![]() ECHO OF ACCURATE INFORMATIONA Chapter by Norman Woodstock SpaldingTHERE IS MORE TO SAY ON THIS SUBJECT THAN EYE AM ABLE TO BRING UP NOW, MY BRAIN IS TIRED For Mrs. Clinton to get to The Presidency is what She titled the rapture of Her dreams come true. She preeeeee & precisely pictured Her destiny..She titled the trek a dream all girls can dream now, of course that’s not a practical statement is it ?????????, yet it is Her dream possibly since She was a young girl so great it happened and she worked long and hard to title it a dream it don’t think dreaming did it though, hard long hours did it as much as dreaming ever could would or ever should too. Here’s what my reason is for these remarks is, they lead up to this scene and it is this, Her Husband dreamed it also when He was a kid He said I’m going to be The President of The United States and did, so OK, dreams precede those that work very intensely, yet once Mr. Clinton’s dream was accomplished He like so many other President’s was helpless to make the normal Presidents dreams come true because of the hypocrisy surrounding those dreams…. The shoes of The President of The United States are in the hands of the shoes of the citizen’s effort at statehood living, and the situations of business’s mind set.. The motive of business has to send the price’s like a state of generous people or The President is standing betrayed each effort the shoes dreams of, and it’s the Nation living so generous it doesn’t need any taxing and those hypocrites The position has to sell for, and that’s not That positions position how it’s forced to live there now is no dream come true know that one it’s the position the hypocrites living stingy & their citizenship failure, and then they blame the President for the reasoning the media reports to. is that style of living the dream there??? and you know it ain’t, and see this living there too,, it’s hell because the international’s push The President and also because the marketing the citizens use,, and they live betraying market logic in every Nation all over the EARth & here in The United States the citizens are not loyal toward using the market like a weapon and blasting the blaze’s out of the reasoning that drove mass product from The United says into Japan then on into China, the citizens willing to let the internationals kill the only President we all loves as much as Truman, it was Kennedy, to the day there’s been little to nothing done to expose the cover up of why hide the truth from the reporting of it, and The United States was attacked then far more than any old 911 attack, it was like the attack sent us into WW2, and worse when my opinion is over heard. Any way Mrs. Clintons dreams are about to get attacked soon as She is sworn in, Her husband got it same as all Presidents do, they’re helpless because the conflict of interest of the quality of business internationally and how congress roles over to pandering stupidity, led with the grant addicted citizenship, She’ll see again same as with Her husband’s experience and Mr. Bush reminded us all, the shoes she wants and dreamed Her self into have any and all dreams of sentimental and mutual and all social assets we are need of tied into knots and most never come true after the revamping of generosity needed here now.. There’s a lot more to say here about the treachery surrounding dreaming generosity, and that’s each ones dreams here now and dreams are pictured absolutes aren’t they??? The style we did and it has to did again too…. © 2016 Norman Woodstock Spalding |
Added on June 10, 2016 Last Updated on June 10, 2016 Author