Speaking Repunzle

Speaking Repunzle

A Stage Play by Noting Society


the main character. She is the only real person in the play. Wisteria suffering from depression but is trying so hard to fight all the voices that tell her to give up. She is a fighter and stronger then anyone realizes. She has several learning and processing disabilities as well as anxiety. These things tend to hold her back making her feel helpless and vulnerable.
he is short for grim reaper. He represents death, darkness, and negativity. He is the most outspoken and powerful shadow or voice that Wisteria faces. He shows up as a dark figure that is sometimes glowing (this could be done easily with a morph suit). He is pushy and very in Wisterias face. He thinks his word is law. He's very cocky!

she represents the mask. It's the person telling you that you should change everything about yourself in order to please the world. She is the illusion. There are two different sides to Abuto. The first side is very upbeat and almost perfect. The second side is pain and fear.
she represents beauty, but only the outside. This shows how Wisteria is beautiful on the outside but it's not the outside that she hates, it's the inside. Nani is very carless and bubbly. She is almost airhead-like (a stereotypical blond). She is self centered and egocentric.

(The curtains are closed. No lights are on and the only thing that can be seen is a glow in the dark shadow like figure pacing back and forth. You can hear a voice speaking)

There are times in our lives when we not only live in the shadows but we listen to them. It's common to have them in one form or another but controlling them can be an issue...at least that's my problem. I know I'm just a teen and they all say, "It's just a phase" but I can't help but think that this is my life. After all, we only have one life. Maybe I need to get that concept etched into my brain. We only have one life... I see all these other kids at my school walking around yelling out the word YOLO. Some would say the true meaning of YOLO is that we only have one life so don't mess it up. Maybe that's what I'm so scared of, messing up. On the other hand you have the other side saying that YOLO is why you need to live while you're young.

(The shadow walks carelessly behind the curtain. As he walks out of sight bright almost blinding lights turn on. As Wisteria finishes speaking they dim and the curtains slowly open)

Then again I think that's just there excuse for smoking pot and having sex or at least that's my evaluation of high school life. So here's my choice, I can stay scared or I can go wild and look at these days as the good times, but no matter what I choose I still need to realize that this is my life...but even realizing that this is my life, I'm still stuck with all this. I can't help but to think how unfair this is. Whenever I tell someone how unfair things are, they always come back and say "well life's unfair". I cannot stress how much I loath it when people say that! If this is life then what's the point. All people do is pretend to understand me when they don't know anything. We can all pretend to understand each other but what good will that do when it's impossible to truly understand the minds of our friends, family, etc. I'm tired of people telling me that I have to work ten times harder then everyone else and then blowing it off as if it's nothing! I work harder than anyone else, just so I can get mediocre. Well I'm tired of being just adequate. I want to be able to breathe for once in my life. I want to be able to sit down and read a book, and enjoy it. I want to be able to sit with my friends at lunch and listen to a conversation and actually be able to understand what they're saying; rather then what I'm used to which is hearing parts of what they say and nodding my head like I have the slightest idea. I'm tired of walking in a room and hearing a loud ringing in my ear. I can't enjoy myself and I can't enjoy life. I'm tired of being tired and I'm tired of wanting when what I want will never come true...instead I'm just writing once again pretending like someone's listening. I wish someone would listen. When I was little I made a wish upon a shooting star and my wish came true, I got a bunny. So maybe just maybe one more wish will come true...of course my bunny did get eaten by my dog so I don't know if that was exactly good fortune.

(The curtains open and you can see a bedroom. Wisteria is sitting at a table by herself writing. You can see the shadow behind her)

You think that's going to help?

Excuse me?

(Wisteria is stunned)

Writing down your thoughts to help relieve all the pressure...it won't help. It won't fix anything. You simply cannot fix stupid.

I'm not stupid

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

(He begins to turn away from Wisteria. When he walks there's a little skip in his steps.)

I'm not! My IQ is higher than most.

