Individualism and the Event Horizon of Life.

Individualism and the Event Horizon of Life.

A Chapter by Observe

Observations from the Trail: Selected journal entries offered for your consideration.



“Individualism and the Event Horizon of Life. “


 A simple phrase can say so much.   To truly understand and live by that phrase can take a life time.  Embracing the meaning can set you on a path few may truly fully explore.  Offered here are shared insights to help you on your own journey of self-discovery.  For we all must explore this phrase to truly understand just who we are. 



Observations from the Trail:  Selected journal entries offered for your consideration.


It is midmorning and I am about 5 miles out.  The temperature is mild with low humidity.  My pace has been moderate and right now I am feeling strong. In-fact I am in that zone where my energy flows naturally, effortlessly and one could say I am nearing a state of being euphoric.  I choose to take a return route that will cover rougher terrain.  The last 5 miles of today’s trail run will be strenuous, but it will feel good to push myself.   I take different routes each time during my weekly outings.  I call them outings as sometimes I trail run with a deliberate faster pace, sometimes a slower pace taking in all that nature has to offer.  Some days are planned paths; some are forays into the unknown.  Occasionally I devote a few days to those extended outings with both known and unknown paths.


Why do I trail run and hike?  A part of me likes the solitude and physically pushing my endurance, in testing myself I find growth.  I also find it vital to keep in touch with nature.  I am very comfortable with the modern world, but I take time to find a way to help myself stay grounded.  More importantly during these outings I have taken the time to reflect on those deeper spiritual questions that all of us ask of ourselves. 


I find insights from my excursions.  One fundamental truth I have found is that human behavior is not unlike the behaviors we can observe in all other forms of life.  From plants to all forms of animal life individuals seek to survive.  All forms of life seek to reproduce.  All are driven by natural instinct.  Higher forms of life show varying degrees of self-awareness.  The natural world would get along just fine without the existence of humans.  Humans are probably not the apex of the cosmos.   If you take the time to truly observe nature you will come to realize that nature is all about the expression of life, not the expression of human kind.

A second truth I derive from long solidary treks is a measure of self-reliance.  It is up to me as a living being to survive anything that I encounter.  The ultimate outcome of my journey is up to me and I alone.

To observe nature give yourself time to fully enable the observation.  You may find that you have to practice being still in mind and body for extended periods of time.  This activity by itself brings benefits.  As you watch and listen try not to have preconceived notions as to motivations of what you observe.  Try not to bring in your own biases.

Let me leave this discussion with this caution.  If you do venture out into nature on your own, start slow and build up to adventurous excursions.  I myself have almost died from trying to do too much too soon.  Yet even in those occurrences I grew greatly.  So be cautious and accept the outcomes of the risks you take.


I am sharing with you a path I have been on, a journey that unfolds understanding.  All of us seek to understand the nature of life and who we are.  There are questions I myself have asked, those questions that still drive me, I have found, are in common to all of us.  I have met many people that are still seeking that which I have found.   Some have stopped searching, accepting what passes as an answer. Sadly, some simply have given up and have all together stopped asking questions.  Growth for these, stop.


Humans are by nature curious creatures.  Capable of observing the world and we are driven to understand that world.  There are many questions about life we ask.  We seek these answers throughout our lives.


Understanding who I am in the vast cosmos even a sense of that future cosmos is now known to me.  Even to an extent those aspects of the cosmos we have yet to directly observe.  Truth be told for myself the search for life’s answers has been replaced by an intense deep engagement in life.  Each moment unfolds with energy.  Growth and understanding grows with each passing day.


I have myself rooted in two worlds.  One world is that construct of modern man, the other the natural world mostly devoid of human kind’s influence.  Throughout this writing I will share more of just who I am.


I have found that by sharing my insights with others widens that sense of understanding as I reach out to and connect to an ever, larger group.  I now share these written words with you in hopes of widening still that understanding.  In a fashion it helps me in deepening that understanding as I find the actual words to spread these insights.


Human understanding is an unspoken internal mental state of being.  Our words are the attempt to focus that awareness and to convey and communicate to others.  That is my objective. I hope to convey my internal awareness to others.  I see such unhealthy emotional states of being that I feel compelled to try and help my fellow man.  I was myself once lost.  The words of others helped to guide me during my own journey of self-discovery.  There is an unspoken tradition of helping others as happen to cross paths on the trail.   This is my way of helping others.


To present this path I will follow a method I used in teaching.  I taught at a local community college for a number of years.  In teaching the various subjects I would present a series of statements, and then hold a discussion around them.  Through the semester the topics would progress in depth, building on one another.  In time depending on the interest of the students we would advance to explore a far-reaching understanding of the most challenging of ideas.


We will take the same approach here.  The beginning topics may well be known to you but please persevere, the ending insights may be new or at least leave you in a position to continue your own journey.  Be warned the latter topics can be considered controversial and for some unsettling.  Hence the need to start slow to work up to the challenging.


Additionally, I will provide what I will call “structured practice”.  Learning is done not only by listening to lectures or reading the thoughts of others.  For true living understanding comes by action.  Striving to put into practice what one seeks to understand. 


Lastly, I think of this writing as a foundational set of paths one can take as one’s life is lead. All of us are on our own personal journey.  The paths we may take, may well be in common and familiar, some may be new which lead to views and insights previously unknown.  Allow yourself time to read and ponder the concepts presented here.  What you will read here are insights that you are offered to internalize. Hopefully they help in your own developing state of self- awareness. Building your own sense of individuality.


Let’s start with this initial series of statements.


Initial Statement 1:  Usually the simplest answer is the best.  When there are unknowns and we strive to arrive at a most likely answer, generally speaking that final answer is not complicated.  It may require a new way of looking at things, or it may be hard to achieve, but it is not, generally speaking, all that complicated.


Initial Statement 2:  Questioning, observation and understanding need to be done by the individual internally and in a life changing manner.  Only reading the words and parroting back ideas of others for appearance sake is not true growth.  It must be made a real expression of yourself.


Initial Statement 3: Life is a universal force, just like any other observed force that science currently accepts as truth.  This can be seen in what we will call “The Event horizon of life”. 


Initial Statement 4: Humans, as all forms of life, are creatures of nature.  We are meant to observe our environment   be aware of the world around us.  Able to see and be aware of that present and real physical world as well as to understand why that world behaves as it does.


Initial Statement 5: Growth can be difficult, all of us come from varied backgrounds and experiences, for some the journey may be difficult, yet it may be the most necessary and rewarding effort we can engage in.


Initial Statement 6: Individuality is the fundamental expression of life as we currently see it in our world.

·         Our endeavors as humans should seek to nurture our individuality as well as all of life in any of its many forms.

·         If we awaken the spirit of life within us, nurture its growth, it will find its way to full and complete expression.

·         We must embrace our natural being and all that follows while striving to nurture what we can.


Initial Statement 7: We cannot see the far distant future of the cosmos just as we can only speculate as to its true beginning.  This does not matter.  We can only observe what we can now and under the current conditions of the world we find ourselves in.


