

A Poem by OT

Meh peoms in ohda from oldst to knewest, oldest starting from being written at ten years old, oldest written at 18.


Poem #1

Of you, I am very fond,

I am heartbroken when you are gone.

Without you, every night I weep and weep;

But in time I cry myself to sleep.

But nevermore, nevermore, will I tear,

For I will always have you inside of here: ♥

But if you reject me, if you say no,

Forever my heart will be filled with misery and woe.

I just wanted you to know,

My love for you burns hotter than the suns core,

In my heart, you are welcome forever more,

All you have to do, is open the door.

Poem #2

I love you so much that my heart might burst,

If something were to happen to you my life would be at its worst.

I love everything in this world, but none more than you;

Which is why my love for you will always be true.

To my heart you hold the key,

Which is why when I’m with you no other guy is happier than me.

If you were to leave me now my heart would surely shatter,

Because when I’m with you nothing else seems to matter.

For you are the person for whom I’d fight,

For you are the person for whom I write.

Poem #3

All the time we have spent together has been nothing but fun,

Because from the moment we met I knew you were the one.

I love everything about you, from your flowing ______ hair,

To the scent of your perfume which lingers in the air.

I say this because you’re the best girl a guy could ever wish for,

It is truly impossible for me to love you more.

When I’m with you I feel alive and free,

Which is why I ask, ______ , will you marry me?

Poem #4

Every moment I spend with you is nothing but bliss,

From whether it’s simply being by your side to sharing a kiss.

Even just a glance is such a sweet surprise,

For in that small second I am lost in your eyes.

When I am with you, speed does the pace of my aching heart,

Then it near shatters when it is time for us to part.

My heart is on fire, and you are the fuel,

Even a second apart is a second too cruel.

I am willing to stand with you throughout any endeavor,

For you are a gift worth more than any treasure.

I want to be with you from now, until forever;

Because my love for you is something, that has no measure.

Poem #5, A love letter...

I know you may not notice me, among a group I’m only one.

But I, I notice you; to me you make dark the sun.

I know you may not feel the same, that you have your doubts about me.

You worry that I’m like my father, the whole “not falling far from the tree.”

But I tell you I’m not, I’m not I swear.

I only have eyes for you, just to see your smile I stare.

I can’t stop thinking of you, of your touch, of your fair skin so soft;

Of your true beauty and sophistication which makes you aloft.

High above all others, especially in my eyes,

When we are apart, it feels like some part of me shrinks and dies.

I can’t stand to be without you, you are my love; my best friend.

Where all others cannot move me to act, it is for you that my will bends.

I love you; love all of your faces, even your bad side I like.

I love you even angry, when you look mad enough to strike.

Although it is quite shocking, it still sets my heart on fire.

I want your love more than anything; your love is my true desire.

The need to see you happy is an addiction to me which is dire.

I just need you to know, that if I ever said there’d be an end to my love then I would be a liar.

Poem #6

My love for you can withstand even the test of time,

I am lucky to see you, to even be near such beauty divine.

And even greater is the beauty that you hold within,

If caring for you is wrong, then for you I will gladly sin.

Being loved by you for a second is worth an eternity in hell,

Because I am nothing without you, just an empty shell.

I want to be yours forever, whether to kiss or to hold,

For in my heart burns a fire that makes even hell seem cold.

I was looking for something amazing, and I found what I sought,

I saw your smile, and felt what it brought.

Cupids work was upon me; however it left him distraught,

But then he saw that I couldn’t love you more, and his work was for naught.

Poem #7

I love you more and more with every breath that I take,

If I had to be without you, more than just my heart would break.

Without you, my soul would crack, my eyes would run dry,

Lost of all tears, no longer able to cry.

I’d be broken to pieces, lost in true sorrow,

Without you in my life I’d despise living tomorrow.

I love you too much, much more than I should,

I love you far more than I ever thought I could.

I feel wrong without you; only with you do I feel right,

Because your love is pure, purer than any white.

For you, I will always be willing to fight,

Because without the light of your love, my life would be an endless night.

Poem #8

You are my inspiration, you are my muse,

If I could only have my life or your love, your love I would choose.

