Eventually - Session IV, Ages 21 - 23
A Book by Octob3r Star
Chapbook featuring award winning writings; Proud, All The Same, Dear God, Aspirin, and Death of a Rock Star. 2009 - 2011 
© 2012 Octob3r Star
Author's Note
In early 2012, I decided that it was time to end the fourth session: Eventually. So, I could move on to another part of my life. So, 02/28/2012 the fourth session became available online at WritersCafe.Org for viewers to read along. It's been an awesome three years working with; Eventually.
I'd like to thank everyone for the kindness and warmth. I can't tell you how awesome it is to be here on WritersCafe.Org. Please enjoy these 42 heartfelt pieces; written from the depths of my heart and on the tip of my imagination.
NOTE* - Sessions I, II, & III will be available on WritersCafe.Org, ASAP. They will be listed under, EaThePaper: A Collection of Anything.
*****Eventually is listed under the category of "book" for future chapbook status with the completion of Session V: Damaged & a possible VI session.
Added on February 28, 2012
Last Updated on April 16, 2012
Tags: eventually, fourth, joshua, randall, poetry, lgbt, gay, writer, book
Octob3r StarAustin, TX
Hey everyone, I hope you enjoy my writings as they've held much strength and blessing in my life.
*I have no interest in literary agents or publishing company's for my work that is displayed on Wr.. more..