I am from the big blue house with the trampoline out back
From the big white dog and the chickens under the dining table
from fitting the whole family on the waterbed just because
I am from being a daughter and a sister
From playing make believe and lincoln logs with my brothers
From singing Collin Raye and Faith Hill with my sister
From gathering around the piano to sing phantom and Le mis
I am from yardsales and hand-me-downs
From homemade birthday cakes and old home videos
I am from the little brick house with my pine tree out front
From the little white dog and the chickens out in their own house
From 6yrs of piano lessons I hated but now appreciate
From movie nights at the $2 theater
From dance and voice lessons in my favorite building in town
I am from my friends
From sleepovers and inside jokes
From backrubs and bedtime stories
I am from the best friend I can show both sides to
From being changed "For Good"
From spinning til we can't walk straight
I am from chickflicks, music and musicals
From "Come What May" and Defying Gravity
I am From hippopotamus' for Christmas
From nerdfighting
From Buffy, Angel, and Firefly
I am from the not-so-good times that made me stronger
From my mistakes that taught me
From the times I've been knocked down
From the times I've had the strength to say no
I am from the knowledge that people come into our lives for a reason
I am from my betrayals and my heartbreaks
From relationships lost and relationships found
From friendships rebuild and second chances given
I am from the times I've been alone
I am from the good and the bad
From my strengths and my weaknesses
From my good qualities and my many faults
I am from those who stand beside me as I am