Bugle's Big DayA Story by NudnickThe deep growl of the beast shook any part left of him that was not already frosted by the damp, bone-chilling breeze. “What a day to go commando,” he thought. [16 hours earlier] Beep, Beep, Beep. Bugle slammed the alarm clock as he did every morning. A deep moaning groan squeezed from his gut as he arose to begin the day. Coffee, shower, coffee, breakfast, and off for another long day’s work.
Into the cube van, the back bone of Bugle’s business. “Bear Detective” reads the side. An odd line of work, yes, but it was Bugle’s calling. The start to a work day was always the same: wait in the driveway listening to the police scanner for a job. Most days, that’s all it was. Sitting, listening, waiting, sipping, listening, and waiting. Not today, “CKKKKCCCHHHH, WE’VE GOT A 12-12 DOWN AT GOURD AND RIPESPOON-“ “FINALLY!”, cried Bugle Bugle tore out of his driveway on to the scene. © 2022 NudnickAuthor's Note