Initial Statement 8: We as natural living individuals will not survive forever.  We cannot even be absolutely sure as to our retention of a sense of individuality after our earthly life passes. Read on and you will find that this does not matter as we are an expression of the universal force of life.   This is who we truly are.  We may be unique individuals but we are all essentially the same, one no more important than the other.  The cosmos cares not for the individual and that does not matter for we are a part of that cosmos as an expression of life.



An expanded discussion of Initial Statement 1 & 2: The simplest answer is the best coupled with questioning, observation and understanding


We will discuss both of these at the same time.  The “simplest answer is the best”  is a popular concept and practice in science.  In the exploration of new areas of study many questions are asked, observations made and in time understanding come.


In some instances, absolute truth cannot be revealed.  Here the most reasonable answer is generally accepted as the most likely truth.  What may complicate this search for truth is the ability to separate out personal biases.  Human ego often interferes in our search.


Humans are inquisitive beings.  Our mental capabilities exceed what is needed for basic survival.  We ponder the world around us seeking to understand our place in the world we see.  We will return to this topic later as it concerns how man strives to fill in the blanks, those gaps between the observed and the questioned.  A warning though this is one of those dangerous topics that will be very unsettling for some.  For now, let’s just say that many of man’s religious constructs are hardly the simplest of answers to that which cannot be directly observed.   


For now, let’s settle on this basic simple premise.  All that we see in the world is the result of some force of nature.  Gravity, electro-magnetic, Strong and weak forces (at the level of the atom) these are those basic forces in the universe.  All that we see is a construct in some fashion of these basic forces.



An expanded discussion of Initial Statement 3: The event horizon of life, this is a fundamental concept that we can first explore as it is very much the beginning of all other paths that we will take.


We should think of life as a force, just like any other force science now names.  How do we know it exists?  Simply observe and look for the probable simplest answer.  Science acknowledges that gravity is a force as we can see its action.  While we cannot see the actual force of gravity we can see its effect.  The same is true for the force that is life.  Why should organic molecules assemble together to form individual cells?  Why do those cells assemble into actual multi-celled organisms?  Just as gravity pulls objects towards one another is it not reasonable to assume that some force is acting at a molecular level to cause the cellular structures that we observe in our world?  The force of life seems to have expression in creating complex organic structures, cellular structures giving rise to the many varied forms of individual beings and forms of life we see all around.  The expression of this force is one that directionally builds up complex individual beings whereas all other forces tend to slow down and lose energy over time.


The energy that is Life moves in the opposite direction of the other physical forces.  This universal force builds higher complex structures as opposed to the entropic tendencies of all other forces.


It is enough for now to leave this concept at this point for now.  We will pick this line of thought up again later for deeper review.


We want to turn our attention now to what this fundamental concept implies.  It is a foundational concept.


The following series of observations and discourse will be based on this basic idea �" Life is a force, another  force that is a part of the universe , we humans, just as all of life that we see, are an expression of that force.


Some basic thoughts that stem from this concept

·         Our endeavors as humans should seek to nurture our individuality as well as nurturing all of life in its many forms

·         We must embrace our natural being and all that follows while striving to nurture our spiritual potential and deepening our state of joy.

·         We as individual physical beings will die.  The subsequent existence of that essence of life that we hold within and as a part of this physical being is, as we can currently observe, is unknown.  This fact does not matter.  We humans can only focus on the expression of our spirit in the here and now regardless of tomorrow.

·         All humans and to an extent all of life is the same.  That same universal force that causes humans to be humans causes all other forms of life to be what they are.  Consider this; that sense of joy and self- awareness that you possess is same in the person standing next to you.  Just as you have hopes and fears so do they.  There is no difference in the underlying being.  Other life in nature also possess a measure of self-awareness, it is simply a matter of degree.

·         Human insight is not under the sole ownership of anyone person or culture.  Insight is passed on by all, deepened and rephrased though out time.

·         Technology while beneficial is not the apex of the cosmos.

·         Life probably is found elsewhere in the cosmos in those older regions of the vast expanse of the universe.  Life may well be found in forms beyond our comprehension let alone our ability to observe.

·         Humans probably are not the apex of life.  Consciousness and self-awareness may well be that apex or at least the beginning of the path towards the ultimate expression of the force of life.


So, what is of importance?

Simply stated the here and now is of importance.  The expression of that event horizon of life is all that truly exists.  This is who we are.  This is the unfolding of the universe. Nurture that expression.  Let the force grow and mature in depth.


Paths of reflection to explore

Throughout this writing you will find breaks, paths of reflection if you will. These are meant to remind the reader that the purpose of the writing offered here is to encourage one to take time and contemplate what has been offered.  Reread passages as needed.  Seek out related writings of others.  Take time to allow the internalization of what is presented.

If you are on a heartfelt journey of self-discovery you will need to allow yourself time to do so.  You may find that your foundation of understanding will go through a process of change.  It can be very unsettling and at times dangerous.  True growth may require one to rebuild just you they are, more on this later.

 I myself find it good to spend as much time as possible in a natural setting.  I often hike and trail run seeking to allow myself time to observe life devoid of human influence.  I also find my awareness of the basic concepts expressed here come to be more real to me in periods of solitude.  I find that to be an individual is to be alone.  It is then that I feel as though I approach a deeper sense of self awareness.  I find that I am all the stronger as I find myself back amongst fellow humans.

You are encouraged to find your own manner of self-reflection and internalizing your own observations and insights. 



An expanded discussion of Initial Statement 4: Humans, as all forms of life, are creatures of nature.  -  Humans and their capacity for thought and self-awareness.


Humans are the product of eons of evolution.  While we do not completely understand this process of evolution we can think of it as the force of life seeking to be expressed in the physical world.  As a result, there are many forms of life that fill every possible niche in the environment.  We can observe many forms of life in nature all with varying degrees of neurological development.  It is within the neurological capacity that we see self-awareness and what we can assume to be one of the possible apexes of the force of life �" self-awareness.


Humans and some higher mammals show the highest forms of self-awareness.  Lesser mammals show awareness to a lesser degree.  Behaviors can be observed that are reflective of the degree of self-awareness.


Much time and energy are devoted in nature to one’s survival.   Most life forms have little of what would be considered “free-time”.  When the needs for basic existence are readily available the behavior of a given life form will vary.    Higher life forms have the capability to have awareness beyond mere physical survival.   Many writings on the science of psychology are available to provide background on the many nuances of the human mind; suffice it to say that humans are capable of a wide range of behaviors, both healthy and unhealthy.


Humans show a large capacity of self-awareness.  Other mammals do as well but that is beyond our immediate discussion.  The opportunity to develop this human capacity is unfortunately often missed and many humans live a life lesser than it could be.  Many are in search for understanding as they have self-awareness that is driving them to seek that understanding.  Unfortunately, guidance to develop and nurture our self-awareness may be lacking. 


Human emotional states are very much shaped by a variety of influences.  Over a lifetime family and social circles and society as a whole, influences the emotional growth of its members.


Religious beliefs and churches serve as a primary source for the guidance of man’s sense of self and spiritual growth.