I think we both know that's not saying much. And maybe you're right. You're not stupid. That lady who tested you did say...oh what was it she called you... Oh I remember! I think it was mentally impa-

Dyslexic... It was dyslexic.

So handicapped? I recall a teacher calling you that at a Special Ed meeting.

No! I mean, yes, it happened, but no I'm not handicap...or at least I don't consider myself to be.

Sure you are! You know, the more I think about it, the more I realize that you're just a problem child. Let's see, struggle in school, tested, results Dyslexic. Solution, you were held back. That was first grade was it not?

It was, where are you going with this?

You'll see. Anyways grade 6. Tested once again. The results once again dyslexic, visual, sensory, and auditory processing disorders, anxiety, etc.etc.; now 7th grade: switched schools due to not being liked.

I was being bullied

And no one liked you. Yeah, sounds about right. I remember you would ask them why they hated you and they responded by saying...

(Grim is expecting Wisteria to finish his sentence)

by saying... By saying... Come on you can do it. I will try again. By saying...

I was annoying!

Well, you are.

(Grim chuckles)

No the person who's truly annoying is you!

And I'm just a version of yourself. Anyways back to my point-

I don't care about your point!

What a shame... Oh well. Grade 7: catholic school uniforms. You hated it because you felt like you were trying to be something you weren't. Which you were. You didn't belong. But in private school they don't have to "accommodate" you just because you're handicapped. Then again did you ever belong somewhere, or were you always an orphan to society? I mean sure you have a loving family but the world doesn't have to adopt that same unconditional love for you, so I guess you'll have to live without belonging.

I'm not handicap.

(Wisteria then looks at anything but Grim, trying to avoid his face.)

Denial, that's a good coping mechanism. How long exactly do you think you can hold on to that interpretation of yourself, and when will you break into the truth?

(Grim pushes Wisterias chin up. Forcing her to look straight into his eyes)

Avoiding my eyes is only avoiding the truth. It won't help to ignore me. I am not what brings you down. Life is what makes you fall and I may be blunt but at least I'm honest. Now shall I go on because I only reached 7th grade.

(She turns her head away and looks off into the distance)

Grim STOP...please.


(He moves his head around, trying to force her to look at him)

There comes a time when you need to know when to give up.

And there comes a time when you need to learn NOT to listen others.

(Wisteria jerks his shoulder back and tries to walk away, but instead Grim grabs her by the arm and pulls her back closer to him. This makes it difficult to get away.)

What about yourself?

(She looks into his eyes, and speaks strongly, but with sorrow.)

Only if I'm right.

Grim begins to walk behind her.

And if you're wrong?

(Grim exists stage but Wisteria does not notice.)
Then I...I

(Wisteria thinks for a moment as she begins to question herself but Nani soon interrupts her.)


Where have you been?

Good to see you too.

You're supposed-

Nope. I'm a mirror of you

Of the outside?

Of course! You can't have both.

(Nani chuckles to herself. Wisteria becomes shy and submissive.)

Some people do.

Awe, that's cute...

Nani touches the mirror in Wisterias bedroom and it shatters. She looks at the glass on the floor and then walks through the frame of the mirror. Wisteria then looks in the frame, at Nani. As she moves her body and hair Nani moves with her in sink. But then Nani tries to move to fix her hair. It is almost as if they are connected by strings and must move together. Nani fights for the power to move freely and Wisteria is fighting her. Only one of them can be in charge. Eventually Wisteria gives in.

Now don't be greedy you can't have it all.

I can try.

And where has THAT gotten you? Now look in the mirror. What do you see?

I see you.

Exactly! You see while I may be a part of you, I am not you nor ever will be you. I'm just your reflection.

(Abuto walks in and taps Wisteria on the back, as Wisteria turns around.)

Maybe some make up will help...

(Nani then freezes into the frame. Abuto walks around her messing with her hair and judging her appeal.)

No, that won't work because it's not your face or your complexion in general. Hmmm try speaking.

Ummm, sorry. What's going on here exactly?

