Sorry I killed your family, I had a hard childhood

Sorry I killed your family, I had a hard childhood

A Story by Jason

First try at writing a short story non school related. Very little editing done because i've moved on to other stories but I want to write more about this guy later. Maybe i'll have a revision history going or something.



Lajos grew up in a remote village just off the main trade roads. Merchants had been stopping through over the years to unload items they could not sell in the bigger towns. They were always welcomed, as the town and merchants mutually benefited from the relationship. One of these merchants, Haqikah Amisi, came into town with a collection of fine silks, most of which far above the price range of farmers, as well as fancy scarves and clothing. He used one of these silk dresses to lure Lajos's sister, Aella, back to his camp. He beat and raped her along with his guards and left her for dead.

            Lajos's mother sent him out that night to find her. He was on his way through town when he came upon the mayor. "Come with me son." Lajos began to protest. "It's about your sister, follow me." Lajos saw the look on the mayor’s face as well as the tone of his voice and followed without further complaint. They both walked through the door of his house together. His mother looked up expectantly. "Young lady where... She stopped, she saw the same look he had, the look of someone with a terrible burden they wished to be rid of. "There has been an accident, Aella was hurt." "She's over at my house, didn't want to be moving her too much. Nolen found her while he was doing his stupid nightly patrol." "I've told him isn't necessary but if he hadn't found her...” He was cut off by Lajos's mother rushing past them out the door. His father, always the quiet one, grabbed a few things and herded Lajos out the door, following his mother.

            In silence they walked down the road, the reality of what they were going to see weighing heavier with each step. Barely rounding the first corner they heard the scream.

Hurrying now they found his mother and the mayor's wife over the unconscious form of his sister. He knew it was her by the little blue ribbon clutching to a few wisps of hair on her head. It was matted with blood but he could tell it was hers. She wore it constantly. A small silk frilly thing she had saved up months for. Walking around the side of the bed he could see glimpses of his sister between the bodies of those surrounding the bed. A puffy 

eye swollen shut, split lips still seeping blood, and her tiny hands broken and twisted.

His father's voice was low. "Who?" "Now take it easy son we aren't exactly sure and we don’t want any troub.." He took a step toward the mayor. "The merchant, it was the merchant um Amsi...Haqikah Amisi." "He was seen tearing out of town with his guards." His father, Morin, led him out of the house, not looking back at his daughter. He paused with the door nearly shut, listening to his baby's breathing, like a low fire sputtering, about to go out.

            Back at the house his father grabbed a skin of wine, took a big pull and started to hand it to Lajos before thinking better of it. He tossed it on the table then grabbed a chair, dragging it across the floor to the front door he stood atop it and reached in-between the rafters. In his hand he now carried an oiled leather skin. He unrolled it across the table, knocking the skin to the floor. Inside was an old but well maintained long sword, a

short-sword and a dagger. He handed the dagger and sheath to Lajos, taking the two swords for himself. "Strap that to your belt, make sure it clears easily." His father strapped the long sword to his hip and drew it easily, filling the air with a high pitched ping as it cleared the scabbard. Resheathing the sword he watched Lajos sheath and unsheathe his dagger a few times then nodded. He led them out the door and strapped the short sword to their only horse. He mounted and reached down with his hand. Together they rode out of town at a break neck pace, wind tearing at their faces. His father looked back at his son seeing tears in his eyes. "It's the wind" Lajos said as he wiped them away with the back of his sleeve. His father nodded and rode on, both of fighting back the tears, from the wind. They had ridden for what seemed hours when his father jerked suddenly and they began to slow. Lajos asked "Dad? What’s…?” Morin slipped from the saddle taking his son with him into the underbrush. Lajos heard another horse nearing, quietly he lay half beneath his very still father. "Nice shot. That the only one?" "Yep, only one or I wouldn't have taken 'em" "Should have seen the look on his face" They both laughed. Lajos could just see the two guards talking a dozen paces away. A third man, the merchant came into view. "Enough you two, we are leaving. Roldt, stay here a bit. If you don't hear anything catch up. If you do make sure they reconsider coming any further." The merchant and the second guard turned and rode out of sight.

His father's weight was beginning to crush the air out of him. He shifted slightly and a branch snapped. In the cool night air it sounded like a thunderclap. “Still kickin’ are we daddy?” “Only her dad would be stupid enough to come out here alone.” Roldt said as he nudged his horse closer. Lajos, now at least his right side free, watch as the man dismounted and walked towards them. Reaching for his dagger Lajos found an empty sheath. Another snap echoed through the forest. “Its ok poppa I won’t hurt ya.”  He said smiling, his teeth gleaming bright in the moonlight. Lajos searched frantically not caring about the popping of branches beneath him anymore. His hands closed on a jagged branch, pulling found it wedged beneath him. Roldt bent to something in the road. “Well now look at this, got me a new blade, you mind if I keep it?” The guard charged forward suddenly, plunging the dagger into his father’s chest. The force was enough to free the branch Lajos was pulling on desperately. The stick came free all at once as the guard bent down. “Wait a second you’re already de...” The stick rammed home in the man’s neck just below his jaw line, snapping his head back. It slid in easily until stopping abruptly pulling another grunt from the man as he sprayed blood over Lajos’s face and running thick down his arm. The murder weapon was torn from his hand as the guard fell into the bushes beside them.

Working his way from beneath his father then bending down he whispered an apology and pulled free the dagger. Again he bent, this time over the guard. They were not the same size but he made the man’s equipment fit. Mounting the man’s horse he again spurred headlong down the road. Much faster now he rode, gaining quickly he was sure. He could see them now ahead of him; it took no time at all to close half the distance between them. The two men turned at the sound, seeing their companion’s horse and rider they were not concerned. The speed at which he was closing was beginning to though.   Lajos slowly pulled himself up into the saddle as he closed and drew his dagger. Lajos motioned behind him and yelled something incoherent hoping to further confuse the men. The merchant turned his horse just as the guard yelled “What is it?” Then Lajos was on them. He sprung from his horse, dagger leading. The moonlight broke at that moment, illuminating a blood covered madman, snarling as he slammed into the man’s chest. Rolling with the impact Lajos still hit the ground hard, knocking the wind out of him. He lay gasping for air next to the guard who was similarly search for air that would not come, it was leaking from a gash down the left side of his chest. The man gurgled, and then was silent. Lajos snatched up his dagger from the man’s feet but came up with just a pommel, the blade had snapped off inside the man’s chest. The merchant, who was now babbling about some unknown deity, stared at Lajos, who looked to be a blood soaked demon staring at him from the ground. Lajos pounced and drug the man from his mount. Lajos worked long into the night, having retrieved his father’s blade from the dead man’s chest. He used it delicately to exact vengeance by the ounce.

© 2008 Jason

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Cool, man. I really dig where this is going. I hope you get a chance to pick this story back up soon. It sounds like its gonna be good. I've only read a little bit, and I'm already getting the sense that Lajos's travels are going to be bloody good fun.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 1, 2008
Last Updated on July 25, 2008