it almost appears as if we're being forced to do feel like there's sumthin goin on in our lives. people are marrying so rapidly around me...people i went to school with...and having babies left and right and i almost feel like they're trying to catch up...its like if u don't have a very good job then u need to get married fast or ppl will think there's nothing going on in ur they get married and pursuant to that...go get themselves lil families, just like on tv!
i cant help wonderin if im strange cus im just 24 and these ppl are either my age or younger and i dont feel the need to get married right a matter of fact, i just feel like im comin into my own and i want to enjoy life right this moment as it is...without responsibilities (well, those that a family brings, anyway) why are they behaving like marriage is being served at a soup kitchen and u have to fight for the last cup?