I learned quickly that not everybody on the internet is bad. I met my first internet friend and i dont qite recall his name but for the sake of the story i will reference him as Misfit as that was his so called username. Now misfit at first seemed kinda odd he seemed like a typical nerd (look whos talking right?) But i was way wrong after playing and talking to him for awhile he was so much more intelligent than i thought. He was older than me by 4 years i think. He was qite an intersting guy he told me about his love of computers and how he strived to become a program coder. That wasnt all though he actually understood me. This random guy on the internet understood me right how could that be? I couldnt know if he was lying the whole time or not but i did know that he got me. I had told him about some of my past problems about how i was depressed and how there was times life didnt seem to go my way it went the opposite. And misfit told me something that i would never forget he said to me "Man i know how you feel. Sometimes life doesnt always give you answers sometimes you gotta find them for youself" i remember this word for word this person this random internet entity, had given me one the best life advice i have ever gotten. I knew from this that how could everyone convict people of being bad on the internet, you cant. Now Fast forward a couple of years.