That's it! I had a feeling that it was your voice.

My voice?

Well not entirely, but yes, your voice. It needs to change. Along with your hair and clothes, etc.

My clothes? My hair? Wait, my voice?

You see you're a dark, gloomy, and well a negative person. The truth is no one else cares, so you have to cover it up. You must dress and talk like expected. You won't be happy if you keep this up and you won't be happy if you pretend to be happy. The difference is that pretending makes others happy, so stop being so selfish and put a smile on...

(Wisteria lightly and uncomfortably puts on a fake smile)

There, much better. It must be clear to you as it is for me that you're the child who pretends to like green beans so that when their mother is turned around, the child can feed there food to the dogs.

Is there a purpose to this?

(Abuto grabs Wisteria's face, pushing her cheeks together.)

Act until there's no one looking. Wipe off those tears, and always bring a bag of makeup so that you can hide your red face.

(Abuto wipes off Wisterias tears.)

I'm the mask. I make you hidden and it's for the better. You tried to be you and look how that turned out. Grim said it and I will repeat it, no one liked you. Look, sweetie, I'm not trying to be mean or rude. I'm just presenting you with the truth. I would think you would want some honesty, no matter how brutal it may be. The truth may cause wounds and damage you. It may even break you but that does not make it any less real. So let the world be in denial. Let them be the ignorant ones and you just put on a show. You always said you wanted to be an actress, did you not?

Well I did and I do but-

But nothing. Here's your chance to put on a show. It may even be one of the most amazing acts to have ever been created. But never forget you are not only an actress, but a magician as well, and a magician NEVER reveals his secrets... I promise it gets easier. Someday you will forget all about who you are and you will only see yourself as the mask. You will only see yourself as me, as normal. Now you'll never be normal but you can at least look it. Now look out and up, show the world a face because that's what they are looking for.

What about being authentic, original and true to yourself?

Oh, you're so cute! You think...

(She starts laughing, then looks at Wisteria and stops.)

Oh you're serious...you poor dear...

(Abuto sighs and walks over to comfort Wisteria.)

Who on earth told you this!

You're right...

(Wisteria almost in tears)

When we're little we're all told that no other person can be like you. That everyone's different, and that makes us feel, special...

(Abuto gives her a look like she needs to correct herself.)

Okay, that made me feel special. But then we grow up, and we realize that humanity just wants similarity. Nobody wants you to be truly unique, because heaven forbid if you're not up to the status quo. God save those who don't follow normality. God save me!

(She pauses, and quietly and under breath)

Whoever he is...we grow up and we realize that were made to be the same. And if were not, well you better learn how to act. But there's a problem with this. The problem is that everyone has a different view on the "ideal human", making it impossible to be "perfect", yet we all strive for perfection. Then while we try to be "perfect", at the same time we're also trying to be different. This way we can stick out, but at the same time no one really wants to stand out because no one wants to be judged. No, they want to be envied! The world tells us to be different on script, but if you read between the lines you will soon figure out that all the world really wants is for themselves to be center...and we think that we are center until science proves us wrong. But there's irony in that statement, this theory, this reality. You see people don't want you to be different but society needs people who are unique. Thomas Edison got kicked out of school for asking too many questions. MSometimes I wonder where we would all be if he hadn't been so curious...and then there's me who is attempting at uniformity. Of course, I'm not succeeding in the slightest.

A wise man once said "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." In other words you now know the rules of the game of society. It's up to you on how you choose to play. Do you choose to be forever in last or do you choose to be the best?

A wise man?

...Albert Einstein

Well I choose not to play at. The best way to beat a game is to put an end to it.

It's time to stop acting like you don't know the rules. It's time to start playing and it's time to start pretending. When you aren't you, you're untouchable. As long as the world never sees through.

And if they do?

I think we all know the answer to that...