Without you I’m nothing, so for you I’d give all,

Just to receive a bit of your love, no matter how small.

It would still be enough; it would be all that I need,

You keep my heart beating, so for you I would bleed.

Your love makes me feels so high, an immeasurable summit,

But without you to support me, I would surely plummet.

For you are my foundation, being without you is worse than death,

No sweet fragrance in the world could compare to your breath.

In all of the world, you are the best of all things,

That’s why I’d give you all that I have, and now, even a ring.

Poem #9

If love makes you ill, then I have the plague,

My fever burns hot; my vision has gone vague.

I’ve tried every cure, now I don’t know what to do,

For no matter hard I try, I simply cannot stop loving you.

You are what makes me happy, what turns me red in the face,

You take my breath away, and yet make my heart race.

If this illness takes my life, promise me you’ll not cry,

For if your love means my death then I shall gladly die.

My last wish would be to see you smile, so please don’t shed a tear,

I’ll take death into my embrace and I’ll do it without fear.

Because I’ve made my decision, for now my vision is clear,

I’ve decided to love you, for you are all that I hold dear.

Poem #10

If love could be weighed, mine would tip any scale;

If love was a light, mine could pierce any veil.

Pierce through all darkness and shine before all,

The temptation of your love is enough to make even angels fall.

Let alone me, against you my will is weak,

Without you in my life, all becomes bleak.

I can no longer resist you, just being with you is the greatest bliss,

Let alone holding you close, caressing your cheek, sharing a kiss.

I would do anything just to make sure you’re mine,

For you are a treasure, truly a gift divine.

So if giving you love is how wrong is defined,

Then lock me up now, I’ll not give up my life of crime.

Poem #10

We’ve been through a lot together, hardships large and small,

And now I am finally sure that true love conquers all.

We have endured a lot, but truly I can’t complain,

For all our troubles have brought us closer, and now from you I can’t abstain.

It is too late for me now, I am already addicted to you,

The moment we met each other I was surely born anew.

For I depend on you to help me survive, you are my reason to live,

So I’ll do anything to keep you, my body, my heart, my soul I would give.

You healed my heart, gave me hope, and so now I’ll say it braver,

My love for you is something that I’m sure will never waiver.

I was broken before, you’ve healed me completely through a great deal of labor,

You saved me before, and now even repeatedly, by being mine, you are my savior.

Poem #11

My love for you is endless, as eternal as time,

Its intensity burns hotter than the sun and has yet to reach its prime.

Three types of love exists, and I have all three for you;

I love you as my best friend, my partner, for my other half my love is true.

I love you, those words will always be the truth,

Trying to end my love is as futile as looking for the fountain of youth.

For I will always love you, my love will not end,

Without you in my life I’d break beyond the point of being able to mend.

Because without you I’m nothing, I would see even less than fifty shades of gray,

I would only see one shade, whether it is light or dark; night or day.

Because you are my only desire, the one thing for which I pray,

I am dead without you, living with you, for me, is the only way.

Poem #12

Blue are the oceans, they are deep and they are wide,

I’d be unable to cross it, no matter how hard I tried.

It is the same for my love, it is just as deep and vast,

My love has never been this true, not in the present or past.

And in my future it shall only be for you,

And until eternity ends it will always be true.

It will never be false, to you I’ll never lie,

This love will last forever, it shall never die.

And as long as you want me, I’ll never leave,

Because when I am without you, I struggle to breathe.

I just gasp from the pain, I choke and I heave,

Because without its other half my soul would languish and grieve.

Poem #13

Valentine is but one day that I love you, out of the entire year,

Just one small part of the whole time I hold you dear.

The amount of love that I give you that is nowhere near the size it could be,

To make a comparison is like a single drop, out of all seven seas.

For that is how much I love you, more than words could ever describe,

Your love is the only medicine I’ll ever need prescribed.

If I had to be without you then my whole life would be amiss,

For without you, I’d be empty inside, just a lonely abyss.

I love you, in my heart you will forever stay,

Out of eternity, it is only one day

But being no less special, I’d now like to say:

(blank), Happy Valentines Day.