It is not the purpose of this writing to challenge the notion of most religions in that the ultimate objective of one’s earthly life is to be closer to God and to get to heaven. If this belief system provides you comfort, guidance and joy so be it.  Unfortunately for many, current belief systems expressed by religions fall short.  Some have ventured the thought that a fervent belief or that need to believe in the afterlife is driven by an internal crisis felt by an individual striving to cope with an overwhelming unrequited or unmastered sense of self-awareness. 


We will not challenge the beliefs of others by enumerating any perceived differences.  We will focus on an alternative possible belief foundation.


Hence another purpose for this writing �" to provide guidance for the growth and maturing self-awareness that we all have.  Once again, if the current religious beliefs you hold provide guidance for you, this writing is not meant to challenge your beliefs.  It is intended for those that are seeking alternative or supplemented guidance.


This writing seeks to review a possible path to understanding.


An expanded discussion of Initial Statement Initial Statement 5: Growth can be difficult, all of us come from varied backgrounds and experiences, for some the journey may be difficult, yet it may be the most necessary and rewarding effort we can engage in. 


To explore this statement various paths of reflection are offered. 


Path of reflection to explore:  “Embracing the Crucible and finding the natural rhythm of the world”

A crucible is a tool and a means to burn away impurities.   In a fashion I find my own crucible to purge those negative influences that are roadblocks to the expression of spirit.  You may need to find your own. 

There is a natural rhythm of the world and of our spirit.  Roadblocks are those influences that prevent the realization of that rhythm.  The constructs of humans can either help or hinder.

Humans as natural creatures are basically the same as other creatures.  We seek companionship.  We seek to build not only relationships but skills to live in an ever-changing world.  We seek to not only survive but hopefully to thrive and grow into a state of Joy.

Many will start out on a journey of growth yet seem to tarry along the way and divert to an ending destination that is circular in nature and leads in truth nowhere.  Questioning and observing stop and easy answers and out right falsehoods are accepted as fact.  So many want easy answers to those core human questions.  The important paths are difficult yet these paths review the deepest of truths.

We will not go into all the detailed nuances of human dynamics.  We will though speak of the general nature of those dynamics.

From birth humans start on their journey.  The journey is one that can take many paths.  If fortunate the path has healthy role models and influences that are supportive and nurturing.  Hopefully life unfolds in an honest truthful fashion.

My own personal journey has been one of many divergent paths.  I had strong roles models in my early years but life unfolded in a manner such that my sense of self faltered.  I at times was quite lost.  Never though did I lose that desire to grow and know more of myself and the world around me.  I engaged in many endeavors, seeking growth and understanding.  Along the way I found, what I believe to be, an effective method, perhaps more of a mindset really.  That is to embrace a process to unlearn the distractions that can plague us all.

One of the reasons I engage on strenuous hikes or runs, is that use it as a means to isolate myself from negative emotional roadblocks.   By immersing myself in intensive physical activity that challenges my very survival I can better face and remove those unhealthy influences.  I can gain a pure sense of mental focus.  I remove all those semblances of falsehoods that impede my identity. 

Doing this is not easy, hence the need to embrace the endeavor.  I accept that some excursions will be not only strenuous and physically painful, but they may well be life threatening.  They threaten not only my physical self but my emotional side as well.  I engage in them with the expectation that I will be changed by the experience.  By embracing the natural world and leaving behind the crutches of the modern world I find my true self.

It is a difficult thing to articulate one’s feelings and mindset.  I strive to calm my mind of thoughts and words.  I allow the understanding to come first. 

I seek to discover the natural rhythm of the world and how my own life can move in sync with that movement of life.

Setting thoughts into words come later.  Hence, I’ve kept various journals over time.  I often revisit lines of thought from time to time.  I would like to think that each entry just as each new path I take is a new revelation.  Albeit subtly nuanced.

Please remember that these writings are from those journals.  They may lack continuity.  Hopefully thought they help with your journey as they have helped mine.


A path of reflection to explore: How will I know I am heading in the right direction?


Ask yourself these questions.

·         How do you carry yourself?

·         How do you react to others or changing situations?

·         What currently occupies your mind?  Do you have apprehension about things to come?  Is there a sense of fear or are you looking forward to what is approaching?

·         Can you allow yourself to be immersed in silence for an extended period of time?  Does your mind and spirit remain at rest?


The expression of your inner spirit once on the path of being unleashed will show itself and it will change who you are.  If there is a sense of calmness about you regardless of the situation you are heading in the right direction.  Your ability to cope with changes and all that you may encounter in the world will be one of strength.  Fear will not exist.


When I run or hike I like to clear my mind of outside thoughts.  I do strive to have specific awareness, all be it without words.  The air and wind about me, the sun, and the ground I am on.  Other creatures and plants that I share the world with how do they sense the world.  How may it differ from what I perceive? 


There are times that I do keep in my mind some fundamental concepts.  I allow these concepts to take shape in my mind and in time they stay with me.  I like to think that they are a part of how I carry myself.  I will describe more of this later.  For now, suffice it to say that I focus on those foundational concepts that fall under the umbrella of virtues. 


When I return to the world of man I find that my mind is clear and untroubled.  I carry that purity of action and spirit with me regardless of the situation I find myself in.


As a final measure when you are ready you can start to engage in true self-reflection.  Spend time on this question �" Why do you do what you do?  What do you celebrate?  How do you interact with others?   Are your actions out of a true expression of spirit?  Are you motivated by pride, ego or a desire for attention?  It is not the intent of this writing to explore what your answers may be.  As your expression of spirit matures the answers will come to you.


A path of reflection to explore: Staying grounded and not allowing the distractions of the world hinder growth. Setting aside time for a weekly outing is important.  It is too easy to get caught up in the modern world.  Distractions abound.

As I hike I happen across others.  It seems as though many have never been away from the sheltered modern world created by humans.  It almost seems as though they have been in an enclosed box with a narrow set of experiences.  Their view of reality seems quite small.  At least for a time they have found themselves in a larger natural world, any added depth of experience is a good thing.  I do wish them well on their journey.

Yet I can’t help but notice that they seem afraid to venture off any well marked or worn-down path.  Most even have a cell phone helping them track where they are.  It is as though they exist in the false and temporary reality of their technology and not in the true reality of the natural world.  I rarely see anyone beyond cell phone signal range.  It seems that few humans venture anymore deep into the natural world. 

Humans are natural creatures.  We evolved in nature without technology.  Life as a force is expressed without the need for and seems to be impeded by these unnatural interferences.   If you choose to extract yourself from an overreliance of the technical be prepared for the changes you will undergo.  You will find in time that your spirit we be rejuvenated.  The first stages will be unsettling as you leave what you had considered your foundation.  Persevere and venture onto your own unmarked paths.  Growth lies ahead.


Don’t let technology suppress your growth nor let possessions define your world.

When I venture out on extended hikes I take only the basics, small portions of food and water only.  I carry no extra weight.  You would be surprised just how little you need to survive.  No, it will not be an extended stay at a luxury resort.  No fine dining, no opulent nights of entertainment and relaxation.  Yet never will you have a more meaningful experience.  I have come across others on lesser hikes. They carry excessive supplies, food water and all sorts of equipment.  There was one occasion where I witnessed a group of hikers turn back as their satellite phone malfunctioned.  Panic had set in and they feared they would not make it back though they were only out about a 4 hour walk. 

