![]() The HillA Chapter by [JaimeBreathesMusic]![]() Just kinda an introduction to the story. It's pretty much Lyric talking about her life and the hill.![]() His cold hands held my cheek as his bangs brushed against my forehead. My black eyes watched as he inched closer to me. I felt the tingle as his lips touched mine. His sapphire eyes were closed, and I could feel mine closing as well. This moment was perfect. Too bad perfect could only last so long.
"Lyric! Get your a*s up!" I heard Lillian's faint voice call out to me. I grunted and turned over on my side. I had been awake for maybe three minutes already, but I wanted the dream to last longer. I knew though, I'd eventually have to get up. "Wake up!" She started shaking me and my arms flung everywhere. One smacked her in the face. I smirked and tried to stiffle a laugh. She saw, and she smacked my cheek. "I knew you were awake."
I turned over so I was laying on my back and looked at her. She was so beautiful. She had perfectly straight blonde hair with golden eyes that shone like sunsets. Her skin wasn't too tan, but enough to not make her look white like other blonde girls. The way the Sun was shining on her made her look like the most the most gorgeous thing in the world. "I was awake, but I love messing with you." The wind blew and her hair whipped across her face. It made her beauty look even more natural than it already was. Even as she sat on a hill where the grass was up to her shins when she stood.
"Well we need to get home. It's past six, and Mom's got dinner ready."
By Mom, she meant my Aunt Lauren. Me and my half-brother, Collin, lived with her and her daughter, Lillian. The reason for this was our parents died in an airplane crash about six years ago. Collin didn't want to move in with his mother, stepfather, half-brother, and half-sister in Germany. I chose to live with my aunt because I've always been very close to my cousin. My mom understood, so it was okay. Ever since I've lived with them, I've always loved this hill. I've slept under the stars and moon countless times, and watched the clouds about everyday. I was barely ever sad or angry here, but happy. I really loved it here, but the hill more than anything. "Ugh, fine," I said, trying to get out of the grass. Lillian and her swift movements were up in a flash and decided to help me up. It wasn't that I couldn't get up by myself, but I couldn't. I wanted to stay.
"We're home!" my blonde cousin called out to her mother. I shut the door behind us and watched as her mother came out of the kitchen wearing a pink apron hung over her arm. When you saw Aunt Lauren, you could tell where Lillian got her beauty. Lauren though, had curly blonde hair about the length of her daughter's. It could be age, but Laurem's eyes were a duller shade of gold than Lil's.
"Finally. I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to be able to get her off that darn hill," she said. There was a faint accent in her voice, but you had to strain your ears to hear it most of the time.
"Honestly, I don't understand why you love that hill so much Lyr," we could hear Collin yell from the living room. I was actually surprised he wasn't in the kitchen yet.
"It's a peaceful and gorgeous place. I can think freely there. It's just perfection," I said starting to space off and think of the place I called my home.
"It's just a bunch of grass," Lillian said with a bored expression pasted on her perfect face. Even then did she look beautiful.
"Eh, that's your opinion," I shrugged and walked to the bathroom to wash up before dinner. It wasn't that the hill was dirty, no, but my aunt thought it was because she thought everywhere outside was dirty. I really think she has somewhat of an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I really don't think I'd ever tell her that. Well, yeah, I probably would.
I walked into the dining room to see everyone in their normal seats; Aunt Lauren at the head of the table, Lillian to the right of her, and Collin to the left. This left me to my seat across from Lauren. I pulled out my chair and sat down. Today, we were having steak. Well, they were. I was having veggie burger because I'm a vegetarian.
Dinners were usually pretty quiet. That was, when Collin wasn't being a loud little b***h. Often, Auntie told him to shut the f**k up, so it became a lot more quiet. That was a good thing because everytime Collin talked, I swear, I lose 10 I.Q points. Of course, he was hilarious.
"So, school is coming up soon right?" A chorus of groans was her answer. Collin was going into his senior year, Lilly into her sophmore year, and I was going into my freshman year. None of us were looking forward to going to school. I really just wanted to stay on that hill the whole time.
I yawned as I walked up the spiral stairs to my room. It was only about 7:30 but after sitting with Aunt Lauren and Collin for an hour or so, you'd be tired as hell too. Lils can get talkative too, but she's nowhere near as bad as the other two. They were family, so, I guess I have to love them.
Sighing, I opened the door to my bedroom and walked in. I saw the two dark blue wall-slightly lighter than navy-and the other two walls painted a gray-blue color. I had one of those loft beds. My futon mattress was black on top and red on bottom with black sheets. I didn't have drapes, but some kind of tan blinds. I didn't mind though. I mean, it kept perverts from looking through my window while I was changing right? That's good enough for me.
I climbed the ladder to my bed and hugged my knees. I never really liked it inside. I felt so cooped up. Outside was so free and refreshing. That was truly my home.
Somehow, I eventually started thinking about school. I started thinking about how I missed my friends over summer, but how I hated that hell hole. Teachers watching your every move, snobby, rich kid preps hating your very existence. What the f**k kind of place is that?
And then I thought about how Collin was becoming a senior and off to college next year. I knew all his teachers would be asking him what he would be wanting to do with his life and where he wanted to go after that. He already knew too. He'd be able to give them the answer. Lillian even knew where she wanted to go. She had her whole life planned out it seemed. She has since she was a freshman, and the same with Collin. But what about me? I had no clue what I wanted to be, nor what college I wanted to go to. It just didn't seem fair to me. No ambitions, dreams, or goals. I don't even who I am. To me, I'm just another girl. Plain, average girl. I even had the normal brown hair, which was actually odd. Everyone in my family had blonde hair but me. Heh, I'm different!
I chuckled to myself and decided it was time to go to bed. Looking at the clock, I realized it was only 8 and that was hella early for me. I usually didn't go to bed until at least 10. I pulled the giant, old comforter over my body up to my shoulders and set my head on the pillow. The ripping on my blanket tickled my neck and I couldn't help but giggle. I smiled as I realized I would finally get to see that beautiful guy I've had that dream about so many times. © 2009 [JaimeBreathesMusic]Author's Note
3 Reviews Added on August 10, 2009 Last Updated on November 22, 2009 Author![]() [JaimeBreathesMusic]Beneath the Umbrella, FLAboutMy name's Jaime. I'm only thirteen, so please accept my childish self and writing errors. Constructive criticism is of course welcome. My characters, I try, have a varied range of personalities. Some.. more..Writing
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