(Abuto takes her to a chair and sits Wisteria down. She then walks over to her bed and pulls out an extra sheet. Abuto places the sheets on top of Wisteria. Abuto then sits on top of Wisterias dresser. Abuto fixes her hair and once she has herself in the perfect position that looks like she is above all she freezes. Wisteria sits for a moment and then takes off the sheet. She walks over to her desk and begins to write. You can hear her voice coming in as if you could hear her thoughts rambling.)

Sometimes I wonder if they're right...or maybe they're lying to me. Truth is I don't know. There are so many different parts of me that tell me to go into different directions. The problem with this is that my body cannot multiply as my mind does. It's hard to breathe when you're being choked all the time. The mask, Abuto tells me to be the expected, to be the normal, but in all honesty I am so far off of normal that I can't even pretend, not anymore...I know it's normal to have the different voices in your head that tell you you're not good enough, but is it normal to name them. Truth is there's hundreds, so I feel the need to name those that are the most outspoken.

(Grim walks back onstage. As he says his line he unzips his costume so that you can see his face)
Outspoken are we?

Those are my own personal thoughts.

Oh, you see, that's where you're indeed wrong. I am your thoughts.

Then let me remind you one thing. Without me, there is no you!

Maybe that's a good thing. You really think that someone like me...correction, someone like us should be walking around? We are the madness in the world.

Well in that case, I shall take on this role as the Mad Hater.

But this isn't Wonderland. This is real life and the only thing you will ever come close to seeing from that, mythical land, is the Queen of Hearts. The only reason why you would ever see her is because she's you! Only you'll never come close to money and wealth. No, instead you are the homeless girl on the street, and you know what they say about homeless people? The majority of them are mentally ill. You are nothing but a waste! There are people dying who are more worthy then you'll ever be.

That's not true!

You're right! You do indeed have a purpose. Your purpose is to destroy other people's purposes! Everything you touch breaks, including yourself. You're a writer and it seems to me that there's a specific line from one of your stories that you tend to obsessively repeat. Enlighten me what was is it again? I'm surprised I can't remember, you write it over and over again, as if it matters. Please go on.

(Wisteria slowly begins to cry as she speaks)

"They thought that they had broken me just because I stopped speaking. They gave their best shot to break my soul so that I could turn into one of them, but they never had a chance because what they didn't realize was that they could never break me. I was already broken."

Ahhhh that's the line. You say this line all the time because it's not just some character you created! No, because this line is you.

So what? I bring myself into my own writing.

No one in their right mind wants to read you or some character that's just like you...there comes a time when you need to realize that your only choice is to just give up.
I guess I'm going to have to figure that out for myself.

Unfortunately one day you're going to wake up and realize that I have been CORRECT this entire time. Who knows? Maybe, you'll figure it out today.

You're trying to get into my head. I won't let you!

Why, I am your head. Just because you are having conflicts with yourself does not make me any less real nor a part of you. You may not agree with my bluntness and honesty but it doesn't mean you don't know this stuff already.

If you already knew this, then why remind me? What is the purpose?

You created me. You have the answers.

I thought you were me.

I am a part of you. But not the whole.

(Wisteria begins to think for a moment and Abuto unfreezes and stands up snapping Wisteria out of her day dream. Abuto starts speaking emotionlessly but in pain some how. Wisteria is curious as she pushes Duff to the side and stairs at Abuto.)

Armor, she's a solider.
She's slow,
But she devours.
As time passes
She turns into a coward.
One more sheet of armor
And she leaves once again.
Another battle,
She'll kill a man.
A wind knocks her down
As she falls to the ground.
The world hears no sound
But with thunder they make her drown
As she falls to the ground.
Another sheet of armer
It's thick and course
So she stands still...
The people surround her,
The ones that she killed.
She waits for a quo, a direction,
A command.
And she imagines herself falling through quick sand...

(As Abuto seys "Out of society's demand" she turns to look at Wisteria.)