In my personal life I “live small”.  While I earn a respectable wage I intentionally live in a smaller townhouse, drive an older truck, I retain only a few cherished items.  While I dress well I don’t have an extensive wardrobe.  In fact, my hiking shoes are taped on the inside to help with the wear and tear.  I even sew the tears due to rocks. 

I was not always this way.  The younger version of me chased after status and material possessions.  I only lived as a reflection of how I thought others saw me.  I was never at rest, I was quite loss.  My development was completely arrested and in fact headed in an unhealthy direction.  I underwent a crisis of identity which after much searching turned to where I find myself now.  Definitely I am in a healthier place then I was in the past.

When I hike or trail run as I now go through life I carry only what is needed and I keep my mind free of unhealthy distractions.   If your mind is preoccupied with distractions you will stumble and fall, let alone miss the real world around you.

A Path of thought for reflection �" Can you fly?

I spent time studying the martial art of Kendo.  While much can be said of the endeavor I wanted to pass on just one revelation that was passed onto to me by another.

I was training with a new group in a neighboring city the sensei was working with us on attack movements.  The goal was to move quickly with purpose and ease seeking natural fluid efficiency of movement.  The phrase he used was “you must fly”.  It was at that moment that so much came into focus.  I had read much of the “way of the warrior”.  Seeking purity of spirit and body, thought and action blended into one.  There was a moment once achieved that was a threshold crossed.  Life as I knew it was changed.  By removing the weights and burden of the human ego I transcended to a new expression of spirit. 

I could move quickly, decisively, with purpose.  My energy flowed naturally.  While I had been building to this moment it was this simple phrase that coalesced all of those endeavors.

Seek your own path to transcend the human ego.  Learn to fly.











A path of reflection to explore: Do humans acknowledge the true path of their expression of spirit?


·         Related to these thoughts is this question do humans reach their full potential or are they diverted from a path of true growth?  Ask yourself this question.  What do you hold in your mind?  What you focus on is where growth and expression of life is directed.  Where we expend our thoughts and energy must be of paramount importance.

·         Do you allow your natural abilities to observe and understand the world to be engaged?  Or are they suppressed?


When I first started hiking and trail running my endurance was lacking.  I came across others that navigated the trails with ease and at a much faster pace.  These experienced folks carried themselves differently.  The air of confidence and strength was very much a part of their presence.  In time my endurance grew.  I could traverse longer and rougher terrains with growing ease.  As I grew in strength my desire to seek greater challenges grew as well. 


I have known other fellow hikers that prefer the same trails the same worn paths.  If they find joy in this then so be it.  I myself seek more.  I do know that someday I may reach point that my growth plateaus.  Till them I will always seek the next valley and ridge to explore.


Conversely, I will always strive to be open to what these new paths reveal.  


In the day to day interactions of fellow humans I have seen all sorts of behaviors some healthy and virtuous others quite the opposite.  Similar to those I see on the trail, some take the easy path and avoid the difficult.  So many, stay at home and never venture out.  So, few humans seem to seek a path to reach the heights that are possible.   So, few are willing to start the journey.


A thought from today’s run.

The morning is cold but the wind is light.  Starting out just after sunrise even though it is below freezing I know that as my pace quickens the air temperature will be of small consequence.  The season is changing turning colder it seems as though to turn away others.  I often wonder why they do not venture out when the weather turns a little harsher, perhaps it is the same reason I see only a few of us that trek the more distant and rougher terrains.

The change of season lets me see and experience so much more.  Leaves fall obscuring the path.  I have to change my running pace as the smaller rocks and erosion exposed tree roots are less apparent making one’s footing less sure.  The birds of the spring and summer forest have migrated on.  If I run quietly enough I can happen upon a small group of does (female deer) and then in a short distance happen upon a buck (male deer) who follows searching for those same does.  On days like these it strikes me even more that there is a wide world that exists completely without we humans.  I am just one more individual animal in the forest today and actually I am intruding into those others homeland.  It is I, a human that is the stranger today.  I am the one out of place as concerns the world of these other living beings.

I am given pause to consider why I enjoy and look forward to venturing out even in colder weather the long distances covering rough terrain.  Why does not everyone else?  I cannot nor will not venture to consider what motivates others.  It is enough for me to find my own way in the world. 

I do enjoy the benefits I derive from pushing myself. I think of it as a crucible, a means of purifying myself.  Being alone 10 miles or more out in rough terrain completely away from anyone else you have to rely on yourself to make it back.  There have been times that my life was at risk during these longer outings.  It is in times like these that the true reality of life is very apparent. The constructs of reality created by humans can be very far and removed from what I have personally seen as universal truths.  When I venture out I expect to change and come back not the same as when I left. More on this later, we will keep to small steps, small revelations of insights.  We will build understanding along the way. 

With the leaves now covering the paths it is easy to lose track of where one is exactly.  One can end up somewhere unexpected.  But I find this is not something to fear.  The landscape of a leafless forest is seemingly completely different than just 2 months earlier.  One can see further, the deep ravines and rock-strewn brooks take on a completely new look today.  I realize what I had not seen and had been aware of before.  Much exists unknown to us regardless of how often and far we search. 

There is so much to explore, so much to discover and experience.  I will return next weekend, only a heavy rain will keep me away.  I may love exposure to the elements but even I have limits.  Be sides it can be unsafe and all the other animals are bedded down as well.  Yes, I was out during a severe thunder storm once that was not too bright of me.  Lightning strikes came very close to me and I knew that those earthly forces are totally unaware of my presence.  They strike as they see fit.  I am of no consequence as concerns so much of the universe.

Path of reflection to explore:  Should you follow or seek your own way?

We as humans seek to gather.  Families, circles of friends, colleagues at work, even neighbors, our groups can be many and varied.  Hopefully they are healthy and supportive.  On this topic we will only share that you may have to grow a measure of detachment if your expression as an individual is suppressed.      

Pressure to follow or conform is great.  Human egos can express themselves in the unhealthiest of manners.  It can be one of the hardest things to be truly independent and potentially separate from a group.  Tribal behavior is strong in humans.  Fundamentally it helps us to survive in a physical world ever at odds with life. Strive to achieve strong independent individual behavior that arises from our nurturing association of others.

Who are you? A question we need to ask ourselves, the answer depends on your choices.  Choices made subconsciously to be a part of the group or accepted by another may subvert being a true independent individual.  In time the answer to questions arises innately and without thought, a natural expression of the spirit from within. 

The interrelationships you form with others will be based on that which arises from you being a strong independent person. 




An expanded discussion of Initial Statement 6: Being an Individual is a natural state of being


All living beings are individuals.  Separate from one another, unique and distinct.  Yes, we are all the same in form and function.  We all have a measure of that same spirit, that same event horizon of life of spirit within us.   But we are still separate from one another.  We are individually driven to live our life, to express that force that makes us who we are.


As individuals what does that mean as to our existence?  Do we only seek to survive, propagate the species, do we, as some religions profess seek to go to heaven after our life on earth is complete?


