I had a Dream (First Night)

I had a Dream (First Night)

A Chapter by Nusquam Esse

I had a dream

or perhaps a premonition

an impression

a solitary comfort

I was walking alone

I don’t know why


wind howled


within my

wandering mind


whipping snow

like frozen tears

which melt away

into nothing

with a gentle brush




trapping the night


pitch fierce ambivalence

ambient non-horizons


my skin

a cold so deep

that the world itself

could never move

the snow only hovering

about the me

who felt nothing


who kept moving

in a world held

enthralled within

space and time

but even as I moved

I was still a captive

to my own world

I held bound


I cannot remember


how did I know the chill

was it

those flaking tears

my unrelenting fears

held in a moment

of enigma

even the part of me

which could feel

had frozen over


I was grateful


wandering alone

without direction

there is nothing you

can ever do



or so I thought


until I met you

another dream

a chance collision

of worlds unmoving

how does that happen


perhaps our captors

time and space

brought us together

to tear us apart


I felt in my frozen core

that with you

there could be warmth

but with each gaze

towards you

I forgot your face

as if I was wandering

with a void

no longer alone

with that part of me

never remembered

always forgotten

so perhaps I was alone

I cannot remember

but there was desire

for once

never lose this

never submit

to bounds


that there is something


space and time


but I was just a man

as you succumbed to

worlds frozen in time

leaving more than

just a vacuum

inside me

I screamed




for this cruel


astral field


as if to mock me

the snow in



dropped from

its outer sphere

and stifled my screams

under a chrysalis of


which had been

held back

since the beginning


I understood

that even I felt cold

as it crushed me



you will always be alone


but I couldn’t let go

to heed those words

perhaps in another


another life

less cruel

so I clung to that memory

as I sunk within

never to awaken

but to dream again

© 2018 Nusquam Esse

My Review

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Featured Review

This was such an interesting poem to read. I caught hope, ambition, despair, fear and resignation all mixed together in one captivating poem. Beautiful imagery. This had a slight prosaic element to it, which in my case is a good thing- an overload of figurative language sends my overtaxed attention span fleeing for the hills.

As always, well done

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nusquam Esse

9 Years Ago

Sorry for the late reply, was gone on a hiatus due to hectic time of the year. I am glad that you e.. read more


This one captures the essence of dreams, perhaps more specifically, a lucid dream as clearly the persona is aware that he is dreaming.

If it is true that the subconscious records everything and in our dreams we visit those records, then where does the unconscious come in? ... as we have access to that realm as well.

Interesting questions to ponder on a mystical night, indeed.

Alisa ;-)

Posted 8 Years Ago

This was such an interesting poem to read. I caught hope, ambition, despair, fear and resignation all mixed together in one captivating poem. Beautiful imagery. This had a slight prosaic element to it, which in my case is a good thing- an overload of figurative language sends my overtaxed attention span fleeing for the hills.

As always, well done

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nusquam Esse

9 Years Ago

Sorry for the late reply, was gone on a hiatus due to hectic time of the year. I am glad that you e.. read more
This is so different from your other stuff. The language and flow is real nice. At moments I felt uncertain about the meaning, but overall, I got a very familiar sense from it, as if what you are expressing are waves of thought similar to what I also go through on an almost daily basis, as well as in dreams maybe. That's quite a feat, to write something on the one hand very abstract, but able to connect to the reader in a powerful way. Unfortunately there is a hopelessness that pervades it, but that is what needs to be expressed perhaps.
The nicest line - "Until I met you, another dream, a chance collision, of worlds unmoving" and "under a chrysalis of tears"

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nusquam Esse

10 Years Ago

Sorry, somehow missed this! Thanks for reading this one. I love surrealism, the idea that words ca.. read more
Speechless. Not only is your imagery spot on and delightful in all the right ways, but the raw power and surrealism of your words... well, I have no words for it. One of my favorite lines is "whipping snow/ like frozen tears". But to be destroyed by love, I think, is the best way to ever be pulled apart. Because the warmth was nice, if only for awhile, even though it seems so much colder now. And I loved the line "until I met you /another dream/a chance collision" a dream, as in this person was elusive and not to be kept but oh so sweet... I adore this write and you have an incredible talent. Blown away.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nusquam Esse

