The Return
A Poem by Kaden
They should have acted. But it is too late. He is already here. Hungering for vengeance.
His power is unmatched. Every devoured soul, Ripped from it's body, Only increases his strength.
The Daedra cannot defeat him. The Divines cannot stop him. Alduin will have his revenge. And all of Skyrim will fall.
© 2013 Kaden
Very well written, I loved it. It was rather creepy too.
Posted 12 Years Ago
Oh goob, you and your nerdiness always makes me laugh, but I like the deepness in the poem. If I didn't know you, I'd be kinda scared and creeped ;)
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Oh dear, how do you think I feel about Your poems? ;)
12 Years Ago
Haha true, true.. But mine isn't because I'm a nerd. I'm a passionate writer. :)
2 Reviews
Added on September 3, 2012
Last Updated on January 21, 2013
Tags: Down, with, ulfric, the, killer, of, kings, on, day, your, death, we, will, drink, and, we'll, sing, we're, children, skyrim, fight, all, our, lives, when, sovengarde
KadenBoyne City, MI
I'm not exactly a writer... more..