Consider these series of related statements:

·         We are beings that arise from the expression of that force of life

·         Nurturing that spirit will lead to a deepening sense of wellbeing �" a state of joy if you will

·         Becoming a strong individual with an awareness of who we are and allowing that spirit to be expressed is the natural course of things

·         Our depth of understanding and the expression of the spirit seems to be unlimited

·         From these basic ideas all else can be framed and defined


As you are out and about yourself observe the life around you.  Humans that do not nurture the spirit lead a lesser existence.  Unhealthiness surrounds them, toxic to themselves and others around them.  It can be hard to ward off this influence but do so you must.





An expanded discussion of Initial Statement 7: We cannot see the far distance future of the cosmos just as we can only speculate as to its true beginning.  This does not matter.  We can only observe what we can now under the current conditions of the world we find ourselves in.


No more is there to be said on this statement.  As you reflect on other paths and your own observations the meaning of this concept will become more apparent.  A word of warning, this may well be one of the hardest insights to accept.  All that really matters is the here and now.  This very moment is all that truly exists.


A path of reflection to explore: are humans all that different than other forms of life?

The topic discussed here will be controversial for many.  It will call into question the reader’s fundamental sense of self-identity.  Please keep an open mind and take the time to reflect on the basic premise discussed.  Humankind is simply only another form of life.  Yes, we live more complicated lives and we carry much potential but we are fundamentally the same as any other plant or animal that we find in nature.

The universe does not revolve around us.  Your individual existence and passing is of no real consequence.  Yes, we can have an impact on others, but our actions will not alter the course of the universe.

Human behavior is the same as the behavior of all other life forms.  It is beyond the purpose of this writing to explore this in greater detail as there are other bodies of academics that explore this further.

Before we address the next statement a word of caution to be mindful of along your journey some paths are potentially dangerous

If you truly engage in a journey of self-discovery prepare yourself for the changes you may go through.

·         Growth to the point of leaving behind those you know

·         A feeling of loss and being detached

·         Reorienting your focus and sense of being

·         Changing sense of values

Take time to reflect and consider the paths offered.  Allow yourself time to allow the spirit of life to be expressed in you.  Understanding will come as you explore new trails new paths.




An expanded discussion of Initial Statement 8: We as natural living individuals will not survive forever.  We cannot even be absolutely sure as to our retention of a sense of individuality after our earthly life passes.


This can be one of the more difficult concepts to make real, it perhaps is one of the most important.

What we have been leading to is this concept.  There is only the here and now, this present moment is real.  There is no future as such, nor a past, that our mind should be absorbed with.  Yes, there is a passage of events and future events to come, but they are just a continuation of the present moment.  Strive to gain an awareness of the present and all those things currently in motion around you.  Learn to cope with the flow of the present. 

This is a subtle and important concept.  Towards this I will only provide these supporting thoughts to consider:

Avoid the pitfall of the complacent notion that a reward waits for you in the future or after your earthly passing.  This is probably the single most serious obstacle to enriched self- growth. 

Think of the “mental safety-nets” in your life.  Risks are minimized or out-right removed.   Avoidance of self-reliance allows one to essentially meander through life.  Life is lived without the intensity or zeal that it deserves.

We will speak no more of this.  It is controversial.   Upon this point, for some, the path of your self-discovery will diverge.  This is fine and is in fact the point of the entire journey.  Your path needs to be one of your own making.  Paths taken will not be the same for all.


A time for guided practice �" Can Meditation help with our journey?

Yes, meditation can help.  There are many aspects to and forms of meditation.  We will only explore a few of these.  I will share my own experiences.  It is only to those that I can speak with certainty.  Your own experiences may well be nothing like mine.  It will pay well to read about this endeavor and explore on your own.  Here it is very important to make this part of your journey your own.

I like to think of meditation as a means to let your mind search the non-physical trails of the possible universe.  Just as one physically hikes in the forests one must let the mind explore the many paths of reality and perception.  In fact, one can reason that the development of the mind is of highest priority.  The mind is that one expression of the spirit that must develop first before any understanding is gained.  I have found that in time the development of the mind and physical experiences do develop in unison.  The mind while seemingly separate is just as much a part of our world as is anything that can be physically touched.

What follows is a suggestion towards starting your own path of meditation.

Meditation simply stated.

Simply stated meditation is a process of expanding the mind, it helps our awareness, and it helps to deepen our spiritual presence.   It strives to improve the mind �" body connection.  In turn this allows us to better cope with the world around us.  Think of meditation as a tool to help us develop and maintain a strong healthy emotional state of being. 

 There are many techniques to do this.  What will be discussed here can be used with any of them.

The mind seeks growth.

It is natural for us seek emotional growth.  We instinctively seek to mature.  We are quite driven to do so.   For those that find themselves in a nurturing environment this growth continues through one’s life.  Many of us though are less fortunate.  The environment that we find ourselves in is not nurturing and in fact can be very negative to our emotional health.

For many their minds are distracted and fail to grow and mature.  In turn their spiritual wellbeing suffers greatly.

Meditation �" a simple approach.

Think of meditation as an activity that allows the awareness within the mind to grow.   A basic premise is this.  The awareness of the mind will seek to grow on its own when given the chance.  If you can suspend the distractions or any negative influence the mind will grow.  One can even promote and strengthen this awareness by striving to direct the efforts of this instinctive growth process.  The depths of growth that one can experience can be impressive.  The growth of this awareness is something that never ends.



Shutting out the noise of the world

Find a quiet place.  This may be outside in a garden or in a park.  It may be a room in your home.  Find a place that suspends the direct effects of the world on your senses. 

Concentrate on your breathing and try to clear your mind.

Gain an awareness of your heart beat. Sense the pause between, seeking to lengthen ever slowing you heart rate.

If this is the first time that you are trying this you may experience many random thoughts.

It actually takes a lot of practice to be able to truly clear your mind.

If your mind is filled with noise, allow the noise to “pass through” you.

Don’t try to stop the thoughts.  If they are negative concerns let them come.  As they form in your mind remember this basic premise.  Is this something that is nurturing to others or me?  Does it create a sense of wellbeing within me?

If it doesn’t then contemplate this, negative thoughts have no right to be within your mind.  I will deal with this matter, this negative influence later when the time is appropriate.

For now, this has no existence it has no right to be here.

This is based on the concept that we should always be primarily concerned with nurturing our spiritual self or the spiritual wellbeing of others.

Anything that enters our life that does not do this is of no real concern.  Granted there are some basic concerns of life that we must contend with, maintaining house and home type things.  What we are talking about here are those worldly distractions that keep us from being emotionally well-adjusted individuals

You have the right to develop a sense of Individualism.

If you can silence the noise you start to sense internal silence and a state of peace.  What will start to grow within you is a sense of presence.  You must nurture this presence.  It is the presence of you.  In time this presence will grow stronger.  In time you will be aware of this presence even when your eyes are open and you actively engaged in matters of the world around you.

When your eyes are closed try to sense the presence of, or have an awareness of, the things around you.

If you can silence the outside noise try to form within your mind an awareness of those things around you.  Think of their physical shape and space they occupy.  Become aware of the space between them and you. In the  You can in time strengthen that sense of being an individual, as you become aware of those things around you. 

