The misty air that lies within clouds my views,
The door locks itself, with a key I never wanted to lose,
My mind just can't seem to wrap around it all,
So I decided to slip, and just let you fall.
The conspiring footholds get fatigued from weight,
And the hypnosis brewing, now an endless checkmate,
Watching the nation harboring it's askew credentials,
And becoming a brainwashed center, one that's essential.
I know that it always looks good on paper,
And that we can always unite in the venomous vapor,
But if our hypocritical pasts can't teach us a lesson,
Then is it wise to stay in the dark and just keep guessing?
I mean it's not like we don't know the solution,
And to think that our biggest problem was pollution.
It's okay, human beings were built to be dense,
And maybe lines one through eight will make sense?