10 Years Ago

I am glad that you enjoyed this one; I was just trying to write freely, and I have always been a fan.. read more

10 Years Ago

Keep writing down your thoughts, my friend, and I will devour them as soon as they leave your pen! I.. read more
Nusquam Esse

10 Years Ago

hah, well thank you much! I liked this concept enough to give it a separate 'book' from the rest of.. read more
Oh aren't I happy to have stumbled upon this? As you have let us know that free form was not coming any time soon, this hidden but I found and now that I a here I jump and submerge in it becuase although the scene is oh, so cold gelid and icy it seems to be held fluidity of maybe it is there but is it? As the emphasis on questioning shakes me every so often. The other thing which has helped me to navigate through is he fact that the union upon conceptual life and your emotions are held in balance so it does not get to cold to crystalize or too warm to evaporate. Please do not make a loud sound, then everyhing being but a dream.

And there is still one more chapter to indulge!


Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Powerfully beautiful and moving. I'm always astounded by your gift for word-craft but this is particularly good. On subsequent readings it keeps revealing new layers. I'm saving this in my favorites. It may be stream-of-consciousness musing but sometimes that's where the most magnificent poetry comes from.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Nusquam Esse

10 Years Ago

I got the general idea from a Japanese author I particularly enjoy named Natsume Soseki, he has a se.. read more
Jennie Baron

10 Years Ago

My pleasure. The insight into your creative process is interesting, tool.
damn snow ..its here sooner than expected :) i felt it on my face .. could not quite internalize completely frozen .. but almost .. the sky like the borialis without color .. locked in .. deep pain .. screaming .. lots of stuff escaping in your spontaneous write .. i like this one a bit better than the Final Night ..seems to read a little more smoothly for me ..

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nusquam Esse

10 Years Ago

Glad you enjoyed it; seems that some prefer the other one, but with you liking this one more, I have.. read more
Sounds like a real nightmare to me, and yet it fuels the artist within you.

as if to mock me
the snow in
dropped from
its outer sphere
and stifled my screams
under a chrysalis of
which had been
held back
since the beginning

There were a lot of really fantastic lines in this poem, but the description and unique use of word shaping in this stanza called out to me. You are definitely gifted with incredible imagery, keep up the amazing painting that you do, this was a great read.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nusquam Esse

10 Years Ago

It wasn't an actual dream; I just love surrealism, and wanted to craft something that would feel lik.. read more
Ashira Macy

10 Years Ago

It certainly did have that effect. I don't dream, so I find dream poems (or surreal poems) very inte.. read more
This is like an internal monologue occurring in a blizzard. Like a major transition occurred without your permission, and it left you cold and comfortable or not. You have written a powerful work and I felt the chill in my bones.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nusquam Esse

10 Years Ago

Thanks for reading this over; I am glad that it gave you that impression--since that was my goal in .. read more
i screamed for the emptiness...

this reminds me of "Ars Poetica" and the line..."for all the history of grief, an empty doorway or a maple leaf"

the empty doorway...as if someone who had been there is gone...or that it has always been empty...the speaker in this poem feels a great grief...either for someone who used to be in his life...and now is just in his dreams....gone in some way...leaving him to his solitude...which is very very cold.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nusquam Esse

10 Years Ago

Thanks as always for your impressions Jacob; I always enjoy reading them. Honestly, I don't know mu.. read more
jacob erin-cilberto

10 Years Ago

the way you write poetry, and your insightful reviews would indicate otherwise---
Nusquam Esse

10 Years Ago

That is mostly because I did some research onto form, and how things like meter work. I tend to pic.. read more

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10 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on August 3, 2014
Last Updated on May 23, 2018
Tags: Free-form, Surrealism


Nusquam Esse
Nusquam Esse

Ogden, UT

****I have disabled RRs, since I just don't have the time and energy to continue returning every review. I have enough on my plate without nagging feelings of obligation; so please, do NOT review me .. more..


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