Once you silence the noise and start to develop your own sense of self then the path to spiritual growth can truly begin.

You need to routinely practice this.  It will keep you healthy.  It will allow your continued growth.  It will help keep you on the path of true growth.  We all too often get caught up in the world and we lose touch with our true selves.

Practice makes perfect applies here.  The ability to exist in a state of peace is one that needs constant engagement.  Some may stop performing the exercises once they have achieved this state.  It is dangerous to think that you can stop or move on to other things, things that may not truly nurture your spiritual wellbeing.


Be prepared for the growth that comes.

When you engage in this practice you must be prepared for what may come.  Once you achieve this ability growth and insights will add new dimensions to your awareness.  You as a person will change.  Embrace the change, explore the growth.

In some cases, images may come to you during dreams.  They may even seem like visions.  Think of them as your mind grows and achieves new insights.  Take the time to reflect on their meaning.  Often the meaning is unique to you, your current situation and sense of self.

Allow the awareness in your mind to seek its own path and expression.

The following articulates some of the things that you may experience once you attempt to silence the noise.  I will share with you some of my own personal experiences as well.  This also has shades of “directed dreaming”.  As mentioned previously you should seek out additional writings on this subject matter.

As you shut out the noise of the world your mind will experience many things.

Your mind must go through a “phase”.  The distractions of the world stimulate the mind in many ways.  Many are unhealthy.  As this stimulus is removed your mind will change its focus.  As the external stimulus is lessened the internal processes will change.  Many have never experienced this phase. 

In today’s modern world our minds are on the defensive.  There are so many stimuli that our true self is challenged and often suppressed.  Our true individual self never reaches maturity.  In fact, we may become addicted to the distractions of the world.  We seek the sensations created by these distractions.  Our spiritual self and our self-awareness are at risk for being repressed. 

Many thoughts and concerns may enter your mind, possibly harmful ones.   Allow them to pass.  You may have to often return to focusing on your breathing.  You may have to think to your self �" this thought; these harmful concerns have no right to be here in my mind.  Nothing has the right to repress my spirit.  I am to be nurtured not harmed I am to be released and my spirit is to be expressed according to its nature.   This is the way of things.




Allow images to come into your mind.

Images may begin to form in your mind.  Allow them to come.  These images are generally culturally based.  When you dream during sleep the images and actions have meaning based on the culture of the individual.

·         Emotions may be tied to the images.  Don’t try to stop them allow them to come.

·         You may experience the image or feeling of movement.  It may be the image of a road or path being traveled.  Allow yourself to move as the image flows.

·         The experience of water and its movement may also come.  Once again allow yourself to experience it fully. 

Allow yourself to drift off to sleep if so moved.


You may end up drifting off to sleep.  Let this come.  In fact, this is an excellent way to allow yourself to have a more restful sleep.  Your dreams may well be richer for it.

Afterwards reflect on what you saw or felt.  The meaning will unfold overtime.  That meaning will be unique to you and you alone.


A meditation exercise:


·         Imagine a river, flowing from the mountains winding through valleys as it travels to the sea. 

·         Its waters ebb and surge along its winding path.

·         The water that is the river is a part of the sky whose rains feed the river’s beginning in the mountains.  It flows to the sea where it evaporates to create the clouds that in turn become the feeding rains.

·         Imagine yourself as this river.

·         Not tied to any spot along the path not dammed or otherwise diverted from its natural course.  Free to flow and adapt to the forces you encounter.

·         In motion, free to move through this world.  Though in motion connected in awareness to all along your path.

·         So, to, may your mind and spirit flow free.

·         Not tied to any worldly distraction.

·         Free to grow and seek expression as is its nature.

Another meditation exercise �" no words:

·         Seek a quiet place, perhaps as you ready for sleep

·         Breathe deeply and slowly

·         Gain awareness of your heart beat, lengthen the awareness of the pause between beats

·         Formulate no words in your mind

·         Gain awareness of emotions and feelings �" yet no words

·         If there are negative thoughts of the day or of tomorrow force them away

·         Replace their presence by the knowledge that no one is allowed to suppress your spirit

·         You are an individual expression of life, that same life that is found throughout the universe

·         Let the primordial sense of self arise �" yet no words

·         This true sense of self will grow over time

·         Allow this sense to become the focus of your mind

·         Carry this with you at all times, hold this in your mind

·         No words are needed as you are an expression of the force that is life and spirit

·         Allow a new awareness to grow

·         A new world may open for you to explore


I’ll be bold and now share some of what I call insights of understanding, that have come to me from meditation.

I’ll now share various images and dreams of insight that have come to me, the more significant ones have come during times of uncertainty. 

·         There was a time in my life when I was bordering on possible slight depression.  My nights had been restless and I was seemingly at a loss.  I took the time to go on an extended outing for a couple of days.  I dreamt the night before my return that I was awash in a sea of chaos.  Wind and waves pounded me as I strove to stay afloat.  No land was in sight.  I had the awareness that I was quite alone.  There was nothing else in the world only me and the endless swirling wind and water.  As I was about to give up there was a change in my mind, my awareness shifted.  I was no longer filled with hopelessness.  Suddenly, I myself, my awareness, turned into a pillar of solid granite.  My foundation reached to the core of the earth.  I, the pillar,  extended and rose above the surface of the waters.  The wind and waves crashed along me yet I was now the source of stability and strength in that void of chaos.  I was at rest in that I was strong.

·         I have dreamt of cleansing storms.  The troubles of the day are washed away.  These troubles and fears no longer had any power, they no longer exist.  A sense of tranquil peace and calmness replaces the negativity that had filled my world.

·         I have dreamt of being a creature of the forest.  I saw life and existence through their eyes and what I sensed was their mind. My sense of self was one of pure instinct.  I was at one with the world around me.  No stray thought or human concern was a part of my mind.  I was pure life unfettered and powerful.

·          There have been many, many more, the images and awareness blend and merge into just who I am today.  I now know that my mind strives to awaken as understanding takes hold.

I will now share one very specific dream that seemingly arose from my striving to articulate the concept of the “Event horizon of life”.  I envisioned a swirling mix of DNA strands and organic molecules.  There was a light glow that emanated from within. The swirling mix soon coalesced into a unique creature.  Then a second slightly different swirling mixture developed into another creature of a separate species.  It was then that I gained the awareness that the spirit of life arises from cellular structures, that biology that makes up all of life as we known it.  It was now that I had the awareness that life is a physical elemental force, just like any other currently identified force of nature. The force of life, if you will, manifests into our physical world in its expression.



A Path of thought �" Allowing one-self to consider the possibilities, embrace that we cannot know all things.  The unknown needs not to be feared. 

There are times when I am out, alone and free of distractions that I allow my mind to freely formulate extensions of observations.  The possibilities are interesting to say the least.  The following concepts are difficult to articulate �" but I will try my best.  

·         A possible path of the universe:  Does the force that is life express itself when physical conditions allow it to do so?

