The end hold out hope, yet i find myself wandering what has caused the hate? Perhaps it's hatred of the situation he finds himself in?
I like it, I think it needs another piece to bring out the meaning overall a little bit more. Like what you have is part two and three, I wonder what part one would say?
Love turned to hate. Thats never a good thing and turning it into a diabetic attack could kill a man. I somehow feel sorry for him. Don't you think a little kid's gloves might help heal the past sorrow.
Oh... it seems that a bit of hostility thrown in with something sweet makes for a nice peom!!
You dished this out nicely, but I find it a bit odd, the last last line. It's not bad, I just feel nervous that he doesn't see this X)
The end hold out hope, yet i find myself wandering what has caused the hate? Perhaps it's hatred of the situation he finds himself in?
I like it, I think it needs another piece to bring out the meaning overall a little bit more. Like what you have is part two and three, I wonder what part one would say?