The meaning. The persistent question. Why? To live a fulfilling life? On what basis? The foundation of existing for the sole purpose of enjoying superficial pleasures? Is this what we call a "fullfilling life"? It more closely resembles a waste. Moreover, what is "I"? The unit within a unit within a unit all sharing the fundamental ability to think? With this in mind, the mystery still holds that the idea of a "truth" is much too perplexing for our so basic and primative reciprocators. This prompts a belief in some that they arrogantly know the absolutes which don't actually exist. It leads others to humbly accept their ignorance with humility and submission to the unknown. And yet it hungers some for the ominous pursuit of this unending void of new observations and conclusions, many of which will inevitably change, leaving us with an uncertainty on what is real and what isn't. In a hypothetical point in time in which all doubt is dispelled and all uncertainties relieved, we will die out. The knowledge we so desperately yearn for cannot fulfill the nihilist and depressing notion that none of it will ever satisfy us ignorant primeates. And now, you, as well as I, will return to the petty, constructed purposes for pointless existence.