s reaction to when we bought the stuff for the first time for our robot helper. It was nasty stuff. I had tasted it once because of a dare. I didn’t gag so I got off dish duty for a week. When Davey had tried it he threw it back up. You can guess who had dish duty. I listened for signs of life in the empty warehouse and heard movement to my left. I moved silently towards it. I peeked around the edge of a box and saw the Robouards putting the tubes holding the guys into holding stations. There were only 3 Robouards in the warehouse that I had seen. I crept up to the guards and quietly shot them through the stomachs where their power and computing systems were located. Chris’s tube was the closest so I started working on the computer on the side of the tube and was able to open it and wake him up. When the tube opened, the fluid spewed out and Matt slid out towards the floor. I caught him and regretted it slightly. I had the fluid all over my clothes now. Chris coughed and looked up at me. “How’d you find us?” I tried to shush him but he had already alerted the guards. I heard them whirring as they moved towards us. I hurried and pulled out the Subspace Cube and selected Chris’s guitar. It came out of the Cube and I passed it to him. “Here, flip the switch to FM and aim it at the Robouards when you play it.” The Robouards had shown up and were now pulling out their Stunners. Chris and I began playing our instruments and while his shot sonic waves at them, mine shot electrical bolts. There was a swarm of them. We couldn’t stay and had to run for it. We made it back to the ship, my keytar protecting us from the stun shots. When we go to the airlock I stayed outside to deflect the shots and protect the ship. Chris fired up the glovule and turned on the shields. I scrambled to get into the ship. As soon as the airlock door shut Chris took off and got us off the planet. We headed to a moon nearby and landed there. We sat in our seats staring out the window. We were numb, and coming down from our adrenaline. Chris glanced over at me. “Are you okay?” I only nodded and continued to stare out the window. We sat in silence for another minute or two before Chris jumped up and walked over to the small kitchen we had a few feet back. He opened the door to the fridge and pulled out some fruit. He then pulled out the blender out of the cupboard and got a cup of ice. He tossed them all in the blender and made smoothies. He brought one over to me. I took it but still stared out the window. He patted me on the shoulder, “Come on. Drink up. You need the energy.” When I didn’t move he sang, “It’s got your favorite! Khajo berries.” Chris hated Khajo berries but he took a sip and forced a smile. “See? That’s awesome.” He had Khajo berry seeds in his teeth and I snorted. “Check your teeth.” I handed him a mirror from my cargo pocket and took a sip of the smoothie. It was actually really good. I immediately felt better. Chris wiped the seeds off his teeth and handed me the mirror. “Thank you. See? Much better, right?” I shrugged a little and downed the rest of the concoction. “So now what? We had to leave the other guys. We need them back.” I slouched out of the room with Chris following close behind. We went into the living room and crashed on the couch. “For now we just need to get some sleep. We’ll figure out what to do in the morning, okay?” He tossed an arm over my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug. I leaned against him and felt myself drifting off. In a minute I was out. The next morning when I woke, Chris was leaned back on the arm of the sofa and I was lying with my head on his lap. I jumped up with a start and stared at him. He hadn’t woken up. Lazy bum, I thought. I sat on the rug and watched him sleep for a little while. I watched the rise and fall of his chest and studied his face. His usual spastic self was calmed in sleep. After about five minutes I decided to wake him up. We had to get going. I got down on my knees by the couch and shook him. He opened his eyes and looked at me. “I wondered how long you were going to stare at me with that frown on your face.” My face reddened and I stood up. “Come on. We’ve got to save the guys.” I started to head out of the room but Chris started to speak. “You were talking in your sleep last night. You kept me up most of the night.” He laughed slightly. “Sorry about that. We’ll sleep in our beds tonight instead of sharing the couch again. It’s inappropriate anyways.” I started to leave but Chris stood and asked, “Don’t you want to know what you said?” “Nope.” I smiled and left the room. I didn’t let him see but I was worried sick about what I had said when I was asleep. What if it was really personal? What if it was really random and made me sound like an idiot? Oh heavens. I tried not to think about it as I went to shower and get ready for the day. I turned on the hot water and tried to relax. The warm water running down my skin woke me up and my thinking became clearer. I sighed. It was probably nothing. He just wanted me to worry. He was messing with me. I finished my shower and got dressed. I felt a lot better. When I came out of the bathroom I headed for the kitchen and put some cream cheese on a raisin bagel. Chris came from the guys’ side. He had just finished showering too. His hair was still a little wet and dripping and he was a little red from the hot water. I commented on it, “Did you know that they have an amazing invention called a towel? And also…your water was too hot. You’re going to damage your skin. Be careful, okay?” “I’ll think about it.” He grinned, “And towel? Why use that if I can do this.” He came up behind me and used the back of my shirt to dry his hair. I yelped and pulled away. “Cut it out!” My face turned red. We both stood there surprised at my reaction. “I’m sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you.” “It’s fine. Why are you so tense?” I turned to face him, “How are you not tense? Three of our friends are being held captive and we’re just sitting here doing nothing. We need to hurry before they get so far away that the ship’s computer can’t track them.” Chris was listening intently. “I just"I feel like I didn’t do enough. Maybe I should have stayed to get all of the guys or saved you for last so that I could have gotten the other guys out or made something to silence you or something. I feel like I failed.” I flopped down in the pilot’s chair and nibbled my bagel. Not really hungry anymore. Chris came over and kneeled in front of me and put his hand on my shoulder, “You didn’t fail. You tried. You got one. You could not have saved the others if you had stayed. The Robouards would have captured you too and then where would you have been? None of us would have escaped. As to saving the others first, I don’t think it would have mattered who you saved first. All of us would have said something when we saw you and where we were. There wasn’t really any way around that. Making something to silence, you could have put your hand over our mouths to silence us, but if you want to make something for the future then go ahead. Whatever you want to do to help. Do it. You’re very smart and creative. If anyone could make something to silence people then you could.” I looked up at him from under my bangs and watched him for a second. “I guess I’ll go get started on that. You work on tracking them. Okay?” Chris smiled and nodded, “Sounds like a plan.” I turned to go but he stopped me, “While you’re at it, can you fix my guitar? There’s a crack in the neck now. Because of the fight I mean.” I nodded and headed to the music room. © 2011 Myrna CumberbatchAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on July 29, 2011 Last Updated on July 29, 2011 Author![]() Myrna CumberbatchIn a tree bearfoot, GAAboutI'm a music student who writes on the side. I will occasionally write a religious piece if I'm having a low day with my depression but mostly I stick to Fantasy and Sci-Fi. I love incorporating music .. more..Writing