Inside. That's where it all began.
You dragged me through it all.
Criss-crossing hazards lying away,
You gave me the right to call.
Now the stars shiver at my glance,
Constantly shifting throughout
And I know it's not just me.
There's always that hint of doubt.
Collapsing caverns cap killings,
There never seems to be an end.
We all just live in the same loop,
Contentedly fighting the Godsend.
Brass fillings hurtle around,
We still glance up at the sun and wonder how,
Yet it still has that same number,
And the cold still in a deep bow.
Shivering, shaking, shallow shells,
Our bodies have mirrored our flaws.
It's always enveloping you, distinguishing,
Stripping our goods and consuming them raw.
It's become your life,
It's all you think, say, and know,
Trust me, I've seen it before
And the toll of the cold always shows.
The frost heats,
You try to be bold
And you embrace the freezing,
Yet, it's still, so, cold...