Out of society's demand.
So she's tired and weary
Of all these chains.
She tries to take off the metal.
What once was for survival
But is now glued to the skin.
And the people all grin
Because it's not her they like to see but the armor covering she.
And she's screwed!
Speaking all alone.
She's basically a clone
And that's what the people see.
So now she's home
And she's drowning all alone...

(Wisteria begins to tear up again and as she speaks she finds it difficult to talk.)

What was that?

It's hard to wear the mask sometimes, and we've been friends for so long...I know I try to make you someone you're not, but maybe the effort made into that, just isn't worth it. Maybe he's right...maybe it's time to admit we lost. It's time to grow up and give up.

No! I refuse to do anything of the sort!

You're broken! We're broken! That's why I'm here, right? To give the illusion that you're not broken. We fool the world, but you'll never be able to fool yourself...I'm here to keep you from involving others, but you don't have a choice on whether or not to involve yourself. You have a choice, you can live and live like this, in pain or you can give up. So many do.
What happens if there's nothing after?

Who cares? Think about it. If you end up in an afterlife, you are still with you. You're still with us, but there's not the complications of life. If there's nothing afterwards then your free, and honestly who cares? You won't know the difference, if that's the case.

(Nani unfreezes but stays inside the mirror.)

You'll always have me. People will see the pictures

And they'll question me, but they will still remember you as me.

And the world will finally see you without seeing through you.

Maybe you're right.

(Wisteria walks over to her bed and pulls a gun out of her pillow case. She then stands on top of the bed and holds the gun up to her temple. The shadows stand around her.)

Or maybe you're wrong. I guess I will find out on my own...

(She then pulls the trigger and you hear a loud gun shot. The lights go out and the audience sees nothing. After the gun shot you can hear a body land on the ground. When the lights go back on, you see Wisteria laying the gun down on the bed and Grim lying dead on the ground in a puddle of blood. Wisteria then jumps off the bed. The other shadows seem undisturbed by what has happened. Wisteria soon walks towards her coat hanger and pulls of a massacred looking mask. She places it on Abuto. The moment Wisteria takes her hand off the mask, Abuto begins to choke. Wisteria watches and Abuto is soon dead. Once Abuto is died, Wisteria walks over to Nani. She looks at the glass on the floor and looks at Nani. Wisteria begins to fix her hair and as she moves Nani moves with her. They then stare at each other for a while. After starring, Wisteria looks in the mirror she looks back at the broken glass on the ground and picks up a piece. She then looks at herself through the glass and hands it to Nani. Wisteria then looks inside the mirror frame, where Nani stands. Wisteria finds a hidden part of the door. The hidden part is a mirror that can be swung into place. She then swings it closed leaving Nani inside. Wisteria walks towards her bedroom door. She looks at the shadows and smiles. She then walks offstage and out the door.)

© 2015 Noting Society

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Featured Review

This play/act of a play is amazing! I've struggled with many of the same thoughts over the last few years, and seeing them personified and defeated has made me realize that the struggle was worth it.

I only have one critique: In this sentence, you need an apostrophe on "were." "Whoever he is...we grow up and we realize that we're made to be the same. And if we're not, well you better learn how to act. But there's a problem with this."

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Noting Society

9 Years Ago

okay cool thanks! I'm really glad it spoke out to you. I competed with it a while back and got an ex.. read more


This play/act of a play is amazing! I've struggled with many of the same thoughts over the last few years, and seeing them personified and defeated has made me realize that the struggle was worth it.

I only have one critique: In this sentence, you need an apostrophe on "were." "Whoever he is...we grow up and we realize that we're made to be the same. And if we're not, well you better learn how to act. But there's a problem with this."

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Noting Society

9 Years Ago

okay cool thanks! I'm really glad it spoke out to you. I competed with it a while back and got an ex.. read more

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1 Review
Added on April 8, 2015
Last Updated on April 8, 2015


Noting Society
Noting Society

Naples, FL

My Name is Jordann Therese Poteet I am a young aspiring writer who just wants to be heard. I love critics and anything that is meant to make me a better writer! I hope you enjoy my writings and please.. more..