Poem #14

The Fire’s Name

I have spent my entire life in this cave, it is dark, it is cold. I am all alone here. Time has trickled by like drops of water on the cave walls. I spend every waking moment stumbling through the darkness. Just walking, until my feet ached, until I could no longer move. I was searching for something, but at the end of each day, my feet were not the only things aching. Today, I am once again walking through the overwhelming darkness, I see something, it is faint, it is light. I walk towards it, increasing my pace. Breaking into a run, I finally reach the light. It is a fire, in this dark cave. I sit before the fire, is this warmth? Yes, I feel warm, I can finally see the things around me. The crackling sounds of the fire break the lonely silence. I don't ever want to leave this place. I see an image in the fire, it is a face. It looks familiar. I have seen this face before. In a dream I once had, that's where I have seen it. As I listen to the soothing cracks of the fire, I hear it whisper to me. It whispers a name. The name, belongs to you.

Poem #15

Targets Under the Moonlight

I am walking through a dark forest; it has a stream, fruit, shelter. It has everything I need. But something is missing. My favorite spot is just up ahead. I walk through a small hole in the foliage into a clearing. It is a grassy meadow. I like to lay here and look up at the sky every night. There is a calming breeze, and the stars above are twinkling brightly around the full moon. Despite my surroundings, I still don't feel at ease. I hear footsteps, but I don't feel like looking. The person lays down behind me. The breeze blows through again, and it carries this person's scent. It is a sweet scent, a soothing scent, your scent. Now that you are here, I feel strangely at peace. The forest is no longer incomplete. We lay in the clearing and watch, as the stars cross our names off of the marksman's list, long before he ever had to shoot.

Poem #16

The Glass in the Mirror House

There exists a house of mirrors,

Have you ever heard of such a place?

It is where everything is reflected,

Words, actions, expressions on a face.


The mirrors in this house are different.

Some reflect sincere, some reflect things fake.

In this house there are many pieces,

However, one shard is easier to break.


This piece is fragile, yet resilient.

Yes, this piece is one of a kind,

For in this whole house of mirrors,

It is the only shard of glass that you’ll find.


Some people do not notice the glass.

Some people knock it down with a great clatter.

But even after the glass is stood back up,

You'll not find a crack, for the glass refuses to shatter.


The glass has fallen many times,

Many times it has been knocked down.

And even though it gets stood up,

Each time a little piece of it stays on the ground.


But the glass won’t let others see it break,

For the glass is far too proud.

So it has chipped away in silence,

Pieces of it swept away by the crowd.


The glass pretends to be fine,

A mirror it pretends to be.

It tries to reflect those expressions,

But in the mirrors there is nothing to see.


To them the glass is transparent.

Why are the mirrors so cold?

It has nothing to do with the temperature,

But it has always been this way for as long as the glass is old.


Despite the fact that it keeps falling,

The glass does not lack any panes.

When people look into the glass,

They do not see it, only the glass’ stains.


By now the glass is used to it.

It knows that things won’t change.

It knows that it will always be glass.

It has accepted that it’ll always be thought of as strange.


Even though the glass has accepted this,

No matter how much time will pass,

It will always wish for the same thing it always had;

And that is for someone to notice the glass.


The glass' wish has been granted,

Finally after hoping for all these years.

The glass has found mirrors that will reflect to it,

Mirrors that reflect things to the glass like laughter, smiles, tears.


The glass should be happy,

For it has finally received what it has wanted.

And yet it still hopes for more,

And its hope will never become daunted.


The one thing the glass still hopes for,

Is something that could allow it's chips to heal.

For it the glass will never give up reflecting,

Even though it doesn't know if what it wants is even real.


The glass has always been resilient,

It kept trying to reflect, whether it was ignored or shoved.

Because there is one thing the glass secretly desired most,

And that was quite simply, to be loved.