Do the physical conditions on earth as we now see them allow the expression of life?  We see life within the structure of organic cellular structures.  The environmental conditions present now on earth results from the progress of the development of our respective solar system.  Would we expect life not to exist on say the planet Venus as the environmental conditions are simply too harsh?

What would this force that is life look like on worlds that are much older than earth?  In those older regions of the Universe does life look anything like we see it here on Earth?  What path does that development take?  Short of direct observation the possibilities are limited only by one’s imagination.

If there was a very beginning of the Universe, that Big Bang, what will be then be that future?  Will the force of life be expressed in greater magnitude in the end?  Will the ultimate expression of life cause a contraction of the universe?  Will the cycle start again?

·         How does the expression of spirit within the individual affect that individual?

Is one’s physical health influence by the expression of one’s spirit?  It seems from my observations that it is.  The general health for some is stronger in those with a positive expression of spirit.  My thoughts on this go deeper.  Does the expression of spirit change the physical appearance of the being?  It may be a subtle observation to make, but to me one can readily see and sense the beauty and strength that emanates from those strong in spirit.

·         What will the humans of 1 million years from now be like?

If we are the product of evolution what will the future hold?  Will there be a new species of man on the horizon?  Will the mammals of the sea evolve to exceed our expression of spirit?  Here to the possibilities are only limited by one’s imagination.

A most dangerous path to consider �" Will there be a last path taken?

There are discussions to be had as to the end of one’s individual life and whether one should take an active part in the process.  I will share some comments towards this.  It may not be what is expected.  Fundamentally that is the wrong question.   When one’s focus is on the here and now the concerns of any end of life concerns do not exist.  Yes, one may need to consider quality of life constraints on medical interventions, but truly the end of life will be a natural process keeping with in the rhythm of life, no more, no less.  Lastly this is ultimately a private matter, no more will be said.


Other paths of reflection to consider taking:

To draw this to closure I wanted to address some additional topics.  These are based on the preceding outlined premises and delve into some possible implications.  As with the other topics these are discussed in broad terms.  The attempt is again made to state them as simply as possible.  Hopefully from these additional discussions one gets a more complete sense of how they could apply these ideas to other situations that involve the human condition.

These are a few related topics.  Hopefully the insights are apparent. 

Notion of value

We are all quite literally the same in that we have that same measure of life within us. The differences among humans really lies in just where we are in terms of our maturity level, level of self-actualization or our being in a state of joy.  It’s the quality of our human heart that distinguishes one person from another. 

This is in keeping with many of the fundamental teachings of other belief systems.  We have all heard things like; it’s better to be wise then rich, if being rich means you forego a virtuous existence.   It’s not the quantity of possessions one accumulates nor is it the consumption of those worldly distractions that are so abundant.  It’s the condition of the Human heart that matters.

The saying “you can’t take it with you” is quite literally true.  It is the spirit, which is our heart that is eternal. It is that which survives. One would think that since we often measure or compare ourselves to one another that we should be using a different, higher set of standards with which to measure ourselves.

Why do bad things happen to good people? 

I take it that everyone has heard this question.  If humans lead a virtuous life and their true “heart of hearts” is good then why should a benevolent divine power allow pain and suffering to befall them?  Well simply put it’s the wrong question and really, it’s just the nature of the universe.

There are many physical forces in the universe.  These were put into motion from the very beginning of time and can be quite fatal to the existence of life.  Life as we have seen it exists when conditions are right and when the window of opportunity is open.

Life must be proactive to survive. As seen with life’s beginning eons ago there has always been a fierce competition to survive. Even in us humans where life is more completely expressed the drive to survive causes our behavioral to take many forms.  During the course of an individual’s life we may be driven to all sorts of behavior believing that we are doing what is in our or others best interest. 

It’s not that a divine presence is allowing these things to happen.  These “bad things” are the things that happen as life, or the actual divine presence that is life is attempting to manifest itself. The physical forces of the Universe are generally not conducive to the expression of life.  Finally, the striving of each individual to survive as they see fit can cause some very selfish behavior.  It’s not that bad things happen to good people it’s a matter of life trying to express itself in a very real Universe.

Individuality - The individual is the result of life’s drive to manifest itself.

One of the most important things seems to be the development of the individual.  By developing our consciousness and self-awareness we carry on the expression of life, which began eons ago.  So many of us though stop far short of fully developing this sense of mature individuality.  As mentioned before we strive to immerse ourselves in distractions. Further along this line of thought is this: just how unique as individuals are we?  Obviously, there are the physical differences.  But where should we look for true differences?  We are all individuals.  Separate from one another.  Yet is there any real difference between two individuals that have both attained and live in a state of Joy?  The answer to this question is one that is beyond our powers of observation.  We can speculate as the future direction of our life and spirit. That future understanding is one that we must wait for.  While we do not know this future direction, we find that it is not of paramount importance that we know this.  We must keep in mind the drive to nurture our individuality and its accompanying state of Joy.

Survival of the fittest VS being in a State of Joy

Are these two ideas or principles mutually exclusive?  How can one whose very nature is based on survival grow to exist in a state of Joy?  Does it mean that the drive to survive has to be extinguished in order for one to exist in a state of Joy?

Let’s try this.

The drive for survival is in essence a drive for self-expression.  We are driven to grow.  We are driven to learn.  We are driven to express ourselves.  It’s my belief that the drive of survival does not have as its sole objective the propagation of one’s genes.  I believe that it is life’s seeking to express itself. It’s this drive of self-expression that motivates or enables one to mature from the basic ability to survive to the state of self-actualization and this state of Joy. 

A true state of Joy encompasses all those traits that are required for survival.  True wisdom and maturity are gained through surviving and coping with many experiences.  It’s the ability to remain in a state of Joy while having to survive all that one may be subjected to.

One does not have to extinguish the “animal or instinctive side” of their selves to achieve the “human” side.  In fact, it’s through embracing our total selves that we can grow being truly alive and filled with life.

The last topics that I will discuss hopefully will continue this line of thought to further clarify the point.  Also, it will allude to how we can reach this state of Joy.



Hope, Charity, Humility, Honor, Purity, Compassion, faithfulness…

We can add additional words and sayings, like commitment, love of family and neighbor, there are many.

These are all, powerful words.  Powerful concepts.  They espouse all the best that humans can be.  They are words that describe the human heart at its best.  We can be these things regardless of our position in life, the amount of money we earn or the type of house we own or any physical possession that we may gain.  In most cases the physical possessions or our desire to attain them get in the way of our attaining these virtuous qualities. 

I won’t delve into all aspects of virtues.  Much has already been written and expressed on this by others.  One can read elsewhere for just what virtues are, how to achieve them, how to truly live a virtuous life.  I will just say a few things about them, as they relate to our previous discussions.

Virtues or a virtuous existence and one’s living in a state of Joy go hand in hand.  Just as all religions have as a primary objective the nurturing of the human heart so to do they espouse living a virtuous life.  In fact, one could say that a virtuous heart is the highest expression of the human heart.

There are many ways to achieve this virtuous existence.  No one culture or religion is superior to another.  A human heart that truly expresses virtues is spiritually indistinguishable from another.  It simply doesn’t matter as to the manner of its growth. 