Poem #17

To Give Another

If someone lent you something important, would you take care of it? Would you dare break it or would you treat it well? Believe it or not, most people would treat it well at first, but once they are bored they might as well stomp it into the ground. Sounds of shattering, crunching, squishing, and breaking have been heard from many. Taking something important of others and discarding it once they grow weary of it. It's not a big deal, after all everyone has one of them. If they want another, they can steal someone else’s. The ease of it all means that giving and receiving kindly is pointless. Some people have the gall to imply that the point is that if everyone has something, it doesn't matter if they leave it broken. It's almost as if some unspoken rule dictates that these things of others are of no significance. Any who are brave enough to willingly give others their belongings will surely have their gesture get trampled. Even if they pretend that it's nothing, that action festers and scrambles their mind until that moment of misplaced trust cannot be left behind. Even if their possessions get fixed they become more guarded with their things. Even if the next person would actually take care of others property, the thought of something breaking again makes one hesitate. For even the littlest mistakes still sting. The old saying still rings true, "Give an inch and they'll take a yard." It's not very hard to treat things with respect and yet one is praying that it'll still be in one piece when they're finished. And despite all of one's hope, misplaced trust is the most common kind, and one is then faced with another broken possession. They show no regret. They break what is not theirs and they expect others to simply forget and forgive. They live like nothing’s happened. Their items weren't the ones that broke, so they do not care what one will now do without it. Some utter apologies, but the amount it adds up to, however, is little. That is why I'll not give away my things to others. Call me a coward, call me paranoid, but I'll not be made a fool of. I'll not be showered with empty words as if they alone could repair what is broken. I'll not take part in this vandal's game of pretend. I'll keep my belongings guarded. Until time ends, I'll keep them hidden away. Yes, although this fragile thing of mine is cracked, it remains unbroken, and that is how it will stay.

Poem #18

On Being MT

Alas, my love and I will not be one.

Someone prevents us from being content.

Forbidden, love like ours became like so

when a sibling prevents embraces made

by lovers. I regret allowing him

to come between us. Now the love we have

is one sad tale, untold to all, until


          Empty was I, empty am still.

Until she came, who made me whole again.

I had receded into myself, I

had no comfort, after my last tragic

break-up. I had nothing to help relieve

the great sorrows within my heart.

Empire Minds and Playbox were among

the only escapes  I obtained. Alas,

eternity devours without restraint.

Abatements for afflictions fade as well.

Away we went, on orders from the top.

In time, rapport amongst my peers evolved.

We then began to Skyp online, at home,

my uPhone served me dutifully here.

Conversing live, emotions stayed inside

myself, unable to show, for fear of sharp

rebukes or mockery. However, when

the call was over I had broken down.

 Although, upon me soon, was change indeed

foreseen by not a single person there:

An angel clearly spoke, heralding love.

Enthrallment, imminent the moment I

absorbed the melodies descending from

her lips akin to nectar dribbling from

the tender flower that she is. Forsake,

forsaken is my life, decided I,

if I remain unable to adore

her openly, to tend to her desires.

“A rose by any other name would be

just as sweet.” Oh, her name, it doth resound

rejuvenating more than oolong, rose,

or jasmine even. Woe is me, annulled

before we were together even once.

The perpetrator must be evil, some

boa constrictor, squeezing our romance,

about to drain the hearts and life until

nothing remains.

   That too, however, will not last. Some day,

one day, the hand in marriage will be mine.

She will belong to me, and I, to her.

Affections lacking rules, legitimate

devotion, natural as water, wind,

or sky. Unending just as they appear

to be, with strength, intensity, to match.

How odd, that word: belong. This verse contains

that same expression I had no idea

of prior our meeting. She had taught,

with just her voice, that I belonged with her.

Unheeded lessons not were hers. To heart,

to mind, to soul, engraved with permanence.

If ever two were one, then surely we.

    For now, however, we cannot be; so

empty, describes myself so perfectly

Await, shall I, the day arrives forthwith

where we can be, and will be together.

Eternity is not excessive when

it’s benefiting her. A turn of sands

is all that I’ll experience in wait.

© 2016 OT

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It's enchanting to see how the point of view on the person that the love poems are centered around changes over time.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 31, 2016
Last Updated on January 31, 2016



The Fire's Name The Fire's Name

A Poem by OT