One final though on this topic, true virtue is an honest expression of the individual.  It’s the spirit of that individual that shows through regardless of the worldly distractions present.  Virtue is truly its own reward.  It’s the natural state and direction of one’s spirit to be virtuous.  Once one achieves this state, Joy is attained. 

How does one tell if you have achieved this?  Let’s proceed on to another topic that hopefully will more completely explain this idea. 







“Being virtuous VS being in a state of sin…not being virtuous”

It’s not so much past acts, as it is current conditions.

One of the central ideals in this discourse has been this, the condition of the human heart and being in a state of Joy or Grace.  When we do things that are labeled “sinful” that means that we are not in a “good” state of being.  A sinful act is the sign of a bad heart.  This may be selfish behavior, everything from outright immoral behavior to an over indulgence in pleasurable activities.  There is a whole litany of possible evil behaviors.  They all pretty much stem from one’s not being on the path to a virtuous existence.

It is also more than a matter of just not doing “evil things”.  A non-virtuous heart may be one that just passes the days shut away from the world.  Granted it’s not as overtly bad as some behaviors can be it is still not on the path to the desired state of joy.  Simply put the evil that man does results from their lack of being virtuous.  The true evil or sin is that of not being on the true path of life.

Humans are not perfect.  While we may be striving towards a good spiritual existence, we will stumble.  As long as we realize what it is that we have done and strive not to repeat ourselves �" to stay on the proper path, then we grow closer to the ideal self that we can become.  Is there then a danger of developing tolerance of a certain level of acceptable imperfections?  Is mostly good most of the time OK?  No, it isn’t.

A true spiritual life, one that truly exists in a state of Joy is always 100% pure.  This level of spiritually is truly hard to achieve and maintain.  Think of this.  When a child is joyful, or discovering a new experience it consumes their whole being.  There is no room for anything else in their minds and hearts as they are filled with an innocent all-encompassing expression of spirit.

If we can reach this spiritual condition then we are truly filled with the spirit of life, which is the same thing as being filled with the spirit of God as espoused by other belief systems .  Once our hearts achieve this condition then we can do only good as that is what we are.  Once in this truly virtuous state we act out of instinct.  There is no thought required.  As with children we would be filled with that all-encompassing spirit. 

For some cultures there is the belief that there is no separation of our spiritual and our everyday existence.  Everything that we do should be the result of a mind filled with the true expression of our spirit.  It’s not just a matter of always doing “good deeds”.  We still go about our lives working, playing and being ourselves.  It’s just that we are a much better version.  A version that lives in a state of joy and interacts with the physical world in a virtuous manner as thought there was no other way to be.

This condition must come from within.  One cannot just go through the motions and pretend to be this way.  It’s not a mask or cloak that one can put on for the world to see.

Our true state is not readily apparent to others.  Granted through one’s actions you may get glimpses of what exists within.  Others cannot readily see the true nature of one’s heart. 

Finally, one that is truly virtuous has no driving desire to impress others.  Their validation of self stands on its own.  When one is in this state they are in a sense “at rest”.  There is an inner calmness that comes from being in an emotional place that is at peace with the world regardless of the distractions around them.

As with previous discussions there are many writings and resources available that further discuss these topics. 

The point that I wanted to bring out is this. The existence of a Joyful spiritual condition is the natural direction that life is taking.  It is in the normal course of life’s events to strive for this.  We are driven to express ourselves in this manner.

Earlier these questions where posed; “How do you carry yourself?  What do you hold in your mind?”  A virtuous and joyful bearing will manifest itself once the spirit is expressed.




To close this endeavor, I would like to summarize some of the items presented.  These are simple statements, which I believe can be used to make the many separate pieces that we see in our lives fit together.  These simple statements can serve as the basis for one’s own belief system.  They may help answer your own questions, those like “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?”

·         Life is a force.  It has been present from the beginning of time.  It manifests itself when physical conditions are favorable. 

·         It is as real as any other physical force identified by science.

·         Life manifests itself by driving organic structures towards greater complexity.

·         Existence of the Individual is a result of life’s seeking expression.

·         The drive of survival is strong.  It makes life what it is today.  This drive has caused all the diversity that currently exists in Biology.  It makes man what he is today.

·         There is a drive to consciousness and self-awareness.

·         Consciousness would seem to arise from that same motivational force that drove the primordial components to form the first cellular life eons ago.

·         Consciousness provides free will.

·         Free will gives us the ability to make choices. 

·         The highest expression of free will is the achievement of a state of Joy, state of Grace or complete self-awareness.

·         The lowest expression of free will would be the individual’s striving to immerse themselves in the many diversions and worldly distractions that are available.  These things prevent the development of a sense of self-identity or true individuality.

·         The most important thing in man’s life would be the spiritual condition of the human heart.  Anyone whose heart truly exists in a state of Joy is more fully alive.

·         Any endeavor we engage in should be measured in terms of its effect on the nurturing of the human heart, either our own or others.

·         Once we as individuals achieve a state of Joy we are in actuality expressing that essence of life that has been present through all of time.

·         Life is as much a part of the Universe as any other phenomena.  As any other component it will survive. 

·         While we cannot see the final destination of its direction we are driven along its path. 


I hope that these words provide some insight.  I have found the process of articulating my thoughts, my observations, my understanding of great personal benefit. 

Hope to see you on a trail someday.

© 2023 Observe

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Featured Review

This is truly an incredible piece of writing that has immense knowledge of self. Knowledge of self is like life after death, a different kind of rebirth. it lifts up your spirit and sets you on a plane that resides in incredible firmaments of light. Life as you put it, is a force, a movement that flows in a rhythm. Imagine how long it took the first atom to self-create in the darkness? It must have been a process of intense suffering, a suffering that's experienced till now, a suffering that our mothers go through to bring us out of their dark wombs into the light of the sun. To even acquire the knowledge of who we're truly are demands phases of inner suffering, nonetheless, I'm humbled and grateful to know that in the boundless ocean of consciousness, your untraceable path crossed mine.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Thanks - how can we spread this understanding ?

1 Year Ago

do you consider yourself to be among those who Believe?


Better organize your writing; keep it succinct. I lost interest after the first few paragraphs.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is truly an incredible piece of writing that has immense knowledge of self. Knowledge of self is like life after death, a different kind of rebirth. it lifts up your spirit and sets you on a plane that resides in incredible firmaments of light. Life as you put it, is a force, a movement that flows in a rhythm. Imagine how long it took the first atom to self-create in the darkness? It must have been a process of intense suffering, a suffering that's experienced till now, a suffering that our mothers go through to bring us out of their dark wombs into the light of the sun. To even acquire the knowledge of who we're truly are demands phases of inner suffering, nonetheless, I'm humbled and grateful to know that in the boundless ocean of consciousness, your untraceable path crossed mine.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Thanks - how can we spread this understanding ?

1 Year Ago

do you consider yourself to be among those who Believe?

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2 Reviews
Added on March 15, 2023
Last Updated on March 15, 2023



Crofton, MD

Background: Academic training: Degrees in Education, Biology, Business Administration and Accounting Professional Careers: 1. Educational experience: in the classroom as a teacher, school admini.. more..
